15 Signs Of Murder (Fifteen thrillers)

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15 Signs Of Murder (Fifteen thrillers) Page 33

by Luis Samways

  ‘It’s obviously a sad day here in Boston; Maggie Gardener won many awards throughout her career and was considered one of the country’s best. Her standard on teaching will be missed.

  This is Sandra Austin, reporting live from Boston High.’

  Sixty Three

  The TV in the incident room flickers to life as an officer hits the AV button. Connor Chase appears on the screen, dressed in his white tux. His suit is cleaner than before so he likely changed clothes.

  Chief Shaw watches with the group of officers surrounding him.

  ‘Who has time to switch tuxedos? I’ve been wearing this cheap suit for two days. ’ Chase and his men stand in formation holding automatic weapons.

  How stereotypical, Shaw thinks. The essence of terrorism, brought by a group of men who claim to be patriots.

  Chase’s speech begins and his follower’s part much like a crowd giving way to the Pope. The loyalty and brotherhood is obvious in the eyes of the men wearing balaclavas. Chase’s is the only face visible. The man is not afraid to be associated with his actions in Boston. He is not afraid to die for his cause. That has been gnawing at Shaw for some time.

  ‘Ladies and gentleman, I’m here with troubling news. The corrupt are scattering for the hills. The brave are being sacrificed. We all like to think that we are of equal ability and status in this messed up world. That is a lie. You may wonder where is this place where no one is equal? Well, my fellow American’s, it is America. I am an American. God knows, this country is hell bent on making choices for me. Where will I go to war? Whom can I marry? Which sex should I be intimate with? What movies can I watch? What ad should I see? What president shall I obey? What laws should I abide by?

  In this country, we have learned to bite our tongue, obey the rich and do their bidding. If they want a new holiday home, we pay for it. If I want a new holiday home, I must dream on because the government will cut my wages and everyone else’s before I get a villa. This isn’t about money though. That’s not why I have come. Yes, there are many problems in America, and I, Connor Chase, plan on addressing them. Today’s problems are our future children’s obstacles. The 28th amendment that I am installing is not only derived for people’s privacy, it’s for the people. It’s the amendment that will give American citizens the power, the power that this government has confiscated. They can sell hard-working American’s information, use our information and bargain and burden our lives. It’s because of hard working Americans, that they can spend billions on wars and "global missions of peace". Hard working Americans pay the wages of hard working police, fire department and hospitals. All three of these vital commodities are in danger. It’s because of this Government that an undercover cop will die today.’

  Shaw’s face whitens as Connor brings a man with a bag over his head into view, His identity is not certain to anyone but Shaw. Connor smiles as he pulls the white sack from the unidentified man’s head. It’s Nathan.

  ‘This is Nathan. I am not sure if it’s his real name or his undercover one. But that’s beside the point. Nathan being here tickles my funny bone.’ Chase sadistically tickles Nathan’s elbow.

  ‘Now I’m going to ask Nathan a few questions.’

  Nathan nods and the sweat on his forehead strobes on the TV screen.

  Nathan is visibly in shock.

  ‘Are you an undercover cop, Nathan?’

  Nathan nods.

  ‘I asked you a question, boy. You will have the decency to answer!’ Chase demands.

  ‘I am an undercover cop. Special Forces to be precise.’

  ‘Boston SWAT. A man of skill indeed. Why are you undercover here, then, Nathan?’

  ‘I was assigned to monitor you when we suspected you of being a radical.’

  ‘Now I’m going to ask one final question, Nathan. Who is the evil in this scenario? Me or the government who put you here with no back up and no weapons.’

  Nathan swallows hard as Chase hovers over him, Desert Eagle in hand, pressed against Nathan’s scull.

  ‘Times ticking, boy.’ Chase mimics looking at his watch. The room goes silent as Chase cocks the hammer and presses the trigger.

  The impact of the shot at close range splits Nathan’s head in half. His lifeless corpse slides out of view leaving a bloody smear on the wall with the remains of his head. Connor smiles and wipes down the stainless steel barrel of his gun. He aims a candid wave at the camera as it goes black.

  Shaw looks on in disbelief. ‘Shit. ’ says Shaw

  ‘Who was that?’ an officer asks.

  ‘That was Frank’s brother, Adam.’

  Sixty Four

  ‘What the hell are you doing here, Eddie? Haven’t you got a city to protect?’ Frank pats Eddie down for a concealed weapon.

  Eddie relaxes when Frank stops. Both men look at each other intently. Frank lights a cigarette and gives one to Eddie. ‘So, are you going to answer me?’ ‘I am wondering the same thing. Frank. Why are you all kitted up like you’re going to war or something?’

  ‘That’s exactly where I’m going, Eddie. I’m going to war. That son of a bitch killed all those innocent people and slaughtered Tasha like an animal.’

  Eddie takes on a lopsided crate next to Frank. Frank remains standing. ‘Look Frank, we need you back at headquarters.

  ‘It’s bullshit. The whole thing is bullshit. You can’t just take me off a case and then expect me to run back into action when you want. First, you ring me up yesterday, begging me to come back. I’m not playing these games anymore. If you guys aren’t going to make a move on that asshole, Chase, then I will.’

  ‘We are going to make a move on him. That’s why we need you. Shaw says he wants you back. He needs you to get the job done.’

  Franks smiles as Eddie stares a hole into him. ‘That guy is a complete moron. He has been nothing but condescending to me since this whole escapade started.’ Frank goes silent as he clicks some thoughts around in his head. ‘I know why you’re asking me to come back. That dirt bag Connor is threatening to blow some hostages to high heaven, isn’t he?’

  Eddie nods, taking one last drag on his cigarette before discarding it. He stands up and squares off. ‘Look Frank, I know you like I know my right hand on a cold and lonely night. You’re going to play this game for as long as I’m willing. Truth is I can’t go through these hoops of yours. If you’re going to come back, I suggest you make up your damn mind.’

  Frank smiles, relieving some of the tension in the room. ‘Yeah, you know me. Super Detective Frank McKenzie. There for the public when I’m not high or contemplating blowing my own head off”’.

  ‘That’s pretty dark, Frank. You’re an emotional wreck, addicted to pain pills and horse tranquilisers’.

  ‘How did you know I’d be here?’ Eddie faces Frank with his hands out. ‘I had your shoes bugged,’ he admits.

  Frank strips his weapon’s belt off and places it on the ground. Both men walk out of the warehouse towards Eddies Mercedes. Frank laughs as he gets in the passenger side.

  Sixty Five

  Crystal sits on her vibrating seat, feeling every movement of the train. Across the small cabin, Jason is dozing. Next to him, Jenifer cuddles, holding his arm tightly. Crystal’s thoughts drift from Jason to Jenifer. She feels guilty for succumbing to Jason.

  She and Jenifer have not spoken for three hours and it grates on Crystal. She leans forward and shakes Jenifer awake. Jenifer blinks a few times and finally focuses and manages to frown. She gets off Jason and moves in closer to Crystal, who is leaning in at a hairs length from her face.

  ‘Look, Jen, we can’t be fighting this whole trip,’ Crystal whispers.

  ‘We haven’t even started Crystal. What you did was desperate and selfish. I wouldn’t ever do anything like that to you. You can’t think I’m going to let this go. I like Jason. You go and blow him off in the toilet!’

  ‘What do you mean you wouldn’t do anything like that to me? What about Ryan in high school. Don’t you think I don’t k
now about you screwing him? Why do you think I broke up with him?’

  Jenifer’s chin drops in shock. ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right, Crystal.’

  ‘That’s what I’m trying to say, Jen. We need to forget this crap and move on. He’s just a boy we just met. You’re not going to throw away years of our friendship for an idiot like him, are you? He played us both.’

  Jason is motionlessly slumped on the arm rest of his chair. The girls smile at each other.

  ‘You’re right, hon’, Jenifer agrees. ‘Fuck him. We’ve had too many good times to spoil it over some hot piece of ass!’ They giggle, hands over their mouths to muffle the sound. Jason twitches restlessly but then remains still.

  ‘Let’s move to the front and get away from him for the rest of the journey,’ Crystal suggests.

  Jenifer nods and they grab their luggage from underneath their seats. Crystal opens the cabin door, cautiously stepping over Jason’s sprawled legs. Jenifer follows, brushing her leg against his. Making their way out of the cabin, the train jolts violently and they brace against the door.

  ‘You two aren’t going anywhere.’

  They turn to see Jason holding a 9MM square in their direction. Both freeze as Jason slowly gets up. Crystal looks at Jenifer and shakes her head. Jenifer shrugs as another violent train jolt sends Crystal flying forward. She lands on Jason. Jenifer bolts out of the cabin and flees up the narrow hallway. Jason punches Crystal in the face, knocking her unconscious. Her head thumps the support leg of the chair Jason was sitting in. He shoves her off him and gets up, pulling the hammer of the gun back as he exits the cabin.

  Jenifer approaches the door to the economy seating and puts her hands on the lax handle. Jason fires a shot. The bullet pierces her shoulder, exiting her body and hitting the doors glass. Blood spatters as she lands head first, her skull hitting the broken glass and going straight through the window. Her hair catches in the sharp glass. Jason reaches the door and frees her, ripping flesh off her face and forehead as he pulls her from the heavy glass.

  She falls to the ground and he takes aim. Lying on her back, she looks at him with pleading eyes. Blood escapes her mouth and the corners of her eyes. He fires another shot straight into her head.

  The shot rings loud invoking a chorus of screams on the other side of the bloodied door. He cocks the hammer once more, ejecting the spent shell. He looks through the broken glass and sees passengers running up the aisle of the train. He opens the door and enters the economy class. Two marshals have drawn their guns and he shoots them consecutively without a blink of an eye. They go down fast. The passengers look on in horror as they hide, ducking out of sight behind the seats. Jason takes steady aim.

  ‘My name is Jason, and I’ll be your entertainment for the evening,’ he says.

  He pulls a small radio-like device from his pocket. ‘This is a triggering system, he explains. ‘When I hit this red button, the train goes boom. Any questions?’

  Jason grabs a teenage boy from close by. He forces him to his knees, pushing his heavy boot into the boy’s knees.

  ‘In case you doubt my seriousness, I will demonstrate it now.’

  Jason places the gun at the boy’s temple and pulls the trigger. The shot rings loud in the tin like cabin. A puff of red mist floats where the boy’s head was.

  ‘That’s how serious I am. I don’t want any shit from anybody. There will be no second chances. The journey will continue as usual, and you will arrive at your destination. Play your cards right and you will leave the train unharmed. Play them wrong, you’ll join the boy. I shit you not. Do we have an understanding, people?

  No one says a thing.

  ‘All cell phones will be put in the receptacle bins near you,’ Jason continues. ‘Make sure you remember where you put them so when we arrive, you can retrieve them in an orderly fashion. Oh, I almost forgot. If you have complaints please send them to my suggestion box. It’s marked CW at the back.’

  Sixty Six

  Eddie and Frank pull into the car park at the police station. Frank opens the stiff car door and stretches his legs. He shifts, gracefully getting out of the car.

  Eddie follows and both men make their way through the dark parking structure silently. Their feet tap the tarmac in unison.

  As they get into the elevator, Eddie looks at Frank.

  ’What are you looking at?’ Frank asks. ‘You haven’t said a word since the warehouse.’ Eddie sighs. ‘Nothing, Frank. Let’s just say I’m tired of all this bureaucratic bullshit.’

  ‘The FBI is taking over?’

  ‘I’m trying to see that they don’t get their dirty hands on this. It has nothing to do with them. This isn’t pirated DVD’s or drug cartels. This is some guy in my city causing a fuss. I am using what the city has at its disposal. Not what Washington thinks I should be using.’

  Eddie cracks his finger between his tie and his neck, loosening it as the elevator door clangs open. Frank and Eddie walk on through to the central hub of the incident room and are met by Chief Shaw.

  ‘Ah, Frank. How delightful to see you.’ Frank shakes the Chief’s hand.

  ‘So where have you been, McKenzie?’

  ‘Nowhere in particular, Chief’

  ‘I heard that you may have been engaging in some rather illegal activities down at the industrial complex.’

  Frank smiles and turns slightly to catch a stern look from Eddie. ‘You know how it is, Chief. People talk.’

  ‘They seem to be talking a lot about you.’

  ‘My understanding is that you wanted me to come back,’ Frank takes the bull by the horns. ‘You did fire me, after all, and what I do with my personal time is my business. So if you want to give me a ribbing, I’d appreciate it if you hurried up because I have a case to crack.’

  ‘The only cracking you will be witnessing is me cracking the whip on your sorry ass, Frank.’

  Frank launches himself at Shaw and grabs Shaw by his tie. He pulls hard, forcing Shaw’s face down to thud on his desk. Shaw’s nose spews blood as he hits the ground, holding his face. He stares at Frank with a surprised look on his face.

  Frank smiles. ‘Looks like cases aren’t the only thing I can crack around here.’

  Sixty Seven

  Jason holds his AK47 much like a militia soldier would hold his. He paces the length of the train nonstop as he surveys the fear in the hostages’ eyes. He stops and points at a man he had forced to kneel on the ground with his hands on his head.

  ‘You. What’s your name?’ Jason manoeuvres his way closer to the man.

  ‘Speak up.’ Jason points the foreboding AK47 at the silent man’s chest.

  ‘Jason,’ the petrified man says.

  Jason’s eyes light as he excitedly points the gun upward, signalling the man to rise to his feet.

  ‘My name is Jason, as well’

  The man looks nervously at Jason.

  ‘Would you say Jason is a common name?’

  ‘Pretty common,’ the man answers.

  ‘So, does that make me a common killer then?’

  The man’s eyes tighten with fear. ‘No sir.’

  ‘So you don’t respect me, the man with a gun.’

  ‘I did not say that.’

  ‘It’s too late for apologies, Jason, the damage is done. My feelings are hurt.’

  The man bows his head in fear.

  ‘Look at me.’ Jason waves his AK47.

  The man reels with sweat.

  ‘There’s only room for one Jason on this trip.’ Jason unloads a full clip into the man’s torso.

  The bullets contort the man’s body and he falls unnaturally to the ground.

  The barrel of Jason’s Ak47 blazes with smoke and Jason smiles as he changes the clip. The heavy mag hits the floor with a frightening thud as passengers gasp in horror at the mangled body on the floor.

  Jason looks up and smiles.

  ‘I take it there aren’t any more Jason’s on this train?’

  The passengers watch him

  Some of the bullets have hit the cabin door of the driver. He walks to the metal door and opens it. The trains’ driver is a mess with sweat and fear. He tightly grips the controls of the train.

  Jason grins at him.

  ‘Everything okay in here Mr Train Driver?’ The driver nods cautiously, visibly upset.

  ‘Good. Full steam ahead then. Make sure you slow down where I told you to. We are making a slight detour, but we will be back on course very shortly. Is that understood?’

  The driver nods.

  Sixty Eight

  A member of his crew drags Adam McKenzie’s body off as Chase watches blood smear the hard flooring and fill the minute holes with red specks.

  The struggling guard is visibly tiring. Adam’s bulk is sheer muscle. Chase sympathetically offers a hand. ‘He’s a burly one.’ The guard nods in agreement. ‘They don’t build them like this, anymore.’ Connor grabs Adam’s motionless legs and follows the guard’s lead through the room lit only by camera light.

  ‘Who do you think he is, Boss?’ ‘No one special, I guess.’ Chase answers. ‘Some poor sap risking his life for a pay check.’

  The guard’s short laugh turns to a wheeze as he bears Adam’s weight. ‘A bit like us, then.’

  Chase stops and lets Adam’s feet hit the floor.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  The guard looks nervously at Chase. ‘What we are doing could be considered dangerous.’

  Chaser shakes his head. ‘No, that’s not what you meant.’ ‘Don’t you think this is a lot of effort for some money?’

  Chase closes in on the jittery guard. ‘What money?’ The guard seeks answers from in his surroundings.

  ‘Look at me,’ Chase grabs the guard’s jaw.

  ‘I did not mean anything, boss.’ Connor pushes him away, into the wall.

  ‘This isn’t about money. This is about principle. When you lack that in life, the only thing you have left is your shadow. The shadow of a man with no principles is a man with no word. A man with no word has no balls. If he has no balls then all he is a bitch. I’m talking about a female dog. Are you a female dog?’


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