The Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison: Call Sign Reaper

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The Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison: Call Sign Reaper Page 7

by Thomas Wright

  Bill grabbed a handle to keep from sliding, mashing Matt into the door. Andrea was laughing loudly, enjoying herself. She leveled the car back and was watching Ben on the screen built into the control console. The underside camera showed Ben lying on his back. His knife and katana were on the ground but he clutched the bra to his chest.

  Andrea keyed the mic and outside speaker. “You okay, Superman? You forget how to fly and land?”

  The arm not holding the bra made a fist and he held it up towards the car. His middle finger shot up as he shook his fist.

  She took off at full throttle, holding the sergeants against the back seat. “Not a word of this goes into any report, am I clear?” she barked.

  “Is that an order?” Matt asked.

  “You’re damn right it is,” she replied.

  Jen heard the hover car and saw Bens fall. She didn’t move until the car flew off. She didn’t want to get near him till it was clear. Jen walked over and bent down to look at him.

  “Hey Jen,” Ben said. He was finally able to breathe.

  “Hey Ben,” she replied. “Nice bra.”

  “Yeah, could you help me up?” Ben said, holding out his hand.

  She pulled him up and he picked up his weapons. “You want me to take that?” she said, motioning with her head to the bra.

  “Nope,” he said and walked in the house.

  Ben went up to his room and saw Jen had made the bed. She had also started cleaning the house up. There were damaged items out in the back yard. He had her help him as they went room by room, cleaning and moving things out. Jen seemed okay around him. He thought she might be a little withdrawn or depressed at losing her shipmates or being forced to take care of a couple of old people. But whatever her job on the ship was, she was happy not to be doing it right now.

  Ben took a break from repairing the wall between the two lower bedrooms. They cleaned the blood off the floor. They had the windows open throughout the house, letting it air out. The smell of death and ozone and burnt things could be overwhelming in a closed environment.

  Jen had been in the barn during the fight. It wasn’t hard to guess what had happened where. She just quietly cleaned. Ben walked outside to the barn with the com to call Nick. The device was trying to connect. Nick’s face finally popped on the screen, smiling.

  “I went first thing to check out the ship,” he said. “She has many space flights still left in her. She also has a cargo hold full of goods that are already paid for. I couldn’t get in the safe but I assume there will be something of value there also.”

  “Will the goods keep until we get ownership?” Ben asked.

  “Yes, and the log and course is already set,” Nick answered. “Do you think this is really going to work out?”

  “I think it will, and you will see why later,” Ben said. “Can you get us a captain and a crew?”

  “Yeah, shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Go ahead and start making contact, then. We should have ownership by the end of the week.”

  “I just filed the papers,” Nick said. “It will be at least a month.”

  “ I think I can get the process to speed up some,” Ben said.

  While Nick was thinking about that statement, Ben asked him if he could help him write a contract.

  “Sure,” Nick said. “Who will the contract be with?” Nick saw Ben smile.

  “The CMSO, Colonial Military Special Ops.”

  “Ben, why would you want to join them?” Nick asked.

  “I have some past experience, Nick,” Ben answered, “and the thing is, I don’t want to enlist. I want to contract as a civilian. I will fill you in tomorrow at work. I just wanted for you to get a feel for what’s happening.”

  “Are you going to have time to work at the garage and do all that, Ben?” Nick said with a smirk on his face.

  “No, Nick, I don’t think so. I learned earlier today I’m no Superman.”

  General Grey was on Andrea’s com, listening to her report. His face looked like a thunder cloud ready to burst into a storm. Like all storms, Andrea knew this one would blow over. It wasn’t going to reflect on the Corp or, more importantly, the general.

  He didn’t like the idea of his best field operative getting involved in the death of five civilians, even if they were the aggressors. On the other hand, she had only killed one while their new recruit had handled the rest. She told him that Ben did not want to enlist and was going to present a contract to join them as a civilian. Andrea noted the general’s frown remained the same, which was actually a good thing.

  “Why doesn’t he want to enlist?” the general finally asked after a pause.

  “Sir, you’ve seen his record. He served with distinction and honor and we screwed him,” Andrea said. “It has only been 10 months, general, and I’m sure that wound is still fresh. I’m sure he has a few other reasons, but I would bet that not trusting us is his biggest one.”

  The general’s face eased up and he let out a long breath.

  “You’re right, Andrea,” he said. “A lot of officers stood by and let that man get railroaded. The alternative was to go after a full bird colonel and embarrass a few other people up his chain of command. If you think he is an asset to the team and the mission, Andrea, I will look at his contract.”

  “I will review it before sending it to you, general,” Andrea replied. “If there is anything not in line with our objectives I will get it corrected, sir, you can count on that.”

  The general smiled at her. “I know you will, Major,” he said and disconnected from the net.

  Andrea wasn’t sure how to dress. She had no idea what Ben had planned, but the weather on Anubis was warm and mild. She hadn’t brought any casual clothes except the sundress, and that was for a reason. She called down to the front desk and got the female who was working the counter. She asked her if she could recommend a place to get some casual clothing. The woman told her to try Maggie’s at the space port mall. Andrea thanked her and headed out the door.

  She rode the elevator down and caught the tram that ran around the whole space port. She got off at the mall, went inside to get a coffee, and continued her walk to Maggie’s. There were two sales assistants both standing behind the counter. Neither greeted her nor wanted to make eye contact. She walked around the store, picking up shirts and pants. She looked at some aggressive sport boots in her size. The whole wall behind the counter was a big mirror. It was supposed to make the store look larger.

  She picked up two of everything: sleeveless shirts, long sleeve cotton button up shirts, khaki cargo pants and socks. Just one pair of hiking boots — she had her issue boots if needed. She walked to the counter and laid her purchase down. The girls immediately worked together to get it rung up and bagged. The girl right in front of her finally looked her in the eyes, and she could see that the girl was scared. She didn’t know why; it couldn’t be her. Then she saw something she hadn’t noticed before.

  The girls had moved apart enough that Andrea could see a man crouching under the counter with a gun. She opened her purse and pulled out her wallet to get her credit chip. She used her leg against the counter to get a feel for how thick it was. She could tell it was a thin plastic wrapped around a metal frame. The top where the register sat was the only place that was reinforced.

  The girls were almost done bagging and ringing her up. She dropped an old coin she carried on the hard floor with. She smiled at the girls as she bent down to retrieve it. While down, Andrea drove her fist through the plastic and into the side of the man’s head. He fell into the girl in front of Andrea and she moved, letting him fall over.

  Andrea walked around the counter and punched him again, then took the gun from the man’s hand. She helped the young girl move away further, and she immediately hugged her and started crying. The second girl joined in. Andrea patted them both on the back and told the first girl to hit the alarm. She picked up her bags and her coffee just when the alarms sounded.

  “Security w
ill be here in a minute,” Andrea said. “If he moves, kick him in the head.”

  She headed out the door, and soon she was sitting on the tram, waiting for it to leave and watching the activity on a monitor. She saw the mall security run in the store and come out a few minutes later dragging the unconscious man. Two security officers loaded him up and drove off. The girls were standing out in the hall now pointing and talking with a lot of hand motions. The tram started moving heading back towards the hotel.

  Back at the hotel, Andrea changed clothes and got a black duffle bag out of the closet. She packed the extra outfit inside. She had two of the palm repulsors, a laser pistol, her boot knife and her fully loaded night vision goggles. She took the bag and went to find Harold and Janet to take them home. She rang the bell at their room and Harold opened the door with a big smile.

  Janet was on the sofa watching the news on the wall vid. She looked up smiling and said, “Did you hear about the excitement at the mall a little while ago?”

  Andrea looked at the split screen picture on the wall. On one side the two girls were telling the reporter all about the woman that had saved them. On the other side was store vid footage of the whole event. She turned back and the Vander Hoyts were both staring at her, waiting for a response.

  “We really do need to be going,” Andrea said as she turned away and started walking for the door. They both smiled and followed her. They rode the elevator down. She had messaged Matt on her way up to get the car and pick them up in front of the hotel. When they exited the elevator she could see the car waiting. She told the Vander Hoyts to go get in the back.

  She went to the front counter and told the young lady the Vander Hoyts were checking out. The girl smiled at her and asked her what she thought of Maggie’s. She said that she was the one who recommended it to her.

  “Thank you,” she said to Andrea. “One of those girls you saved was my sister.” She had a tear in her eye. “I try to send customers her way when I can. I’m so glad I sent you today.”

  She was handing Andrea’s credit chip back to her when Andrea grabbed her hand. “You’re welcome,” she said, giving it a squeeze. She took the chip and made a run for the door. They were 100 yards away when space port security rolled up to the hotel entrance. Andrea smiled to herself. She knew she wasn’t in any trouble, that they just had some questions, but she had a date to get to.

  Ben called the local hover car rental and asked them to drop off an open top car for a one day rental. Two cars showed up twenty minutes later. The driver of the open top was a young guy. He hoped out with a scanner. Ben walked out and the kid scanned his credit chip and got in the second car. It took off and headed back to town.

  The ride to the farm from the hotel was quiet. The sergeants had already seen the news but had nothing to say in front of Harold and Janet. Janet was sitting in the middle. She took Andrea’s hand in hers and held it. Andrea looked at her and she just smiled.

  Bill glanced over his shoulder and took in his boss’s face. The old woman was holding her hand and the major looked relaxed, at ease and content. It’s been a strange weekend mission, and it’s not over yet, he thought.

  Janet spoke up and asked if the two strapping young men in the front seat would like some lunch when they arrived. They both chimed with a no, but she started listing all the possible things she could serve for lunch and then dinner. They looked at each other and then said in unison that they would love to stay.

  The hover car arrived at the farm a couple minutes later. Ben and Jen were sitting on the front porch. Andrea noticed a two-door topless hover car parked on the side of the farm house. Matt sat the car down and they all got out. Harold and Janet headed straight for the house. Ben came down the steps to meet them. Jen was right behind him. Janet hugged him, squeezing him tight as Harold patted his back. They let go and Ben saw them staring behind him, waiting.

  “Oh yes! This is Jen,” he told them. “She is going to be staying here for a while during my absence. Hope you don’t mind. She will help around the farm and get the house put back together.”

  “Oh good!” Janet said. She looked at Harold. “Come on dear, help me with lunch. We’ve got some big boys to feed.”

  Harold raised both eyebrows at Ben. Ben shrugged. “Okay, dear,” Harold said, and headed in the house. Ben saw the bag on the ground at Andrea’s feet. He walked over and picked it up and headed for the car without saying a word. She followed after him while the sergeants made their way to the house.

  Ben dropped Andrea’s bag behind the seat. He turned to walk to the house and found her standing right behind him. She looked beautiful. Her outfit was perfect for a day out. He looked her over from top to bottom, pausing only for a second on her bruised knuckles. He took her hand and brought it up for closer inspection. She didn’t offer up any explanation so he let it drop.

  “Stay for lunch or hit the road?” he asked.

  “Let’s get going!”

  Ben went inside to tell them that he and Andrea were leaving for the day and would be back later. The two sergeants followed Ben back out to the car.

  “Major, can we speak with you for a minute?” Bill asked.

  Ben nodded to them and walked in the direction of the barn.

  “Major, were you going to tell us your plans for the day or leave us hanging in the breeze again? If the old man checks on us again and we can’t tell him where you are or what you’re doing, he is going to have our stripes.”

  “Tell him I am out with Ben and working him for info about the contract,” Andrea answered. “He will know what that means. I will message you every couple of hours so you know I’m alive. You two will have the car. Go enjoy yourself, stay here and relax or go to Gus’s and have a few beers. Just don’t kill anyone.”

  “I hope you take your own advice,” joked Bill.

  She laughed and said she would try to refrain. Ben poked his head out of the barn to see if they were done talking. She waved him over. The sergeants walked back in the house to the smell of steaks grilling and potatoes frying.

  Chapter 6: A Walk In The Park — Not!

  Ben lifted the hover car and told the navigation to take them to Epsilon City. Andrea had her sunglasses on and her hair in a ponytail for the flight. She slid to the middle of the seat next to Ben and put her arm around him and planted a big kiss on his cheek. They rode along in silence, enjoying the ride and scenery. Ben elevated the car up higher so Andrea could get a better view of the countryside. He was enjoying the moment and decided not to ask any questions about her behavior this morning at the bar. He could wait till later after they arrived at Epsilon to test the waters.

  Andrea had no such qualms. She had plenty of questions, some personal and some not so much. She would get some answers regardless.

  Angela leaned close to his ear to speak. There was enough wind noise that she didn’t want to yell the whole time they talked.

  “Ben, if you join us what role do you see yourself performing?”

  He turned his head slightly to speak. “You’ve read my file. What do you think?

  “You were always a leader,” she replied. “What if we have no leadership positions available?”

  “Well you and the old man better put your heads together and come up with one,” Ben replied.

  Andrea smiled. She knew he was right. When the general sent her on this recruiting mission, did he think the man would just sign up with no indication of what his future was going to be? She knew the general already had something in mind. She thought Ben would end up fourth in the chain. He would be team leader and under Bill.

  “My offer will be fair and in accordance with my skills,” Ben said.

  Andrea decided to change the subject and ask about his plans for the day. “What are we going to do today?”

  “We’re going to the jungle park at the edge of the city,” Ben said. “When the first colonists were building Epsilon they cleared a lot of jungle to build the space port and the city. The jungle is so beautif
ul that they decided to keep a portion of the land marked for housing and make a park out of it. It has full time park rangers and there is a system of trails. I thought we would spend a few hours on the trails then go to the city for dinner and head back.”

  It sounded good to her. He had put some thought into making it a great afternoon. When he first proposed the condition she figured she would be at Gus’s all day watching people get drunk. She leaned over and kissed his cheek again.

  “What was that for?” Ben asked.

  “Just because.”

  The Washburn family arrived at Epsilon City. They were just killing time before they left on vacation off-world. Mr. Washburn owned a large tract of farms all across the planet. His wife and daughters were going to the jungle park to spend some time before dinner.

  They had brought the girls there many times over the years to see all the different tropical plants and animals that called the park home. Mr. Washburn was going to stay at the hotel and work. His foremen from all the farms would be checking in with him before the end of the day shift. He wanted to get their numbers for the day’s harvest.

  Ben and Andrea arrived in town. Ben searched the navigation system to find a store close to their location. They bought some water and energy bars to eat. That would hold them over till dinner later. They got back in the hover car and headed for the jungle park.

  The Washburn ladies hit the trail. The girls, Tara and Kara, were excited. Mom had the trail map the ranger station provided and they had picked their route. It was about 1430 and the trail Mrs. Washburn had picked should bring them back at 1730. By the time they got to the hotel Dad would be done with his calls and they could clean up and go for a nice dinner.

  On the back side of the park there was a chase happening. A large long-fanged tiger chased a pig-like rodent towards the park. The cat had hunted there many times and knew she would lose the prey. Its small body could pass through the invisible wall. The force field around the park let the small animals come and go but kept out the larger, more dangerous animals.


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