My New Master: Submission Erotica

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My New Master: Submission Erotica Page 1

by Megan West

  Copyright © 2017 by, Megan West

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locals is coincidental.

  Sexy Sample:

  …“You broke the rules last night.” He said as he walked over to me. “Naughty girls get punished.” He said with a smirk before pointing at a small padded bench off to my right. “Bend over.” I quickly did as I was told. I didn’t dare want to disobey him again. As I bent over the bench, every nerve in my body was electric.

  “Poke that ass up a little higher.” He said as he grabbed my waist and forced my butt up in the air. My entire world went still for a moment. There was the sound of air whistling. My mind raced as I tried to make sense of the noise. Before I could figure out what it was—


  Air hissed through my teeth as my body lurched forward from the spanking of the paddle. I heard Master sigh with satisfaction as the prickly pain on my ass slowly subsided. Just as I thought I had completed my punishment another hard crack came across…

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  Table of Contents

  First Free Bonus Story

  Second Free Bonus Story

  *Free Bonus Novella *

  Chapter 1

  I always saw my dancing career as temporary. I also made a point of emphasizing the fact that a ‘cage girl’ was a significant step up from a stripper. I was definitely not a stripper.

  “I think they prefer to be called exotic dancers,” my friend, Maria, said.

  I snorted, “What's so exotic about taking your clothes off? I do it every damn day when I get home from work, that doesn't make me exotic!”

  Strippers, or as Maria called them exotic dancers, were a sore spot for me and it likely had everything to do with the fact that my mother always called me one. To say that my mother and I had an unhealthy relationship was like saying the ocean was only ‘a little wet’. I had a better relationship with my neighbor’s cat who had recently made a habit of dropping by for breakfast.

  It was likely my fault that the cat kept coming back. On his first visit, I offered him a packet of tuna from the pantry. When he came back the following day, he'd had to make do with the leftover milk in my cereal bowl. The next morning, he returned and purred and meowed until he was given even more food. That was when I knew I had created a hungry little monster.

  “Sooooo…you have a cat now?” Maria asked as she shoved the last corner of a Pop Tart in her mouth deliberately watching the cat as she did it.

  “I dunno…I guess?” I pushed the bowl of leftover milk towards the black and white cat. “I think he belongs to the guy downstairs?”

  The cat lapped noisily at the milk and Maria scrunched her nose in disgust. “They're so pissy…”

  “He seems alright to me,” I shrugged.

  “For now…but wait until you have a heart attack and it eats your face off!” Maria squinted suspiciously at the cat which ignored her in favor of the bowl of milk.

  “I don't plan on having a heart attack anytime soon.” I reached out and stroked the top of the cat's head between his ears. He stopped drinking and pushed his head up into my hand. “Besides, it's not like I adopted him or anything, he's just freeloading.”

  Maria couldn't help but laugh, “You mean like every boyfriend you've ever had?”

  “You're one to talk…remember Carl?”

  Maria rolled her eyes in her typical dramatic fashion. “I don't think anyone could ever forget Carl. In fact, I think half of New York City knows Carl because he ‘forgot his wallet’ and they covered his lunch.”

  “See? At least my freeloader here makes do with leftover cereal milk.” I ran my hand down the length of the cat’s body.

  “You working today?”

  “I wasn't supposed to, but Kelly called this morning and asked if I'd take her shift. She has the flu or something.” I said as the cat pushed his head into my fingertips with a pleasant per.

  “More like she got so wasted last night she spent three hours with her head in the toilet.” Maria snorted. “She's such a waster.”

  I shrugged, “Well I need the money and she sounded like shit whatever is wrong with her, so I guess it works out.” Glancing at the microwave clock, I pushed my chair back from the table. “I should grab a shower before I'm late.”

  “I wouldn't sweat being late for the day shift, we get like three guys in all day and they're all there to drink the minimum and get a hard-on.”

  Maria was right, the day shift at the Blue Flamingo was painful. There wasn't much use for a go-go club in the daytime, but once in a while a group of businessmen would drop in for a ‘business lunch’. It was a different crowd to the younger party scene that came at night, but they were more generous with tips. That was what I was hoping for.

  Ever since I left home at sixteen, I hopped from one job to the next, barely making ends meet. The Blue Flamingo was my latest gig and amazingly it had lasted a year already. Despite being there for a year, however, this was only my second time working a day shift.

  My first time on day shift was just six months ago, and the experience was a rough one. A balding middle-aged man - who was apparently still drunk from the night before - had started to get grabby. When security finally got him to the door of the club he managed to take down three bar tables, a couple of chairs, and was still flailing wildly.

  I hoped that today's shift wouldn't be a repeat.

  Chapter 2

  “I need you dancing ASAP.” Don threw me a nervous glance over the bar, “Sterling didn’t show up for her shift.”

  “I’m on it.” I walked through to the back of the club and ducked behind the black door.

  The Blue Flamingo liked to give the impression that behind that big black door was a suite of dressing rooms where the girls were pampered. In truth, there was nothing more than a few makeshift changing rooms that were so cramped the girls usually just changed without them.

  I pulled my outfit from my bag and changed as quickly as I could. A swipe of my glittered lip gloss and I was ready to head out to the cage.

  With Sterling pulling a no show again, that left just Allison and I in the cages. As I walked by, Alison gave me an exasperated smile.

  “Hey, girl!” I said, smiling back at her. “Long day, huh?”

  “One fucking customer,” Alison muttered as she continued to spin around the pole in the center of her cage.

  “Gotta love dayshift!” I rolled my eyes and headed off to my own cage.

  Turnover at The Blue Flamingo was high. With a year under my belt, I had already earned the cage closest to the VIP bar, not that it mattered on day shift, but at night it meant more tips.

  I caught Don’s attention as I shut myself in the cage. Instead of nodding at me, he gestured to a middle-aged man sitting at the middle of the bar.

  I was expected to schmooze.

  It wasn’t the schmoozing that I hated, it was the fact that if I didn’t, Don would find a way to deduct money from my paycheck. Sure, it wasn’t legal, but as the owner of the club he could do anything he wanted and he made sure that I knew it. Still, the money was the best in town (at least for someone without a high school diploma) so I stayed.

  “Hi…” I reached through the bars of my cage and with one slender finger I beckoned the man to come closer. He glanced at me briefly before looking back at his drink. “Rough day?
” I persisted.

  “Eh,” he stirred his drink with the small plastic stick, but didn’t look up this time. Now that I had gotten closer, I realized how good looking he was. He was probably in his mid-forties with wavy brown salt and pepper hair. He was probably a good twenty years older than me, but I always liked older men.

  “Wanna talk about it?” I said as I leaned against the bars of the cage.

  The man glanced up again, looked down at his drink, threw the rest of it back in one big gulp, then slid down to the end of the bar beside the cage. “No.”

  “Fair enough.” I watched him make himself comfortable on the bar stool beside the cage and then crouched down beside him. “I’m a good listener, though, if you change your mind…”

  “I’m sure you are, I’m just not a good talker.” He said before turning to me and propping one foot up on the base of my cage. “So why don’t you dance for me instead?”

  “Sure, whatever you say.” I got to my feet and started my favorite dancing routine.

  The man watched as I worked my way around the pole. His face was expressionless. I couldn’t quite get a read on him. At first, I assumed that he was the usual middle-aged guy who had come to drown his sorrows with a midday drink. He didn’t seem sad, though, not like the guys who lose their jobs and are too afraid to go home and tell their wife. He seemed…annoyed, more than anything.

  Working my way to the front of the cage again, I locked eyes with him. I grabbed the bars of the cage, my tongue running over my pink lips. He stared at me, almost through me.

  “Anything I can do to make you feel better?” I softened my eyes, glancing down at his cock and back to his face. It was a dirty trick, but it always worked to get big tips.

  “That depends.” The man said.


  “Mmm…” He hummed.

  I pressed against the bars of the cage again. “Depends on what?” I asked, unsure where this was leading.

  The man unzipped his pants and in less than a second, he was holding the biggest cock I had ever seen. His hand pulled downward exposing the glistening pink tip and I found myself breathless.

  “I…” I looked over to Don at the bar. He was busy chatting with Alison who was insisting that it was the end of her shift. “I…umm…” I looked back at the man. His pants were zipped and he no longer held his cock in his hand. “What…” I frowned.

  “Well?” The man asked.

  I laughed lightly and shook my head. “I’m so confused.”

  “That’s no good…” The man’s hand hung between his legs and he briefly brushed his fingers over the outline of his cock.

  “I…I’m sorry, I have no idea what’s happening.” I smiled weakly and he laughed. It was the first genuine smile I had seen on his face so far.

  “Tell me something…” He said, his eyes locked on my plump pink lips. “Confusion aside, do you follow instructions well?”

  I was thoroughly lost now. “I guess so?”

  “Mmm…” The man hummed, “so if I told you to do something, you would do it?”

  “That depends…” I said, proud of myself for turning the tables on him.

  “Mmm, wrong answer.” The man said, pressing his lips together firmly. “I’m looking for someone who doesn’t think, I need someone who just does…”

  I thought about this for a second. Who the hell was this guy and what kind of mind game was he playing? More to the point, why did I feel such a thrill from playing it with him? “Just does…what, exactly?”

  “Can’t tell you that…” He said, his fingers brushing over the outline of his cock once again. “But…” Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a business card and a couple hundred-dollar bills. “Call me if you can learn to stop asking questions.” He slipped the business card and money through the bottom of the cage before standing up to leave. “Better still, just show up…”

  Chapter 3

  I looked at the business card and back at the gate in front of me. The number was right, the street name was right, but there was no way in hell that this could be the right place.

  I eyed the call box and just as I was about to roll down my window, the gates opened. With one last glance at the business card, I pulled through the gates and followed the long driveway up to the house.

  The house itself was like nothing I had ever seen before, but it was obvious that this guy had plenty more hundred dollar bills tucked away.

  As I pulled up to the front of the house, I was greeted by a young man in tuxedo pants. His chest was bare, muscular, and perfectly tanned. He smiled at me.

  “I’ll take care of that for you…” He said, opening the car door and helping me out. I opened my mouth to say something, but when words failed me, I simply smiled and nodded. “The master is expecting you.” The young man said, gesturing to the front door. “Just ring the bell and one of us will take you to him.”

  “Us?” I managed to say squeakily. The young man nodded before slipping into the driver’s seat of my car and shutting the door.

  I walked towards the front steps of the house. I had no idea what was happening or what this place even was, but now that I was here, I couldn’t exactly back out.

  “Good evening.” The front door opened before I could even ring the bell and a young man identical to the valet, stepped out to greet me.

  “I…you….how…” I stumbled over my words.

  The man smiled a perfect white smile and offered me his hand. “Let me take you to the Master.”

  The man’s hand was warm, his grip firm as he tugged me towards a large split staircase. “Umm…” I started, unsure of what exactly I wanted to ask first.

  “Don’t ask questions.” The young man said, leading me up the red carpeted stairs. “The master doesn’t like questions.”

  Then it clicked. The master they were referring to was obviously the man from the club, but I had no idea why they kept calling him the master.

  As they reached the top of the stairs, I managed to find my voice. “Why do you call him the master?”

  The young man smiled sheepishly, “because he is the master.”

  “Oh…” I had no more of an answer than before I had asked the question. “The master of…?”

  “You really should learn to stop asking questions.” The young man said, pulling me down a narrow hallway to a large set of double doors.

  The double doors opened as the young man and I approached. We were greeted by two more men identical all the ones I had already met. My mind started to race for answers. What in the hell was going on?

  “Welcome.” The two men at the door spoke in unison as they offered their hands and the man who had led me upstairs handed me off to them. “Please come with us.”

  “Umm…” I glanced behind them at the man who led me upstairs. He was walking away.

  “We will take you to the master.” They both said in unison.

  I took a deep breath as the men swept me away through a large sunlit room and through a long slender corridor. When they reached the end of the corridor, they opened another set of double doors and led me inside.

  “I’m glad you decided to come.” A familiar voice echoed in the room.

  The two men led me to a large round platform on which stood a tall cage, not unlike the dancing cage at the club. I looked at the men and they nodded simultaneously for me to step inside the cage.

  “Why…” I stopped myself, remembering that I had been warned not to ask questions.

  “Get in.” The familiar voice came again. I did as he asked and stepped inside. The two men shut the cage door behind me and one of them clicked a padlock shut.

  As the padlock clicked, I had the awful thought that this man, this master could have been anyone. He could have been a murderer and there I was not only delivering myself to him, but I was willingly stepping into trap for him. I scanned the room quickly. There was nothing else there with the exception of a large wooden chair in the corner. It reminded me of the old-timey electr
ocution chairs. This only served to make me even more anxious.

  “The master will arrive shortly.” One of the two men said before they both stepped away from the cage and walked to the door of the room. I watched as they arranged themselves, one on either side of the door, both taking a posture that resembled one of those Egyptian tomb statues. I eyed them for a moment. They didn’t seem to blink, they didn’t even look like they were breathing. I shifted my gaze to the padlock on the cage door. There was no escaping even if I wanted to.

  I was truly trapped.

  Chapter 4

  A hidden panel slid open in the wall and I watched as the man from the club stepped into the room. He looked much younger under this light. His hair was neatly combed but still wavy and he wore a perfectly tailored suit. He looked even better than I had remembered him looking at the bar.

  “Are you comfortable?” He asked as he walked towards me.

  I hesitated. “I’m…umm…”

  “Vocalize,” the man said sternly as he approached the cage.

  His change in tone startled me and my eyes widened. “I’m comfortable.” I blurted out, more for fear of what he might say if I said otherwise.

  He nodded. “Good.” He walked around the cage running his finger along the bars as he did. “I want you to be comfortable…”

  “What…” I started, stopping myself as soon as the word left my mouth – he didn’t like questions. How else was I going to find out what the hell was going on, though?

  He shook his head with a few disapproving clicks of his tongue. “You certainly are full of questions. Do you remember what I said about asking questions?”

  I nodded. There was something about his tone that made me instinctively submissive. “Sorry…” I muttered.

  He took a deep breath in and then walked away towards the wall behind the cage. “I suppose it should be expected.”


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