Beneath Your Beautiful

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Beneath Your Beautiful Page 17

by Tamsyn Bester

By the time Demi comes back I’m a sobbing mess and no closer to finding real or believable answers to the endless stream of rhetorical questions crashing in my head.

  Demi sits next to me quietly and hands me a bottle of water. “Drink this so you can pee on that stick.”

  Her bluntness almost makes me laugh until I realize the seriousness of the situation. I finish the water in a few gulps and wait fifteen minutes before the urge to pee finally strikes. I walk into the bathroom and remove the shiny white stick from its packaging. I do my business and when I place the stick on the bathroom counter Demi walks in. She grabs my hand and smiles at me reassuringly. After three minutes pass, I squeeze Demi’s hand and look down.

  One blue stripe.

  “That’s negative right?”

  “Yes,” I breathe. I start crying, only this time it’s from relief. Thank God. I’m so not ready to deal with a baby. Maybe someday, when Grayson and I are ready to make that decision together, we’ll have a baby. The idea of having his baby grow inside my belly is exciting and not something I thought I would ever want to consider.

  But not now. I’m not ready. We’re not ready.

  “Are you going to tell Grayson?”

  I know I should. It would be the right thing to do. But what do I say?

  “I don’t know. It’s negative so there’s not much to tell is there?”

  “It’s your choice. I think he’d want to know about something like this. The test may have been negative but if he’s your boyfriend and you’re in this relationship together, he deserves to know.”

  She’s right. I know that. I just can’t help the need to keep it to myself.

  My stomach rolls again. I lean on the counter and wait for the wave of nausea to pass. When I’m sure I won’t be sick again I crawl back into bed. I suddenly feel exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

  “Can I bring you something to eat?” Demi asks. She seems as relieved as I am but there’s something else in her eyes. Incredulity perhaps?

  “No thanks Dem. I think I’m going to sleep for a bit. When I wake up I’ll grab something.”

  She nods and leaves my room quietly.

  The look on her face a moment ago troubles me. Is she doubting the test result? How can she when they’re 99.99 percent accurate?

  Before I can overanalyze it all, my eyes drift closed and sleep takes me under. My dreams are flooded with image after image, and one in particular stays with me.

  A little boy with dark chocolate colored hair, with bright green eyes and dimples is running around giggling.

  He looks just like Grayson.

  Chapter 20

  ~ Grayson ~

  Our bus finally comes to a stop in the parking lot outside the football stadium. I shake Brody’s shoulder, jarring him from his sleepy state. How he managed to get any rest on the bus I will never understand. I’ve barely been able to keep my eyes shut for longer than ten minutes. Somehow I think that has more to do with seeing Huntley than spending six hours on this bus with a group of rowdy guys.

  As we step off the bus and grab our bags, my eyes search the parking lot for Huntley’s face. When I can’t find her I frown. She is supposed to be here.

  I take out my phone and dial her number. When it goes straight to voicemail, a feeling of unease settles into my stomach. I dial Demi’s number next and after the third ring she finally answers.

  “Hello?” her voice is scratchy, like she’s just woken up.

  “Hey Dem. Where are you girls?”

  I hear a ‘oh shit’ and some shuffling in the background. After a minute she’s back on the line. “Hi Gray. I totally overslept and forgot to let you know Huntley won’t be there to get you.”

  “Is she ok? Is something wrong? Did something happen?” The questions fly out of my mouth rapidly and I’m not even sure if she heard anything more than an incoherent mumble.

  “Grayson, she’s fine, there’s no need to get your thong all twisted.”

  “Then why isn’t she answering her phone? Can I talk to her?”

  “She’s been sick since yesterday Gray. I turned her phone off after a while so that she could get some sleep. She’s been sleeping all day. Do you boys need me to come get you?”

  I look over at Brody and see that he has his truck here. “No, I’ll get a ride with Brody. We’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Gray, stop worrying. She’s fine. We think it’s just a flu virus or something that’s got her stomach out of sorts.”

  “Alright Dem. Thanks for taking care of her. We’ll see y’all in a little bit.”

  “Ok Gray, see you boys soon.”

  I end the call and walk to where Brody is parked.

  “Mind if I get a ride home with you bro? Huntley’s sick, that’s why she isn’t here.”

  “Of course Gray, hop in. Might as well see Demi anyway, she’ll have my balls if I don’t see her before heading to our place.”

  I chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” He looks at me and frowns, which only adds to my amusement.

  “You are so far gone not even Columbus will find you.”

  “Oh yeah? Well you’re right alongside me then dickwad. At least I don’t get that starry eyed look the way you do when Huntley is around.”

  I punch him the arm. “I do not get that look.”

  He throws his head back and laughs a full belly laugh. “Oh hell yes you do! You’re eyes sparkle and shit!”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh. “If you think you look at Demi any differently then you are sadly mistaken.”

  He sighs. “I can’t disagree with you there man. That girl drives me crazy. But I can’t imagine my life without her next to me.”

  “I get it.”

  Brody laughs again. “I used to make fun of guys like us.”

  I look at him quizzically. “Guys like what?”

  “Pussy whipped.”

  I laugh with him. “Yeah, who knew right?”

  We both sit silently, caught up in our own thoughts. A few minutes pass and we come to a stop outside Huntley and Demi’s apartment building. When we reach the door, Demi swings it open before we can knock and jumps straight to Brody’s arms. When her legs lock around his waist and she starts kissing him passionately, I take that as my cue to leave and walk down the passage to Huntley’s room. I creak open the door and slip my shoes off so that my footsteps don’t wake her.

  She’s curled into a ball in the middle of the bed with her hair splayed out on the pillow. We’ve been apart for just over forty eight hours but my body yearns for her touch, and the feel of her soft skin. I pull the covers away and slip in behind her, careful not to move her. My arm wraps around her middle and instinctively pulls her closer. Her vanilla and strawberries scent assaults my nose and I get lost in the familiarity of it. She feels like home.

  I feel her stir and turn to face me. She blinks a few times, trying to rid the sleep from her eyes, and then smiles timidly at me.

  “Hey beautiful girl,” I whisper.

  “Hi baby,” her voice is unintentionally husky and I can’t help my physical reaction to her. “When did you get back?”

  “A few minutes a go.”

  Her face falls slightly and she frowns. “Oh no! I totally forgot I was supposed to meet you at the stadium. I’m so sorry Gray.”

  I hug her tighter. “It’s fine, I got a ride from Brody.”

  She shakes her head and burrows further into my chest. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbles. I left her chin so that I can look into her gorgeous blue eyes.

  “It’s fine baby. Demi told me you’ve been sick. Are you feeling better?”

  “Much better now that you’re here.”

  Part of me believes her but the other part isn’t so sure. She looks tired and slightly pale. I’m glad Demi was here to look after her, but a small twinge of guilt settles in my stomach because I wasn’t here to do it.

  “Can I get you anything? Are you hungry?”

  She pulls her bottom lip between her
teeth and starts to nibble on it. The small action makes my blood warm and travel south. Her lips are one of the things I love most about her body. They’re soft, and full, and lightest shade of pink. I clench my jaw to stop myself from crashing my lips to hers. Her eyes roam my face and land on my lips. I swallow audibly.



  “Kiss me.” Her words come out a breathy whisper and her hand slides up my chest, gripping my neck.

  My head lowers as if it’s the most natural thing to do and my mouth gently connects with hers. Our tongues collide in slow, leisurely strokes, taking time to become reacquainted after our short time apart. It will always be like this with us, and it brings me an inner peace like no other. I will never grow tired of these timeless stolen moments with her wrapped up in my arms, wrapped up in me, wrapped up in us.

  I pull away gasping for air even though our kiss wasn’t heated or passionate. I’ve come to accept that no matter how we spend time together, whether it’s intimately or not, the fire inside me will ignite and burn fiercely. Just for her.

  She pouts and I can’t help the shit-eating grin that covers my face. “Why’d you stop?”

  “Because there can’t be any hanky panky until you’re better.”

  “Did you just say ‘hanky panky’?”

  “Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

  She giggles and her cheeks flush. “It just sounds so….conservative.”

  I smirk. “I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”

  Her lips brush my ear and I can’t hide my shiver when her hot breath hits my skin. “I don’t want you to be a gentleman,” she almost growls, “I like it rough.”

  I blink. And then I blink again. She’s coming onto me and I want nothing more than to show her how rough I can be. But she needs to get well again and get some of her strength back. The light bags under her eyes convey her weariness, even if she denies it.

  “You don’t play fair,” I kiss her under her ear and lick the sensitive skin until I feel the goosebumps rise. “But I know exactly how to fix it.”

  I feel her heart start to race and smile smugly.

  “Really?” she breathes, unable to contain her pulse. “How’s that?”

  I pull away quickly and jump off the bed, leaving her wanting. “A bath.”

  Her mouth shifts into a full on pout and I struggle not to laugh at how silly she looks. She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

  “You jerk.”

  I feign hurt and place my hand over my heart. “You wound me.”

  “Good, serves you right for getting me all hot and bothered and then leaving me hanging. Looks like I’ll just have to schedule a date with my B.O.B later.”

  She climbs off the bed and struts to the bathroom, swaying her hips and distracting me with her butt.

  I follow after her. “A B.O.B? What the hell is that?”

  “A Battery Operated Boyfriend.”

  What the…?

  Oh fuck.

  “You mean a vibrator?”

  She bends down over the tub and turns the water on before turning to face me again. “Yes,” she states matter-of-factly, “A big one.”

  My eyes bulge out of their sockets. I don’t know whether to be turned on or pissed. Images of Huntley using a toy to pleasure to herself are both fascinating and arousing. It’s stupid to be jealous of a toy but oddly, I am. I don’t take kindly to sharing, especially not with something made to resemble a…a…a penis.

  I shake my head, willing the images to disappear.

  “You’re not threatened are you?”

  I close the distance between us in two quick strides and grip her hips. “Be careful baby, I might just ask you for a demonstration later.”

  Her face drops and I know I’ve caught her. I lean down until my mouth is next to her ear. “That’s what I thought. Now get in that bath so we can get cleaned up and get some food.”

  She spins on her heals and angrily starts pulling off her clothes. I chuckle. She looks hotter than Hell when she’s mad.

  I strip my clothes off and feel the temperature of the water. When it’s hot enough, I add some of the bubble bath that I know Huntley loves and reach my hand out to help her step into the bath. She sinks into the sea of never ending bubbles and scoots forward so that I can slide in behind her. She doesn’t move back so I grab her around the waist, causing her to squeal. I settle her in between my legs but her body remains rigid. God, she’s a stubborn woman when she wants to be. Sometimes it can be so infuriating, especially when we fight. Neither of us gives in and it almost always turns into a hot and sweaty argument without words, only bodies.

  I lay kisses on her shoulders and spread my fingers over her flat stomach. She eventually surrenders to me and relaxes her back into my chest.

  “Please don’t be mad,” I plead, “I just want you to feel better before we…you know.”

  “Don’t you want me?”

  Is she serious? That’s what her little fit was about?

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Because it feels like you’re turning me down.”

  Great. Now I feel like an asshole. She has misinterpreted all my actions. Typical woman. They can never take something at face value, they always have to see it as something more than what it is.

  I pull her into me and grind my erection into her back. “Does that feel like I don’t want you?” I growl. “It’s taking everything in me not to turn you around and have you ride me until we’re both breathless.”

  A light moan escapes her throat and I feel her stomach muscles clench.

  “Then why can’t we….” Her words trail off.

  “Because my beautiful girl,” – I grab her pink loofa and smother it in vanilla body wash – “You’ve been sick for the last two days and I can see you’re still getting over it. Let me just take care of you ok?”

  She sighs. “Ok fine.”

  Her back is to me but I know she’s pouting, pushing that bottom lip out like a toddler does whenever they don’t get what they want.

  I start rubbing the soapy loofa over her shoulders and around her neck. Her body is totally slack against mine and I allow the calmness and serenity to engulf us both. She starts humming and the sweet sound tickles my ears, adding to the tranquil atmosphere. My hand moves lower and I pay a little more attention to her breasts. I make a soapy trail down her stomach until my hand disappears under water to caress the apex between her thighs. Her breathing falters and before I can get her too aroused my hand slides down her thigh. I switch hands and bring it back up the other side. We’re both covered in bubbles and soap and it takes a little longer to rinse us off.

  I slide out from behind her and grab a towel to wrap around my waist. I grab another one and wrap it around her shoulders. She looks up at me and our eyes connect, sending that familiar jolt of electricity through me.

  “You’re too good to me,” she whispers.

  Her words make me smile. “You deserve it, and so much more.”

  I lean down and brush my lips across hers just as a grumble comes from her stomach. She giggles.

  “Let’s get you dressed and fed,” I kiss her forehead, “And back into bed.”

  I’m surprised when she doesn’t argue. Instead, she follows me into the bedroom and slips into her pink sweat pants with “Lick Me” scribbled across her butt, and white tank top. She couldn’t look any cuter if she tried.

  We order some Chicken Noodle Soup for Huntley and pizza for myself, Demi and Brody. After an hour of watching television and eating dinner, I look down and see Huntley curled up against my side fast asleep. I pick her up and carry her to bed, ready for a good nights’ sleep myself.

  When I’m comfortable, with Huntley wrapped around me, I drift off feeling happy and content.

  ** ** ** ** ** **

  “Good practice today boys,” Coach Morgan praises. “I like what I see out there.”

  He disappears into his office and we all file into the lock
er room after an intense Monday practice. It was tough today. After everything that happened with Tommy, he was suspended and Coach Morgan had no choice but to cut him from the team. We haven’t seen or heard from him since the night he attacked Demi, and quite honestly, I’m relieved. Brody spent a great deal of time looking over his shoulder and became Demi’s shadow.

  In Tommy’s absence, we’ve had to take on a second string linebacker, and make sure he’s ready to play for the team. So far we haven’t had any problems, and our prospects of making it to the State Championships again this year look good.

  “Ok boys,” Brody chimes, “I’m thinking we all hit Nicky’s tonight. We haven’t been out in forever.”

  “That’s because you’re a little busy these days,” Jace snickers. He’s the team joker, but at six feet and four inches, he’s the equivalent of the Hulk on a football field.

  “You’re just jealous because you’re not gettin’ any,” Brody retorts. The rest of our team mates howl with laughter and a collective ‘burn’ echoes off the walls. Jace playfully slaps Brody on the shoulder and heads for the showers. Brody stands next to me while I start pulling my sweaty clothes off. “I was thinking,” he hesitates and I look up at him. “Why don’t we take the girls camping this weekend? We can take a late drive to Lake Dixon on Saturday afternoon and come back early Sunday morning. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a great idea man. The girls need to get out the house for a change.”

  “Ok awesome, I’ll make the plans.”

  I shower quickly and pull on some fresh clothes. As I walk out the locker room and into the tunnel, I see Huntley leaning against the wall with her left leg propped up. She’s wearing my favorite Coral sundress and her brown cowboy boots. Her hair is braided to the side with a few loose tendrils hanging in her face. She looks radiant.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  Hey head whips up and a wide grin slides over her face. When I reach her, I drop my bag and wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her neck and move my lips up until our mouths meet. She deepens the kiss as her tongue dives into my mouth, exploring every inch of my warmth. Her hands slide up my arms and she digs her nails into my biceps. I harden instantly, letting out a low growl into her mouth. Something tells me my beautiful girl is horny.


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