Beginning of an Eclipse (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES PREQUEL)

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Beginning of an Eclipse (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES PREQUEL) Page 3

by K, S

  Darrell sent the man an arrogant smirk which instantaneously had the desired effect. Satisfied, Darrell slipped the card in his pocket and gave Jerry one last withering look before walking out the door. As he went to his ride, he blew out a disgusted breath and unloosened his tie. Piece of shit car. It had barely gotten him and Marcus to Vegas. He cursed out loud as he cranked the ignition several times and pumped on the gas before it finally started.

  Driving off with the engine puttering and backfiring, he again thought about the woman in the restaurant and the mysterious job she’d offered him. Unable to explain why, he had a feeling his luck was about to change.

  The next morning, he drove up to the address printed on the card. Puzzled, he looked at the building then checked the address to make sure he had the right place.

  “Yeah, this is it, but…” Club Ecstasy? He’d been mulling over what kind of job she was offering him at a nightclub. “Hell, does it matter? Better than the job you have now - which is none.”

  Shrugging, he got out of the car and made his way to the entrance. When he found the doors locked, he walked around to the back. The building was huge. He’d been clubbin’ since he’d been in Vegas, but nowhere as nice as this place. The cover charge alone for clubs this size was more than he usually spent for a night out. He’d only been to a couple of hole in the wall spots which he hadn’t been too impressed with.

  Seeing a door a little farther down, Darrell walked towards it and pushed the buzzer. Above the door to the right he noticed a security camera pointed his way. He tucked his white dress shirt into the black pants he’d borrowed from Marcus and waited. Finally the door opened, and a man big enough to rival the size of a Mac truck stood there impassively looking down at him.

  “This way,” he finally responded.

  Pushing the door open, he left Darrell to follow him down a long hallway where he stabbed a button several times to summon a set of elevators. The building had three stories, and they silently rode up to the top floor. Darrell glanced at the man from the side of his eyes when the doors opened, but didn’t say anything. Once they got to a closed office door, the man gestured for Darrell to go on in.

  “She’s waiting.” Without giving Darrell a second glance, he walked away and disappeared around the corner.

  “Thanks.” Darrell's tone was deliberately sarcastic. He knocked on the door, and a second later heard a faint voice calling out for him to enter. As he stepped in, he hesitantly glanced around the luxuriously decorated office and whistled under his breath.

  This is bigger than our entire apartment, he silently noted.


  He turned in the direction of the voice and saw the woman from last night. She was sitting on a plush black velvet couch with her legs crossed and a small smile on her face. Four other women were also in the room watching Darrell with eager expressions on their faces.

  “Hello.” His greeting was meant to encompass all of them. He was vaguely aware of the ladies murmuring a reply, but his attention never left his mystery woman.

  Darrell’s eyes wandered over the cream silk blouse the woman wore and saw it was unbuttoned enough to see a hint of her cleavage. The bright tangerine colored skirt was short and reached about mid-thigh. Darrell’s eyes traveled over her long, shapely legs as the top one swung back and forth over the other. He couldn’t help but think about throwing those same legs over his shoulders and plunging into what he instinctively knew would be good ass pussy. She just had that look about her, like she was one of those women who had no problem letting a man know how she liked to be fucked. Darrell’s face reflected his amusement.

  No wonder the man from last night got mad. He probably wanted what he knew I was gonna be gettin', he smirked. And he had no doubt he would be hittin that - soon.

  “Umph-umm….” The woman quietly cleared her throat. “If you’re finished ogling me, maybe we can get started.”

  “Ogling you?” Darrell snorted at what he considered a fancy ass word. He wanted to tell her he intended to do more than just “ogle” her, but he didn’t want to take a chance on losing out on this job.

  "Darrell, let’s get something straight. I don’t have many rules, but the ones I do have, I expect to be followed without question. Rule #1: I don’t mix business with pleasure. In other words….I don’t fuck my employees.”

  Soft giggles came from the others, but he and the woman never broke eye contact. Her direct expression told him that she meant every word she said.

  His eyes answered, ‘we’ll see’, but he only nodded. “I didn’t get your name.”

  “That’s because I didn’t give it.”

  Darrell’s eyes narrowed at the smart reply. Oh yeah, he was gonna enjoy makin' this one call him Daddy. He saw her mouth twitch with the effort to keep the smile off her face. Darrell was beginning to see she had an uncanny ability to know exactly what he was thinking.

  “My name is Veronica Winston. Everyone calls me Roni.”

  “Nice to meet you, Roni. Is this your club?”

  “Yes. I’m part owner.”

  Darrell nodded then looked at her with curiosity. “If you don’t mind me asking, exactly what job openings do you have available? Bartender? Bouncer?” He paused and lowered his voice. “I’m good with my hands, so keep that in mind…”

  Again the women snickered and laughed while exchanging knowing glances. The frown on his face became more pronounced as he took note of how closely they'd been watching him since he walked in. The entire time he was talking to Roni, they leaned close together and whispered amongst themselves before laughing as if they had a secret. This was one hell of an interview.

  “Darrell, Club Ecstasy goes beyond that of a regular nightclub. This is, after all, Las Vegas. The cover charge is very high, but we offer a lot more than just the average club scene.” Roni paused before continuing. “One of the shows we put on is a male revue every Tuesday and Thursday on the second floor - those are our busiest nights. Women line up hours in advance to ensure they get a good seat, and of course, the men will flock to wherever the women are. Therefore, as you can guess, we have no shortage of customers.”

  Darrell had been listening intently, waiting on her to tell him about the job. When she stopped talking as if she were finished, he was left even more perplexed. “Okay. So my job would be…..” He looked at her expectedly to finish the sentence.

  “If you’re interested, I’d like you to audition to be one of the dancers of Men of Fantasy.”

  Darrell was sure he’d misunderstood. “Excuse me?”

  “If you meet the qualifications, I’d like to hire you to be one of the dancers.”

  Darrell’s face was blank for a moment before he burst out laughing. This had to be a joke. When none of the women joined in, he realized she was serious. “You for real? You want me to be a stripper. That’s the job?”

  “Men of Fantasy are more than just strippers.”

  “They take their clothes off in front of women for money, don’t they?” Roni nodded. “Like I said. You want me to be a stripper.”

  “Our men give our customers more than just a run of the mill strip show - a lot more. They’re entertainers who know how to work a crowd and make each customer feel as if she‘s the most beautiful, desirable woman in the world.”

  Roni stood up and walked over and slowly circled him, studying him up and down as if she were looking to make a purchase. “How old are you?”

  “I just turned twenty.”

  “Oh my God, Roni, he’s a baby!” one of the women exclaimed.

  “Old enough in Vegas,” Roni briskly answered. “I told you he has the look. He’s perfect.”

  “True….” another chimed in. “He would definitely enhance the act.”

  “Eventually, he could be the headliner. He’s very sexy,” a third one added.

  Darrell looked from one to the other as he listened to them talk about him as if he wasn’t even there. He felt like a piece of meat. “Excuse me. I am
standin' here….” he told them, somewhat amused.

  Roni came around and stood in front of him. “Darrell, there are several things that set us apart from a ‘strip show’ as you call it. There’s an unparalleled showmanship that seduces the women into believing they can have what would normally be considered an unobtainable dream. Women are different from men. Men are visual creatures. When they go to a strip club, all they want to see are tits, pussy, and ass and they’re happy. Now I’m not saying that women don’t want raw, graphic sexuality, but they want the fantasy of it first, that masculine sensuality that gets them horny, wet, and ready to fuck.”

  “In other words, Men of Fantasy gives them the ‘full monty’.” The other women laughed at their friend and gave each other 'high fives'.

  Just like that, it hit Darrell as to exactly what they were referring to. “Hold up. You mean get up on stage and dance nude? Naked?”

  “That’s what it means.” Roni’s eyes were amused for a moment then she became strictly business. “It also means a lot of money.”

  But Darrell was shaking his head before she finished the sentence. “Nah, I don’t think so. Hey, I know you probably need bouncers or something, I don’t have a problem with doing that, or security….”

  “Our bouncers – as well as security - don’t make a fourth of what our exotic dancers have the potential to make in just one night from tips alone…” She named a figure that made Darrell’s eyes widen in disbelief. Damn!

  “Seriously. You try’na tell me I could make that much loot just from gettin’ up on a stage, seducing a bunch of horny women, and gettin' naked? Shit, that ain't much of a stretch for me if you know what I mean. When do I start?”

  “Not so fast….” Roni held up a finger. “I told you this was an interview. There are a few things I have to be sure of before you‘re hired.”

  Darrell’s brows bunched together. “Okay….”

  “You have to know how to move. You can’t be stiff and boring.”

  “And you can’t have no little ass dick!” Roni’s cohorts screamed out the last requirement.

  Darrell laughed. “Sweetheart, believe me, I got enough to feed the needy and then some.”

  Roni’s eyes dropped down to the front of his pants before she brought her eyes back to his. She then went over to a state of the art stereo system and pushed a button. Once music flowed into the room from the surround sound speakers, she sat back down on the couch and crossed her legs. “Okay. Go on.”

  Darrell frowned. “‘Go on’ what?”

  “Audition. We need to see what you're working with before I officially offer you the job."

  For the second time since he’d walked into the room, Darrell found himself uncharacteristically at a loss for words. “I don't understand.”

  Roni’s face was devoid of any expression, but he could tell from the look in her eyes that she was enjoying the fact that he was taken aback. “I said, we need to see if your package fits our…requirements. However, if you’re self-conscious about your…endowments, I fully understand. If that’s the case, it was nice meeting you.”

  Darrell’s eyes went to her friends and saw four expectant pairs of eyes staring at him, eagerly waiting to see what he was going to do.

  Four pairs of eyes glowed with anticipation….but there were five women. The fifth, Roni, was looking at him with cool disinterest as if to say he was wasting her time. Okay. Darrell held her eyes as he kicked his shoes and socks off. Listening to the music, he smiled to himself when he heard R. Kelly’s raunchy lyrics crooning from the speakers.


  Darrell’s eyes left Roni’s and focused on the first woman. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, then the second as he walked over and stood in front of her. When he reached for her hands and brought them up to replace his, the smile slowly left her face and her mouth dropped open. She seemed mesmerized, not only by the subtle swaying of Darrell’s hips, but by the intense way he was staring at her. She scooted to the edge of her chair and finished unbuttoning his shirt with trembling fingers. When she got to the last one, she tore her eyes away from his and let them fall to the hard chest the opening of the shirt exposed. Her hands eagerly ran over the front of his pecs, gasping when they flexed underneath her palms then let her fingers trail down the contoured hills and valley of his washboard abs. She would’ve continued the journey, but Darrell gave her a sexy smile and teasingly stepped back out of reach, leaving her pouting for more.

  Next, he moved to the second woman and took his time as he peeled his shirt off. He heard an audible intake of breath once he threw it to the floor. Gazing into the woman’s eyes, he reached out and caressed the side of her face ever so softly until he came to her lips. He outlined their full shape before parting them with his finger. The woman’s tongue slipped out and licked the tip of his finger, suckling it like a content newborn baby. Darrell glanced down at his belt, and that was all the urging she needed.

  Her hands swiftly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Once her eyes zoomed down to glimpse what she’d unveiled, she let out a small cry at the sight of his dickhead peeking out from the waistband of his black boxer briefs. She moved to grasp it with a greedy hand, but he once again stepped out of reach and blew her a kiss. The woman almost tumbled out of the chair in her haste to reach out and claim her prize.

  Sensuously moving his body to the beat, Darrell's gray eyes went to the third woman who waited with a smile of anticipation on her face when she realized she was next. Darrell bit his bottom lip as he let his eyes hungrily devour the round slope of her breasts which were practically spilling out of the tank top she had on. Her nipples reminded him of two twin bullets loaded, cocked, and ready to blast a hole through the shirt's thin material.

  Darrell’s eyes dropped to her thick, creamy thighs. She had on a pair of silk shorts and sky high stiletto’s. Her legs parted in invitation and her back arched so that her breasts provocatively sat up in his direction.

  Darrell pulled the belt from his pants and gently slung it behind the curve of her neck, holding her a willing captive as he pulled her towards him. He smiled when she immediately picked up where her girlfriend left off. She worked his pants down his hips and over his muscled thighs. Although she'd wanted to take her time and savor the moment, her impatience to see Darrell in all his glory got the best of her.

  “Ohhh…." she breathed when she finally had a clear view of his third eye. The slit along the helmet shaped head of his dick oozed with the clear liquid of his arousal. Her eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store whose only desire was to sample Darrell’s sweets. Chuckling low and deep, he stepped back just as she bent her head forward to do just that before turning to the fourth woman.

  She didn’t wait for an invitation. She felt as if she’d just had the best foreplay of her life. She grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs and practically tore them down his legs in order to finally unleash the beast he’d been teasing them with. The loud exclamations of approval sounded throughout the office.

  “Oh my God…!”


  “Lord, yes…!”

  “Thank you God…!”

  Their eyes beheld one of the prettiest dicks they’d ever seen. Mouths gaped open when Darrell wrapped his hand around its thickness. He closed his eyes and started stroking himself while subtly moving to the music.

  “Honey, let me get that for you….” The fourth one was reaching to take over for him, but he smiled and evaded her touch. Roni looked at her friends and shook her head in amusement, marveling at their reactions to a big dick and a handsome face. But then, Darrell slowly turned and swung his eyes to her.

  All signs of amusement were instantly replaced with wariness when she saw him predatorily take in the nervousness that flashed across her face before she was able to hide it. Roni had been silent throughout the entire performance, and that fact hadn’t been lost on Darrell. The way she casually leaned back against the cushions of the couch made one think s
he was only mildly interested in the show he was putting on, but Darrell was an expert when it came to reading women. He knew she was feelin’ him the same as her friends and he was determined to make her admit it.

  This is gonna be fun, he grinned to himself.

  Kicking his pants and underwear off, he walked over and stood in front of her, daring her not to look away as they both listened to the next lyrics of the song. Darrell noticed how Roni’s breasts rapidly rose and fell and the way the vein in her neck thumped at an erratic pace. By this time, the only sound in the room was the music and R. Kelly's cajoling lyrics telling his lady he was gonna give her everything she needed - Darrell’s inviting gray eyes conveyed that same message to Roni.

  He reached down and lightly trailed his fingertips from her ankle on up the front of her shin until he got to a smooth thigh. He smiled when she tightly pressed her crossed legs together. Their eyes connected in a silent battle of wills, each one determined to come out on top.

  Darrell slipped his hand between the tense crease where her crossed legs stubbornly met and pried them apart. The sexual tension in the room was almost palpable as the women breathlessly watched the erotic scene unfold in front of them. Darrell moved between her thighs and rested one hand on the cushion by her head while firmly grasping hold of her right leg. He pushed it up a bit then leaned forward until his hardness glided over her soft center. They both hissed at the electrifying touch of his brick hard flesh pushing against the silk scrap of lace covering her moist opening.

  Darrell groaned at the feel of her panties, warm and wet from her arousal. Pre-cum practically dripped from the tip of his straining manhood as he firmly circled and pushed his hips between her legs.

  Roni’s lashes fluttered as she tried to hold on to the guise of disinterest. He’s a kid, Roni. What’s wrong with you!

  She was just mustering up the strength to put an end to his little game, when he moved slightly up and to the left, hitting her clitoris at just the right angle and pulsing there to make her explode. Roni could’ve sworn the air had been sucked from her lungs by a vacuum when a powerful orgasm erupted with the force of a bone shattering earthquake.


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