ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories) Page 21

by Jane Prescott

  “I’m sorry about what I said. I’m just not used to people being nice to me outside of my own family, you know.”

  “Well that’s easy to understand. You know my freshman year here, I was quite thick too.”


  “Seriously. I was two hundred and thirty pounds.”

  That I couldn’t believe, her body was amazing there was no way that she was close to my size. Her stomach is flat and her ass is perfectly round and luscious. Even her tits were perky with perfect cleavage that was highlighted by her deep v-neck shirt. Bottom line there is no way that this girl ever had a round belly, back rolls, or chunky thighs like mine…Like really, I just couldn’t see that. But far be it from me to want to discredit somebody else’s life.

  “How did you lose all of the weight?”

  “I just got tired of being over-weight, and then one day I went with a friend to the gym on campus and we worked out every single day like crazy. By the beginning of sophomore year I was down a hundred pounds.”

  “DO you ever still think of yourself as fat?”

  “All the time, but you know, it’s good to have an outlet where you can still remind yourself that you aren’t who you used to be. I even started joining a few clubs here and there to help me break out of my shell. In fact I definitely know of one that you would do great in.”

  Finally there it was my key into the world of College popularity. She was going to give me the keys to the kingdom and all I would have to do is walk through. I wouldn’t mind going to sit at her sorority meetings. Actually I had high hopes of joining another one but I was sure that she had the connections to get me there. I totally judged her too harshly; Sharae was the life line I’d been looking for.

  “What kind of club?” Apparently that was the question that she’d been waiting for me to ask the entire night. Because she suddenly dropped her fork and leaned in close to me across the table and she was shooting me a look as if she was about to initiate me into a strange world behind the one that we’re living in. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that, but I can guarantee that I’m ready to do something else. I needed something to finally get myself out there.

  “Well, let’s just start off with me asking you a few questions. I am going to get a little personal so you let me know when you’re a little uncomfortable.”

  “Ok, shoot.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend or anything?”

  “No. in fact I haven’t ever had one.”

  “Really why?”

  “Like I said, where I’m from, guys aren’t the biggest fans of a big girl.”

  “Good, can I ask you if you’re a fan of books?”

  “Yeah, I mean as long as it’s not chemistry. I hate that damn class.”

  “Perfect. The kind of books that I’m talking about have nothing to do with that type of chemisty.”

  “What kind of chemistry are you talking about then?”

  “Only the best kind, involving passion, life, and not to mention a whole lot of sex!”

  “Like a brothel—“

  “No, not at all. See we have a book club in a place not too far from here. Once a week we all get together and read passages from erotic anthologies. Some of the members of the club even wrote some of the books we read. I honestly think you’ll fit in with the group.”

  Erotic? Does she mean books about people having sex?

  “When you say erotic…Do you mean books about sex right? Like S&M kind of stuff?”

  “Yeah some of the stories are like that, but it’s more in terms of art. I really think you’ll like it and you know there are a lot of hot guys there. You never know – you might even meet someone who peaks your interest”

  Now, I had no idea where she had gotten this idea that I would be into talking about sex in a room full of strangers. Clearly we never talked about things like this in Minnesota; like,really – never. I mean, listening to sex-ed lectures in high school made me uncomfortable, and now she expects me to sit through a book club meeting where we all talk about is sex? How long would it be before those anonymous hook ups started and we were all standing in a circle all in masks like that Tom Cruise movie. I would have to get more details about this before I agreed to go anywhere like that with her. Although I do have to admit, it did intrigue me, just a tiny bit…ok maybe a lot. I just can’t jump in head first.

  “Well, what’s the alternative to going?”

  “Well why wouldn’t you want to go? You’ll be able to expand your mind beyond those small minded people in conservative Minnesota. This is better than Greek life too, and who’s to say you won’t have a story of your own to tell.”

  That’s when it hit me; she was right. That was the whole point of her telling me about the whole book club. It was the way into the school’s central control line, a secret society that would allow me to get into any and everything that I needed. I still wasn’t sure if that was something that I wanted to do. I mean how far did all of this go? Do they all meet up and just read? Or meet up, read and then partner up and screw? I’m not sure about it. Maybe she can give me a lifeline or something because this wasn’t an easy decision to make.

  “I’ll have to think about it for a second.”

  “Well before you do that, let me paint a picture for you. I’ve heard you on the phone with your mom some days, telling her that you were just doing the same old routine every single day. I knew you weren’t lying because every time I come home, I can see that the light in your bedroom is still on. How much longer are you going to let yourself do that? How long will it be for you start resenting even coming to California and not acknowledging that it was your fault? When are you going to start living for yourself instead of letting life take you in? Here’s the million dollar question, when are you going to get a boyfriend that’s not battery operated?”

  My face just dropped, the look on her face was very serious. I had no idea that she even knew about that. “How did you know?” seriously how did she know? She was never home, she’d been too busy making appearances on campus to know about my time with ‘Hercules’.

  “I didn’t mean to be so forward about it, but I’ve heard you a few times when I went into the kitchen in the middle of the night.” My face just turned beet red, I didn’t know that she was listening to me. I always thought that I was alone when I was doing that.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “No, don’t be. I didn’t mean to throw you under the bus like that. I was just trying to reel you in, is all.”

  “It’s okay really. I’ll just have to be a little quieter next time—“

  “Or you can take a leap of faith and come with me down to the book club meeting.”

  “Um…I don’t know…”

  “Ok, how about this. You come with me to one meeting. Just one, and if you don’t like it, then we’ll leave on the spot and I’ll never make you come again.”

  “Well, I guess that sounds fair enough.”

  “Good, then we’ll go tomorrow night. I’ll give you a copy of the book we’re reading. Just read the first couple of chapters and then you’ll catch on.”

  “What are you reading? Fifty Shades of Gray?”

  “Hell no, fifty shades of gray is a fairy tale compared to what we read around here. But don’t worry, if it ever gets to be too much just squeeze my arm and we’ll leave. Deal?”


  As we clinked out glasses in unison, I couldn’t help but think about what I just got myself sucked into. I wasn’t into freaky stuff so I I’m almost sure that I’m not staying at this meeting very long. But first things first, I’d have to read some of the stories first.


  “Caught in a sea of his embrace, she opened herself fully to his hot bulging cock. She passionately kissed his mouth and allowed him to enter her dripping wet cave…”

  “Oh my god what the hell is this?” Seriously this was complete crap that I was holding in my hands and I can’t believe that I was actually entertaining this crap
just so I could go to some book club tonight. Maybe it isn’t too late to ask Sharae if we could go another night, or better yet how about I didn’t go ever and I’d find another way to get in. I get this was her shtick and what got her where she was but that doesn’t mean I have to do it. Not to mention I didn’t even know what the hell I was supposed to wear anyway. Sharae never specified if there was a dress code, but I guess a pair of jeans and a nice blouse would be ok. After all, I don’t have the body to wear some of the stuff that the main character in the book was wearing. There was no way that I was going to be showcasing my huge thighs in some short leather miniskirt that hugged the rolls of fat on my lower back. Nor did I plan on wearing a slutty top that was only big enough to cover my nipples like pasties or modesty patches—whatever they were called. I’m pretty sure nobody wants to see that either, let’s just get this thing over with. Hopefully we can stop by Marcelino’s on the way back. I’m not going to lie, she was right about the food.

  “ Her creamy essence was covering his manhood like a raw comb of honey ripped from a beehive by an anxious bear”…What the fuck?

  “…She clung to his bronze flesh and allowed him to take her over screaming to the gods in pleasure for the gift of passion that she’d received from her demigod lover…” Oh my god who wrote this crap, seriously!

  “Hey Miranda, let’s get moving the meeting starts in thirty minutes!!”

  Well here goes nothing.

  The drive there seemed to take forever, I figured we’d be going to someone’s house for this book club meeting but I was sadly mistaken. After thirty minutes of twists, turns and streetlights I find myself standing outside a sex shop. I can’t help but laugh at the situation, why wouldn’t it be in a place where a person could meet all of their sexual needs in one place. After all it makes sense, someone gets turned on from reading these crazy stories they can just walk over to the nearest shelf and pick up some quick relief off the shelves. It’s amazing what ten minutes and two batteries could do for a person and I was going to see the freak show first hand. I’m going to have to brace myself.

  “Sharae, you never told me that we would were going to be at a sex shop reading the books.”

  “Yeah, I thought that maybe if I told you that then you would change your mind and decide not to come.”

  “And you would be right. I’m not too comfortable with being in a place like this, even for some books.”

  “God Miranda, just come in for a minute and settle down. If you don’t like it, then we’ll leave. Look, you’ve already come all this way, so you may as well just try to follow through. Anyway I’m your ride home so there’s nothing you’re going to be able to do about it anyway.”

  Damn, she’s got you there. You’re stuck.

  “All right, let’s just get this over with ok.”

  As I’m walking in, I’m taking a moment to look at everything around me. This place is plagued with pictures of skinny naked blondes with flat stomachs and double D breasts. Pictures like that usually made me sick, who really wants to see that all of the time? Society makes me sick, perpetuating this idea as if to say anorexia is sexiest thing in the world, and that every guy in the world wants women that looked just like that. It was no wonder why I could never get a date. Even if I saw fit to dye my hair blonde, I still wouldn’t be able to lose a hundred and fifteen pounds overnight to satisfy their needs. Now I’d be forced to sit in a damn room and stare at these false idols of beauty for almost two hours while we read about the same fuckery.

  The leader of the book club was not what I pictured at all. She was a middle aged woman a few inches shorter than me, and by the looks of her she could easily pass for one of the teachers back in Minnesota, or even one of my grandparents. Everyone seemed to flock around this lady as if she had all of the answers, but when I asked Sharae about her credentials she told me that she was the leading sex expert, and even wrote four of the books that the club read. Now to my surprise, that old lady had a lot to talk about, but I was more than ready to go home. That was until the moment that he walked in and completely changed my mind about leaving.

  A tall guy maybe a couple of years older than me with shining brown hair and piercing green eyes walked into the room with a group guys just as hot. They seemed to be pretty well known in the group and most of the girls seemed to flock right to them. To his credit though, he didn’t seem to be too interested in them. He was so damn hot, the kind of guy that I would love to call home about and brag to mom about bringing him home for Christmas dinner.

  “Hey Sharae, who is that?”

  “Ooh Miranda, that is Austin from Austin.” She chuckled.

  “Austin from Austin?”

  “Yeah his parents named him after the city in Texas they were from. Apparently, they are hardcore Texans – super conservative right-wingers. I’ve met them before. Needless to say they’re as backward as their damn political beliefs.”

  Wait she’s met his parents? Ask her that again!

  “You’ve met his parents? Where did you do that?”

  “On campus they came to this big event our business fraternity was having. Since we’re the president and vice president he introduced me to his parents who own some kind of asset recovery business that they plan on having him take over in the next four years.”

  Good God he’s a genius too, and he comes from a family with money! Score!

  “His girlfriend is a complete bitch though.”


  “A girlfriend?”

  “Yeah her name’s Brielle, she’s a complete bitch. One of those stereotypical homecoming queens back home that got everything she wanted and was adored by all. Until she got to college and realized that she wasn’t the only big fish in the pond. So now she’s a real bitch with the worst attitude I’ve ever seen in my life. She heads the sigma alpha nu’s on campus, the bitchiest crew in Greek life.”

  Of course that’s usually how all these stories went. The charming hot guy was always paired up with the bitchy flat stomached big breasted blonde with a shitty attitude. What a way to shade the light that I thought was at the end of this tunnel. As he cleared a path with his crowd to get to a seat I noticed that the only ones that were available were the ones right next to me. Way to dangle a carrot in front of my face that I can’t have. I tried hard not to glance at him but he was so darn cute that I couldn’t help but peek over at him every now and them. As the night continued on I would simultaneously look at him, while we were forced to read passages of this pretty hot story we’d begun reading by a local underground artist. It was starting to loosen me up a little bit and I was having a pretty good time even when I was asked to stand up and read a passage from the story, it really wasn’t that bad and that’s what broke the ice between me and Mr. Hunky Green Eyes.

  “Good job, you really made that story really pop.”

  Is he talking to me? Quick let’s test him say thanks

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m Austin. What’s your name?”

  Dear sweet God what the hell is my name?

  “Miranda, nice to meet you Austin.”

  “Is this your first time here?”

  “Yes, I came with my roommate Sharae”

  “Oh yeah she’s great…”

  Just as I was getting comfortable enough to speak he was called up to the front to read the next passage of the Passion Anthology, completely ruining the flow that I was working on with him. He was so hot and I was appreciative that I could talk to him for those few minutes. It was too bad that he was tied down to a girlfriend because it would be great to get to know a guy like him on a deeper level. From the few minutes I talked to him I could tell that he was a sweet person and had a genuine demeanor to him which I hadn’t seen in too many people in California, other than Sharae. Austin from Austin was just the kind of guy that I could totally see myself having the kind of sex that I always imagined myself having. Just from the look in his eyes I could tell that he was probably a very passionate lover and co
uld probably fulfill my every desire. He also looked like he could possibly be a cuddle type of guy, which was a plus because it meant that he valued the moments that he shared with the person that he was in bed with. Too bad he was tied down.

  The book club meeting seemed to go on forever although we did read an interesting chapter about a woman who’d spent so much time by herself that her only prevalent relationship was the one she had with her dildo she named Thor. She was a loner because she was a plus sized woman and the town where she was from saw that as a disgrace to be a big person, this made her unsuitable for marriage. As a result her toy became the only man in her life for years because no one wanted her. For a moment it felt like something inside of me was struck like a huge bell. This sad woman in the story sounded just like me, almost too much like me. The further we got into the story the sadder it became, no one treated her like a real person, even the ones that sympathized with her didn’t do anything to help her because she wasn’t considered beautiful. But there was a silver lining in the clouds by way of a tall handsome stranger that came to town that every woman thought that they were suitable for. Every woman in town threw themselves at him, hoping he would choose them. While he did bed a few of those women, he never resolved to marry any of them because there was nothing about them that was special enough for him to want to be with them. It wasn’t until the main character bumped into him that he saw something in her that no one else saw and he fell in love with her. As a result she didn’t need her dildo anymore because the man of her dreams had finally come, and as an added bonus the guy happened to be rich so she never wanted for anything ever again.

  Why can’t my life be that interesting? Why can’t my prince charming just walk into my life and sweep me off into my happy ending? Cause right now I’m stuck in the middle of the story still getting poked at. I guess the universe heard me because as the book club came to a close Sharae decided that she wanted to hang around and mingle so she could have some type of network with all of the newcomers that showed up tonight. This left me all alone with nothing else to do but explore the sex shop and all of its novelties. The first thing of course was the rows and rows of dildos and vibrators that were lined across the wall. Every color that you could think of was standing before me, and when I say that I’m not exaggerating there were purple ones, green ones, tan ones, and even camouflaged decorated ones were on the shelves. There was one in every size, and it was more than enough to make event he horniest person blush. To the left of me there was nothing but wall to wall pornos, each had a different subject ranging from several fetishes to wild obsessions. But what caught my eye was the one thing that I never would have thought would be a preference for some consumers…fat girl porn. In this case they called it BWWs or big beautiful women. I had no idea that fluffy girls even did porn, some of those girls were even larger than me, I mean way larger than me. As surprised as I was, I was also kind of impressed by it. There was a market for women that looked like me, and it gave me a sense of hope that I wasn’t an old maid yet and I could find someone that liked me enough to be with me. Just as I reached over to grab one, Sharae called my name and signaled for me to come over. It just so happened that Austin from Austin was standing right next to her. I wish I could say I ran towards their direction, but then I’d be lying—I never ran anywhere.


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