15 Signs Of Murder (Fifteen thrillers)

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15 Signs Of Murder (Fifteen thrillers) Page 37

by Luis Samways

  ‘Truth is I don’t like sitting on my ass doing nothing,’ Mullins admits.

  ‘We don’t have to.’ Frank opens the ashtray on the dashboard and taps the end of his cigarette.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You may have noticed that I don’t necessarily follow orders in some situations.’

  Mullins smiles and checks his rear view mirror. ‘I can’t say I’ve noticed that, Frank.’

  ‘Take notice now. You can either be with me or against me. I trust you. You’re a good kid with a bright future, a future that won’t exist if we don’t stop this madness. If you would start the ignition and get us out of here, I’d appreciate it.’

  Ninety Five

  ‘His men have moved hostages to the make-shift studio and one guard is placing white sacks on the hostage’s heads. Connor moves to the camera and looks through the viewfinder. ‘I want a polished wide view. This shot is too crammed. Not all of the hostages will be in the shot. Someone move the camera back so we can get them all in.’

  One of his men obeys and moves the bulky tripod a few meters back. He bends and looks in the viewfinder, giving Connor a thumbs up.

  Connor nods and moves to the mass of hostages. Twenty or so people kneel with their heads down as white sacks are put on their heads. The material rustles loudly as the men and women struggle in different ways to come to terms with their situation.

  ‘If everyone does what I say and stays quiet, no one is going to get hurt,’ Connor promises as he watches the last bag being put on the hostage’s head.

  Connor moves over to the camera. ‘We are going live in ten minutes. I want complete silence. If anyone screams or says a damn word, we will have problems.’

  Connor stares into the camera lens. The room with its sea of bodies feels tense with an eerie anticipation of events to come.

  Ninety Six

  ‘What do you mean you don’t know where they are?’ Shaw stares daggers at the officer in front of him.

  ‘I don’t know, Sir. I went down to see what was happening and the convoy was gone. Not one patrol car or squad truck to be seen. ‘The officer brushes his hands nervously on his sides.

  ‘A parking lot full of officers can’t just go missing. And our SWAT?’

  ‘I don’t know Sir.’

  ‘Fuck it. Get me Frank.’

  ‘I can’t find him either, Sir.’

  ‘Just follow the destruction and misery. Frank won’t be too far from it all!’

  ‘I’m sure your right, Sir.’

  ‘Just get me the DA. I need to talk to someone with half a brain.’

  ‘Sir…’ ‘Let me fucking guess. No DA either?’

  ‘Sir...’ the officer stutters again.

  “Fucking dandy!’ Shaw thumps his desk.

  Ninety Seven

  ‘Are you sure this is a good idea, Frank?’ Asks Mullins as he pulls hard on the steering wheel, swerving around a corner.

  ‘Pretty sure.’ Frank watches the light traffic part around them.

  ‘Are we are going to get fired for this?’

  Frank smiles. ‘Probably.’

  Mullins struggle to keep control of the speeding patrol car.

  ‘Look kid, I’m an expert on getting fired. If you do a good job, truth is, they can’t fire you. They need you if you are one in a million.’

  ‘Well we are undeniably that Frank. I mean there aren’t a million who would disobey orders and take matters into their own hands. Convincing thirty odd officers to come along on the fast track to early retirement is probably rare, too.’

  ‘Who needs a pension, kid?’

  Mullins pushes hard on the accelerator and they speed through Boston’s midtown. Rays of blue and red colour the night traffic and hit the horizon. Frank checks the rear view mirror. Four SWAT trucks struggle to keep up with them. Their radio cracks as an urgent voice comes over the CB.

  ‘Were coming up on the building. Be prepared for heavy resistance. Remember that they have RPGs on the roof.’

  Frank sees the M.I.T building in the distance.

  ‘Time to end this shit once and for all. Frank takes one last long drag on his cigarette and flicks the butt out the window.

  Ninety Eight

  ‘You’re all probably tired of hearing from me. Truth is I’m fed up with addressing all of you. The authorities have yet to take me seriously. What does a guy have to do? Murder the DA’s daughter? Check. Blow up a train? Check. Kill my family and friends? Check. Hold three hundred people hostage? Check. Kill a few on live TV? Check. Kill an undercover cop? Check. ‘

  Chief Shaw looks on as Connor Chase lectures and paces.

  ‘We have twenty five people bound and gagged and ready to take machine gun fire. Would that be a good way to end the proceedings?’

  Chase looks almost sad for a moment. ‘I don’t want to be known as a senseless killer who murdered a lot of people but did not get what he wanted. That would be a travesty.’

  ‘Should all these people die just so the government can put me to death? Shouldn’t they die for something worthy? Would it have been so terrible to change the laws of privacy? To protect our citizens of their information? To protect them from the all-seeing, all-knowing government? Yes, it would be pretty poetic if they died for a reason. Wouldn’t it be nice if they didn’t have to die at all? I’m not to blame here. I will not take responsibility for the lost souls who have perished this week. Events are not in my control so I won’t accept responsibility for the consequences.’

  The camera pans to the hostages who remain silent and still. Chase pulls out his cell phone and dials a number. The phone next to Shaw rings and his hands tremble as he reaches for the receiver. He raises it to his ear.

  ‘Hello?’ Sweat forms on his brow and trickles down his cheek.

  ‘May I speak to Detective Frank McKenzie? Make it quick. We are on a live broadcast across the nation, after all,’ Chase’s white Tux shines brightly in the harsh light.

  ‘I’m sorry, but he left the station a while ago’

  ‘This little piggy is going to reign down hellfire like a ton of bricks if you don’t get him as soon as possible.’ The phone goes dead. Before Shaw can hang up the phone gunshots echo from the TV.

  Two guards on Chase’s right hit the deck as an assortment of bullets fly. Chase hits the floor as armed men in flak jackets burst onto the scene. The camera falls to the ground to a whooshing sound.

  The camera is still recording, but visibility is down to zero. Smoke has filled Chase’s studio. The sound of gunfire continues. Occasionally, the smoke clears enough to reveals shell casings on the floor.

  People in the incident room can hear people moving but no one can see a thing. Shaw grabs the phone and dials a number. He slams it down in frustration when he gets no answer. Almost immediately the phone rings. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey Chief, it’s Frank.

  I’m sorry for taking the trucks.’

  ‘Did you just shoot up a room full of terrorists filled with hostages?

  ‘What are you on about? We haven’t gone in yet’

  Shaw’s eyes widen in fear. He looks at the TV screen. The smoke is beginning to clear, but all he can see are feet. The sound of gunshots volley through the phone.

  Ninety Nine

  Frank rushes behind the patrol car’s door and cocks the hammer on his weapon. He peers through the window.

  A shot reigns above his head and glass shatters. Gunshots fill the area as the police return fire. Seven armed men in flak jackets move toward him. He aims his 9mm at one of them and presses the trigger. The man takes the shot in the chest and casually peels the bullet off of his jacket.

  He returns fire and pierces the squad car’s door. Frank hugs the ground for cover and shards of glass cover the ground and cut Frank’s palms as he pushes himself up against the bullet riddled door.

  Officer Mullins on the other side of the car imitates Frank and shoots from cover. Mullins fires blindly and winks at Frank.

  ‘Crazy Fucker.’ F
rank reloads a mag into his gun. It clicks into place and he stands, leans on the car door and fires at the men near the entrance of the building. Chase is hiding behind a pillar. Men in flak jackets return his fire. Bullets ricochet off their jackets as the officer’s fire blindly. One man bends and rummages through a large bag. He pulls out a light machine gun and wraps ammo around his shoulder. He braces the gun and the men with him retreat to the pillars near Chase.

  The man sports a wide position as he lets loose and fires the heavy gun. A massive number of rounds pierce nearby patrol cars and carnage unfolds. The officers in front of Frank duck for cover behind a car. The two officers in the distance remain grounded as the onslaught continues.

  Frank watches in amazement. One of the officers raises his head and his head explodes in a mist of red.

  A second officer is mowed down by the LMG.

  Frank bolts out from behind the car door and walks towards the maniac with the gun, continuously firing his 9MM. The man jolts the gun toward Frank. Frank’s finger pulls the trigger and nothing comes out. He screams.

  One Hundred

  ‘I’ve tried contacting him, but I can’t get an answer.’ Shaw looks at the officers staring at him. ‘Are you sure you did not send anyone in?’ He takes a swig of coffee as he braces for the answer. ‘I understand Sir. Okay. Shaw hangs up the phone. ‘Washington doesn’t have any idea about who shot up the M.I.T building. The only thing they know is that it wasn’t them.’

  Shaw takes another long sip on his coffee and ponders the situation.

  ‘We need to figure out who was behind it, but right now, we need to get to Frank and the boys. Washington has sent the FBI to secure the building and hopefully back us up. It’s been a hell of a ride, people, but we can’t rest until our men and the hostages are safe.’

  The office erupts with questions. Shaw holds up a hand.

  ‘We’re going down to the M.I.T building to assist the FBI. It’s likely you will have to fire your weapons. Sounds like Frank and the boys are getting heavy resistance. Whatever happens, protect yourselves and the hostages. Go get them, gentlemen.’

  The officers cheer as another officer rushes into the room.

  ‘The FBI has secured the area,’ he says excitedly. ‘But there are no signs of Connor or his men. They report five causalities; all Boston PD. Frank was hit pretty badly. He suffered gunshot wounds to his chest.’

  ‘Is he going to make it?’

  ‘They don’t know. Apparently it’s pretty bad. He’s in surgery now.’

  One Hundred and One

  Connor Chase sits on a crate looking at his hands. He turns his right palm up and he runs his finger across the groves.

  ‘No amount of water will get the blood off those hands,’ a voice says.

  Eddie Smith walks out of the shadows, his daughter Crystal by his side.

  Connor smiles as he gets himself up and dusts off his suit with his hands.

  ‘Good to see you Eddie.’ Chase shakes the DA’s hand.

  ‘Likewise, I take it you’ve met my daughter, Crystal,’ Eddie solemnly pats her shoulder.

  ‘We’ve met,’ Connor confirms. ‘Please sit. We have business to discuss.’

  Crystal watches in shock as her father sits next to Connor.

  ‘What’s going on Dad? You said that you already paid him off. That’s why he let me go, right?’

  Chase smiles as a distraught Crystal breathes heavily.

  ‘Haven’t you told her yet?’ Connor licks his lips.

  ‘Told me what?’ ‘Well, your daddy and I came to an arrangement a long time ago. This isn’t about ransom money, dear. This is about something a whole lot meatier.’

  Crystal shakes as her breathing clouds the air with warm condensation. ‘What arrangement?’ ‘Shut up and sit the fuck down!’ Eddie orders.

  Crystal begins to cry and nervously sits next to him. The crate cracks at the combined weight of the three of them. ‘So it worked?’ Eddie asks.

  ‘Of course it did. Your half has been wired to you. The idiots still do not even see it.’

  ‘I told you they wouldn’t. A few catastrophes and America forgets about everything else.’

  ‘The FBI did not even pick up on the hack.’

  ‘Too busy worrying about whether or not you were going to kill anyone else.’

  Crystal shakes her head. ‘You had something to do with all this, Dad?’

  Eddie looks at her. ‘If you mean we just walked away with half a billion each, then yeah, guilty. I did.’

  Connor laughs hysterically.

  ‘One billion dollars from the Federal Reserve. We took it from right under their noses. Stupid bastards are clueless.’

  ‘All those people died. What about Jenifer, Dad?’

  ‘What about her?’

  Crystal cries uncontrollably. The tears on her face glisten in the dim light of the warehouse.

  ‘You can have anything you want. You can buy everything you ever wanted. You can be whoever you want to be. Sometimes you lose people, sometimes, a lot of people. Collateral damage in a war is just that. Nothing less, nothing more.’

  ‘You can’t seriously think I would go along with this, Dad?’

  ‘Who said you have a choice?’ ‘Kidnapping your daughter and holding her at gunpoint is model fathering?’

  Eddie gives Crystal a back handed slap.

  ‘Don’t talk to me about what a good father is. I have secured your future, a future that you would never have if it wasn’t for the sacrifices I have made.’

  ‘I don’t want the money.’

  ‘That’s too bad.’ Eddie pulls a gun out and presses it to Crystal’s head. She stares at him in shock as he pulls the hammer back.

  ‘Dad!’ she screams.

  He pulls the trigger. The sound echoes through the desolate building and Eddie holsters his weapon.

  Connor smiles ear to ear. ‘You definitely won’t win father of the year now.’ ‘She made her decision. So did I.’

  ‘I see.’ Connor stands and holds out his hand. ‘It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Eddie. I’m sure our paths will cross again’

  ‘I’m sure they will.’ Eddie shakes Connor’s hand. ‘Don’t spend all of it at once. There’s a world of opportunity out there.’

  One Hundred & Two

  Frank wakes to a beeping sound and tries to focus. He turns his head slightly and sees a monitor next to him. “87 BPM” it reads. To his right, he sees oxygen. He breathes deeply, inhaling clean air through his lungs.

  There are tubes across his chest. His pulse rises as he realizes he is in the hospital. The fear turns to relief as he remembers what got him there.

  A pain in his side gnaws at him and he reaches for the bandages.

  He surveys the dark hospital room and he tries to get his bearings. He tries to remove the heart monitoring clips on his chest.

  ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’ll attract the attention of the nurses. And I want this conversation to be private.’ The rusty male voice comes from near the door.

  Frank squints and tries to make out who’s standing there.

  The shadowy figure stays out of the light. The silhouette taps his finger on the door frame.

  Frank tries to push himself to a seated position.

  ‘Save your strength, Frank. You have a long road to recovery. I know it’s hard to talk. Morphine will do that to you. I’m sure you’re quite aware of the way drugs can affect you,’ the familiar voice mocks.

  A car’s headlights beam into the room’s window and the shadowy figure steps deeper into the shadows.

  ‘That was close! Anyway Frank, I’m going to let you get some rest.’ The shadow moves closer to the door. ‘But before I go, I wondered, Frank, if you could give me my thumb back.’

  A Frank McKenzie seasonal short

  25th of Dismember

  Luis Samways


  ‘This is dispatch; we have a disturbance in downtown Boston. People are callin
g up saying that the Christmas tree has been tipped over and destroyed by masked men. No one is hurt, but assistance is required just in case they turn up again and give the witnesses hassle. Its most likely just kids being idiots, but you can’t be too sure,’ the ladies’ voice on the receiver says.

  Officer Santiago reaches for the radio on the dashboard; his left hand grips the steering wheel of the patrol car with a firm hold, swerving slightly at the corner on 8th street.

  ‘Received Dispatch: Officer Santiago responding, ETA three minutes,’ he says as he clicks the receiver back into the slot on the dashboard. He reaches for the switch near his coffee holder. He flicks it on, the lights and sirens start to echo as he punches his foot down on the accelerator. Boston’s traffic is light but dense, it’s the sort of traffic that most capital cities have at around 7pm. The lingering line of cars swerve away for the patrolman as he ducks and dives through the usual assortment of family cars and SUV’s. He turns on 7th and reaches the scene. The crowd of onlookers are gawping at the fallen tree. It’s quite a sight officer Santiago thinks to himself. The massive Christmas tree looks unfestive as it lay on the floor on its side. The tree’s fairy lights are popping uncontrollably as the loose wiring from the decorations and lighting are touching the wintery wet floor. Santiago puts the car in park and reaches for his winter hat on the passenger seat. He eyeballs his reflection in the mirror above him. Fucking stupid hathe thinks to himself as he puts it on. The department forces the street patrolling officers to wear the winter hat because of the recent spate of stormy weather. Most of the officers in the department don’t like the idea of wearing a police man’s hat with plastic sheeting over it. He thinks, like the others that it makes them look like pussies. “What’s wrong Mr Police man, a little nippy out here, you need that hat because you’re scared of the weather?” Santiago laughs to himself. Someone actually said that to him not more than four hours ago when he was attending a domestic. He still slammed the cuffs on that asshole. It’s the little wins that count: motto of the precinct.


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