Enticing Ian (Knight Security 5)

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Enticing Ian (Knight Security 5) Page 10

by Carole Mortimer

  She hadn’t been with anyone else in the past three years. She might not know a lot about lovemaking, but she knew enough to know what she and Ian shared was special. That whether Ian realized it or not, whether he was willing to admit it or not, their responses to each other, the physical compatibility they had shared from the first, was rare and amazing. Even though Ian was no longer in her life, Evie hadn’t been willing to accept second best. That wouldn’t have been fair to the other man or her.

  It wasn’t special or rare enough for Ian to stay with me, a little voice taunted inside her head.

  Go away, she instantly retaliated.

  She wasn’t a fool. Nor was she about to lie to herself. She and Ian had here and now. Evie was willing to accept that, because she had no choice but to do so.

  “Only you,” she repeated softly.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom. I want you lying down when I lick and eat the cream from your pussy.” Ian swung her up into his arms to stride down the hallway to her bedroom.

  Evie watched him through half-closed lids as he placed her on the bed before taking off his own jeans and boxers. His cock stood up thick and long from the thatch of dark curls at its base.

  “Lift up,” Ian instructed before pulling off Evie’s jeans. “I thought so.” He devoured her with his eyes as he looked at the pink thong she was wearing. Her bare mound was visible either side of the thin ribbon of lace. “That stays on for the moment.” He moved onto the bed to kneel between her parted thighs before pulling that scrap of material to one side to reveal her pussy in all its naked glory.

  Her labia were so flushed and swollen, he could clearly see the slickness of her vulva, the red nubbin above peeping out from beneath its protection hood.

  Mine, came the unbidden thought.

  Mine for now, he instantly corrected as he lifted Evie’s legs and placed one over each of his shoulders before lowering his head and taking full possession of her pussy with his mouth.

  It was sexy as hell as he continued to hold that lace aside as he greedily licked and lapped up the cream from Evie’s release. Sweet and salty. Just the way he remembered it. Remembered her. Evie’s taste was unique to her, more sweet than salty. As she was.

  Had been, he corrected ruefully. This Evie felt no compunction about putting him firmly in his place when she took exception to something he said or did.

  “Have you gone on strike down there?”

  Or something he didn’t do.

  He gave her a hard grin before parting the slick rose of her pussy lips with his fingers, hearing the hitch in Evie’s breath as he slowly stroked his tongue in and out of the tightness of her sheath. Seeking out and finding that sensitive knot of nerves inside her.

  “Ian. Oh God, Ian.” Her fingers clutched at the bedcovers beneath her as she arched her hips up to meet those moist thrusts.

  “I want to see you when you come.” He sat back on his haunches to watch two of his fingers thrusting in and out of her grasping pussy, using his other hand to stroke and manipulate her swollen clit until it throbbed and pulsed beneath those caresses. “Come for me now, Evie,” he instructed firmly, thrusting his fingers deeper than before as he used his other hand to pinch her clit.

  The sensation of Evie’s second release was so intense, she became lost in a swirling vortex of emotions. The pleasure was so intense, it bordered on pain, seeming as if it turned her inside out and then pulled her back again.

  And all the time it did, Ian watched her, satisfaction gleaming in those dark and fathomless eyes.

  Evie was too lost in the pleasure to feel in the least vulnerable. Or to do more than groan as Ian removed her thong and then rolled a condom onto his cock before placing the swollen tip questioningly against her pussy lips. Her answer was to lift her hips and take that mushroomed top completely inside her. “More,” she encouraged as he held himself back.

  Ian wished he didn’t have to wear a condom, would much rather have felt the bare wet heat of Evie’s sheath wrapped around his cock.

  She was so hot that heat permeated even the latex as he pushed slowly inside her, stretching her until she had taken the full length of him inside her. “Okay?” He moved down to lean on his elbows so that he could frame her face with his hands as he looked deeply into those sapphire-colored eyes. “Not too much?”

  She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms about his shoulders. “It’s perfect.”

  That was how Ian felt too. This, being inside Evie, was fucking perfect. Unimagined bliss. Over the years, he had wondered if his memory had exaggerated how good it felt to be with Evie like this. It hadn’t. His cock could have been sculpted to fit perfectly inside her, the walls of her sheath contracting and relaxing to draw him even deeper as he began to thrust his hips slowly forward, and then pulled back with that same slow excruciating pleasure.

  “Look at us.” He had lifted up to gaze down to where their bodies were joined, the dark thatch of his pubic hair appearing even darker against her bare and baby-soft mons. Watching his own cock slowly enter that slick flesh, stretching her, possessing her, was the most erotic thing he had ever seen in his life. “Look, Evie,” he encouraged gruffly as he pulled one of the pillows beneath her head so that she could sit up higher still.

  Evie stared down and watched as Ian’s wet cock slowly withdrew from the swollen lips of her vulva. She gasped as he thrust back forcefully, stretching and filling her almost to the point of pain. That silky hardness stroked against her exposed clit with every powerful thrust.

  She could feel her climax starting to build inside her as Ian continued those slow and leisurely thrusts, filling her completely before slowly withdrawing and leaving her feeling empty and longing for more. Over and over again, until Evie didn’t think she could stand the torment another moment longer.

  “Stop teasing me, damn you.” She hit his shoulders with her clenched hands.

  “Tell me what you want, Evie.” His wet tongue swirled across and around her hardened nipples. “Say it out loud.”

  “Stop playing and take me!”

  “Say it, Evie.” His muscles were taut, his jaw clenched as he held himself poised above her. “Tell me exactly what you want. How you want it.”

  “I want you,” she groaned. “Taking me. Hard.”

  “Whatever you want.” His eyes glittered darkly as his hands moved to grasp her hips, his mouth claiming hers while his thrusts grew stronger and deeper.

  Each drag of his cock over and against that sensitized knot of nerves inside her caused Evie to groan and quake, and she strained beneath him to get closer still. Reaching for, demanding their release, while he continued to hold it just out of their grasp.

  Ian gasped as Evie broke the kiss to bite down on his shoulder, the rhythm of their joining instantly becoming wild, out of control. Flesh slapped against flesh. Muscles straining as they both hurtled toward their climax.

  That release hit with the force of a tsunami as Ian’s cock hardened and then began to pulse its hot seed.

  The storm of their mutual release swept all behind it, giving Evie no choice but to ride the crest of that wave as it took her higher and higher before hurling her into the vortex.

  Chapter 10

  “Jesus, Evie, you scared the shit out of me.” Ian was staring worriedly at Evie’s face when her lids fluttered open seconds later. “I thought I’d killed you.”

  She chuckled tiredly. “Is it possible to die from too much pleasure? If so, I’m dead.”

  “You feel very much alive to me,” Ian assured her as he lay down beside her and pulled her snugly into his arms. Evie instantly buried her face against his chest. “But you had me worried there for a minute or two.” The same two minutes he had used to dispose of the condom and wipe the excess cum off his only slightly deflated cock. He could go again, but he didn’t think Evie was up to another out-of-body experience quite yet.

  He wasn’t sure he was either, despite the enthusiasm of his cock. He had never come so much and so hard in his
life before. Once it started, it just kept coming, seeming to be dragged up from his balls in red-hot spurts that had threatened to blow the top of his head off.

  Because this wasn’t the Evie he had known. This was a different, more aggressive and demanding Evie. It had been as if a bomb had gone off inside him when she sank her tiny white teeth into his shoulder and didn’t let go. The pleasure and the pain had sent shock waves through his whole body, and he had just kept pumping and pumping inside her until he realized she had stilled beneath him.

  That had never happened before.

  They had never been that aggressive with each other before.

  “Ooh ouch.” Evie ran her fingertips lightly over the teeth marks on his shoulder. “Did I do that?” Her face was red with embarrassment.

  “The new and bad Evie did. The good Evie would never have done such a thing.” He looked at her blushing face. “Which one are you now?”

  “Does it hurt?” she avoided answering him.

  “Yes.” No point in lying. Evie had bitten him so hard, she had broken the skin. It hurt like a motherfucker and was going to leave a bruise in the shape of Evie’s teeth. Maybe even a scar.

  “Then right now I’m the contrite Evie.” She pulled out of his arms to sit up. “Should I get some antiseptic to put on it?”

  His brows rose. “Do you have rabies?”

  “I’m pretty sure I don’t, no.”

  “Then it’s fine.”


  “I was shot at on a regular basis in the army,” he dismissed. “I’ve been shot several times in the last five years too. A couple of them even put me in the hospital for a few days.”

  Evie had noticed several scars on his body that hadn’t been there before, noticeably one on his back and another on his left pectoral muscle. “Why do you do it?” She trailed her fingertips across the ragged edges of that scar.

  He shrugged. “Someone has to fight the bad guys.”

  She smiled slightly. “That’s your superhero complex talking.”

  “If you say so.”

  Evie looked at him searchingly, sensing there was more behind that comment but knowing better than to ask Ian what it was. He had never liked talking about himself. She only knew of his five cousins, the four Knight brothers and their married sister, because Ian worked with the former. He’d also admitted that both his parents were still alive, but Evie knew he rarely visited them. She sensed there was more behind that too but knew better than to pry. She knew from experience Ian would only shut her out completely if she tried to probe too deeply into a subject he had made it clear he would rather not talk about.

  She gave a self-conscious chuckle as her stomach chose that moment to rumble hungrily. “I think it’s time we fed a different appetite.” She climbed off the bed to pull on her robe before tying the belt securely about her waist. “Do you still like your eggs over easy and your bacon crisp?”

  “And plenty of—”

  “Well-cooked toast,” she finished knowingly and then regretted it as she saw the sudden wariness in Ian’s eyes. She gave an impatient shake of her head. “It’s all right for you to know every inch of my body and for me to know every inch of yours, but not that you like your toast just shy of burned?”

  Ian admitted it did sound pretty stupid, and yet, for a moment there, he’d balked at Evie knowing him well enough to remember how he liked his eggs, bacon, and toast.

  It was totally illogical after the intimacies the two of them had shared only minutes ago.

  And yet those feelings of panic had still been there, however briefly.

  “After we’ve eaten, I’m going down to Canary Wharf to find the warehouse belonging to the Fescaru family.”

  Ian scowled at the mere idea of Evie walking into that viper’s den. “And how do you intend doing that?”

  “I’m pretty sure their warehouse will be the one with the armed and muscle-bound men standing guard outside.”

  “Oh, very funny.” Ian scowled as he sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his boxers and jeans before standing up. “You aren’t going anywhere. I’m going to make some inquiries, learn exactly what the setup is there, and then I’m going to talk to the Fescarus on your behalf.”

  Her chin rose. “I don’t think so.”

  “You aren’t thinking at all.” His hands were clenched at his sides. “As you weren’t the night you walked so innocently into Utopia.” He shuddered to think what might have happened if he hadn’t been there and Nikolai had. He very much doubted Volkov would have made allowances for Evie’s aggressive naiveté as Ian had. “Evie, let me do this for you.” He forced a reasoning tone. “I know how to talk to these people.” Maybe. The Fescarus were a law—or not—unto themselves.

  Evie knew Ian was only trying to protect her, and in a way, it was sweet of him to want to do that—another part of that superhero complex? But this was her problem to deal with. As Adam was her problem and not Ian’s.

  She was still dismayed at the amount of trouble Adam had gotten himself into, was starting to wonder if gambling and computer hacking were his only vices. Although God knows those two were bad enough. Evie had absolutely no idea how she was going to extricate her twin from this mess, but she accepted it was her mess to deal with. Ian had already helped her enough.

  “I can’t.” She refused his offer as she crossed the bedroom to the door. “I’ll go and make your breakfast.”

  “Thanks for your help and the fuck, but now you can be on your way?”

  Evie felt her face pale as she spun back to face Ian. “I didn’t say that.”

  “You might as well have.” His eyes glittered in dark challenge.

  She drew in several deep breaths before answering him. Ian was spoiling for a fight, and she wasn’t about to give him one. Not today. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”

  “I’d like to put something— Never mind.” His scowl deepened. “I’m not leaving here knowing you’re going looking for Fescarus the moment I do. The Romanians eat little girls like you for breakfast.” He attempted to reason with her.

  “I’m hardly a girl!”

  “No, you’re a fucking librarian.” He began to prowl the bedroom, his movements as gracefully predatory as the big cat he resembled. “Maybe you should start remembering that and realize this is my world, not yours.”

  It wasn’t the first time he had made that comment. “Is that yet another reason you left three years ago, because I don’t fit into your world?”

  “What the—?” He sighed. “Evie, let’s not cloud this situation with the past.”

  “Why not, when it also seems to be the present?” She angled her chin stubbornly. “Or did I imagine you making love to me a few minutes ago?”

  Ian ran a frustrated hand through the thickness of his hair. “Don’t go there, Evie.”

  “I am sick and tired of you telling me that.” Her hands were clenched. “I didn’t invite you back into my life, Ian, you walked back in voluntarily.”

  “Because you’re so fucking naïve you were going to get yourself killed!”

  “I still might.” She nodded. “But that’s my choice to make, not yours. I think you should go,” she added heavily. “Before one or both of us says something we might seriously regret.”

  Ian already regretted the whole of the past forty-eight hours.

  His life was structured. Deliberately so. He had his work if he required excitement, and his cousins and other friends he could spend time with if he wanted company. Which he rarely did.

  Then Evie had walked into Utopia and turned that well-ordered life upside-fucking-down.


  He didn’t need this shit messing up his head as well as his life.

  “Fine.” He nodded tersely. “Forget breakfast, I’m not hungry.” He brushed past her to stride through to the sitting room. He pulled on his T-shirt before sitting on the couch to put on and lace his boots.

  Evie blinked back the tears as she stood in the doorway watching Ia
n dress in preparation for leaving. Knowing, by the finality of his tone a few minutes ago, despite the explosive lovemaking they had shared, he wouldn’t be coming back this time either.

  His eyes were cold as he rose back to feet. “Try not to get yourself killed, hmm?”

  She shook her hair back defiantly. “As if you care!”

  Ian crossed the room quietly to come to a halt mere inches in front of her. One of his hands moved up to lightly caress her cheek before dropping back to his side. “If you need me, my cell phone number is the same as it was before.”

  She stepped aside. “I won’t need you.” Pride dictated she answer him in this way, because his lack of a reply to her just now meant he really didn’t care.

  He gave an abrupt nod before striding out into the hallway. The apartment door closed behind him seconds later.

  Evie’s knees gave out, sobs racking her body as she sank to the carpeted floor and cried as if her heart were breaking.

  Which it was.


  “What was so urgent you had to drag me out of bed on a Sunday morning?”

  “I offered to come to you.” Ian opened his apartment door wider as invitation for his cousin Ethan to enter, closing the door behind the other man before they both went through to the kitchen.

  Ethan gave a wicked grin as he sprawled out on one of the chairs around the kitchen table. “I don’t think my date from last night would have appreciated the extra company.” At the age of thirty-five, Ethan’s sex life was legendary.

  “Not into threesomes, huh?” Ian poured them both a mug of coffee before sitting down opposite the other man. “Or weren’t you up for the competition?”

  “Ha-de-ha, very funny.” Ethan grinned. He was as dark-haired as Ian, but his eyes were a hazel mixture of blue, green, and brown. “So tell me your problem, and I’ll see if I can help.”

  “What makes you think I have a problem?”

  Ethan took a sip of his coffee before answering. “Probably the fact that I’ve known you my whole life and this is only the second time you’ve invited me to your apartment.”


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