Safe Haven: An Age Play Spanking Romance

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Safe Haven: An Age Play Spanking Romance Page 6

by Alice Liddell

  Daddy tightened his grip on her wrists.

  “Some Daddies use a latex glove for this part of the exam, but I like to feel every little wrinkle and tremble when my finger slips into a little girl”s naughty hole. It”s going to be an especially nice treat with a sensitive little tunnel like Cassie”s.” And with that, Cassie”s buttocks were spread once again, and something much bigger than a thermometer pushed its way into her. She was opened and probed, tickled and stroked.

  And as his finger examined her insides, Dr. David talked above her to Daddy, describing butt plugs and enema nozzles and the various options for anal punishments. His words affected Cassie almost as much as his finger, and she squirmed against the pillow across his lap. Dr.

  David stopped talking and pressed his finger into her in a different way. Cassie whimpered, trying to fight back the sensations that were rising again.

  Daddy bent down so his face was close to Cassie”s ear. “Go ahead, Cassie. Show me how you come when you”ve got a big man”s finger in your bottom.” She groaned and shook her head. “I can”t!”

  “Yes, you can, sweetheart,” he said gently. “I want you to. “ And Cassie obeyed, giving herself over to Dr. David”s insistent probing. A minute later she came again, unable to hide her shameful pleasure from the two men on the sofa.

  “That”s my good girl,” Daddy said, releasing her wrists to stroke her head. “I”m glad you took your pleasure when it was offered. Because the next time you find yourself across a pillow, I assure you, you won”t find the experience in the least bit enjoyable.” Cassie, still gasping and bare bottomed across a stranger”s lap, turned her head so she could press her lips ardently into Daddy”s palm.

  Chapter Four

  Cassie’s Choice

  Things weren”t right between Cassie and her daddy, and Cassie had begun to despair that they”d ever be right again. She knew what the problem was but she didn”t know how to fix it.

  She didn”t believe it even could be fixed.

  Cassie had decided the best thing to do was pretend everything was fine. But it wasn”t.

  She”d been spanked twice already this weekend. Once for not doing something the first time she”d been told, and again for sassing. None of this was normal. And now she was back in trouble, banished to her room to await yet another punishment. Daddy had looked angry when he sent her away from the breakfast table but he hadn”t said anything other than that he”d be up to

  “deal” with her later.

  She looked at the clock on her dresser. It had been twenty minutes. She could hear from the sounds downstairs that Daddy had finished clearing up the kitchen. She wondered how much longer he”d keep her waiting. Daddy believed Cassie needed quiet time before a punishment so she could think about what she had done and why she needed correction. And, of course, so she could feel all the dread a little girl feels when she knows she”ll soon be turned over and bared and spanked.

  Cassie lay on her bed, her head to one side, her stomach churning in trepidation. Daddy was understanding about mistakes, although he corrected them with spankings, but he had no tolerance whatsoever for sassiness or willful disobedience. And punishments were always harsher for the second offense. She had already been corrected once this weekend for sassing him. This time would be worse.

  It wasn”t just that Cassie was afraid of the punishment to come. She was also unhappy that her behavior had displeased Daddy. Cassie normally strived very hard to please him. There had never been any place in their relationship for deliberate “bratting.” She and Daddy treated each other with unusual respect. And yet there was no denying that she had spoken rudely to Daddy this morning.

  Cassie sighed. What she needed to do was sweep her problem under the bed where Daddy would never find it, and try to move on. The irony, of course, was that there was no one in the world other than Daddy she could talk to about it. He was the only one she trusted enough.

  Tears welled up in Cassie”s eyes. She didn”t want to lose Daddy”s love, but how he could forgive her? He wouldn”t want her anymore if he knew. She flipped over onto her back and heaved a big sigh. She wouldn”t tell. She couldn”t tell. She”d simply have to work through this herself.

  ** ** ** **

  Cassie had met Roy through a personals ad in the campus newspaper. She was a transfer student, older than everyone else, and more than anything, she had needed someplace where she could feel secure and safe. The arrangement they came to was straightforward but anything but simple. Every Friday afternoon, Cassandra Stevens, pre-med student, walked to the end of campus to the student parking lot, found her little Japanese hatchback and set off on a journey into submission. She took the old river road rather than the freeway because it was scenic and there was less traffic. She kept the radio off and focused on calm thoughts, so by the time she pulled into Roy”s long, gravel driveway and turned off the motor, she was ready to make the transition. When she stepped through the door into Roy”s tidy, quiet house, she surrendered her adult self along with her grownup belongings, and until Monday morning, when she went back to campus for classes, she was Daddy”s little girl.

  Thanks to Roy, Cassie was learning to accept — even value — her unusual needs and desires. This had given her more peace and satisfaction than anything she had experienced in all her tumultuous twenty-nine years of life. She looked at her bedroom door, willing Daddy to come through it, even if it had to be to punish her. Tears came to her eyes. She”d ruined the very thing she wanted most.

  ** ** ** **

  Cassie and Daddy had been apart for over a month. He”d been away on an overseas business trip. Cassie had been waiting in his house on Friday afternoon when he got in from the airport. She had wanted to pick him up, but he wouldn”t permit her to do anything so grownup in his presence. So she had let herself into his house, dressed herself as he liked to dress her, and waited by the living room window for his cab to pull up the drive.

  Daddy”s absence had been difficult for Cassie from the moment Daddy told her he was going away. Cassie had burst into tears when he showed her the letter inviting him to teach a technical course on water purification.

  “Bangladesh! You”re not going, are you? Please tell me you”re not going!” Cassie had cried.

  Daddy was surprised by her reaction. “Yes, baby girl, I”m going. This is an opportunity for me to help a lot of people. I”ve wanted to do this for a long time.” He looked at her carefully.

  “What”s making you so upset, Cassie?”

  “ I don”t know if I can manage without you.”

  “I”ll miss you too, baby girl. But we can get through one month without seeing each other. I know you can manage this.”

  But she hadn”t managed. She hadn”t managed at all.

  ** ** ** **

  When the door to Cassie”s bedroom finally opened, Daddy came in carrying a small bag and a switch. Cassie”s eyes went wide. That”s why she had heard the back door open. Daddy had gone out to the backyard to cut a fresh switch for her bottom. He hadn”t switched her before, although she had always known that Daddy was keeping this punishment in reserve for repeat offenses or serious wrongdoing. It just hadn”t been necessary until now.

  “Cassandra Ann Stevens, there is no excuse for sassing,” Daddy said in a quiet voice.

  “I”m sorry you didn”t learn that from the spanking I gave you yesterday for talking back to me. I sincerely hope that this lesson will make more of an impression on you, because I don”t want to have to repeat it.”

  Cassie trembled. “I”m very sorry, Daddy,” she said, her eyes to the floor.

  “I expect you”ll be a good deal sorrier when I”m finished with you. Pull up your nightgown and lay on your tummy so your legs are over the bed. I”m going to switch your bottom and thighs.”

  Her eyes on the terrible switch in Daddy”s hand, Cassie pulled up the hem of her nighty, raising it to her waist, revealing all of her belly and the place below that Daddy insisted be kept smooth and hairless
. Reluctantly, her heart pitter patting in fear, Cassie turned and faced the bed.

  She had to stand on tiptoe and jump a little in order to get her body up on the bed, and when she was positioned, her feet couldn”t quite touch the floor.

  “Get up again, Cassie. I want your bottom higher,” Daddy said. Cassie slid off the bed, and when she was standing again, he set a pillow at the edge of the bed just where her tummy would be. He helped her back onto the bed. The pillow raised her just enough so that Daddy had perfect access to the tender flesh where bottom meets thigh. Cassie blushed to think how exposed she was. Then she gripped the covers in her hands and turned her head to one side, steeling herself for the switching. How bad could it be, she tried to convince herself. It”s just a thin piece of branch. But the truth is, Cassie was afraid of the switch. With good reason.

  The first stroke caught her completely by surprise. The switch was so thin and light that there was barely any sense of impact, but a second after it flicked across her bottom, Cassie felt a flash of hot, white pain that made her gasp.

  “Oh, no Daddy!” she cried, bucking her bottom up and trying to scoot to the far side of the bed. The burn was so intense it made her writhe and squirm.

  Daddy put a hand on her waist and made her come back. “You are to stay still and take your punishment, Cassie. Don”t move off the pillow again,” he warned.

  Fresh tears were welling up in Cassie”s eyes. She wasn”t going to be able to take this, she thought, just as the second stroke whistled down across her upraised buttocks. Cassie cried out, and wiggled in agony, but this time she didn”t move off the pillow.

  Daddy laid the next two cuts across the back off her thighs, one right under the other, high up on the tender part near her bottom. The stripes they left made Cassie scream. She begged Daddy to stop, but he didn”t. He put four more strokes smartly across her bottom, then set the switch down on the bed near her face and let her feel the burn searing up and down her backside.

  She sobbed in misery and submission, and Daddy stroked her back gently until her tears had subsided.

  “You”ve got one more punishment coming now, Cassie. Do you know what that is?” Cassie”s throat went dry. She shook her head, which was sort of lying because she knew what Daddy meant but she didn”t want to admit it, even to herself.

  “What did I tell you would happen if I ever had to cut a switch for you?”

  “Please, no,” Cassie whispered. “No more.”

  “What did I say would happen?” Daddy demanded.

  Cassie couldn”t answer.

  “If I have to, Miss Cassie, I”ll march you out to the backyard and cut another switch to loosen your tongue.”

  Cassie just whimpered. Daddy reached for her arm and yanked her off the bed.

  “Very well, if that”s the way you want it, we”ll go outside. And you”re going just as you are, your switched bottom bare for all the neighbors to see.”

  “No, please, Daddy! I”m sorry! I”ll answer you!”

  “Then do it quickly before I lose my temper with you. What did I say you”d get if I had to switch you? What did I say would follow your switchings, each and every time?”

  “You said you”d punish my bottom ho..ho..hole, too,,” Cassie stammered through frightened sobs.

  “Yes, I did. And that”s what we”re going to do now. And you are going to cooperate and accept this punishment because you know you deserve it. You do deserve to have your bottom hole punished, don”t you, Cassie?”

  Cassie was crying now, but she nodded.

  “Why, Cassie? Why do you deserve to have your bottom hole punished?”

  “Because..because..I was so naughty you had to switch me.”

  “That”s right. Now put two of those pillows in the middle of the bed. That”s right, there. I want you across those pillows with your switched bottom up nice and high so I can attend to your bottom hole.”

  Cassie did as she was told. She was afraid, but part of her wanted this punishment. She hoped it would be bad enough that she would finally feel she had atoned for what she”d done.

  The switching, as awful as it had been, hadn”t wiped the slate clean. She still felt bad and guilty.

  Cassie raised her leg to get up on the bed, the bed Daddy had put on risers so she”d always feel small next to it. The skin of her bottom, torn from the switch, pulled uncomfortably and she began to cry all over again, as much in pain as fear of what was to come.

  Once his girl was in position over the pillows, Daddy picked up the bag he”d brought into her room and sat down in the chair across from Cassie”s bed. He pulled things out of the bag and set them on his lap. Curious in spite of herself, Cassie rested her head on the bed where she could watch him, her thumb pressed between her lips.

  “Have you ever heard of „figging,” Cassie?”

  Cassie shook her head.

  “It”s a punishment that was common in Victorian England, usually to accompany a caning.”

  Cassie”s mouth went dry. He wasn”t going to cane her, was he?

  “When a naughty child was to be caned,” Daddy continued, “she was instructed not to clench her bottom because doing so lessened the impact of the cane. But, naturally, it was hard for a child fight the instinct to protect herself from terrible pain. Thus, to encourage proper deportment during a caning, and to ensure that each stroke had its full and proper effect, some disciplinarians would, prior to the caning, insert into the child”s bottom hole a plug of freshly peeled gingerroot. If the child tightened her bottom cheeks during the caning, her sphincter would squeeze around the gingerroot, releasing fresh juices to torment her already burning anus.”

  Cassie lay completely still, watching in horror as Daddy set a large hand of gingerroot out on the cutting board he had balanced on his knees. That little circle of muscle hidden deep inside her clenched involuntarily, and the tiny golden hairs on the back of her legs stood up, as if in as much as shock as Cassie herself.

  Using a paring knife, Daddy cut into the hand of ginger, slicing off knobs here and there until he had one long, thick finger with a large bulge of flesh on the end. The spicy fragrance of the freshly cut root drifted over to where Cassie lay helpless and exposed on the bed.

  “This is a good piece for the purpose,” Daddy explained as he trimmed the thick peel.

  “The finger is thick and strong, so it won”t break off inside you even if you struggle, and I expect you will struggle once the burning starts. The knob will stay on the outside, between your cheeks, where I can see it, and it will keep the ginger plug in place throughout your punishment.” Daddy stood up. He carried the cutting board into the bathroom next to Cassie”s bedroom, and she heard the water running. He came back into the room and approached Cassie.

  The obscene plug of spicy ginger was in his right hand.

  “Alright, Cassie. I expect you to hold very still while I insert your punishment plug. The water on the ginger will help it slide into you. Once it”s firmly seated, I”ll set the timer on my watch for fifteen minutes. You are to accept the burning in your bottom for that entire period. If you expel the plug before the fifteen minutes are up, I”ll put it right back in and the clock will start again from the beginning. Is that understood?”

  Cassie nodded tearfully.

  “Then let”s begin.”

  Cassie closed her eyes and tried to breath evenly. She knew from the anal training Daddy had begun earlier that she needed to relax her muscle or everything would hurt that much more.

  She felt Daddy”s big hand rest on her bottom, and began to breathe harder in fear. His strong fingers forced her cheeks apart and she felt something cool and stiff against her little pucker. She held her breath, anticipating the burn, but to her surprise she didn”t feel much except that it was cool and wet. Daddy rotated the root, pressing it gently but firmly against her, urging her hole to dilate and accept the ginger inside her. Cassie felta mild burning sensation, but the pressure bothered her more, and she whimpered as the unwelco
me penetration progressed. Daddy pressed harder, and with a stab of pain that made Cassie cry out, the ginger plug made its final assault and seated itself firmly inside of her.

  Daddy went to the bathroom to wash the ginger juice off his hands so it wouldn”t get in anyone”s eyes. Cassie lay submissively across her pillows, trying to relax. The pain of the penetration had subsided, but in its place came a slowly building heat. As the ginger juice began to have its punitive effect, Cassie felt the sensation build. It got worse and worse until she felt it was searing her. She began to panic.

  “Oh, Daddy!” she cried. “It stings! Take it out! Please, take it out!”

  “No, Cassie. This is a punishment. It stays in for fifteen minutes.” Cassie groaned and ground her tummy against the pillow, but the movement tightened her bottom around the hateful plug, making the burning even worse. She cried out at the new torment, and quickly raised her bottom back into the air, trying to open herself so she wouldn”t be in such close contact with the plug. But it didn”t help. The plug was seated deeply inside of her, stretching open the walls of her little back tunnel. She couldn”t get away from it.

  “Please! Please! Please!” Cassie sobbed. She was on fire. She was impaled with a burning hot poker. She lost consciousness of everything except her bottom hole and the horrible thing inside it.

  “Please, Daddy! Please take it out! I can”t bear it,” she pleaded, nearly hysterical.

  “Calm down, Cassie,” he soothed. “You”re not going to die from a ginger plug in your bottom, and figging is not going to do you any lasting harm. It”s just going to make you very, very uncomfortable for another eleven minutes.”

  „No! I can”t take it that long!” she wailed, crying harder now and wagging her bottom in agony.

  “Yes, you can. And you will,” Daddy said firmly. “No more discussion. Be quiet and take your medicine.”

  Miserable but resigned, Cassie wriggled and twisted atop her pile of pillows. Daddy had placed a hand on the back of her thigh to calm her, and she suddenly felt him bend as if to examine her bottom closely, as if something unusual had caught his attention. His hand moved deeper between her thighs.


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