Safe Haven: An Age Play Spanking Romance

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Safe Haven: An Age Play Spanking Romance Page 3

by Alice Liddell

  He regarded her carefully when he was finished, and smiled gently at her. “You”re pretty as a picture now, Cassie. You make Daddy very happy.” And he kissed her softly on her forehead.

  Breakfast was quiet and calm. Daddy made her a soft-boiled egg and toast, with fresh squeezed orange juice. His coffee smelled wonderful and Cassie averted her eyes from his steaming coffee mug because she knew she”d give herself away. But Roy noticed anyway and smiled. “Some things are harder than others, aren”t they, baby?” She gave a small nod and accepted the little cup of warm milk he passed her. He had flavored it with honey and a sprinkle of fragrant cinnamon. Really, everything about breakfast was wonderful. But Cassie”s sense of well being faded when she felt a slight shifting in her belly as the warm drink stimulated her bowels. She tensed and tightened her muscle in resistance, afraid of what Roy might say if she asked to be excused. What if.., she thought nervously.

  Roy watched Cassie shifting in her chair and smiled to himself. He knew exactly was what going on, and let her struggle for a few minutes so she could take a look at her feelings.

  Then he spoke to her in a gentle voice. “Cassie? It looks like you need to use the toilet.” She looked up with a start, impressed at how easily he read her, worried about what he was going to say. She searched his face for clues.

  “You do need to go, don”t you?” Cassie hesitated, then nodded slowly.

  “Go ahead, then. It”s not good for your tummy to hold it in.” Cassie slid quickly off her chair, immensely relieved that he was letting her do this alone, and in the toilet. Such things could no longer be taken for granted, she realized, and she shuddered to understand that even going to the toilet by herself was now a privilege that could be withdrawn.

  When she came back, Daddy was cleaning up the breakfast dishes. “Did you wash your hands well, Princess?” She nodded, and he handed her a dishtowel. They worked quietly side by side. When they finished, he dried his hands carefully and turned to Cassie. Then he did something he almost never did: he took her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly on the lips, like a grownup woman.

  “I”m proud of you, Cassie. I know that was hard for you upstairs. You shouldn”t have argued with me, but I”m pleased you decided to obey me. That”s the most important thing in our relationship. You have to trust me to do what”s best for you, Princess.” Cassie nodded, tears in her eyes. “Then let”s go take our walk,” he said. “The exercise and fresh air will do us both good.”

  It was still early and not yet hot. Roy always decided where they would go on their Saturday morning walks, and today he turned towards the river, which pleased Cassie. She liked that route best because the path was wide and he would hold her hand. He usually had bread in his pocket and would give it to her to feed the ducks.

  It was nearly ten when they returned. Usually after their walks Daddy made Cassie do her homework. He would set up her books and papers on the dining room table and sit with her, making sure she put in two hours of productive studying before lunch, and two hours afterwards.

  She knew that this discipline helped her. Although her grades weren”t in yet, she felt sure she”d done well in most of her classes. Even organic chemistry, which was her hardest course. But now exams were over and she was on break for a week. She wondered how they”d spend this Saturday. She”d love to watch an old movie on TV, or curl up next to him on the sofa and listen to music while flipping through magazines.

  “Ok, Princess. Get out your books and let”s get to work.” Cassie”s face dropped in disappointment, and then clouded with worry. “I..I didn”t bring my books this week, Daddy. Exams are over and I don”t have any assignments.”

  “That”s fine, but we”re still going to work on your Latin.” Cassie paled.

  “You didn”t bring the book.” It was a statement, not a question. “I”m disappointed in you, Cassie. What was our agreement?”

  “I..I”m supposed to do one chapter of exercises each week, and bring it for you to check over the weekend.”

  “And did you?”

  She hung her head. It had been exam period. She hadn”t done the exercises. And she hadn”t brought the book.

  “I see,” Roy said in a disapproving tone. “Cassie, you asked me to help you with Latin. I agreed. But what did I say would happen if you neglected to keep up your end of the bargain?” Cassie looked up, frightened. “Please, no,” she whispered.

  “What did I say, Cassie?”

  Cassie felt caught. Captured. She knew Daddy was going to punish her, and that knowledge made her stomach ache in fear. It also caused a different sort of ache between her legs. She blushed in shame at her reaction.

  “What did I say would happen if you forgot your Latin book?” Cassie let out a tiny sob. “You said you”d whip me with your belt,” she said.

  “Have I used my belt on you before?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Do you think I”m going to do it now?”

  She wondered for a moment if there was a chance he wouldn”t. Maybe if she apologized.

  But Roy always carried through. She knew the answer.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Yes, Daddy what?”

  Cassie”s voice tightened as she fought back tears, but she said it.

  “Yes, Daddy, I think you”re going to whip me with your belt.”

  “Yes, I am, Cassie. I”m going to whip you so you learn some responsibility. So you won”t be so casual about honoring your agreements with me.”

  Cassie was already crying in frightened anticipation of the embarrassment and pain to come. “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered through the tears. She watched helplessly as Daddy took one of the dining room chairs and set it in the center of the room.

  “Bend over the back of the chair, Cassie. Grasp the seat with your hands and keep them there throughout your punishment.”

  Cassie moved immediately to do as she”d been told, but the back of the chair was straight and high. She had to stand on tiptoe to get herself over the chair back, and the top rung cut uncomfortably into her belly. To get her hands on the edge of the seat, she had to reach hard and pull herself so that her bottom was as high as it could possibly be. Which is, of course, just where Daddy wanted it.

  Cassie waited, her head down low on the seat of the chair, her forehead pulsing, her hands sweating, ever so aware of the vulnerability of her position. She knew her punishment would be on the bare, but even so she jumped when she felt Daddy”s hands lifting the back of the skirt of her sundress. She felt the hairs on her skin rise, all the way from the small of her back to the crook of her knees, making her feel even more exposed and vulnerable. She couldn”t see Daddy behind her, but she knew he was looking at her upended backside, preparing to punish her.

  Still he made her wait, and her legs grew twitchy in nervous anticipation. She felt herself getting wet, which made her anxious that Daddy would see this on her underpants. The truth was, she had been in a fever of fear and excitement for two weeks, ever since the weekend Roy had first mentioned the belt. Of all the implements of discipline he might use on her, the belt stirred her the most. There was something so masculine about it, this circle of dark leather wrapped around her Daddy”s strong grownup body, always ready at hand for him to whip her if she misbehaved.

  Lost as she was in such thoughts, she jumped again when she felt his fingers at her hips, reaching for her flowered yellow panties, sliding them over her bottom and hips and straight down to her knees, where he left them for her to feel them binding her legs.

  Cassie nearly went faint when she heard the clanking of his buckle as he opened it, and the sound of the leather being pulled from his trousers. There was silence for a moment as he folded the belt, then a sharp snap as he tested the leather against the palm of his left hand. Cassie squirmed in misery against the hard rung of the chair back.

  The first blow was a terrible shock to Cassie. It hurt even more than she had imagined, laying a streak of hot fire across her naked bottom. “On
e,” she heard him intone. Oh! Was he going to make her listen to the count even as she suffered through such pain? Before Cassie could fully process this humiliating thought, the leather struck her again. A flash of intense heat seared her tender skin. She gripped the seat of the chair, weeping in shame and pain as Daddy intoned the count as the belt fell again and again. The pain escalated with each fresh stroke, making her first groan, then cry out, as she suffered through this awful discipline.

  “Eight…nine…ten!” she heard. Had it only been ten? It seemed like a hundred, a thousand! But it had stopped. It was over. Ten strokes of the belt had been far worse than she had imagined. He must have whipped me very hard, Cassie thought. There was a hot, fiery blaze across her backside, but at least she had gotten through it. She had survived a whipping with the belt. She started to get up but Daddy put his hand on the small of her back and pushed her back into place.

  “No, Cassie. Ten was just the beginning. I”m going to give you fifty strokes in five sets of ten, with a little break in between so I”m sure you feel the full impact of each set.” Cassie was stunned, and wailed in useless protest. “Nooo, Daddy! Please! That”s too much! I”m sorry I forgot my books! I won”t do it again.”

  “I”m going to make sure you don”t, Cassie,” Roy said firmly, running his hand lightly across her upturned bottom. “I don”t think you”ll forget this lesson any time soon.” Her skin was red, and warm to the touch, he noted with satisfaction. He intended to make it much, much hotter.

  “Next set of ten,” he announced, stepping back, as Cassie began to sob in terror.

  The second set was much worse because the belt fell on already tender skin. “Three, four, five,” she heard, as she unconsciously waggled her bottom in a futile attempt to escape the relentless beat of the belt. She was crying out with each fresh stroke now, barely able to keep herself in position. “Nine, ten!” she heard, slumping in relief, if only temporary, over the back of the chair.

  “That”s twenty, Cassie. Take a little rest to catch your breath before we continue.” Cassie was indeed gasping, so intense was the blaze across her backside. “No more, Daddy. Please, no more,” she begged. “It”s so much worse than I thought it would be.” Roy almost chuckled. “You”ve been a spoiled little girl, Cassie. You need harder punishment and I”m going to see that you get it from now on. I expect you”ll find the next set considerably harder to bear than what you”ve just taken.” Cassie”s stomach churned and her chest ached in submission.

  This time he came close to Cassie, his body close against her hip, his left hand on the small of her back. “Set your feet wider on the floor, Cassie,” he ordered. “I want your legs open for this set.” She had to go up on her toes to open her legs, but they could only go so far with her panties caught at half-mast. In response to a tap on her inner thigh, Cassie struggled to part her legs yet wider, pulling the panties so tight that the stretched material bit into the skin at the side of her knees. She braced herself but was totally unprepared for what came next.

  “One….two…..three…” Cassie screamed in agony as Daddy”s folded belt came down sharply across the lower edge of her buttocks, just where her bottom met her thighs, the leather catching her cruelly across her poor exposed little pussy-puss. Cassie pushed up on her arms and tried frantically to rise, but Daddy”s strong hand kept her pinned in place as he delivered the rest of the set hard across the very same place.

  “That”s thirty, Cassie,” he said, keeping his palm against the small of her back. He knew his little girl was frightened and in terrible pain, and the warmth of his hand, however sternly it held her down for punishment, was enough of a comfort to ward off hysteria. “Let”s move on, shall we?”

  Cassie couldn”t answer, and suffered deeply as the next ten strokes fell across the backs of her thighs. She didn”t think she could possibly make it through this. She felt completely defeated, and writhed in pain as the belt fell on her.

  “That was forty, Cassie. I want to step back so I can put the last set squarely across your bottom. Can you stay in position, or do I need to tie you?” He waited. “Cassie? I expect you to answer me when I ask you a question.”

  “I…I… can stay,” she sobbed. “Please, get it over with, Daddy. I can”t bear this much longer.”

  “Very well. Be sure you stay in place for all ten strokes or I”ll whip you longer, and I don”t think you want that to happen.”

  “No, Daddy,” she whispered. “I don”t want that to happ….Ahh!” she cried as the belt whipped across her red and punished bottomcheeks. “ Ohhh! Oh, pleeease, no more!” But Daddy paid no attention to her cries, and delivered each of the final ten strokes hard across his little girl”s bottom.

  “That”s fifty,” Daddy said, fitting his belt back into his trousers and buckling it firmly against his waist. “Just stay there for a moment, Cassie, and focus on how awful your bottom feels right now. I want you to remember what this feels like. And I want to look at you as you are right now, bent for me, one very soundly punished and sorry young lady.” Cassie wept in pain and remorse and disgrace, made all the worse when Daddy stepped close and ran the tip of one finger through the wetness she couldn”t possibly hide from him in this position. He didn”t say anything, but he didn”t have to. Her face went hot with shame, and her chest ached with love for this man who punished her the way she secretly longed to be punished.

  “Ok, baby,” Roy said in a quiet voice. “You took it well. Now let”s get you up.” He helped her rise, slowly and stiffly, her arms shaking as she tried to push off the chair. She straightened out with difficulty, and slowly raised her tearstained face. He met her wet eyes with a look so tender and loving and forgiving that Cassie began to shake with emotion. Roy took her in his arms, and held her against him, feeling her sweet little butterfly of a heartbeat drumming against his chest. Then he reached down and scooped up her legs, lifting her to his chest and carrying her to the sofa. He sat down and pressed the side of her head tenderly against his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her, helping her settle against him so her weight was off her burning backside. He pushed her dress up so the cool of the room could provide her with a little relief.

  And that”s when her real crying started. It was slow and quiet at first, just tears sliding down her face and little hiccoughs that shook her shoulders. But then her mouth opened to emit a thin wail, and Cassie”s whole body began to heave. Roy held her in his strong arms and let her cry, silently encouraging her to pour out her pain and misery into the still of his tidy house.

  And when her lament finally slowed, he cupped one big palm against her punished bottom, gently rubbing and massaging her tight, hot skin. Cassie moaned softly. “It hurts, Daddy,” she whispered against his shirt.

  “It”s meant to, Cassie. That”s what a whipping is all about. It has to hurt or it doesn”t do you any good,” Roy said, as he slid his hand in a larger circle, smoothing it over her hip and between her legs, his fingers brushing lightly against her little-girl sex. “It has to hurt or you won”t learn the lesson I”m trying to teach you.”

  Cassie pressed her cheek closer against Daddy”s chest. She caught the thump-thump of his heartbeat, and started to listen to it, finding herself soothed by the soft, pulsing rhythm. He didn”t speak again. He held her, his arms around her, his left palm curled around her bottom, his right hand slowly stroking her head. Cassie felt herself drifting into her special weekend cocoon.

  She was all cried out, and safe and warm in her Daddy”s arms. She slipped a thumb into her mouth and nestled close against his shirt. She closed her eyes. Maybe she even dozed a bit.

  Later, much later, she became aware that Daddy was petting her, his fingers stroking her softly between her legs. They moved so easily, she marveled, each caress slick and smooth. She sighed and stirred against him. Now that he knew she was awake, Daddy”s fingers became more insistent. The strokes were firmer, more carefully placed. His wrist, which had been resting between her thighs, came up harder, pulli
ng her toward him. One bold finger snaked up higher to find her tender little nib, to rub it and push it in little circles. Cassie gasped as the pleasure spread up into her thighs and belly, and made her nipples tighten in excitement.

  But Cassie was confused. Part of their agreement was that Roy had complete control over her sexual pleasure. It was not something he granted lightly. Some weekends he denied her completely, and on those Monday mornings she would say goodbye even more reluctantly, aching in need as she drove back to campus. Painful as that was, she never resented his decision because her sense of submission was even keener those mornings.

  When he did allow it, her pleasure was always given on Sunday evening, and always in his bed. She would weep with gratitude afterward, and he would let her stay there all night with him. Those hours were the sweetest she had ever experienced.

  But Daddy had never given her pleasure on a Saturday. He had never touched her like this outside of his bedroom. What did he want of her? Was she supposed to control herself? Was he punishing her by arousing her only to deny her? Cassie tensed, afraid he”d stop if she spoke, afraid she”d do something she wasn”t supposed to if she gave in to his thrumming finger.

  Roy had been watching her carefully. He knew she was struggling between accepting what he was doing and a misguided sense of obedience. Cassie had learned a lot about submission in the past few months, but her thinking tended to be linear. Once she saw a pattern, she got comfortable and believed it would never change. Like all children at heart, Cassie was comforted by routine and consistency, and he gave her plenty of that. But it is always the Daddy”s prerogative to change things when that”s what he thinks is best. It was time Cassie learned that lesson.

  So he cupped her chin in his right hand and raised her face so she had to look at him. His left hand never stopped, and Cassie blushed as Daddy looked at her, knowing how plainly her arousal and need must be written across her face. He looked her in the eye and nodded, but even so, she wasn”t sure. His finger pressed harder, and moved faster. “Go on, Cassie,” he said quietly. “Come for me.”


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