Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 10

by Mz. Lady P

  I waited for what was to happen next. I thought at any moment someone’s dick was about to be rammed inside of me. Instead, I felt the warmth of a tongue sucking on my pussy as if they hadn’t eaten a meal in days. I tried my best to fight it, but the person who was performing this act on me was trying to satisfy me.

  I cried the entire time because this person was making me cum over and over again. I felt like I was cheating on Markese. Once the person was finished, my legs were tied back up and the person walked out of the room. His scent lingered well after they had left out of the room. The cologne scent was Versace for Men. I just couldn’t put my finger on who was wearing it.

  Thoughts of my children and my husband popped in my head. I started to cry and wiggle around again. I tried my best to free myself but I didn’t do shit but tire myself out. I just laid there and fell back to sleep.

  I looked around the room trying to focus my eyes. I was unsure of how long I had been sleep. I moved around and that’s when I realized that I had been untied. The blindfold and duct tape had also been removed. I sat up in the bed and noticed there was a tray with some food on it. I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. As soon as I touched the doorknob, I felt a jolt of electricity. "Damn it. Where the fuck am I?” I yelled, rubbing my hand that was still burning.

  I walked back towards the bed to sit down and gather myself. I was feeling very woozy. A flat screen popped on and the face of a person I thought long dead appeared. Tears streamed down my face as the person spoke to me with the most wicked and evil grin I’ve ever seen. It was Mont.

  “You’re shocked to see me, huh? Especially since you and the rest of them Thelma and Louise bitches tried to kill me.”

  “This is a dream. We killed you and burned your psychotic ass up. I was just brought in for questioning in regards to your murder.”

  “This is no dream. That’s the beauty of having an identical twin. We have the same DNA. The person you killed was my twin Lamar. We had just got to know each other. We were separated at birth. My mother took me, and my father took him. I decided to play a trick on you that night that I called you over. I told him all about you. I wanted to see if you would know the difference. I had no idea you bitches plotted on me.”

  I sat there in complete and total shock at what this man was telling me.

  “Mont, please let me go home to my kids. Markese is really sick and he needs me right now. I have to get home to my son. He is six months old. He needs me.”

  “Ha! Ha! Ha! Damn. I hit that nigga up over a month ago. Shouldn’t he be a vegetable by now? As far as your son goes, that lil nigga don’t belong to me. I don’t give a fuck if you never see him again.”

  “Ahhhh! I hate you so fucking much for ruining my life!”

  I started hitting the screen and anything else in the room that wasn’t nailed down with my fists. “Let me the fuck outta here, you psychotic motherfucker.”

  “I suggest you calm down and get accustomed to your new home. This is the start of a new life for us. You can forget about those kids and your bitch ass husband. The way you just came in my mouth lets me know you forgot about that nigga already. Just wait until you get this dick. I know you missed it. Lord knows I missed that sweet pussy.”

  The screen went blank and I fell back onto the bed and cried. This nigga got me fucked up if he thinks he is about to hold me hostage. I’m going home to my family if it’s the last thing I do. He better believe that shit.

  Chapter 24 - Rahmeek

  Over the last couple of days, the crew and I have been networking with all the other heads of the cartels. The majority of the men were Mexican. We were the only black men sitting at the round table. It was an honor to be amongst all these heavy hitters. The moment was bittersweet though. Markese has put in so much work over the years. He earned his spot at this table.

  As I looked over at Hassan, Killa, and Boogie, I saw how proud they were as well. We all were rocking Tom Ford double-breasted suits with Tom Ford loafers to match. We were bosses from the Westside and Southside of Chicago sitting around a table with some of the most ruthless and notorious drug dealers the world has ever seen, Smoking on Cuban cigars and drinking some of the best tequila I’ve ever tasted. As we continued to drink and talk business, it was time for us to meet The Queen, Milyana Santiago.

  “The Queen has arrived. Please gentlemen, stand to your feet.” Chico said as he stood and walked to the entrance to escort her into the dining area.

  As soon as she walked in the room, my jaws dropped to the floor. She was nothing that I expected. The Queen was one of the most beautiful women I had ever laid eyes on. She had the features of an exotic goddess. I thought that she would be an old gray haired woman, but she looked to be about thirty years old.

  Milyana was sexy as hell. Her beautiful black hair fell past her shoulders. She had on so many fucking diamonds that she glistened as the lights from the chandeliers bounced off of her. She wore a floor length black dress that hugged all of her curves. She walked around the room and every one of us kissed her pinky ring for good luck. Once she was seated we all followed suit.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. The majority of you know me quite well, but I see new faces. I am Milyana Santiago. You are sitting here because you have earned your spot to sit at this table with me. Many have sold drugs all of their lives and have never even seen my face so consider yourselves honored to be in my presence. I have heard so many great things about you from Chico. I have also been informed that two of your associates are not in attendance. I pray he makes a speedy recovery. Please don’t make me regret my decision of inviting you into my Kingdom.”

  “Queen, it is an honor to be in your presence,” Killa spoke.

  “Please introduce yourselves to me formally. I like to be on a first name bases with my associates. I would like your government name, not your street names.”

  Killa, Boogie, and I told her our names. We sat around and talked for a while longer. All of the other men had left at Milyana’s request. She wanted to speak with us alone.

  “Gentlemen, let’s get down to the business at hand. I would like to offer you the key to your own city. For a small fee of one million dollars, you can have access to your own heroin field here in Mexico. Of course, all contributions should be made to me the thirtieth of every month. No shorts or excuses. As of right now, you guys are now known only as “The Commission.” Any drugs being sold in Chicago must go through you and you only. I know firsthand how lucrative the drug market is there. I also know how dangerous it is. In order to solidify yourselves as a Cartel, you must let go of street level shit. I need you to hire your own street teams. Let them get their hands dirty. You just sit back and let the money pile up. I will not appoint your positions. You all will do that amongst yourselves. Are you guys ready to take over the city?”

  “Yes, Queen, we have been waiting on this moment for a long time,” I spoke up with the rest of the crew nodding their heads in agreement.

  “Please, Rahmeek, call me Milyana,” she said with a hint of lust in her eyes as she sipped tequila from her shot glass.

  The night wound down and we made an agreement for one million dollars to be wired into her account. As soon as she received the money, Chico would deliver one hundred kilos every month going forward. We all headed back to Chico’s house because we were due back in Chicago early the next morning. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. Not too much later Chico came in and woke me up.

  “Aye yo Rah, Milyana sent a driver for you. She wants to see you at her estate.”

  “Damn Chico, can’t that shit wait until tomorrow?”

  “The Queen never waits for anyone or anything.”

  Chico walked away laughing. I really didn’t understand what the fuck was so funny I was tired as hell. That damn tequila had me fucked up. That’s why I only fuck with dark liquor. I looked through my suitcase and decided to wear a pair of True Religion Jeans and a T’-shirt and a crispy pair of all black Air Forc
e Ones. I jogged down the stairs and climbed into the baddest Rolls Royce I had ever seen.

  About an hour later, the car pulled up to what looked like a palace. The driver opened my door and escorted me inside. Milyana was sitting in her living room sipping on tequila.

  Damn, she can really knock ‘em back, I thought to myself. The entire living room was white. Milyana was rocking a two-piece swimming suit that showed all of her assets. I found myself staring at her body. I had to find something else in the room to focus on. I didn’t want to come off as being disrespectful.

  “I know you’re wondering why I called you here so late at night. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I can’t stop thinking about you. You are the finest specimen of man I have ever seen. I’m not usually attracted to black men, nor do I mix business with pleasure. However, you make me want to break all the rules.”

  I thought long and hard before I spoke. I didn’t want the wrong words to come out of my mouth. Milyana took her hands and rubbed them through my dreads.

  “I’m flattered, Milyana, but I don’t think we should mix business with pleasure. Plus, I’m a happily married man with kids at home.”

  “I know you’re married. Aja is a beautiful young lady. Your son and daughter are spitting images of you. I know you’re wondering how I know that. The Queen knows everything.”

  Milyana casually poured herself another shot of tequila. I just sat there in awe of her. My mind drifted off to my wife and kids. I shouldn’t even be here. However, asking to leave would be blatant disrespect.

  “Let me cut straight to the chase, Rahmeek. I no longer want one million dollars. All I want is one night of passion with you. No strings attached. You and your crew will still get the key to city.”

  Never in all of my years of fucking with women have I been at a loss for words. Milyana got a nigga nervous as hell. I was thinking long and hard about her proposition. She can get the dick. We can keep our money and splurge on some shit when we get back to the Chi.

  Neither one of us spoke a word of agreement. The look in our eyes was confirmation enough. Milyana stood up in front of me and grabbed my hand. She led me upstairs to her bedroom. As soon as we entered the room, she led me to a full size pool. I have never seen anything so grand. I took off all my clothes and was prepared to join her in the pool.

  As soon as I unleashed the monster, her eyes got big as saucers. The size of my dick has always had that type of effect on women. I stepped into the pool and moved closer to her. She moved in closer and began to kiss me passionately. Our tongues dancing sent a shock wave through my body. Milyana disappeared under water, placed my dick in her mouth, and began sucking as if her life depended on it.

  “Oh shit!” were the only words I could get out. I hurried up and pulled her from under the water. I was about to bust in her mouth.

  “Did I do something wrong, Rahmeek?” Milyana asked pulling her wet hair from her face.

  “Naw, you good. Let’s get in the bed.”

  We both exited the pool and dried off before climbing into bed. I was still on hard. I lay down in the bed and Milyana climbed on top of me. She slid down on my dick without hesitation. She began to ride me real slow. She took each of my fingers in her mouth and sucked them. Milyana started to speed up the pace and I felt like I was about to nut. So I flipped her over and rammed my dick in her pussy. I started fucking her with no mercy. She wanted to be in control of this session, but I’m King Rah and eventually all bitches bow down to crown.

  I smacked her ass cheeks. They turned red instantly. I knew I had her when she started speaking in Spanish.

  “Cojame un papa mas duro!”

  I grunted as I felt my nut build up. I pulled out and nutted all over her.

  Milyana just laid there on her stomach. Before I knew it, she was sound asleep. I wasn’t sleepy. I was ready to get the fuck out of there. I just cheated on my wife with a very powerful woman. I got up and got dressed. I didn’t even bother to wake her up.

  Her driver was already outside waiting for me to come back down. As soon as I arrived at Chico’s, I prayed everyone was asleep. I know I can’t tell the crew what I just did. Hopefully it will work out in our favor. I attempted to fall asleep, but my phone was vibrating letting me know that I had incoming messages. I looked at the screen and the texts from Aja

  Baby, you need to come back home as soon as possible. Trish has been missing for three days. She is not answering our calls or text. She would never leave those kids or Markese at a time like this. Please come home. Something has happened to her. I can feel it.

  For a minute, I thought that I was reading the text message wrong. We should have never come out here. Markese is fighting for his life and now his wife is missing. I replied back to the message.

  Calm down, Aja. Our flight leaves first thing in the morning. I should be home by twelve. I love you, Bae!

  I love you more. Hurry home.

  “Goddamit!” I threw my phone against the wall which caused me to wake up the rest of the crew.

  “Damn Rah. What the fuck going on?” Boogie asked, wiping his eyes.

  “Trish is missing. Man, we got to get back to the Chi ASAP.”

  “Pack y’all bags. You all can go in my private plane,” Chico said.

  Thanks to Chico, we were back home by nine in the morning. The first person I was looking for was Nisa. I told her to watch over the girls. Where the fuck were her antennas when Trish disappeared? I had only been home from Mexico about three damn hours and Milyana was blowing my phone up and constantly texting me. I regret having sex with her. For her to have such high status, she is acting like the typical hood woman. The thirst is definitely real.

  As soon as we made it to the crib, Aja jumped in my arms and was holding on to me for dear life. Nisa, Niyah, Stacy, my mother, Gail, and all of the kids were sitting around waiting for us to arrive.

  “Calm down. We’re going to find out where she is. When was the last time you talked to her?” I asked Aja as I wrapped my arms around her.

  “About three days ago. I had invited the girls over for ladies’ night. She left at about one in the morning and said she was going to the hospital to see Markese.”

  “Hold the fuck on! I told you to stay in pairs at all times. Nisa, why the fuck would you let her leave by herself at that time of night?”

  Nisa put her head down in her hands. “I know Rahmeek. I fucked up. I have been out looking for her all day and night.”

  “That’s exactly what you are...a fuck up!” Killa yelled. Nisa jumped up from the sofa and left.

  “Damn Killa, why you got to treat her like that? You are taking this shit too fucking far. Real talk. Let me go check on her,” Boogie said.

  There was too much going on for me. I instructed my mother and Momma Gail to take the kids to Hassan and Niyah’s house. We had to get out in these streets and find out where Trish was. Time was running out.

  Chapter 25 - Nisa

  My mind is all over the place right now. Between looking for Trish and fixing my marriage, I’m going crazy. We can’t get the police involved in Trish’s disappearance so we have to get out in these streets ourselves. I knew that the nursing facility was the last place Trish went. Her car had been towed because it was left unattended for too long. I went to the security desk and asked the fat security guard to run back the tapes for me. Of course, the bitch wanted to give me a hard time until I offered him a crisp one hundred dollar bill.

  As I watched the tape, I observed the hooded figure come up behind her. The assailant dragged her into a waiting vehicle. As the person tussled with her, there was a quick moment where a glimpse of their face came into view. I had the security guard zoom in, but the picture was too blurry. However, I did get the license plate number. Stupid motherfucker didn’t even cover it up. It will be easy to find her. Whoever did it is a fucking amateur. Who in their right mind would kidnap someone at a hospital? Cameras are all over the place.

  I was about to tell the crew about the inform
ation I had until Killa jumped out his fucking body and disrespected me for the last and final fucking time. It has been almost two months since I got the abortion. He has yet to try to reconcile with me so I moved out of the house we once shared. I simply couldn’t continue living in that house waiting for him to return, especially since he is playing house with that project bitch.

  I had already given the license plate number to my girl who works at the police department. I’m just waiting for her to call me back and let know what she found. In the meantime, I decided to go and visit Markese. If he can hear us like they say that he can, I know he is wondering where Trish is. As I walked into his room, I observed the nurses and doctors around his bed. I covered my mouth expecting the worst. I moved closer to his bed and watched as they removed the tubes from his body. Markese was sitting up in bed and the doctors were checking on him.

  “Oh my God! Kese, you’re woke. I’m so happy! We thought you weren’t going to make it.” I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him all over his face.

  “Real niggas don’t die,” he grinned. “So where the fuck is everybody? I woke up all alone. I just knew my better half would be here.”

  I looked away from Markese because I wasn’t prepared to give him the bad news. However, he knows me like a book so the look in my eyes gave me away.

  “What the fuck is going on Nisa?”

  “I don’t know how to tell you this but Trish has been kidnapped.”

  “What the fuck? Get me the fuck out of here now, Nisa! I got to find my fucking wife!”

  I had to stop him from trying to get out of the bed. “Markese, calm down. Your wounds have not fully healed. It’s too soon for you to leave the hospital.”

  “This shit is not up for debate. I’m outta this bitch ASAP. Go to Fresh Wear and grab me a fit. Call the crew and get them here as soon as possible. Get my barber on the phone. I want to look good when I murk the motherfucker who has my wife!”


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