Beneath Your Beautiful

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Beneath Your Beautiful Page 11

by Tamsyn Bester

  It's not long and I turn down a dirt road, leading to an open field. There are almost no trees and the grass is still green even though we're fast approaching the end of our summer season. I cut the engine and look over at Huntley. She's looking around but not saying a word, that curiosity from earlier back on her face and in her eyes.

  "Wait here," I tell her. I need a few minutes to get everything ready.

  "Ok." She smiles and suddenly it feels like I now have an entire cave of bats flapping and flailing wildly in my belly.

  I hop out and walk around to the back. I open the tailgate and fix the mattress that I laid down on the flatbed of my truck. I throw some blankets over it, making sure it won't be too uncomfortable to sit on. I step around to the passenger side and open the door. Huntley looks at me for a moment and without thinking twice about it, I grab her waist and lower her down to the ground. I don't miss the way her breath hitches or how her cheeks redden involuntarily.

  I do an internal fist pump. She's as affected by me as I am by her. And she's nervous. Just like I am.

  "You're not going to kill me now are you?" she asks. The look on her face tells me she's not joking.

  I throw my head back and laugh harder than I have in a while. It feels good.

  What she said was so unexpected and caught me completely off guard.

  "No," I reply, breathing heavy after laughing so hard. I help her get onto the flatbed of my truck and grab the picnic basket I spent most of the afternoon preparing. We didn't have a game on Friday night so Coach Morgan let us out of practice early.

  "What's in here?" Huntley positions herself on the mattress with her legs tucked underneath her. She's leaning over the basket, trying to see what's inside.

  "Only the best home-made, beef burgers in town." And they really are. I made them myself using my grandmothers’ secret recipe. Not many people knew but I had a natural talent for cooking. When I moved out of the house after graduating high school, Brody and I lived on take-out until it became too much. That's when I decided to learn how to cook. Thanks to a family cookbook passed down from generation to generation, I was able to teach myself. Turns out I'm actually pretty damn good.

  Her eyebrows rise and she looks at me, surprised. "You made our food?"

  "Yes, well, I made the patties and the sauce. The rest is just slicin' and dicin'."

  "I'm impressed."

  I unwrap a burger and put it on a plate. She takes it from me, looks it over and murmurs, "It smells so good." Her tongue darts out and licks her lips. For the first time in my entire life, I wish I was that damn burger. I immediately start picturing her lips on me, licking and sucking like she wants to eat me. I shift uncomfortably, trying to accommodate a growing problem down south. Fuck, I have to try and control myself around this girl. The emphasis being on the word try.

  I take out a pitcher of sweet tea and pour her a glass as a way of not looking at her. I grab a beer for myself, settle next to her and unwrap my own burger. She starts making little moans of pleasure with each bite and it's driving me crazy. I hold my burger in mid -air, ready to take a bite, but when another moan escapes her mouth I'm completely transfixed. Goddammit, those sounds.

  She looks at me and blushes when she realizes I've heard her making noises while eating my food. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I couldn't help myself. You gave me an orgasm."

  My eyebrows shoot up. It’s a good thing I don’t have any food in mouth because I would’ve choked.

  "I mean your food gave me an orgasm."

  Does this girl not even realize what she's saying?

  I want to laugh but the innocence with which she says it stops me. It's like she really didn't mean to say it, like she couldn't help herself.

  "I'm glad my food gives you an orgasm," I tease. I want to tell her I want to be the one to give her those but I don't. Instead I smirk and then take a bite of my own food. The problem is I can't focus on the taste. I'm too busy replaying the sounds that came out of her mouth.

  She smiles shyly and looks away.

  "Have you had enough?" I ask, desperate to extinguish any awkwardness she may be feeling. I don't want her to ever be uncomfortable around me.

  "Yes, it was delicious, thank you," she replies. "Where did you learn to cook?"

  Her smile tells me she's genuinely interested. I can't remember the last time someone was genuinely interested in knowing something about me. "After I graduated, and Brody and I moved in to our own place, we lived on take-out food for six months. Eventually we grew tired of it and I learned how to cook. My food is almost better than my moms."

  She laughs and shakes her head. "I bet your mom will disagree."

  "She's a woman," I joke, "You're all genetically designed to disagree with everything."

  She throws a napkin at me. "We are not!"

  "See, you just proved my point."

  She folds her arms across her chest and pouts. It makes it nearly impossible for me not to stare at her breasts.

  I laugh at her as I finish off my burger, catching sight of a smudge next to her mouth. I move so that I'm right next to her and as I lower my head I say "Don't move."

  Her eyes widen slightly but she doesn’t move. I place a kiss on the side of her mouth and effectively remove the smudge. Hmmm, it tastes better like this.

  "You had some sauce right here," I wipe the spot I just kissed with my thumb. She shivers.

  Another internal fist pump.

  I'm about to inch closer when her phone rings. We both jump.

  She grabs it out of her bag and answers. Her eyes never leave mine.


  "Yes Demi, we're fine."

  I can't hear what Demi is saying but I'm pretty sure she's making sure I'm behaving.



  "Ok, I will." She rolls her eyes.

  "Yes, ok Demi, I'll kick Grayson in the balls if he tries anything funny."

  I muffle my laughter. Demi is a little crazy sometimes but her concern for Huntley is endearing.

  Huntley ends the call and puts her phone away. "Sorry about that, Demi wanted to make sure I was ok. She's been a little overprotective lately, you know, after...." she trails off. She's referring to Saturday night.

  "I understand," is all I can say. I look away because the situation hit a little too close to home. No one will understand the collision of guilt and relief I felt when I found her. I had a hard time dealing with it, knowing that my sister wasn't so lucky. I didn't get to her in time.

  Huntley must've noticed the change in my mood. She touches my arm and I look up to find her eyes watching me. But it's not pity I see. It's understanding.

  "I didn't say thank you," she whispers, "For coming to me. For saving me."

  Little does she know that she's the one saving me. She brings me back to life. I want so much to tell her, but it's too soon.

  She brings her palm up to my face and I lean into it, placing a gentle kiss on the inside of her palm. Words are not needed. I know she understands what I'm saying without them.

  After a few minutes of staring at each other, I remember why I brought her here. Why I wanted our first date to be here.

  "I have something to show you," I say. "But first, let me clear this stuff up."

  I pack the picnic basket and put it back in the truck. I decide to turn on the radio and let the music play softly through the open windows. I get back onto the flatbed and position myself against the back of the truck's cab. Huntley is sitting next to me, fiddling with her fingers. I want her closer so I wrap an arm around her waist and lift her until she's settled between my legs with her back against my chest. She fits perfectly under my chin and between my arms, like the space was specially carved for her. Her body tenses.

  I brush her hair to the side and kiss her bare shoulder, "Relax," I whisper. Her skin breaks out in goosebumps before she finally relaxes against me. My cock stirs slightly as she moves her bottom closer to me and I will him to calm down. It's going to be a long night
if I don't reel it in.

  By now the sun has set and it's dark. I have candles in the back but I don't know if we'll need them yet. I'm about to show her the second most beautiful sight I've ever seen, the first being her naked body.

  "Look up."

  Her head moves up and she gasps. "Oh my God, Grayson. It's..." her words disappear as we take in the magnificence of a clear sky littered with stars. We definitely won't need those candles. The stars are all the light we need.

  "I know."

  We sit in a comfortable silence for what feels like an eternity. It's getting late but I don't want this moment or this night to end yet. Just then 'God Bless The Broken Road' by Rascall Flatts comes on. "I love this song," Huntley whispers. I almost thought she fell asleep because of how quiet she was.

  I also like this song and it gives me an idea.

  I push Huntley forward slightly and slip out from behind her. I jump off the flatbed of the truck and hold my hand out to her, watching confusion wash over her face. She follows my lead and takes my hand so that I can help her jump down.

  "Are we leaving?" She does little to hide her disappointment at the thought that our date might be over.

  "No silly," I reply. "Dance with me.'

  She hesitates but then steps closer to me, her answering smile doing funny things to my insides.

  I pull her to me and she wraps her arms around my waist. Her cheek rests on my chest and I pray she can't hear my heart beating wildly. It's hammering against my ribcage rather audibly.

  We sway to the music and get lost in the comfort of the silence surrounding us. When it ends, I look down at Huntley and almost lose my breath. She really is beautiful. "Huntley?" I whisper, lowering my head ever so slightly.


  "I'm going to kiss you now."

  Before she can answer I press my lips to hers, desperate to get closer because simply being close isn't enough with her. It never has been and never will be. This time she takes the lead and traces her tongue along my bottom lip. I open my mouth and her tongue slides in, moving in perfect unison with mine. Her hands slide up my chest and her arms wrap around my neck. Her fingers slide through my hair and I growl. My hands tighten around her waist, pulling her to me until there's no space between us. Our kiss started off innocent but has now turned hungry, urgent. It's driving me up the wall and damn if I don't love it. My hands move of their own accord and slip down to her bottom. I squeeze and push her hips into mine. There's no doubt that she can feel how turned on I am. She moans into my mouth and I almost lose my load on the spot. It's so fucking sexy when she does that.

  We break the kiss, our chests heaving together as we catch our breath. That current of energy pulses between us, like it has since the first day I laid eyes on my beautiful girl, only now it flows without restriction. Because she is mine and I am hers.

  "Wow," I breathe.

  She giggles. "You feel it too."

  "Yeah." I don't know what else to say that would describe this moment and what Huntley makes me feel, adequately.

  "Thank you," she says, looking up at me with what looks like reverence. I never want her to look at me any other way ever again.

  "For what?"

  "For giving me the perfect first date."

  That has me speechless. This girl, this beautiful, magnificent creation, is thanking me when I want to give her so much more.

  "You're perfect," I say. It's all I can think of while my mind and body come down from the high of our kiss.

  She stretches onto her tippy toes and places a butterfly kiss on the side of my mouth.

  This night could not have gone any better. It surpassed all my expectations but also changed something between us.

  The idea of having Huntley to myself excites me and terrifies me in the same breath.

  But I would do anything to never lose that feeling.

  Because I'm pretty sure this girl will own my heart, if she doesn't already.

  Chapter 15


  "So how are things with you and Grayson?" Demi asks. We're sitting on the couch watching Sex and The City, courtesy of Demi. We're starting Carrie's story from the beginning because I haven't ever watched it and according to Demi, that's a sin against the entire female population. It also happens to be my birthday and we're waiting for Brody and Grayson to get home from their football game. We're supposed to be heading to Nicky's to celebrate.

  "They're," I pause, trying to find the right words. "Amazing." We've been together just over two months. After our first date, we've been inseparable. We spend a lot of time at my apartment, studying, hanging out or making out like teenagers. The last part is definitely my favorite.

  "Why are you blushing?" Demi eye's me suspiciously before blurting out, "Oh my God, you're thinking about having sex with him, aren't you!"

  Dammit, how does she know? Maybe my sexual frustration is that obvious.

  "No!" I lie, hoping she'll believe me, despite the fact that I'm a terrible liar.

  "Don't lie! I can see it on your face!" she pauses, "So you guys haven't..."

  I shake my head. "No."

  "Are you a virgin?"

  I frown. "No Demi, I'm not." I'd rather not discuss my sexual history with Demi. I've only ever had sex three times, all with my ex Jake and all awful. Of course it was the third time that got me knocked up but that information remains hidden and untold.

  "Then what's the problem? Does he not get your engine going?"

  I laugh at her choice of words. Grayson does more than get my engine going. He set's the damn car alight with gasoline and makes it explode. My body has never reacted to anyone the way it does to him. I'm always acutely aware of him, what he's doing. Our bodies are connected in a way I have only ever read about in my romance novels and even then, I've never thought it was real.

  "I'm just scared it's too soon. We've only been dating a couple of weeks."

  "Honey, if that boy drives you crazy then timing isn't important. I've seen the way he looks at you, and I can tell you right now, that boy is ready to bump uglies."

  "Oh my God Demi! Bump uglies? Really?" Once again I laugh at her choice of words. Where does she come up with stuff?

  "Oh, stop being such a baby! If Grayson was my boyfriend, I would've jumped him after that romantic shit he pulled on your first date."

  I smile, remembering what a magical first date we had. If I wasn't so nervous, I probably would've let him take me to bed the same night. "I was actually" I shift uncomfortably, avoiding Demi's knowing face and trying to find a way to say what I want. "Maybe tonight?"

  Demi grins before she jumps off the couch. "Oh my Gooood!" she squeals. "We have to find you the perfect outfit for tonight then! And some sexy underwear!" She grabs my hand, yanks me off the couch and pulls me to my room. We shut the door in case Grayson and Brody get here. She goes straight to work and throws at least six outfits on my bed. Next she rummages through my underwear drawer and pulls out a matching bra and panty set made of red lace. It still has the labels attached.

  "Try this," she says, throwing a pair of tight, dark blue jeans at me. "And this." A black off-the-shoulder top that's cinched at the waist lands next to me. The material is soft and it flows from below the section that holds my breasts. I have to hand it to her. Demi is good when it comes to creating amazing outfits.

  I grab the underwear with the rest of the items and head for the bathroom. I put everything on and stare at myself in the mirror. The jeans are skin tight but they hug my hips and show off my curves. The black top accentuates my generous breasts and shows off the glow of my sun-kissed and toned shoulders. I step out of the bathroom only to find Demi setting up an array of make-up. Oh Lord, this girl is on one of her missions again tonight. She turns around and lets out a slow whistle. "You look so hot. If I wasn't straight I'd totally hit on you."

  "Gee, thanks Dem." I laugh.

  "Come here, let me finish you up before the boys get home," she gestures for me t
o sit down on my bed and gets to work on my face and my hair. She finishes just in time because thirty minutes later I hear the front door open. I take a peek at myself in the mirror again before I see him. My hair is curled, hanging down past my shoulders, and my make-up is natural with a slightly bronzed look. I like it. I feel beautiful.

  I slip on my red peep toe pumps and spritz on some of my favorite perfume before walking down the hallway to meet Grayson. I take a minute to look at him. He's wearing his True Religion jeans that I love so much. They fit snugly on his muscular legs and the thought of what his legs will look like tangled with mine make me shiver. He has his gray button up shirt on, the same one he wore on our first date, and the sleeves are rolled to his elbows. His hair is a little messy and a little damp, obviously from a recent shower, and it completes the way he looks. He looks sexy. I lick my lips. A warm feeling spreads through me and settles between my legs, forcing me to pinch my thighs together.

  He looks up and his green eyes collide with mine. He smiles his crooked smile and saunters over to me as I reach the entrance of the hallway between the kitchen and the lounge. His arms snake around my waist and I grab his arms to hold on.

  "Hi birthday girl," he whispers. He brushes his lips against mine and this time I actually do shiver. He smiles against my lips, knowingly. Asshat.

  "Hey you," I breathe.

  He kisses me lazily, tracing my bottom lip with his tongue. I let him into my mouth and he makes quick work of exploring. He moans into my mouth and I grip his arms harder, scraping my nails through his shirt.

  A throat clears and we break apart. "Jesus, can't you get a room." Brody's voice comes from behind Grayson and I tuck my face into his chest, giggling. I'm embarrassed that we got carried away but excited too because I hope it's a sign of what's to come.

  "Shut up bro. You're just jealous."

  Brody snorts. "Ha! You're not the only on who will be getting lucky tonight Gray."


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