Finding Spencer (B&S 1.5) (B&S Series #1.5)

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Finding Spencer (B&S 1.5) (B&S Series #1.5) Page 6

by Kimberly Knight

  Our mouths continued to explore each other as my hands did just that, and then she cupped my face with her hands and lightly bit my lower lip. My breath caught, and I fought everything I had not to cum right there on her leg.

  “Biting me again, Spence?” I asked.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to go slow, but I’d waited too long for it. I reached into my nightstand, pulled out a condom and sheathed myself, because I never wanted a chick to trap me by saying she was pregnant.

  I pushed her legs apart enough for me to slide in between them with my hips and started slow, inching inside her warm pussy, enjoying the feel as I slid in and then almost completely out. I watched my cock sliding in and out, enjoying the sight of finally being with Spencer.

  Her fingers returned to my hair, and I looked down at her, then kissed her again as I forgot about going slow and began thrusting my hips hard inside her. I didn’t think it was possible, but my cock stiffened more, causing me to thrust even harder. I thought that all pussies felt the same, but being with Spencer was different. She was different. Maybe it was the way her touch felt. Maybe it was the way she smelled. Maybe it was the way I thought of nothing but her as I pumped into her. Maybe it was just because it was her.

  She moaned again, and I couldn’t last any longer. My teeth tugged at her lower lip, the same way hers did at mine, and she climaxed with my dick buried inside her, sending me over the edge and following her into pure bliss.


  I know it’s cliché, but watching Spencer sleep was like watching an angel sleep. She could tell me to jump off a bridge, and I would do it in two seconds. I was starting to get wrapped around her finger, and you know what? I didn’t give a fuck. The week getting to know her was one of the best weeks of my life, despite Christy still hounding me.

  When I walked down the stairs to make breakfast, I grabbed my cell from the coffee table and saw that Christy was the one calling me while I was wrapped up in Spencer. It was like she knew. She did it when Spencer and I were in my car and now when we were in my condo.

  I was tired of her calling, tired of her texting, and if I knew how, I would block her from contacting my cell. I needed to talk to Becca; she would know what to do. Just as I placed the bacon in the oven to cook, Christy called—again.

  “What?” I answered, my blood boiling at just the sight of her name popping up on the screen. She had called every day, multiple times, and I just ignored them.

  “I need you,” Christy whined.

  “Seriously, you need to stop calling me. Stop texting me too,” I said, lowering my voice so Spencer wouldn’t hear.

  “But I need you.”

  “I told you to stop calling me.”


  “This isn’t a good time.”

  “Don’t you still care about me?”

  “No, I don’t care – I can’t talk to you right now. I’m not doing this anymore with you.”


  “I told you I was done.”

  “I bet I can change your mind.”

  “No, just stop calling me please.”


  “It’s over and I have nothing more to say to you,” I said and threw my phone on the counter.

  I’m not even sure why I answered it. It was the same story over and over. I just wanted her to leave me alone. Move on. Get over me.

  I broke some eggs and started to scramble them when Spencer walked down the stairs and to her discarded shirt on my living room floor. “Yum, it smells so good in here.”

  “Hope you’re hungry,” I said.

  After putting on her shirt, she walked up behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my back. This was where I needed to be.


  After breakfast, we went back to Spencer’s so she could get a change of clothes. We were spending the day together, and somehow I let her talk me into going to the zoo. I just wanted to keep her in bed all day and watch movies—or not and just continue to fuck her.

  When we arrived at her place, Spencer invited Ryan to join us. I didn’t want to be an ass, so I agreed that she could come. I knew she was sad from her breakup—it seemed that everyone was going through a breakup. I was just lucky I found Spencer and found her fast.

  I waited for Spencer to shower and get ready to go. The whole time she was in there, all I thought about was her naked. I tried to make small talk with Ryan, but it wasn’t working. I excused myself, saying I needed to check on the gym, and after Ryan directed me to Spencer’s room, I waited for her to get out of the shower.

  It felt like I had snuck into her room while her parents were sleeping. I paced back and forth—waiting. Finally I heard the shower turn off, and I continued to wait. My heart was racing like it was the first time I was going to get laid—ever. I didn’t know what my problem was. She knew I was there…I mean, in her house.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, walking into her room and seeing me there.

  I couldn’t say anything. She was in nothing but a robe, and all words escaped me. I walked towards her as our eyes locked and backed her against her closed bedroom door. I knew there was a fire in my eyes; I was horny as fuck. We fucked a handful of times the night before, but she was like my drug. I was hooked on her.

  My hands pressed into the door beside her face as I stared into her eyes. She started to speak, question what was going on, but instead, I sealed my lips over hers. Her face was still damp from her shower, her hair wet, and she smelled…fuck, she smelled so good I wanted to eat her.

  I started to untie her robe when she broke our lips apart and said, “Wait, Ryan is here, and she might hear us.”

  “She’ll be in the shower,” I said, not wasting time as I returned my mouth to hers and finished untying her robe.

  The site of her naked, her robe surrounding our feet, made my dick jerk up and strain against my jeans. I had a half of mind to only wear athletic pants or shorts around her from that moment forward. It was like my dick was always trying to break through, but only ended up getting trapped and becoming claustrophobic. I quickly dismissed that idea because all of San Francisco would know I was hard for this chick. My dick would need to deal and wait for his reward.

  I grabbed her ass, tugging her forward onto my erection. The moment the lump in my jeans touched her center, she lifted my shirt and tossed it on the floor with her robe.

  “You have a tattoo…I didn’t see this last night,” she said.

  In her defense, I didn’t give her much time to admire my body. I was too busy memorizing hers and not letting her see mine—only touch. Plus it was dark, and her eyes were closed in ecstasy for most of the night.

  Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

  “I’ll tell you about it when we have more time,” I said, kneading her right breast and lifting it enough so my tongue could swirl around her nipple.

  After grabbing a condom from my pocket, I fucked her against the door, not taking two seconds to place her on her bed. I wanted her that much, and I didn’t know how long Ryan would be in the shower. I’d later come to find out that Ryan took long showers, and we had enough time for another round. Next time.


  Ryan was slightly cheering up as we walked through the zoo. I wanted Spencer all to myself so I wouldn’t have to hurry while I fucked her, but I didn’t want her mad at me. I agreed that we should all go to dinner. I just wanted to be with Spencer, and if I had to deal with her friend, then I would.

  We went to MoMo’s across from AT&T Park and managed to snag a table at the packed bar. A game was in progress across the street, and I knew Spencer would want to watch the game like I did. She knew about Orange Friday without me telling her. When I picked her up for the game the day before, she was already wearing her orange Giants shirt.

  We enjoyed food, drinks, and baseball, and when the game was over, the restaurant started to fill up more. I was full, Ryan was tipsy, and Spencer was giving m
e suggestive looks the whole time. I couldn’t wait to get her alone again. Before I could suggest we call it a night, I saw Spencer’s eyes widen and her body tense.

  “What?” Ryan asked, as my eyes tried to follow Spencer’s.

  Spencer leaned over and whispered in Ryan’s ear.

  “What? Where?” Ryan asked.

  Now I was really curious. “Where’s what?” I asked.

  “Spencer’s ex just walked in,” Ryan said.

  This should be interesting!

  My fist clenched as I remembered what Spencer told me he did to her, and I stared in the direction that Spencer and Ryan were looking. I had no idea who he was or what he looked like, but I was half temped to punch every guy standing in my line of sight.

  “I’m going to go over there and give him a piece of my mind!” Ryan said as she started to stand up.

  As soon as she said that, I saw a guy look over to us and right at Spencer, and I knew who I was staring at. He whispered something in the girl’s ear he was with, and they both looked over, causing my blood to boil.

  That fucking asshole!

  “Oh no you don’t, I don’t want anything to do with him anymore,” Spencer said. I was already on my feet and moving closer to the douchebag. “Holy shit, what is he doing?”

  What was I going to do? I wanted to throttle the guy and punch the living shit out of him for making Spencer cry and for breaking her heart, but then I realized…if he never did that, I would have never met her. I would have never had that dance in Vegas, ran in the rain with her, pleasured her with my fingers in my car while we were dripping wet or fucked her.

  “Hey,” I said, getting his attention.

  He nudged his head up at me as if to say, “What’s up?”.

  I’ll show you what’s up, mother fucker!

  “A few weeks ago, I met this girl,” I said, pointing to where Spencer and Ryan were sitting. The douchebag and the chick he was with both turned and followed my finger. “She’s fucking amazing. She has killer legs, can shake her ass to the beat of music in a way that I don’t quite understand, and when she screams my name and not yours, I thank the Lord up above for making you a complete douche bag who fucks whores on his desk at work.” When I said whores, the blond he was with gasped. So this was her, too. Perfect! “So man, thank you. Thank you for being a fucking idiot and letting me treat Spencer the way she is supposed to be treated. You two have a nice night.” I turned and walked back to Spencer, trying not to have the biggest smile on my face, but it was no use, I was happy. I was so fucking happy. I kissed Spencer when I got back to the table, letting the jackass watch.

  That night, Spencer thanked me with her mouth on my cock.


  The next morning, I woke to Spencer cooking breakfast and walked in on Ryan observing. Ryan asked what they were doing for Spencer’s birthday, and after I found out that it was in less than a week, we decided to take a day trip to Santa Cruz.

  After breakfast, we cuddled in Spencer’s bed, and I thought to myself that I could get used to spending lazy Sundays like that. It was nice. We tried to watch TV, but I would slip a hand here and there, and the TV would play in the background as we explored each other’s bodies.

  “Will you tell me about your tattoo?” Spencer asked as we lounged naked in her bed.

  “Oh, yeah…sure.” I let out a long sigh and then took a deep breath. I hated revisiting the story. It was a tough time in my life. I never thought I would walk again. “Remember how I told you the other night at dinner that during my sophomore year at Texas A&M, I got hurt and never played again?”


  “The guy who I was competing against for starting quarterback had it out for me. He was a senior and assumed he would be starting, but then our coach told the team that it would be me instead. That night Jason and I went to a party on campus and we were jumped by six guys… Actually, I should say I was jumped by six guys. They all attacked me while Jason tried to pull them off me. In the midst of everything, they managed to break my back.”

  “Oh my God!” she gasped.

  “Thankfully, there was no damage to my spinal cord, and to make a long story short, I had to do a lot of physical therapy until I was able to walk again. It was later found out that the guys who jumped me were all fraternity brothers of my teammate. He was expelled, but since I was out of commission, they had to find a replacement. Then in my junior year I still couldn’t play, so I ended up never playing again... So… my tattoo just reminds me that no matter what challenges I may face, I will get through anything life throws my way. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional has become my motto, and Jason and I are very successful and already looking to expand again.”

  “Do you know what happened to the guy?”

  “Nope, I haven’t seen him since the day his mommy and daddy came to collect him from school.” I laughed, remembering how pissed his parents were.

  “That is really sad. I am sorry you had to go through that!”

  “It’s okay. It’s made me stronger, and if none of that had happened, I might not have ever met you.”


  Spencer and I spent Sunday night together. Some people might need a break from one another by day three, but I wanted to spend every second I could with her. I knew I would be traveling with the Seattle gym opening, and I wanted to make up for those two damn weeks that I didn’t have the balls to talk to her.

  “Becca!” I shouted as she walked past my office.

  “What’s up B?”

  “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I’m here every day,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

  “True. Anyway, sit. I need help.”

  “Sure, what’s up?” Becca asked, sitting in a chair in front of my desk.

  “Spencer’s birthday is coming up. What should I get her?”

  “Oh really? Okay, let me think. You must really like her to get her a gift.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned back in my chair.

  “I’ve actually never known you to have a girlfriend when they had a birthday.”

  I thought for a moment. She was right. I guarded my heart so much, that I never really lasted more than a few weeks with someone. Spencer and I had only been dating a week, and I wasn’t running for the hills. I wanted to spend her birthday with her. I wanted to cherish her and treat her special. She was special. She made me laugh, made me happy, made me feel good, made me want to be with her every second I could, and most importantly, she made me feel wanted.

  “True. Okay, well help me out. What should I get her? We’re already planning on going to Santa Cruz for the day.”

  “I wanna go,” she said as she frowned.

  “Yeah, I’ll ask her. I’m sure she won’t care.”

  “Awesome. Okay well…” she sighed, thinking. After a few moments, she shouted, “I got it!”

  I jumped in my chair. “Jesus, settle down. I don’t need to have a heart attack and die before her birthday.”

  “Sorry. Okay, do you remember what she was going to buy in Vegas?”

  “Some purse.”

  “Yeah, a Louis Vuitton.”

  “We’ve only been dating a week, and you want me to buy her a three thousand dollar purse?”

  “You can find one cheaper than that. It will be perfect. You kinda owe the girl.”

  “I wasn’t going to let her win, no matter how much I wanted to fuck her.”

  “Men, always thinking with their penis,” Becca said under her breath.

  “I heard that.” I chuckled. “Fine. Will you go buy it for me?”

  “Yes, of course. Just another excuse to go shopping.” She smiled.

  Jason was going to kill me. Women and their shopping.

  “Alright, I’ll pay you back.”

  “I know you will. I know where you live.” She winked and walked out of my office.

  Monday after Spencer and I worked out, we went to her plac
e for the night. Finally, I was able to go home and enjoy the person I was going home to, even if it was at her place. I didn’t care. I wanted to wake up with her next to me.

  Tuesday we went to the kickboxing class that I knew Spencer liked to attend. As we stretched, I heard Teresa call out to me. “Oh, Brandon, there you are.”

  I tried not to show any emotion. Every time I talked to Teresa, I kept it professional even though she wanted it to be more. I knew she was approaching me because I was with Spencer, and I had clearly told her that Spencer was my girlfriend. It was no longer a white lie. Spencer was my girlfriend…well, I never officially asked her to be my girlfriend. Do adults do that?

  “Oh, hello, Mrs. Robinson, how are you this evening?” I asked, trying to be as genuine as I could be.

  “Brandon, you know I am not married and please call me Teresa.” She stepped closer to me and rubbed her hand down my left arm, taking extra time on my bicep. “I wanted to ask you when you would give me that private lesson we talked about.”

  Not this again!

  I took a step closer to Spencer. “Teresa, remember we talked about you having a private session with one of my best personal trainers I have on staff?”

  “I remember, honey, I just want you to do it.” Teresa's eyes darted to Spencer. Spencer grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly.

  Yeah, Spencer was my girlfriend.

  “Teresa, you know I don't do personal training sessions myself anymore and only work in the office, which is why we talked about getting one of my best trainers for you.”

  “Won't you make an exception? I would be interested in more than one private session, which I would pay handsomely for.”

  I knew the look Teresa was giving me was supposed to turn me on, but it was doing the opposite. “Teresa, we can talk about this tomorrow if you’d like to come by my office before five o'clock. I can show you the binder of trainers we offer. I just don't have the time right now with us expanding in Seattle, but I do value your business and will have you choose from only my best trainers.”


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