COWBOY ROMANCE: Devon (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 2)

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COWBOY ROMANCE: Devon (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 2) Page 29

by Amanda Boone

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded though she knew exactly why he was there. He was there to finish what he had started when he had set the fire in the apartment building.

  “I’m here to take you home, of course.” He frowned as though his answer was obvious. Laura felt her entire body shaking with both fear and rage. He stood then, dropping the file to the floor. It slapped the hard tiles as he stepped forward. Laura was about to shrink back when she realized she couldn’t show him her fear, only her anger.

  He reached up and placed his hand on her cheek. “Laura, I’ve missed you so terribly.” He sighed as he placed his other hand on her other cheek and leaned down. Laura felt sick to her stomach as he pressed his lips against hers.

  Before she knew it her hand had risen and her palm had connected with his cheek. He stumbled backward, his eyes wide with shock. His hand rose to his face and he glared at her as the realization of what she had done hit him.

  “You…you hit me?” he gaped at her in amazement. Laura no longer felt the fear. Now she was angry. Angry that he thought he had the right to touch her in such a way.

  “Yes, Marcus, I did,” she glared at him, “You tried to kill me and I hit you. We are far from even.” Marcus ran at her then. She could see the anger flare in his dark brown eyes as he reached for her throat. She slapped at his hands in an attempt to push him away but he simply grabbed her wrists.

  She pulled away as hard as possible as she kicked out with her foot and slammed her heel into his toes. He screeched in pain and stumbled backward again, giving her enough time to slip back into the bathroom. She slammed the door shut behind her and locked it as quickly as possible. The door shook as Marcus slammed himself against it. Laura’s lungs hurt and she felt breathless as she reached for the hospital gown she had left on the side of the bath.

  When she reached into the single pocket she found the card that Lee had given her. She did her best to straighten it out before she realized that she had no phone to call him on. The tears came again as she leaned against the wall and realized it was hopeless.

  “Excuse me?” another voice came from the other side of the door and Marcus stopped slamming himself against it, “What do you think you are doing in here?” it was a female voice and Laura guessed it was a nurse who had been passing by the room.

  There was a loud thud and a scream and then silence. Laura held her breath as she waited to hear voices again. When the silence lingered on, she pushed herself to her feet and placed the card into the back pocket of her jeans. She placed her hand on the door handle and held her breath as she undid the lock.

  When she slowly pulled the bathroom door open she found the nurse splayed on the floor. Marcus was nowhere to be seen. Laura dropped down onto her knees and shook the nurse’s shoulder.

  “Wake up.” She cried as she shook her. Then she saw the puddle of blood that was seeping from the woman’s head. Her heart stopped as she realized she had hit her head hard.

  “Help! Someone! Help me!” Laura screamed at the top of her voice as she turned her head toward the door in the hopes that someone might be passing by. The thundering of footsteps came rushing toward her and several people appeared in the doorway all at once.

  Laura jumped to her feet knowing that the nurse would be cared for and pushed her way through the people. She glanced both ways down the corridor before she turned to her left and made for the elevator. There was no sign of Marcus, as though he had never even been there.

  She could hear the murmured voices behind her asking what had happened as she pressed the button and tapped her foot waiting impatiently for the elevator to arrive.

  As soon as the doors slid open she stepped inside and pressed the button for the ground floor. Her heart pounded as she eagerly waited for the doors to close. When they finally did she allowed herself to relax. There was no way Marcus could get her inside the elevator while the doors were closed. She prayed they would stay closed until she reached the bottom floor.

  The movement of the elevator made her feel nauseous as it always did. She clutched the side rail so hard that her knuckles turned white. When the elevator came to a halt she felt her legs jolt. When the doors slid open she found herself face to face with a couple who jumped into the elevator as quickly as possible. Laura pushed her way past them and out into the lobby.

  She ran for the reception desk, feeling her heart pounding with fear that Marcus wouldn’t be far behind her.

  “Excuse me.” Laura tried her best not to let her voice shake as she spoke to the blonde woman behind the desk. The woman looked up at her from behind thick black glasses and smiled. She was an older woman with a wrinkled friendly face and a wart on her chin.

  “How can I help you sweetie?” she asked, “Are you here to visit someone?”

  “I was wondering if I could borrow a phone,” Laura told her, “I need to call a ride.” The woman smiled back at her and picked up the phone from where it sat beside her computer.

  “I can call you a taxi.” She told her. Laura shook her head quickly and felt the irritation growing inside her.

  “I need to call a friend to come and get me,” she explained, “I have no money.”

  “Well honey, I’m afraid I can’t allow civilians to use the phone.” The receptionist explained, “I could ring your friend for you?” the woman suggested. Laura shook her head and sighed.

  “Thanks for nothing.” She snapped as she turned and headed for the front doors of the hospital.

  As soon as she came to the top steps of the hospital she realized she had no idea what she was doing. She glanced around and found herself stopping on a pay phone across the street. Her feet instantly began to carry her toward it. She was so desperate to get to the phone that she stepped out into the road without looking. Cars swerved and sped past her as she made her way across the road.

  Chapter Four:

  Laura shoved her fingers into the change slot and held her breath as she prayed for a change in her luck. To her relief she felt a coin slide beneath her fingers. She pulled it out and without checking its value, slammed it into the coin slot. Pulling the card from her pocket she dialed Lee’s number and prayed for an answer.

  “Hello?” his voice was a question as he answered. Laura had never been so relieved to hear a man’s voice before.

  “Lee, its Laura. I don’t have much time to speak. Can you come and pick me up from the…” she stopped as she heard the beeping tone that told her the call had ended, “Damn it!” she slammed the receiver back onto its holder and placed her head in her hands.

  “Looking for me?” a voice called from behind her. She turned to see a black truck parked up beside her, the engine still running.

  Laura’s breath came out in a sigh of relief as she saw Lee leaning over the car toward the passenger window, “You’d better get in.” he told her as he pulled on the door handle and shoved it open. Laura slipped into the car and slammed the door shut behind her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as she pulled her seat belt on, “You sounded desperate on the phone.” Laura sighed and relaxed into the seat. For the first time in three years she felt safe. There was something about Lee that told her she was going to be okay.

  “He found me in the hospital,” Laura’s hands shook as she thought of it, “He would have strangled me to death if I didn’t lock myself in the bathroom.”

  “Are you ok?” Lee asked as he placed his hand on her knee. He squeezed gently and Laura felt heat pulse through her. No man had ever touched her so gently or with so much tenderness.

  “I will be once you get me away from here.” Laura told him as she pulled his hand from her knee and placed it on the gear stick. He smiled at her as he pulled the truck away from the curb and began to make his way down the street.

  They sped around corners, whizzed down streets and made their way out of the town. Laura watched as buildings slowly turned to pine trees. The air grew fresher as they headed higher into the hills that surrounded the town.
r />   They didn’t stop until they came to a small cabin. The truck pulled up in a cloud of dust. Lee pulled the keys from the ignition and turned to look at her.

  “Welcome to manor Pine.” He smiled as he gestured at the cabin.

  “This is where you live?” Laura asked, baffled. The log cabin was small and not at all like she imagined where he would live. Flower pots lined the porch. The flowers looked a little worse for wear as though they could do with a good watering. Ivy climbed up the north side of the cabin and the windows looked as though they were peeling paint.

  “I’ve lived here ever since I can remember.” He laughed as he undid his belt and climbed out of the car. Within seconds, almost too fast for Laura to believe, he was pulling her door open. She undid her own belt and took his hand as he helped her from the car. As she stepped out her foot fell awkwardly and she stumbled forward with a startled squeal.

  Lee grabbed hold of her before she could fall and clutched her tight to him like he had the night of the fire.

  That’s when he kissed her for the first time. His lips were much softer than Marcus’s had been. They were gentle as they pushed against hers, just hard enough to make her part them. His tongue slipped into her mouth and she could taste him. He tasted like honey and vanilla mixed oddly with mint. The taste was nice. It filled her mouth and consumed her every sense. Her eyes closed and she felt the floor drop away from her as she allowed him to embrace her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her fingers twisted in his golden locks.

  “Get your filthy hands off my woman!” a familiar voice made the skin on Laura’s spine prickle. She pulled away from Lee to see that Marcus was stood beside his BMW. He scowled at them as though he couldn’t believe his eyes.

  “You need to leave.” Laura told him. She felt brave stood beside Lee, knowing that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  “Is this him?” Lee asked flicking his thumb in Marcus’s direction without taking his eyes off her. When Laura nodded she saw a glint of anger light in his pale eyes. His jaw tensed and she felt scared as she watched him turn on Marcus.

  “Leave now or you’ll regret it.” he told him. Laura was sure she could hear a hint of a growl as though he was a wild animal that had just slipped out of the pine trees that grew all around them. She saw his fists clench and was sure she saw the flash of claws. Her heart pounded. I must have hit my head, she told herself as she watched him step forward to stand in front of her, blocking Marcus’s view of her.

  “What are you going to do?” Marcus demanded, “I only came to get my girlfriend and go home.”

  “Laura is not your girlfriend and she does not wish to leave with you.” When he spoke he uncurled his fists and Laura saw exactly what she knew she had seen. Instead of fingernails he had long claws that had left deep gouges in his palms.

  “What the hell are you?” Marcus stared at him in horror as hair began to creep up from under Lee’s collar. Laura watched in astonishment as Lee began to drop down onto his knees. His back twisted as though he was in pain and Laura was sure she could hear the sound of bones breaking. It was like something out of a horror movie, something she never could have imagined would be true.

  There he stood on all four paws. His claws raking the sand as though he was about to charge. Laura stared at the golden bear who stood with his back to her. Oddly she was not scared anymore. She was glad to see him facing Marcus. She was glad to see the look of fear in her ex’s eyes. It was a look she had never seen on his face before but it was one that she loved.

  “I think you should leave.” Laura suggested to him. Marcus finally turned his gaze back to her.

  “You can’t honestly believe I’m going to leave you with that thing!” he pointed an accusing finger at Lee who instantly began to growl. Marcus took a step forward and Lee snapped at his leg with saliva dripping from his jaws.

  “I’m safer with him than I am if I go with you.” Laura jeered at him. She stepped forward then and placed her hand on Lee’s furry shoulder. He flinched as though he was shocked by her touch. When he looked up at her she could see the glint in his pale green eyes, the same eyes as his human form, those eyes that Laura suddenly realized she loved.

  He turned back to Marcus and Laura felt his fur brush her palm as he rushed forward. Laura watched as he charged at Marcus. The dark haired man’s eyes widened with fear as he turned and began to run back toward his car. His feet stumbled over themselves and he struggled to stay upright as he grabbed for the door handle.

  He jumped into his car and slammed the door shut just in time to get safely away from Lee’s snapping jaws. Laura watched as he fumbled for his keys and pushed them into the ignition. It took a few attempts to get the car running but as soon as he had he began to speed back down the driveway. Laura couldn’t help but smile as she watched him go.

  When Lee turned back to her, he did not move toward her. Instead he simply stared at her as he began to change back. His fur shortened and disappeared until his skin was smooth again. When he stood on two legs, fully formed, he continued to stand still. He stared at Laura as though he was waiting to see how she would react.

  He looked shocked when she ran toward him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly before planting her lips on his, “What are you and where have you been all my life?” Laura asked as she realized the last three years were over. Marcus would not be back for a very long time if he ever came back at all and she had Lee to thank for that.

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” Lee sighed and shook his head as he took hold of her wrists and pushed her away from him. Laura was surprised by his sudden lack of tenderness.

  “You shouldn’t have done what?” she asked feeling confused.

  “I shouldn’t have turned in front of humans,” he sighed, “It’s against our law.”

  “Who’s law?” Laura was more confused than ever. She had no idea what he was talking about and she needed answers.

  “It’s against the werebear code to turn in front of humans,” he told her, “It puts my whole race in danger.” Laura reached up and placed her hands on his cheeks.

  “I won’t tell anyone.” She promised as she looked deep into his eyes. He stared back at her with a conflicting expression on his face.

  “It’s not you I’m worried about.” He sighed. Laura smiled at him as confidently as possible and kissed him gently on the lips.

  “Nobody will believe a word he says,” she promised him, “He’s a lunatic anyway and nobody is going to believe the word of someone who goes around saying that men can turn into bears.” She laughed at the prospect of it as though she hadn’t just seen it with her own eyes.

  “I hope your right.” He sighed. Laura nodded and kissed him again. She felt the growl in his chest, rumbling against her breasts and it made her hot between her thighs. She had never needed someone so much in her life. Her heart fluttered as she grabbed hold of his hair in her fists and pressed herself close to him.

  He pushed her backward in an attempt to stop her and shook his head, “It’s illegal to lie with a human.”

  “You’ve broken one rule today,” she smiled up at him, “Why not another?” He smirked then as though he couldn’t deny her logic. His head lowered and he kissed her more passionately than before. He ran his tongue over her lips as though he was tasting her properly for the first time. His arms wrapped around her and he held the back of her head tightly. Laura enjoyed the feel of his muscles rippling against her as he held her.

  Chapter Five:

  “Take me inside.” She whispered. As though she had given him an order, he pulled her up onto his shoulder and she squealed in shock, “I meant walk me inside.” She giggled as he slapped her on the buttocks with a large hand. Her buttocks smarted with pain yet she felt the pleasure of it and knew that he was as turned on as she was.

  He carried her to the cabin, unlocked the door and slammed it shut behind them. The sofa stood close by and it didn’t take him long to have her on it. He thr
ew her down and landed on top of her, his fingers already working on the buttons of her blouse.

  She grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up her his head. Her heart skipped a beat at what she found beneath. His pecks were huge, tattooed with tribal spirals. His abs were as hard as stone and rippled as he moved above her. He kissed her neck and the pleasure forced her eyes shut as she gasped.

  The pain in her lungs disappeared as her body was overwhelmed with pleasure. She could feel his erection pressed hard against her as he pressed his hips toward hers. She reached down to the button of his jeans and popped it open. When she reached inside his boxers he gasped. She gripped him tightly and began to move her hand up and down his length.

  He grabbed for the top of her jeans and within seconds he had pulled them off. Laura gasped in shock as he placed a hand between her legs. His fingers worked expertly to rub her clitoris. His face came down to her chest and he ran kisses over her breasts. With his teeth he pulled the cup of her bra away and slipped his tongue over her nipples. She gasped in pleasure again as he slipped his hand into her pants and placed a finger inside her.

  She was slick with pleasure, her loins burned for him. She grabbed his head and pulled him up to kiss him again. As she looked into his eyes she could see her own need reflected. In that moment there was nothing she wanted more than to have him inside her.

  Her blood boiled in her veins as she pulled hard on his jeans and tried to get them off him. He helped her with a feverish smile and she found that his legs were as muscular as the rest of him. She felt as safe as ever as he pressed himself down against her. His body melted into hers as though they were meant to be that way. There was no awkwardness, no need to wriggle and move to get in the right position. Everything seemed to fit perfectly.

  He slipped inside her as though he had been meant to be there. She screamed in pleasure as he pulled out and rammed himself back inside her. Her fingernails raked his back and he growled in pleasure as she felt deep scratches along his spine.


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