Another Day

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Another Day Page 11

by C. L. Quinn


  “It’s worth it, boss lady. It’s worth it all.”

  Leaving the folder she’d carried in, Freddie grinned and left the office.

  Margo stayed perched on the edge of her desk.

  “Freddie, you wild dog!” she said on a laugh.

  She tried not to picture Freddie, her hair wrapped in a red bandana, marijuana leaf earrings in her ears, lying with a bearded, heavily tattooed man inside a Volkswagen bus rocking back and forth to the beat of a Rolling Stones tune.

  He was drunk off his ass, and it felt so fucking good! No Xavier yet, but he felt like he was closing in. His M4 never left his side, ready at any moment to pump the entire magazine into Xavier’s head, one bullet in each eye for good measure. The image of Xavier’s body on the ground again, blood pouring from egregious holes in his skull, wound up Claude’s cock again.

  This was the sixth bar he’d hit tonight in Manhattan, and he was getting a bit punchy from the combination of good booze, the excitement of anticipation, and the moments of disappointment. But he would admit, he was enjoying the hunt. The ultimate big game hunt, where the prey was one of the most powerful creatures on earth, and he was the mighty hunter. His libido shot high and he glanced around the bar, hoping to find someone to help him take care of that.

  Ah, there, a pretty woman, not young, but she looked like she might know how to properly suck a guy off. Yes, a good blow, an aggressive fuck, and he’d hit at least two more bars tonight before he succumbed to a vampire’s time clock.

  “Most delicious, Koen. You seem to always know the best places.”

  “Bas and I ate here when we did the layover after his stronghold in Vancouver was torched. While it doesn’t hold the best memories, I did remember that the food was extraordinary.”

  Koen paused as he held a slice of spiced bread slathered in a soft honey butter. “Xavier would love it here. I doubt he’s been to New York any more recently than I had.”

  Tamesine couldn’t miss the pain in his eyes. Placing a hand over his, she offered her skills. “We’ll find him, my friend.” Her impression ability did work on first bloods.

  “We’d better. If he’s been hurt, someone is going to die very painfully. If he’s just fucking around, and caused me, all of us, to worry like this, it’s going to be him.”

  Slicing off another piece of bread, Tamesine piled it high with the same overly generous amount of butter.

  “That’s a fight I’d like to see.”

  Silent for several more moments, Koen finally answered. “It’s a fight I’d take if we can only find him.”

  She felt so guilty. Claude was her fault, her responsibility, and she was certain that he was involved with Xavier’s disappearance. The moment she saw that piece of evil trash, regardless of where they were or who was present, she needed to kill him instantly. His death would end the threat from one of their greatest enemies. The SRS, Supernatural Research Society, had wreaked havoc, pain, and death on supernatural communities for decades. With Claude’s death, the threat would be completely neutralized. Last year had brought the demise of the organization and its leader. Now, it was her turn to protect her family from a jealous, ugly assassin. Claude would die here in New York City, and it would be soon.

  Finally, the repair shop called, and Margot’s poor car had been declared unsalvageable, which did not surprise her at all. For now, she didn’t want to consider replacing it. It had been her choice to risk it, and she didn’t think she deserved a new one right away. Punishment for a bad decision. She took another taxi home, paid the driver, said hello to Joey, who held the door for her most nights, and took the elevator to her apartment on the twelfth floor of her building. It was lovely, every square inch, of which there were a lot of them, elegant and in perfect order all the time.

  Decorated in soft shades of cream and caramel, the rooms flowed from one to the next seamlessly, the eye following the matching patterns and colors from the large living room with a solid glass wall, to the bedroom located down a long hallway where that incredible wall continued. The window faced west to meet the setting sun, and overlooked Central Park.

  She had realized from the moment she signed the papers on this place that it was an exceptional find in New York City, which she considered the most exciting in the world. When she’d first come here over a decade ago, she’d wanted to be here more than anywhere else in the world. Now, as Freddie had reminded her, she didn’t spend enough time enjoying the city and its diverse population. She’d cloistered herself away, her life devoid of living.

  It was time to take back the dreams lost, to pay attention to that young woman she’d been all those years ago. It was time to breathe again!

  High heels kicked off onto their sides just inside the door, Margot buried her toes in the thick champagne carpet on the way to her bedroom, dropping her clothes as she went. They felt too inhibiting tonight. Once naked, she crawled onto her bed like a cat to spread out on the pale cream and chocolate fake fur covering. The sensuous fabric tickled her skin, still hyper sensitive after last night.

  What had he started?

  “Xavier,” she said suddenly, feeling his name on her tongue again. “Xav-i-er,” drawing it out into three syllables.

  “Xavier. I love your name, your hands, your tongue, your cock. I love how you make me feel. I even loved the taste of you.”

  He’d created a fire in her, stoked her to an orgasm like she’d never known, and now…it wasn’t enough. Freddie was right; she couldn’t stay away from him.

  “This has to play out, Scotsman, and I hope it turns out so much differently than I expect it to.”

  She had no faith in relationships. Maybe, just maybe, he could change that.

  Closing her eyes, she let her mind wander back to the moment he slid down the mattress and began to touch her thighs with his tongue, the wet heat, the sensations that tore through her center.

  Her fingers flexed as they moved lower. No, they wouldn’t do. She needed that man’s tongue, his mouth, his teeth, there. The sooner, the better. Though, not now, not yet.

  She didn’t want to seem desperate. She had her pride. Margot smiled. Not much of it, but tonight, she’d stay here in her own bed and get some sleep. On her nightstand was the sleep aid Freddie had left for her.

  Crawling back across her big bed, she reached for the slim jar and lifted the lid.

  Ugh! Freddie hadn’t been kidding. It smelled like powerful alcohol with a tinge of lemon. Lemon?

  “All right, Freddie, bottom’s up!”

  After she downed the drink, which wasn’t half bad, she stretched out on the fur cover and drifted easily to sleep.

  It was time to close up, and still several regulars lingered. He wanted to use the weird ability he seemed to have to make the stragglers go; was it crossing a line to actually choose to control someone?

  Still, they had to go. Since he was much larger than all of them, he decided to use physical intimidation.

  While Lucky was in the stockroom to get another box of bourbon for restocking before they closed, Xavier ignored his better self long enough to go to each of the lingering patrons. Using his ability to push them, he had the bar empty and locked by the time Lucky came back.

  “Wow,” Lucky commented as he placed the heavy box on the counter. “I didn’t think we were ever gonna get those guys out tonight. Buzz seemed particularly moody when I let him know we were closing twenty minutes ago and tried to scoot his ass out the door.”

  “He understood,” Xavier said simply.

  Lucky stared at the intimidating man that he frequently paused to thank God for sending to him. “I bet he did. You don’t get the answer ‘no’ too often.” Lucky snorted as he laughed. “Especially from women.”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  “Scottie, if you aren’t getting laid every night, it isn’t for lack of options. I’ve seen how the women look at you.”

  “I try to keep out of their way.”

fter unpacking several bottles, Lucky stopped and regarded Xavier as he swept the old wood floor. “It’s the hot lawyer. You had it for her the second you saw that gorgeous lady.”

  Xavier had been prepared to deny it, but he stopped sweeping and sat on one of the barstools. “Aye. I don’t know anythin’ about my past, Luck, ya know that. Yet I don’t believe that I’ve ever felt like this about someone. I ache for her. Is that crazy?”

  “Crazy like every other man who ever fell in love.”

  “Love? Nay, it’s just fascination, I’m certain of it. She’s an intriguin’ woman.”

  “I’ve run this bar for a long time, and I’ve learned to read people. If you continue to see this woman, you’re going to be hooked like a fish. I know the look, and you two have it. Yeah, I said you two have it, ‘cause that lady looks at you the same way.”

  “Do ya think?”

  Lucky placed the final three bottles on the shelf. “I think. I’m done. You okay with closing down?”


  Xavier picked the broom back up and started on the floor again when he stopped and turned. “Lucky, can I take tomorrow night off? There’s somethin’ I need to do.”

  “No problem. Thursdays are usually slow.”


  “Have something to do with your girl?”

  “I’m goin’ to take her the information on the women she seeks.”

  “Ah. Okay. Good luck, then, son. I’ll see ya.”

  As Lucky left the room, Xavier called out. “And she’s not my girl.”

  Sometime later before he heard the door to the alley open and close, Xavier heard Lucky’s voice one last time.

  “Yes she is.”

  Xavier smiled.


  Freddie hurried into Margot’s office. “Lipnicki is pissed and hitting every office tonight. Brizinski told me to warn you. It’s something about reorganizing the entire company. He’s such a pig. Why don’t you get out of here early tonight?”

  “Shit, yeah, thanks. I actually wanted to get home and take another dose of your father’s sleeping potion. Last night was the first night of good sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Told ya. Those folks in Kentucky know a few things about natural medicine.”

  “I don’t know how natural it is, but it works.”

  “What? You can’t get more natural than good old corn liquor. Get. I’ll field the asshole if he shows up.”

  “You’re my angel, Fred. Thanks.”

  Margot grabbed her bag and headed to the stairwell. She’d avoided the elevator since that unfortunate ride with Michael last week. If she knew he was in the building, or due at any point, she sucked it up, and trod the steps up or down to her floor. It sucked, and at times her feet hurt. Bonus, though, her calves looked great.

  Freddie locked Margot’s office and tidied up her own desk. Several of the sensitive files she’d been working went directly into a heavy file cabinet that slid into a wall safe, which she made sure was engaged and locked. With one last look around her own office space, she was satisfied that everything was in its place, the room clean and secured. Glancing toward the waiting area, she searched for any evidence of Lipnicki. Great, no evil Bossman heading toward her, so she decided to try to beat him out of there, too.

  Her bag carried a nice pair of walking shoes, so she slipped it out from under her desk. Like Margot, she now used the stairs to go from the lobby to their offices. Gopher had convinced her to try it, and not only had she found that she really needed the physical activity, but she admitted that she enjoyed the workout. It was the perfect way to decompress after long days filled with solving problems, dealing with corporate law, and sitting motionless on her ass too much.

  Bent over to tie her shoes, Freddie lifted up, startled when someone stood in front of her desk. Lipnicki?

  It wasn’t. This man looked like he’d walked off the cover of a romance novel. Muscles, square cut jaw, piercing eyes, long hair, he was huge. Sex on a stick, her girlfriends in college would have called him. He’d scared the piss out of her.

  “Oh, hell, you startled me!”

  “I apologize, ma’am, ‘twas not my intention.”

  She watched him. Had he bowed? Yes, he had. And that accent…oh, shit, was he something else. Her heart rate picked up.

  “It’s okay. I’m jumpy. What can I do for you?”

  And by that I mean, what I would like to do for you may be illegal in some states…

  “Ye’re a kind woman. I’m lookin’ for someone who works here. Her name is on the door out there.”

  “Margot?” Now Freddie sat back in her chair, her arms crossed, and looked this man up and down.

  Was this Margot’s one night stand? If so, she’d be crazy not to tie him to her side. This man was every woman’s fantasy all in one ripped erotic package.

  “This is her office, yes. But she’s gone home.”

  “Ah, I hoped to catch her. We’ve somethin’ important to discuss.”

  “I can make an appointment for you first thing in the morning.”

  Xavier wouldn’t be able to make that, but this pretty woman could not know that. More, though, was the fact that he didn’t want to wait to see Margot again. The woman at the desk looked like an amiable person, but he also sensed a strength and protective quality in her. She was Margot’s gatekeeper, and would never tell him where to find her. Unless he used his power. He hated to do so again, but…

  “Ya have lovely eyes.”

  Freddie lifted her eyes to him, lost now in compulsion.

  “Ya need to tell me where Margot lives and how to get there.”

  “Okay. I’ll write it down.”

  As she wrote on a sheet of paper, Xavier looked around the offices where his new lover worked. This was high-dollar real estate, even he could see that. She lived in a fine world compared to his on the east side of the city. She’d be slumming when she spent time with him. Could he really see a life for them together? Unlikely. Was he even considering the idea of a life together? Long term? He really had no answer to those questions. All he knew was that, for now, he needed to see her, to touch her, to taste her.

  “Here.” Freddie handed the paper to him and stood. “Go get her, big guy. She needs someone like you to take her into the sunset. You should see the assholes she brings here.”

  “Thank ya for the endorsement.” On an impulse, Xavier stepped around the desk, took her hand in his, turned it over, and kissed the palm.

  “Thank ya, lassie. I plan to do right by her.”

  “As long as you do her. Oh, I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t know what has come over me, my tongue running away like that. It must be that hillbilly upbringing sneaking out. Nice to meet you, young man. Now, go get her. Remind her that she’s a woman.”

  Nodding, Xavier walked from the office to the stairwell, which took precisely 10 seconds to descend using his unusual skills. Smiling, he called for a hired car.

  Groaning in relief, Margot dropped onto her sofa and flipped the television on, something she rarely did these days. Her life had become so busy, almost one hundred percent work-related, that taking time to actually do things outside her office had ceased. While she watched a silly celebrity tabloid show, she pulled her clothes off, leaving only her bra and panties, and reached for the glass of wine she’d poured right after entering the apartment.

  “Relaxation,” she whispered. She needed it badly.

  Tonight, instead of giving in and heading to The Blind Spot to embarrass herself with Xavier, she would take a break. Take care of her own needs. Just have fun.

  Muting the TV, Margot picked up a second remote control and clicked through until she found a station playing old disco tunes.

  “Yes!” she hissed, and with the wine glass in her hand, she stood and began to move around the room. “You still got it,” she said out loud as her hips moved in time with the rhythmic beats of an old favorite, Disco Inferno.

  “Burn, b
aby, burn…” she sung, as she bounced.

  Ten minutes into her dance marathon, she realized two things. She was having a blast. And someone was pounding on her door.

  A little drunk now from whisky at the office and wine here at home, she stopped the music. It had to be Freddie, no one else ever came to her apartment.

  Dancing her way across the floor, Margot pulled the door wide open.

  It wasn’t Freddie.

  Standing outside her apartment was the fixerman, Rodney, with two beefy-armed guys behind him.

  Rodney’s face had been set in a menacing frown, but when he saw the nearly naked woman in hi-cut satin panties and an overladen push-up bra, his lips curved.

  “Now that’s the kind of greeting all men look for, Princess.”

  Margot, shocked, didn’t know what to say. When she finally got her voice back, Rodney had already stepped forward into her apartment.

  “It isn’t polite to keep your guests waiting in the hall. I assume the attire is an invitation to join you in your lovely abode. You weren’t expecting me, so I can only imagine that some other lucky guy is missing out on this engaging greeting. But my business can’t wait.”

  As he spoke, he moved around the room, surveying her space and her belongings.

  “Sparse, princess. I expected the fancy bling associated with your position as a female of grand education and status. You live simpler than I do.”

  Backing up into the room, still shocked, Margot finally got her head together.

  “Rodney, what are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?”

  His head swiveled from where he had been staring down the long hallway that led to her bedroom, and she was well aware the direction his mind had taken. It was confirmed when he walked up to within ten inches from her as his eyes lingered over her unclad body. “You have nice curves for a straight-laced lady.”


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