Stone Hearts

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Stone Hearts Page 12

by Kelly, Amber

  “Some things you just have to live through to learn.” Sophie pats her back. “Anyway, back to you,” she says as she swings her gaze back in my direction.


  “Yes, you. What’s up? You’re acting all squirrelly,” she accuses, her eyes closely assessing me.

  I bite my lip.

  “Spill,” she commands.

  I take a deep breath and just come out with it. “I might have made out with Myer last night,” I mumble.

  “What?” she pants.

  I put my head in my hands. “I know,” I wail.

  She gets up, pours me a cup of coffee, and sits in front of me. “We’re gonna need details,” she says as she eyes me expectantly.

  “We, uh … shared a tent Saturday night. Because somebody forced me from mine,” I say as I side-eye Charlotte. “And … I don’t know. It was nice, being held all night. And he looks really good without a shirt on,” I admit.

  “He sure does,” Charlotte pipes in.

  Sophie shushes her friend and takes a sip of coffee.

  I continue, “After we woke up on Sunday, it just felt like something had changed between us, and I was hyperaware of him all day at the river. When he dropped me off at home, I just … I kind of threw myself at him. I wanted to kiss him, so I could see that there was nothing there. I thought it would be awkward and gross, like kissing my brother, and then we’d laugh it off,” I ramble.

  Charlotte interrupts again, “There is nothing awkward or gross about kissing your brother.” She grins.

  “Ew, gross,” I throw in her direction. “Anyway, it was …” I search for the right words. “It was like my body caught fire, and I needed to claw my way up him to quench it,” I spew.

  Sophie’s mouth falls open, and she just stares at me. “What?”

  “I don’t know,” I yell. “I’ve never had it happen before. One minute, I’m climbing over the cab into his lap, and the next, we’re on my couch, doing things that couch has never seen before.”

  Charlotte leans in and asks, “Like what?”

  “Stuff,” I say hesitantly.

  “I’m going to need more than stuff,” Sophie demands. “Were either of you naked?”

  “Half-naked,” I admit.

  “Which one of you?”


  “Top half or bottom half?” Charlotte cuts in.

  “Him top, me bottom.”

  Sophie leans back and starts trying to piece it together. “I don’t think I understand how that would work,” she says.

  “I was naked from the waist down,” I say pointedly, leading her.


  “And he didn’t have his shirt on.”

  “I’m following you.” She nods.

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake, Soph. He went down on her,” Charlotte blurts. Then, she lowers her voice and asks, “Is he good with his tongue?”

  “Yeah,” I admit.

  “How good?”

  “To be honest, I haven’t had an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced in years, and I’m shocked he didn’t suffocate … or drown.”

  “Wow,” she says with admiration. “That good, huh? Wait, did you say years?”

  I just nod because it’s the truth.

  “How is that possible?” Charlotte asks, stunned.

  “Travis and I were teenagers when we got married. We were all hormones back then. All he had to do was say boo to me, and I was a quivering, wet mess. It takes a little more than that now. I need at least a wink and a shot of tequila to get my motor started, and then I need a whole lot of tinkering to keep it running. No one I’ve dated in the last six years has been able to get me there. Not that I’ve given them much opportunity to try.”

  “But Myer got your motor started with a kiss and then drove you all the way home?” Charlotte asks.


  “Is that it? He just curled your toes and left?” Sophie asks, clearly disappointed.

  “I was going to return the favor, but we were interrupted when Momma brought Beau home with a fever in the middle of it.” I bang my head against the table.

  “Oh no. What did you do?” she asks.

  “I took care of Beau,” I say as I lift my head and shrug.

  “And Myer?”

  “He helped. He cleaned up puke. Then, Beau asked if he could stay the night, and the three of us cuddled up on the couch and slept.”

  Sophie just blinks at me.

  “Say something,” I demand.

  She grins. “It’s about time.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means, you two are perfect for each other.”

  “Perfect for each other? Sophie, I’m a divorced mother with a ton of debt who lives in her parents’ backyard. I’m nobody’s perfect. Least of all Myer’s,” I say out loud what I have been thinking all day.

  “Dallas Stovall, did you just talk down about yourself? Fishing for compliments is so unbecoming,” she says as she crosses her arms over her chest and shakes her blonde locks at me.

  “I’m not looking for anything other than a casual relationship. I don’t have time. I’m a hot mess. You know it. I know it,” I point out.

  “And Myer knows it,” she adds.

  She sounds like Momma.

  “Do you like him?” she asks.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Do you wish you hadn’t been interrupted last night?” she asks.

  “I wouldn’t have wanted Momma not to bring Beau to me. He needed me,” I answer quickly.

  “Not what I asked. I want to know if you wanted things to go further.”

  I bite at my fingernail and think about her question.

  Do I wish things had gone further?

  “I did last night, but today, I think I’m relieved they didn’t,” I admit.

  “That’s normal. I mean, the first time I made out with Braxton, I was a confused mess the next day, but trust me, you’ll know for sure before too long.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Because, now that you’ve crossed that line, neither of you will be able to stay away.”


  I agreed to work for Faye this morning, being as I missed yesterday’s tips. I drop Beau off at school and head toward town.

  Myer called last night after supper. He had just finished his day and wanted to check in and make sure Beau was still feeling okay.

  They chatted for a few minutes before I took the phone. I asked how the rest of his day had gone, and he told me a few cows had gotten out of a fence and wandered onto the apple orchard, so he and Payne spent the last couple of hours wrangling them back onto his land.

  I could hear how exhausted he was through the line, so I told him I had to get Beau to bed and let him go.

  Before we hung up, he asked if he could see me tonight. I reminded him that Beau had his riding lesson this afternoon with Madeline and told him that I would be working there tonight to make up for missing this morning so that I could pick up the shift at Faye’s. He asked about the rest of the week, but I promised Sophie I’d help with last-minute party details on Wednesday and with setup on Thursday evening but that I’d see him at the party.

  Friday seems so far away.

  I tie my apron as I walk into Faye’s. Kim is filling the cream and sugar boxes on the tables, and Andy is prepping the kitchen.

  “Morning, Dallas,” Kim chirps as I fall in behind her with jelly and pancake syrup.

  “Morning. Thanks for yesterday, I truly appreciate you covering for me,” I offer.

  “No problem. Lunch was a little busier, so it made up for the lousy morning.”

  “Unlocking the doors in five, ladies,” Andy bellows from the pickup window.

  We hurry and finish our prep work, and I start the coffeepots as Kim lets the waiting customers in.

  “By the way, some guy came in here and asked about you yesterday,” she says as she waggles her eyebrow at me.

  I frown. “Guy? What guy

  She shrugs. “Didn’t catch his name. He said you two used to be a thing or something,” she continues.

  “Really? What did he look like?”

  “A couple inches taller than me, dark eyes, dark hair. He was a looker,” she says with a whistle.

  “Russ Eastman?” I ask.

  She thinks for a minute. “Why does that name sound familiar?”

  “We went out a couple of times the end of last year. Remember?”

  “That’s right. I don’t think he ever came in here though, did he?”

  “Maybe not,” I say. “He is about six-two with a close-cropped beard.”

  “It was probably him then. This guy definitely had facial hair. Kind of wild, unkempt,” she says before walking off to take an order.

  Unkempt? Russ? He must have had a hell of a Sunday night too.

  After my shift, I head to Rustic Peak. Vivian is meeting us there for the last-minute party prep, Doreen and Ria are cooking for us girls, and we are going to go over everything at supper. Sophie called me this morning, all nervous because Madeline will be there, and she doesn’t know how her mother and stepmother are going to get along. They’ve never been in the same room together, and Vivian has not hidden her jealousy of Madeline and Sophie’s budding relationship very well.

  I guess Viv and I are alike in that regard. You always know where you stand with us, good or bad. It’s our face. I can’t control mine any more than she can hers.

  When I arrive, Sophie, Charlotte, and Elle are on the front porch.

  “Oh, good, you’re here. Come join us,” Sophie says as she pats the seat on the swing beside her.

  I walk up and take a seat. “What’s up? Anyone throw a punch yet?” I ask.

  Sophie rolls her eyes. “No. Mom hasn’t even made it here,” she answers.

  “Good. I was afraid I’d missed the good stuff. By the way, my money is on Madeline. I know Viv’s got a mean streak and all, but Madeline works with horses. Have you seen her biceps? I bet she throws a mean punch,” I add.

  “I’ll take those odds. I’ve seen Vivian lose her shit on more than one occasion in New York. She might be refined and elegant on the outside, but that woman still has some straight-up Colorado mountain woman in her; plus, like you said, she’s mean, and I don’t think Madeline has a mean bone in her body,” Charlotte says.

  “Oh my God, would you two stop? I’m nervous enough,” Sophie whines.

  I elbow her in the ribs. “It’ll be fine.”

  “I hope so anyway. I have something for you three. Technically, it’s your bridesmaid gifts, but I wanted to give them to you before the party.” She plucks three jewelry boxes from the bag beside her. “I designed them and had our shop make them.”

  She hands each of us a box. “Go ahead; open them,” she says excitedly.

  We open at the same time, and nestled inside is a gorgeous necklace with a pearl pendant surrounded by a halo of tiny diamonds.

  “The chains are white gold, and each one has either a white, black, or pink pearl. The pearl represents you. You each have a different color, and that’s the one that reminds me of you,” she explains.

  “It’s stunning,” Elle says in awe.

  “Mine has the pink pearl in the middle,” Charlotte observes. “What does it mean?”

  “Pink pearls represent energy, success, and good fortune. I chose it for you because I’m so fortunate you found me in New York and made me your best friend. We built a company together. Success is who we are. Elle, your center is the white pearl; it represents innocence, beauty, and sincerity. All the things that you are.”

  Elle wipes a tear from her cheek as she says, “Thank you.”

  “Let me guess. Mine’s the black pearl because it represents wickedness and badassery,” I tease.

  “No,” she answers as she rolls her eyes.

  “It’s more smoky gray than black, so it could represent my heart of stone,” I say as I hold it up to my neck.

  “The black pearl is my favorite one of all,” she says. “It represents mystery, independence, and strength. It’s beautiful but edgy. All of the things you are and all of the things I admire about you.”

  “Well, damn. Now, you’re gonna make me cry like a little girl, just like Elle,” I say as I close my hand around the necklace and bring it to my heart.

  “The diamonds are because I love you all. You’re all diamonds, and the extra bling makes them look amazing.” She beams.

  I wrap her in a hug. “Thank you, Soph. It really is special. I’ll treasure it always.”

  As I let her go, I hear a peal of laughter and look to see Madeline and Beau walking up the drive.


  He takes off in a run and bounds up the porch steps. “I rode all by myself today,” he squeals.

  “You did?”

  “We put him in a saddle and taught him how to hold the pommel. I walked beside him and held the reins the entire time while the horse did a four-beat round. And Beau did really well,” she explains.

  “It was so cool, and next time, I get to hold the reins and steer her,” he states excitedly.

  “That’s wonderful. I’m very proud of you,” I say as I squeeze his chin with my fingers and bring his mouth to mine for a kiss.

  My little cowboy.


  “Beau, come on. Nana and Pop-Pop are waiting on us,” I call as I put the back on my earring and slide into my heels.

  He comes running out of his room.

  “Where are your shoes? I thought you went to get them?” I ask as I look at his sock-covered feet.

  “Sorry, Mommy, I forgot. I had to feed Fritz,” he says as he throws his arms in the air, exasperated, and trots back toward his room.

  His white dress shirt is tucked into his little khaki dress shorts. His socks are a pale blue with the tie and suspenders to match. Watching his booty strut to his room is the cutest thing I have ever seen, so I can’t even be agitated. I just want to eat him up.

  He returns with his cowboy boots in hand.

  “You’re supposed to wear the dress shoes Nana bought you,” I remind him.

  “But I like these better. The party is at the ranch. They won’t care if I wear my boots,” he protests.

  I put my hands on my hips and huff. “Oh, all right, but when Nana asks you to wear them to church, you can’t complain. Deal?”

  “Deal!” he agrees.

  He grins and pulls on his boots, and we meet Momma and Daddy in the driveway and ride with them to the engagement party.

  We don’t have that many fancy occasions around here, so the whole town has been abuzz all day. Janelle’s salon was packed all afternoon with ladies getting gussied up. Everyone is looking forward to seeing one another and eating, drinking, dancing, and celebrating Sophie and Braxton. It’s like the prince of Poplar Falls is getting hitched.

  “You look so handsome, Beau,” Momma says as she looks back at us.

  “Like Bruce Wayne?” he asks.

  “Just like him,” she agrees.

  When we pull up to the ranch’s gate, a young guy in a suit greets us and guides us where to park.

  “Oh my, fancy,” Momma declares.

  We all hop out and walk to the two tents at the side of the barn.

  They are massive, and all day yesterday, there was a crew of two dozen men out here, setting them up and laying the wooden dance floor.

  The decorations are exquisite. Vivian made sure every single detail was perfect. It’s all pink roses and crystal. Sophie let her have her way with this party, being as she gave in on the actual wedding. The roof is strung with twinkling lights and draped in white hydrangeas and lavender wisteria. The candlelit tables are covered with white tablecloths.

  She might be a bit overbearing, but the woman sure knows how to throw a party together.

  It’s stunning.

  Sophie and Braxton are seated at the table at the head of the tent, and waiters are serving them. She looks up as we walk
in, and she grins huge and waves. She’s wearing a soft yellow summer dress, and her hair is braided around the top like a crown. She has a sunflower behind her ear, and she’s glowing.

  My dress is a bold, golden yellow with a plunging neckline. It’s fitted up top, but it flares at the hips. It swings when I walk or dance around. I wore my hair down and loose, and my nude stilettos match Sophie’s and Charlotte’s. I have been practicing walking in them all week. I pray I don’t break my ankle.

  Momma is ahead of us, searching the tables for our name cards.

  “Here we are,” she bellows when she finds our seats.

  I take Beau’s hand and lead him to our chairs. As soon as we settle in, the wait staff has our drinks filled, and the first course is served.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been served a meal in shifts before,” Daddy complains as a bowl of lobster bisque that he never touched is removed from in front of him and a salad is set in its place.

  “It’s courses, dear,” Momma tells him as she picks up the salad fork and hands it to him.

  He takes it from her hand and starts picking out the dried cranberry and candied pecans. I giggle at his effort to fish the fancy out of his plate.

  “At this rate, we won’t finish eating until midnight,” he grumbles.

  “Mommy, do I have to eat this?” Beau asks as he stares at his plate in disgust.

  “No, baby. Here, just have another roll.”

  I reach in the basket to get a roll, split it open, and butter it for him. He happily takes it from my hand and bites into it.

  Myer, Bellamy, and his parents arrive, and their table is across the tent. His eyes scan the tables until they find us. He smiles a sexy smile. Then, he pulls the chair out for Bells to sit, and once she and his parents are settled, he makes his way over to us.

  He looks good.

  He’s wearing black dress pants that fit him oh-so well. He has on a crisp white tailored shirt and black tie. His dark hair is a little wild on top of his head. I never noticed how it wants to curl on the edges if he lets it get a day or two past time for a cut. I like it. It looks like he just woke up and ran his hands through it. He looks amazing in jeans and tees, but damn, this works too.


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