ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories) Page 53

by Jane Prescott

  Denny’s cock is hard against my back, and I let myself loll back as he plays with my breasts and kisses my neck. He is running his fingers up the smooth sides of my body, dripping into the valley between my tits, and his tongue is making the nerve endings in my neck come completely alive and undone. Someone’s moaning pierces the air, and I realize that it’s mine.

  Someone it spreading my legs; a quick glance down reveals that I’s Red, and that his fantastic little ginger head is heading straight towards the apex of my thighs, and that he is spreading me down there, and licking me with his tongue. My breathing quickens as he sucks on me, again and again, and moves his tongue in firm circles on me, and I know I’m making a mess on their clean bed and I just cannot bring myself to care. I can feel Red begin to slip a finger inside of me, and I reach down and take it out.

  “No,” I manage to get out, shaking my head. “I want you. I want it.” My hand reaches out and brushes his erection, and there cannot be any doubt as to which it I’m referring to.

  I’m a warm cradle of life and pink-spread willingness as Red hooks his arms under my thighs and pierces me slowly. He fills me up and I love the feeling of stretching around him. He pushes into me once, twice, and then I tighten my muscles around him, telling him to stop fucking around and just fuck me right already. He grins, and it’s mixed in with a pleasurable groan as I do that, and I know he got my message and loves the way that feels.

  We’re skin into skin as he pushes into me, as Denny grasps both of my breasts with his hands, my nipples peeking out from in between his knuckles, and I’m being bent almost in half by the two men. I feel myself building and building, and I’m threatening to burst into a million pieces, but there’s something missing, something that’s keeping me safely lashed to the ledge—

  Denny slides a warm, lubricated finger directly into my ass.

  And wouldn’t you believe it, that’s what does it for me?

  I’m filled everywhere at once and I scream out as I leap off the ledge and splatter all over their bed.

  God damn.

  It takes just a little while longer, but I don’t mind, still shuddering in the aftermath of my glorious coming, and then Red joins me. Warm liquid erupting from him, he tilts his head back and the veins on his neck strain as he groans his pleasure aloud. And when he collapses onto my bare chest, a familiar wave of tenderness fills me.

  And then, when Denny crawls over and begins to kiss him awake, a very different wave comes over me. I am pissed. I do not want Bambi touching my man. And that’s when I realize I’ve had a niggling feeling in me ever since Red mentioned his boyfriend, ever since I laid eyes on Denny.

  Well, actually, it’s two feelings.

  One is that I want Denny’s hands off of Red. I want to be the only one stroking Red’s hair like that, whispering “baby” into the delicate whorl of his ear. Which actually leads me to my second point, and it’s one I’m not ready to say aloud anywhere but here just yet.

  I’m still in love with Red.

  And I’ll do anything to get him back.


  Falling for the Billionaire

  The young girl sat there for what seemed like forever and stared up at the huge building. It was one of the skyscrapers that she had always dreamed of working at. She finally graduated this past year and was off to her first interview as an educated young woman. Although it was not her dream job after studying for four long years to get her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, becoming a paralegal at the firm Paterson & Dunbar would definitely bring in a lot more income and freedom than waiting tables at the pizza joint down the street. Paterson & Dunbar was an outstanding firm that was renowned for the cases they took. They didn’t take your run-of-the-mill, slap-them-on-the-wrist cases. The firm only took the ones that nobody else could handle, the really big crimes. One thing that she did find out though, was that they were very selective in what cases they chose to represent. They almost never did serial killers and only took the case if they believed the person to be innocent. In the newspaper she had read how James Paterson had once said they were in it to prove the innocence of victims, not for the money brought in from the case.

  Jason Paterson and Matthew Dunbar didn’t need the money that they brought in from the cases. They were both born with silver spoons in their mouth. They had apparently grown up together in Ivy League and went on to law school together. Their paths had been set out way before they entered into high school. They both had known what they wanted to do when they joined the debate club in sixth grade. That is where they met and began a friendship that would stand through time. They didn’t know what it was like to struggle and work for rent or to buy groceries. They were the kind of people that Melissa Jones generally stayed away from. They were the frat boys in college who teased her about her big boobs. They were the football players from high school who put frogs in her locker. They were the type of men she couldn’t stand. They were the reason she had stayed away from dating for the most part. She had a few dates and she was definitely no virgin, but she would rather stay home with her Haagen Dazs and watch Grey’s Anatomy reruns on her couch any day.

  Melissa wasn’t exactly fat by any means, but she didn’t have what today’s society would call a perfect figure either. Her stomach was a little rounded and she didn’t wear a single digit size in jeans. She hated shopping, which she knew was unlike most women today. When she had to go into the plus-size section for shirts, she often hid between the racks. Her breasts were well above average size and she was often teased in school about getting a black eye. She never wore anything low cut because she knew she would just fall right out of the shirt.

  Today she wore a straight black pencil skirt that reached her knees. It wasn’t skin tight, but it didn’t look frumpy either. It was her favorite one because it made her look thin. She paired it with a light purple button down blouse. It wasn’t anything too fancy but it did compliment her dark hair well. Her hair was her best feature she thought. It laid in dark waves down her back to her waist. She had cut it once when she was in middle school just to see what it would like and she remembered the horrible experience. It made her already round face look like a balloon. She hated it and waited impatiently for it to grow back out. Today she had on her favorite heels as well. They were about 3 inches tall which helped enhance her height, as she measured only 5’4”.

  Melissa took a deep breath and started forward into the building and the waiting interview. She didn’t know who she would be meeting with, but she knew the position was for a low level paralegal to one of the 6th floor attorneys. She walked through the front doors to see a long counter that stood for the desk. It was beautiful and marble topped. There was a young pretty blonde that sat behind the desk who smiled at her as she walked forward.

  “Hello welcome to Paterson and Dunbar. How can I help you?”

  “Uh, hi. I’m here for an interview. I’m a little early though.”

  “Ok. What’s your name?”

  “Melissa Jones.”

  “Ok. Give me one second and I’ll find out where you need to go.”

  “Ok. Thank You.” She turned around and sat in one of the chairs to the side. She knew it might take a couple minutes.

  “Hello Patricia. How are you?” Melissa’s head poked up at the deep voice she heard. There he was - Mr. Jason Paterson walking out from the elevator. He had on a dark crisp suit of black with a light blue shirt underneath. His hair was dark and came to the tops of his ears in waves. It was silky and she imagined dreams of herself running her hands through it. She mentally shook herself and almost blushed when he turned his dark blue eyes in her direction. “Have you been helped my dear?” He walked over to stand in front of her. She had to lean back just to be able to look up and see his face.

  “Oh, Yes. Yes sir thank you.” She knew she blushed then which made the smile on his face broaden even more.

  “Are you looking for representation?”

  “No sir. I am here for a job

  “Ok. What’s your name?”

  “Melissa Jones.”

  “Well Ms. Jones, you have a good day and good luck on that interview.”

  “Thank you.” She barely got the words out as he lifted her hand and grazed the back of it with his lips. There was a jolt of electricity and as she looked into his eyes she saw a twinkle in them. He winked before releasing her hand and walking towards the door. She thought he threw a goodbye to Patricia but couldn’t be sure. She was too busy rubbing the back of her hand where he had kissed it. It was burning from his touch.

  “Sixth floor. They’re expecting you.” The blonde was standing in front of her with her hands on her hips. Her attitude had changed completely. Flipping her hair around, she floated across the floor with a provocative sway to her hips until she reached the desk again.

  Melissa walked to the elevator and pushed the “up” button to. Thankfully it was completely empty. She wasn’t too fond of closed-in spaces. Her hand shook as she hit the button with the big number 6 and felt the whole compartment shake a minute before ascending upwards.

  She heard the “ding” and almost ran out of the elevator. Unfortunately her mind was faster than her feet, and the toe of her shoe caught on the edge of the elevator propelling her in a tumble forward. She waited for the impact to hit her in the face but instead she felt two large hands circle the top of her arms and lift her up before she slammed into the shiny marble floor.

  As she stood up vertical once more she looked up into a breathtaking and grinning face. The man was as breathtaking as the one she was just daydreaming about. He had longer hair however that reached down to the top of his shoulders. It was straight and a dirty blonde looking color. Her hands were gripped on his biceps and she felt the muscles through the thin fabric of his suit. She realized that she was staring at him and watched as his dark brown eyes crinkled on the sides with the widening of his smile. She quickly let go of his arm and wiped her hands down the front of her shirt and skirt to try and steady their sudden shakiness. When she looked back up he was still standing there smiling at her.

  “Um. Thank you.”

  “You are very welcome Miss…..”

  “Oh, Ms. Jones. Melissa Jones.” She put her hand out to shake his but he did the unexpected and gently took her hand into his own. She felt his thumb caress the top of her hand as he smiled a devilish grin in her direction.

  “The pleasure is all mine. You must be a client. I know if you worked here then I would have noticed you way before now.” His dark brown eyes shone with his laughter. They were dark and she could have sworn that it was desire that was shining back at her. She mentally shook her head. Something must be wrong with her. There was no way in hell that two gorgeous and apparently rich men would be interested in this frumpy girl next door. She smiled as she pulled her hand from his.

  “Actually I am here for an interview.”

  “Oh…” They both jumped, as suddenly Fuel from Metallica blared from his pocket. Whispering an apology quickly he pulled his phone out. With a sigh he flipped it open and held up his pointer finger up for her to wait. “Yeah Jase, what’s wrong now? Actually I just ran into her. Really? Well I think I need an assistant too. Well ok. I will do the first interview then.”

  Melissa stayed still as she heard them talking. They must be hiring for more than one position at the moment. She looked down at her watch and was instantly worried. She may have been early to the appointment, but if she didn’t get away from this man then she was going to be late for her interview and there would go her job. She needed this job and she didn’t think she could stand another week of “oodles and noodles” or “spaghetti-o’s”. She spent all of her savings on rent for the last couple months and food. Her student loans would be coming due soon. She gently tried to sneak past him as he laughed with whoever was on the phone. His eyes suddenly tracked back to her and he smiled again. As she tried to scoot past him she pasted a smile on her face. Suddenly his arm shot out and snatched her arm. He turned and started back into the elevator bringing her with him. Her eyes widened when his other hand shot out and hit the button for the 15th floor. It was the highest floor in the building.

  Melissa felt the elevator jerk and gasped as she frantically gripped the railing. His eyes coasted over to hers. She didn’t hear what he said, but she saw him put the phone back into his pocket. Apparently his call was over. She wanted to yell at him that he probably just cost her the job she so desperately needed, but she was too busy watching the numbers light up one at a time. She felt him pull her closer to him and his hand gently caressed her arm. She watched his hand run gently up and down her arm and felt goose bumps raise on her flesh. If he felt them he didn’t say anything as they rose to the 14th floor and the elevator jerked to a complete stop. His other and dipped into the pocket on the opposite side of his jacket and he pulled out a card that resembled one of the ones you get at a hotel room. She watched as he slid it into a slot she hadn’t even noticed was there. The elevator jerked again and they quickly rose to the next floor.

  She quickly stepped from the elevator and took a deep breath. She was so thankful to finally be on solid ground that she almost forgot about her interview. Shit! She looked at her watch and saw that she was now ten minutes late. Her shoulders sunk as she realized this was another wasted stop. She turned to face the arrogant man who had taken the job from her.

  “Thanks a lot buddy. Now I am too late to get to my interview. Just because you are cute doesn’t give you the right to go around and manhandle people. What gives you the right? Who the hell are you anyway?” She stood there with her hands on her waist and raised her chin so she would have to look down her nose at him. She didn’t give him a chance to answer her, but instead turned and gave him her back. “What am I going to do now? That was my last interview this week. If I keep going I’ll be in the damn shelter in the next couple weeks. Great, looks like serving pizza it is. Uh! I hate dealing with food.” She paced back and forth as she mumbled to herself about her dire circumstances.

  Matthew Dunbar watched the woman pace back and forth. His eyes were instantly drawn to her breasts which were huge and ripe. They heaved with her anxiety and rose like they were offering themselves to him. They looked so delicious his mouth was literally drooling at the corner. He wanted her - badly. He By the way his partner, Jason, was talking, he did as well. They had both decided against assistants due to not wanting to have to deal with women at work. They were not oblivious to their good looks and charm. Quite the opposite since they used it on a number of occasions to their advantage. He was fortunate that he ran into Melissa the same day as Jase did because they both wanted her. They both needed an assistant, and she would have a choice to make.

  “Well, my dear, while I thank you for the compliment, the position that you were applying for is no longer available.” He let this sink in as he watched the crestfallen expression cover her face. “However, I do have an alternative position that is still available.”

  She looked up at him with hopeful eyes. “Ok. What is it for? Please don’t say janitor.”

  His head fell back as he bellowed with laughter. “No, my dear. You see Jason Paterson and I, we both have a need for an assistant. It seems that you would be perfect for the position. What do you think?”

  “Um…, first, who are you?”

  His smile widened even more. “Well, where are my manners? Matthew Dunbar, at your service.” He bowed elegantly in front of her.

  Melissa’s mouth hung open until she realized it and then it snapped shut. “I don’t think I am qualified for an executive assistant position.” The words were quietly spoken in a voice that was much higher in pitch than her normal speaking was.

  “Oh, I beg to differ, my dear. You have the perfect resume for it. You are more than qualified with your schooling and you definitely have the personality for it. How about this: I will give you a tour of where you will be working and we will go over what your responsibilities are. I als
o spoke with Jase about salary and we both agreed five per week. How does that sound to you?”

  “Five hundred dollars a week? That’s great.” She could finally eat well and maybe move into a decent apartment instead of the little studio she stayed in. Maybe she should give it a try.

  “Although that would be better for our pocket, the position does not pay five hundred dollars a week.”

  “Oh?” She wore the same crestfallen look for the second time in thirty minutes.

  “No, my dear. It pays five thousand a week. You will be an executive assistant to two of the busiest attorneys in the city. You will not be working on one of the lower floors. Your pay will be much higher than the position you applied for.”

  Melissa felt the lump appear in her throat as her eyes bugged almost out of their sockets. Was this guy for real? There was no way in the world she could turn it down. “I’ll take it.” She blurted the words out without thinking and then looked at the devilish twinkle in his eyes. Lord, what did she get herself into? She would be working for two magnificent looking men and she could just imagine what the torture was going to be like being close to them without touching them.


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