ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories) Page 75

by Jane Prescott

  I suppose having lost her parents, and being of an age where she can understand what that could mean to her family, she is simply ensuring she will be safe and secure in a manner that she is used to. I cannot blame her for that, though it does make me wonder if her future husband is pushing her to ask such questions. That perhaps is mean of me to assume, I have never met cousin Guy and I am sure he is of good character, otherwise the Duke would not approve.

  I will soon find out, as I wait outside the dining room for the butler to announce my arrival. He ushers me in, and I take a different seat to where I sat on my first shared dinner with the family. Lord Guy is seated on one side of the Duke, with Harriet on the other side. I am placed at the end of the table with the girls, and little Laurence is seated next to Lord Guy. Rather extraordinary, but I am told later, by Harriet, that she had arranged the seating positions. This registered in my mind as a lesson to cover, the delicate etiquette of seating at the dining table. I hoped that Laurence would not spill anything over the handsome young man seated next to him.

  And a handsome young man he is. Before I am even introduced to him, I am struck by his good looks. Not that I am want to seek the attentions of the opposite sex, for I had vowed to myself that I would love or desire no other, after Peter’s passing. Though, I must admit that this man would turn any woman’s head. Lord Guy is of tall stature with square, handsome features. He exhumes a masculinity that a female can pick up from the other end of a dining table. I was very taken by him and could understand Harriet agreeing to the marriage.

  For the first time, I also noted the age difference. Lord Guy is nearer my own age than he is Harriet’s, but that is not unusual in arranged marriages.

  I am much now much more comfortable dining with the family, and thoroughly enjoy the chatter throughout the meal. Lord Guy tells us some frivolous tale of a recent experience of his, and he tells his stories with great humor. Even the Duke was entertained. I am very impressed with Lord Guy Copley, and dare I admit, my stomach is a flutter whenever he speaks.

  After dinner we continue in the parlor, and I am better introduced to him. Our closeness brings about a blush upon my cheeks, which I am not impressed with, whatsoever. I hope he does not notice and I step back to part myself from the family, a little.

  When finally I arrive at my room, my heart is pumping wildly, and my mind is in a dithering confusion. Whatever is the matter with me? Am I coming down with something? Surely this could not be my reaction to meeting a handsome young man? Yet, I think it is. I cannot help but admit to myself that I am quite taken with Lord Guy. Whatever shall I do?

  My first decision is to avoid him, all I can. This has never happened to me before and I do not understand why I am such a withering idiot. I must remind myself, I am there only to assist Lady Harriet, I must stop this nonsense and try everything I can to avoid being in the same room as Lord Guy. Hopefully, this silliness will pass.

  Chapter 6

  Despite my determination not to be in the company of Lord Guy, my plans are dashed when the Duke insists that I chaperone Lady Harriet and Lord Guy around the gardens, on a short walk. It appears that this year the family is to have the wedding, and next year Lady Mary is “coming out,” in London, as she will be sixteen years old. I have a busy couple of years ahead of me, although I hope the Duke will employ personal maids for them both, so I can continue teaching the other children.

  Today I am to meet with Lord Guy first, and we are to collect Lady Harriet for the walk.

  “Harriet is lucky to have so beautiful a governess for her teachings. My own was a monster,” he laughs as he speaks to me, upon our greeting.

  I was unsure how to take his remark, realizing that he was obvious forward speaking. I merely ignored it with a curt smile. He should not be paying other ladies compliments when he is courting, surely?

  “I am arranging a trip to Bath, for myself and Harriet, and you are to come along with us. Once she has chosen a personal maid, then I’m sure you chaperoning days of Lady Harriet will cease. Meanwhile, you are stuck with my company,” he informs me.

  “I find your company pleasing, Sir,” I reply, courteously.

  Never before has a man had such an effect on me. My knees are trembling and I cannot seem to hide my blushing. I find Lord Guy Copley a most attractive figure. He seems to be the kind of person that stands close to another, whenever he speaks to them, or is he just doing that to me? I can smell the masculine aroma from his body and almost feel the heat emanating from his skin. This is very uncomfortable, finding Lady Harriet’s intended so attractive. What am I to do?

  We set off through the front door whilst he continues his conversation with me, mainly with regards to our trip to Bath. We walk around the grounds, close to the house, and collect Lady Harriet from the French doors, to the library.

  “There you are,” she squeals, most giddily.

  Although she did not really note my presence, nonetheless, I nod my head with a smile to greet her. Marrying such a handsome young man is giving the young lady airs and graces, which I suppose she rightly deserves. Should I be marrying such a handsome catch, I think I would also be giddy with romance in my heart, too.

  Lady Harriet hooks her arm into his, and we set off strolling along the pathway around the lake. I trail behind, as is fitting. I think of them as rather an odd couple. He comes across as quite mature and clearly experienced with the opposite sex. Whereas I am aware that Lady Harriet can be rather immature, and almost childish in her behavior. I suppose marriage will help her to grow up quickly, so I should not wish maturity upon her.

  Occasionally, I catch Lord Guy looking at me. At first I think it is just my imagination, but it happens too many times. I have been told, by relatives, that I have rather fetching features, almost exquisite. My mother was beautiful as a girl, so my father often tells me. Although, she is still rather stunning in her later years. My fiancé also used to call me beautiful, but then one would expect the man you are pledged to marry, to be attracted to you somewhat, especially as we were marrying out of love.

  “Must we end our walk, Guy?” Lady Harriet pleads with him as he returns her to the open French doors of the library.

  “My love, we will spend much time together on our trip to Bath, and Miss Blackwood will kindly chaperone us everywhere,” he says, kissing the back of her hand.

  She still pays no attention to me, as if I were not there. I was surprised that Lord Guy had mentioned me, as if he were thanking me. It was my place to do as per instructed, I was not volunteering. In truth, I would rather stay behind and do my correct role as a governess, but it is only temporary and I do not wish to spoil Lady Harriet’s fun.

  We then continue to walk back the way we had come. I wonder why he has not simply joined Lady Harriet in the library, instead of walking me back to the front door. The thought of the few more moments that we have alone, along with his flattering words, causes the butterflies in my stomach to flip uncontrollably.

  Chapter 7

  My mind is all of a fluster at the meeting of Lord Guy, and I’m so caught up in my thoughts that I was completely taken by surprise when I heard his voice, next to me.

  “I hope we can get to know one another better on our trip to Bath, Rosalind,” he says to me, startling me.

  I quickly turn to face him, “I do apologize sir; I was daydreaming and you startled me a little,” I reply, really wishing he was not with me, for my heart is beating like a wild drum.

  “Nay, it is I who should apologize, Madam,” he says, quite sincerely. “It was not my intention to startle you, I merely wish to get to know you better. After all, we will be seeing a lot of each other over the next few months.”

  “Yes, it will be good to get to know Lady Harriet’s intended,” I dare to say, causing a flush to my cheeks.

  Everything in my head tells me to stop my nonsense, but my heart is ruling my head, and nothing is making any sense when I am around this charming man.

  “Well, that will be one
less in the classroom for you,” he remarks at Lady Harriet no longer needing a governess.

  “I understand you live in Derby, Lord Guy?” I question, desperate to change the conversation.

  “A beautiful part of the country, very suited for a beautiful woman like yourself, Rosalind, you really must visit.”

  This was more than an attempt at polite conversation, he was flirting with me, and as much as I am enjoying the experience, it really has to stop.

  “Lord Guy, please do not say those words, they are not fitting,” I stutter, unsure how to behave.

  “I apologize, once again, Rosalind. I just think that you have the most stunning features, and you carry yourself so daintily. I cannot help if my heart misses a beat at the sight of such a beauty, now can I?”

  Should I run? That would draw attention to us. Perhaps I should slap his face hard, for being impertinent, but I do like his words, so that would be rather hypocritical of me. The truth is, I find this man equally as attractive as he says he finds me, but I cannot say anything of this to him.

  “Do forgive me, Rosalind. I forget myself. I am used to being a single man, and here I am, marrying out of an agreement with the family, rather than love. I’m sure in time I will learn to love my wife to be, but for now, we have nothing in common.”

  “Oh dear, my Lord, and Lady Harriet is so deeply in love with you,” I say, though probably inappropriately. “I do hope you try your very best to hide your present feelings.”

  “That problem is for another day,” he replies as he continues to walk me to the front door. “Meanwhile, I cannot help it when I see a beautiful woman, and I am attracted to her, as I am to you. I am not married yet, Rosalind.”

  Whatever does he mean by that, I wonder?

  “I hardly think compliments to the paid staff are appropriate, Sir. If you don’t mind my saying so?” I have to put a stop to it. Should he be overheard, I would lose my position. “I know you mean well, Lord Guy, but I cannot allow you to risk being overheard, and other’s gossiping that you are a woman chaser. Goodness knows what they would say about me.”

  “You are quite right,” he agrees, moving away from his close proximity to me. “I will be more careful, but do not think that I have abandoned my sights for you. I promise I will behave myself in the company of others. I would never wish to harm you in any way. However, I am overwhelmed by your beauty. You must have many men chasing you for your hand.”

  “Indeed I do not, Sir,” I’m not sure if I feel insulted at such a judgement. “I am sure you mean well, Sir, but I do not seek the attentions of men, I assure you.”

  “No, No,” he stops walking, once again, and smiles down at me. “I did not mean it in that way. I can see you are an honorable woman. I say inappropriate things because I am attracted to you. I will behave, I promise,” he says, putting his hand on his heart.

  We part ways as we climb the steps to the front door. I am to teach music shortly, but first I must go to my room and calm down. With every word he speaks to me, my heart skips a beat. I am also attracted to him and trying my hardest to keep it hidden. What have I let myself in for?

  Chapter 8

  Whilst Lady Harriet was most excited on the morning we were setting off to Bath, the other children were quite jealous. They too would like an adventure. A coach ride was seen as a great excitement, but it wasn’t just that, I was going too, so that meant no lessons. They were just getting used to their new routine, and now they complained that they had nothing to do. I was kind of pleased with this, as it surely indicated my success with them. Even the Duke had remarked at how the children were moaning about missing their lessons, and this fills me with a confidence that, at least in one area of my life, I am successful. If they only knew that I also wished to stay behind and teach the children rather than be in the company of Lord Guy. It is not something I am looking forward too. I simply cannot control my emotions around him. He raises my temperature and speeds up the beat of my heart. It really will not do.

  Lady Harriet ignores me on the journey; her attention is firmly focused on her beau. I sit opposite them in the private carriage, feeling a little uncomfortable, almost as if I’m intruding. She tries to kiss Guy, but he will have none of it. When he reminds her that they are in the company of her governess and companion, she merely frowns at him, not even looking in my direction. Despite her ignoring me, I know that she will follow any instructions I give her with regards to her being chaperoned. She has been raised correctly and will do nothing that brings shame on her family. Other than the role of being her chaperone, I am nonexistent in her eyes. I find this rather sad as the other children seem to have a warmed to me much more, and have accepted my role within the family, wholeheartedly. Lady Harriet has her eyes set only on her own personal ambitions and is determined to have things her way. I admire such a determination in a person, but not when it leads to selfishness. Unfortunately, I would say that she is quite a selfish young lady. If her relationship with her intended is to bloom, then she will need to change her outlook somewhat.

  Our journey is to be long and arduous, with two nights staying in traveling inns. The first stop goes quickly by, though the meal is not very good. Upon the next day’s journey, Lady Harriet starts to feel unwell, just as we arrive at our second inn. I share a room with her, so it is easy for me to care for her, and it also means I did not see much of Lord Guy, to my relief.

  On the third day, after a long hard day’s travel, we eventually ride into Bath. We approach our hotel down a long hill that is covered in thick fog. What I can see is a long terrace of tall buildings on either side of us. It is spectacular. I have never been to Bath, myself, but have heard it is a grand city. Lord Guy had suggested that as Lady Harriet no longer needed to spend the season in London, then they should go to Bath for the ‘Little Season’. Thankfully, this is in the autumn months, rather than the cold winter, and it certainly makes traveling easier. Also, we would only be staying a week, which isn’t too much of an upheaval.

  Poor Lady Harriet has struggled to cope with the final day’s journey. She is developing a fever, and we soon have her in a bed, once at the hotel. Despite her illness, she is disappointed that she cannot attend any of the balls, immediately. She has brought many fine dresses with her for just such an occasion. In her sickness, she does at least appreciate my companionship better, not wanting to be left alone with her misery. She insists that she does not wish for Lord Guy to see her in such a disheveled state, which suits me fine.

  For the first few days, I stay by her bedside all of the day, and many hours into each evening. It seems as if she does not improve much at the beginning. On the third day, I must look very tired, as Lord Guy offers me a swift stroll in the fresh air of Sydney Gardens. He assures me it is not far from our tree lined road. Frankly, I am quite pleased to get outside as the rooms of the hotel, although luxurious, are beginning to stifle me a little.

  As we walk, there is much gaiety around us. It seems to me that the entire upper class is congregating in Bath, possibly before they move on to London, for the season.

  “I am thinking of buying a house in Bath, for Harriet,” Lord Guy informs me.

  “I think Lady Harriet will be thrilled at such news, particularly as she cannot enjoy the balls at the moment,” I reply.

  “And you, Rosalind, do you like to dance?” he asks me.

  I gulp, not wanting to answer, “I’m not much of a dancer, or a socializer, in all honesty, Lord Guy. However, I will be happy to attend with Lady Harriet, when she is ready for a ball.”

  “I was thinking more of how you and I would look, dancing together,” he persists. “I’m glad of this opportunity to spend a moment with you. You are so dedicated to Harriet, that I think you have forgotten I am a part of this party.”

  “Lord Guy, forgive me,” I say, unsure how to deal with his personal comments. “I do not welcome your attentions and would prefer that you concentrate on Lady Harriet.”

  “I will not push you, Rosal
ind, as I do not wish to appear rude,” he says to me, and my heart misses a few beats. “However, I cannot hide my attraction to you, and I am heartily glad of this moment in time that I am getting to spend with you. I can tell you, once again, how beautiful you are.”

  “Lord Guy, I must be getting back,” I say, conscious of a tremor in my voice.

  We are in a secluded part of the gardens, obscured from view to others in the area. I had not realized we had walked this way. He steps closer to me, his body almost touching mine. Reaching out he gently strokes his fingers over my cheek. The touch of his skin on mine sends an involuntary shudder of pleasure through me.

  “I know you feel the same as I do, Rosalind, I can see it in your eyes, in your face, in your lips. I know that are willing me to kiss them.”

  I am completely mesmerized by his words, I want to turn my head away from him, but I can’t. His head moves closer to mine, his lips hover over my lips and I can do nothing, but wait in anticipation. When his mouth presses against mine, despite my good senses telling me to push him away, I do nothing other than willingly accept his passionate kiss.


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