THE CHAINS_Devil vs God

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THE CHAINS_Devil vs God Page 4

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  Rahas again set off his journey. He had to walk in rain, in sun, in snow and in every odd weather then after about six months long journey, he reached a place where he could see the human development at its best, the big skyscrapers, fast moving trains, flying planes, amazing transport means, strong telecommunication system and overall the prosperity of the people. The general people were in white and fair complexion having smiles on their faces but a few people who have a small body but a very big skull later he came to know that these were the cabinet ministers and the government officers. He could not understand that every government servant why had a big skull, it was mystery for him. He studied the system of this rich land and came to know that there is nothing available in this land, no mineral resources, no oil and gold and no major industry except the one, then how this land became that much rich. Then one day he discovered that the particular land always tried to occupy the resources of others and declared them as a friendly state in the world. Their major industry was to capture the big minds in their system so that the perfect strategies would be made up to get the resources of others. In this state, the engineering technology was at its peak, the engineers were busy for all days long and nights to invent latest weapons of mass destruction including, measles, fighter jets, tanks, guns, cannons, bombs, and even anything which could kill the human but do not destroy the infrastructure so that the humanity should be saved. He could not understand this irony that to save the man how it is important to kill the man and how the instruments of killing could save the lives, it was a mystery for him. Then after a few days staying in this land, he got fed up from the hypocritical attitude of the business and political elites, he then decided to keep on his journey.

  A few months journey led him in a particular land where the king was very fond of medical science. He saw the grand hospitals and laboratories here in this land and the state was famous in the world particularly for its achievements in the medical and health science. Latest inventions were being made to cure the diseases and the good health rate apparently was the beauty if this state. Rahas was happy to find a place and to think that in this world at least there is a state is available where the humanity is respected because these people always want to save the peoples’ lives. He decided to stay there for long in this land. One night he was walking through the city, and has heard a conversation of a doctor and a nurse through the window, it was night time so he silently crept closer to the window and tried to look inside. He saw that the doctor was explaining the nurse about hospital rules and punishing her for her mistakes. He (doctor) ordered the nurse to bend over and to put her arms on the table then the doctor took off her skirt and panties and spanked on her naked butts and said to not let any patient come in his cabin without the full fee deposited in advance and she must realize that hospital is a business, the nurse was yelling. Rahas was forced to think that they both were about to play a sex game. Then the doctor also took off his dress and starts the sexual intercourse with the nurse. Rehas had a strange impact on him. After a few days, he saw a large number of patients were staying outside the hospital doors and only those were allowed to see the doctor who pays the heavy fee. So many patients had lost their lives in front of his eyes. Then another unusual and sad incident broke his heart when he saw the alive human were laying on the stature where elite class medical students were practicing their research on them, they were cutting the bodies into pieces and studying how to save a life, and how to cure the diseases of heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver, lungs, stomach and other parts.

  In this state the trade of human body parts had secured the highest position in the central stock exchange and was also the biggest export of the state. Doctors were allowed to steel kidneys and other parts when the patient had been brought to the operation theatres for a surgery. The traders of kidneys won the highest share price followed by the heart and liver. The business of human body and blood disgusted him a lot and he left the place in sorrow and carried on his journey.

  He moved forward and after a couple of months long journey, he reached a place where he saw a specific dress code for men and women, same styled fully covered dress for both genders with only a difference of color, that women used black and men white. He noticed that the sun was pretty close here in this land. He found it a very happy and prosperous piece of earth; everyone had big vehicles, expensive watches and big bungalows. He saw one day a man was counting some ladies in a queue, there was a long queue of about more than two hundred women and the man was calling their numbers as the roll call in a prison. Suddenly he got angry and shouted on them that the three women were not presented there. Rahas was astonish to see it and he was curious to know about these women, then he came to know that these were the wives of this old man and the husband would slept only for one week with the newly wed bride and then send the bride to the house of wives. It was the most brutal act he saw in his entire journey. Rahas wanted to know more about the lives of these ladies so he requested to the man for job in his company and found the great husband very kind as he has given him the job of kitchen helper in his house. Exactly the same he desired.

  The first appearance in the house was a big challenge for a stranger because he would have been welcomed by the women like a new victim. He saw that the ladies who wear full covered dresses outside - were now in very short dresses as the apples and apricots would openly visible in a garden. Almost everything was in the access of these ladies i.e. the best food, expensive motor cars to travel, and grand jewelry. But they could not enjoy the sexual pleasures with her husband, so almost every one of these women became emotionally sick and psychologically disturbed as their body could not been met the basic need of human even they could not have illicit relationship with other men because the one who would be traced to have relations with any other man, she must had to die. The only way they could enjoy the sex was to play with the toys or to enjoy with other women. A very few, he noticed to have relations with the drivers and other house staff but in a very secret way.

  The males were treated as a very special creature of nature in this land. Boys of the family had the direct access of everything they desire and the latest model cars and virgin girls were the hot choice of the boys. All of the family matters were to be discussed with the males; it was the right of male family members to decide the bride groom of the females even. During his three months stay, Rahas noted that 14 out of 17, teen aged daughters of the family were married to the men who were three times older than the brides. A queer land for female. It seems that the marital rape was the only sport and of the people. Rahas felt that none of the girls was safe in this land whether she is 6, 16, or 66 – some sight is following her.

  One day, while Rahas was setting out the dining chairs, the head of the family, who was the defense secretary of the state, received a message from his office that their state has been attacked on western borders, the minister who was planning about his new marriage, abruptly said to the officer that he already have talked about the attacks with the king on the occasion of his marriage and been advised to call the white horses from the friendly states and send a message to the friendly states to send the white horse forces. The officer obeyed the orders and goes out; the minister again gets involve with his new marriage arrangements. In a couple of days, the white horse forces took control of the situation and the king along with his cabinet was very happy. But just after a couple of weeks, the king came to know that the friendly states did not send the white horses and send the wild horses, and their secret plan was to occupy their land without a war and nearly they got success. Then, the king received a letter from the friendly state addressing the king and his cabinet to not get worried, actually they, the friendly state would not come to the land to rule, but the king just need to follow their dictations and they would freely continue their life style. The king had to agree with it and carried on the plan for his new marriage on upcoming Thursday.

  After staying there for three months in the land, Rahas requested to leave it b
ecause he did not want to stay there any longer among the people who had lost their dignity and he felt that these people were more coward than he left in his own land under the rule of king Bazil. He felt that in his own state, mostly people were poor and for that they sometimes had to be coward for this reason but these people were filthy rich and could even control the whole world and had nothing to do except the marriages and then leaving the brides alone with their toys till their death.

  He stepped out in this deserted place and travelled months after months, he passed through the deserts under the hot sun and merciless winds, sometimes he was near to die for hunger and thrust but he still keep his journey continue, nobody knows where he wished to go and what is his search for, and why he was continuing he was wondering like a ghost. He might be searching for an ideal system or a very successful state or maybe he wanted to go far away from the reach of king Bazil for he knew the powers and tyranny of the Bazil or he may want to get knowledge and wisdom.

  Then about five months journey took him in a land of human beings where he could see the people with black completion, used to live in small huts and cover themselves with leaves or with very short pieces of cloth. They were living in extreme poverty; they had no clear water to drink, no cloths, no food and no medicine. But Rahas felt something good in this place because he found these people to have dignity and respect for everyone, the women also worked with men in every field of life even in hunting activities. Although these people were poor but their family institution was very strong. He found a smile on their faces and he was much impressed that in such a poor condition, one could still smile. He has been welcomed by the local people and been allowed to stay there as long as he wants but he decides to stay there for a month so he may have some rest and also to understand the people. The king of the land gave him a hut to live in and ordered everyone to pay him respect; he was given the traditional flowers and a dress. Rahas requested him to train him how to hunt hunting and fight with the animals, his request was granted and special trainers were allotted to him. By the passage of time, he discovered that the most often of these people were addicted to drugs so they die in early age and due to this habit, the ratio of disability was high and the second bad point of these people was the dependency on other countries. They always looked for a foreign aid and ignore the resources they already have in hand. He thought that if these people use their own natural resources for themselves, then would not need for any aid.

  Once he gets an opportunity to attend a marriage ceremony here in this country, he saw the bride and the bridegroom both were wearing a bunch of flowers around their heads that were looking like a crown, there was no jewelry, no big party, no expensive cars and no fancy dresses but a unique smile of satisfaction on their faces which he had never seen during his stay in the previous land. These people live in tribes or in small states and always fight against each other; every tribe has a large army where a great number of children were trained to fight. Another misery of this land made him shocked which he had never seen in his whole journey that the elderly people had to do the double jobs because their sons had lost their lives in battles or in hunting, then the grand parents had to bring up their grandchildren.

  While he was walking around the city, he saw a scene with his naked eyes and could not control himself and started shouting and weeping, he saw a vulture was sitting near a child who was about to die due to hunger and disease, the vulture was waiting for him to be died so that she could tear him apart. When he see the scene, he quickly running back to his hut, put his face in the pillow and start wept a lot, he even could not eat anything for the whole day long. He thought how the children were been dying like this and being made the food of animals. The vulture, the child, the vulture, the child, he shouted. A month passed by and he again packed his bag and left the place with lots of love and memories of tears and smiles. He said to himself that the particular scene of the child and the vulture will remain in his mind forever. He became fed up with the world and decided to find a place other than this world, the systems, the hypocrisy, the inhuman customs, the clashes and the hates. He was in the search of such a place where he could not see the human and wanted to spend the rest of his life in a calm and peaceful place. So he got and set off his journey leaving the world behind.

  He kept on walking for years and years and thanked God that he did not come across any human. After years long journey, he reached a place where he felt a great attraction and something supernatural forcing him to stay in this place. This place was a center of a valley among a range of mountains, the weather was very pleasant, breeze was blowing, shining sun, lakes running with fresh water, chirping birds, wild flowers and untamed waterfalls fascinated him to make this valley his permanent home so he decided to live here and made a small hut to live in. He did not know where he has reached and how he may go back so he had nothing else except to stay in this place. He did not know where he had reached whether it was the land of his own planet or he reached some another galaxy.

  Rahas did not see any human for years. His past memories had been hidden under the dust of time. In the early days, he talked with his wife, children, friends and relatives but by the passage of time he realized that there would nothing coming out from his imagination. He then thought to establish his own kingdom here in this land. So one day, he woke up, took a shower in the lake, covered himself with the best leaves he got in his hut, held a wooden stick in his hand and a fresh tiny branch of flower plant which could be folded, he bent it all around his head as a crown. He stood up on the highest mountain and starts spoke like a king and said:

  “Rahas is my name and I am the king of the land. I promise you to look after you and always will take care of you, I will spread love and smiles everywhere in my kingdom, and my palace is just down in the valley as you all know. Whenever, you need any help, you may come to me; I will be with you all the times”.

  In fact, he talked to nobody and no one listened to him, he was all alone in the valley.

  From that day, he started treating himself like a king of Noland. He got friendship with the birds and animals and often told the stories of his journey to his friends and ask them to thank God for not being human beings and also not living in the world he left and also they were lucky not to see the cruelty, brutality and miseries of the world.

  One day, a group of pigeons gathered around him and started playing with him, some sat on his shoulders and some on his arms and some on head, he smiled with joy and hold one of them in his hands, kissed him on the head and began to tell them the story of his first love when he was a teen aged boy. He told them that he fell in love with a young girl of his town whose name was Roshni, she was the most beautiful girl in the world as he thought at that time decided to be the life partner of her. Her hair not very long, curly and had a brownish touch, her face was like a diamond, complexion was extremely fair, eyes were matchless to any other girl of her age, so wide, clear, shinning and smiling. She was slim but healthy, cheeks like a piece of white cloud under the sky, and hands were like your smooth feathers of an infant pigeon, he pointed out the pigeon. He told them that her family did not wanted someone to love their daughter and forced her to get married with one of her cousins so she may lead her life without love and finally he got his women, the great he ever found.

  He asked the pigeons how they live together. An elderly one replied to him and said that they do not have sense of competition and comparison therefore they are happy and live together for thousands of years. He asks again why you close your eyes when you see a danger. At this the pigeon smiled and said we are a very fancy creature of nature and always love others and have a great sense of sacrifice which you human could never understand because you think we are crazy and coward, we close eyes to see the danger but not fly away even to fly is much easier for us, but we even think of the one who you say a danger might need our soul more than us. That’s why we close our eyes so danger may attack on us easily and our life may be helpful and suppor
tive to others. Rahas gets his eyes wet at this answer and he kissed the pigeons again and rubbed his feathers on his cheeks with love and said that they were millions times better than the human of the world he left behind.

  Once he saw how a mother cat was playing with the kittens and was much impressed how a small creature feeding four kittens and raising them up he thought about the human for a while who kill their own children even before the birth thinking how they would raise them up because they were poor. He thought that human should learn from this cat who do not know where to live and from where to get food but yet she is raising her four kittens at one time, it was a mystery for him whether the cat got more intellect and belief than human. He also noticed that the kittens were playing together, jumping on each other and running one after the other and playing some charming sports but in the world he left, the true brothers how would they kill each other, for wealth, property, gold, women or for something else. He said to the cat family to thank God that they were not human and also not live in the world he left behind.

  Rahas was very happy in this Noland and he even did not know how many years had passed by, he totally lost the calculation of time and calendar and he only could realize that a long time had passed for his beard got very long even it touches his knees and also turned grey, it was only the fresh fruits and natural food which kept him remain young. Sometimes he thought about the world he left behind and at other he thought about this beautiful land, the Noland. He did not have any information what was happening in the world of human beings and what were the changes and how man would have make his life more luxurious and how much the science got more develop? What were the new models of the jets and the latest weapons to kill and to save? Sometimes he wished to get back to the world but he remembers the dying child and the vulture and then he changed his mind and preferred to stay in Noland.


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