Tiger Clause (Shifters At Law Book 3)

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Tiger Clause (Shifters At Law Book 3) Page 3

by Sophie Stern

  “What?” I glance down and sure enough, my nipples are hard. They’re poking through my shirt like bright little buds, alerting anyone who sees me that I’m horny and excited.

  I’m aroused.

  And I’m wet.

  My pelvis is pressed against Oliver’s and his cock is hard, rubbing against my groin and stomach. If only there weren’t so many clothes between us, we could have some fun. His desk looks sturdy. I bet he could set me on there and we could really go at it, really have some fun.

  “Your nipples,” he repeats. “They look cold.” Oliver reaches toward my breasts and runs a finger over one of my nipples. “They’re very hard,” he murmurs, and then his eyes meet mine.





  Doing this is a terrible, horrible idea, but I want him so badly that it hurts. I want to give myself over to him, but I never lose control. I never let myself get carried away. I never let myself get swept away by desire. That’s not who I am. That’s not who I’ve ever been.

  But this is different, I argue with myself. He’s not really a stranger, not anymore. We’ve gotten to know each other a little bit. We’re both adults. We’re both looking for…nothing. We’re not interested in something serious or something that would happen again.

  My week has been hard. This whole year has been hard. Losing my mother was terribly painful and I’m still not over it. The entire week has piled stress on my plate that I didn’t want, didn’t ask for.

  And right now, Oliver is looking like a beautiful distraction.

  He watches me carefully, waiting to see what I’ll do, and it takes me a moment to decide. Do I want to play it safe? Do I want to play the way I’ve always played? Or do I want to be bold? Do I want to be brave?

  Do I want to take a risk?

  Being careful didn’t save me from being orphaned. It didn’t save me from an evil stepfather who doesn’t care about anything but himself. Being careful certainly didn’t land me a husband.

  Being careful hasn’t gotten me anywhere, so maybe it’s time for a change.

  Maybe it’s time to be a little bit dangerous.

  Maybe it’s time to let my heart get swept away, just for a little while.

  Oh, it won’t be love. It won’t be sweet. There won’t be cuddling or gentle whispers after. That won’t happen. It can’t. Neither one of us needs that or wants that. Then again, I don’t know very much about Oliver, other than the fact that he’s a shapeshifting tiger lawyer and that he’s hot as hell.

  I don’t know much beyond the fact that I bet he knows exactly how to make me fall apart.

  I don’t know anything except that right now, he’s as horny as me, and if I let him, he could help me.

  He could make me forget.

  Just for a little while, he could make me forget.

  I take a deep breath as his eyes pierce mine, and I decide to take a chance. I’m not going to be careful today. I’m not going to be smart or sweet. Today, I’m taking the leap, and I’m taking it with Oliver.

  “I bet they’d be even harder if your tongue was on them,” I whisper.

  And it’s on.

  Chapter 4


  That’s an invitation if I’ve ever heard one, and it’s most certainly welcome. Anna is adorable and sweet, sexy and seductive, and something tells me she doesn’t have very many chances to let her wild side loose.

  No, she’s a serious girl, a kind girl. If I had to guess, she’s very dedicated to her personal commitments. She’s probably a model employee and does a ton of volunteer work. Until recently, she’d been busy caring for her sick mother, and that’s something that demands respect.

  And even though her mother basically screwed her over, Anna doesn’t seem mad or angry with the woman. I almost think she pities her mother, and that’s an interesting reaction to the today’s news.

  Anna is strong, and there need to be more strong women in the world.

  But she’s had a hard week, a hard life. Now she’s offering me something I very much want, but she’s also asking me for something.

  She’s asking me to help her forget.

  She’s asking me to help her, for just a little while, not be the girl with the dead parents. For just a little while, she doesn’t want to be the girl with the evil stepfather. For just a little while, she doesn’t want to be the girl who didn’t get married, who didn’t find a spouse by her 25th birthday.

  For just a little while, Anna doesn’t want her life to seem like a terrible fairytale.

  “Come with me,” I growl, and I take her hand, pulling her toward the door.

  “Where are we going?” She asks, but she stumbles along, following me out of the office and down the hallway.

  “Do you want to do this in my office?” I ask, stopping to whisper to her. Fee hasn’t arrived for work yet. He moved out of the building and lives with his mate and their child now, but I’d bet anything that Casa is already in his office and I know for sure that Joyce is in hers.

  “I…um…I suppose not. Where are you going to take me?” She whispers.

  “I live upstairs.”

  “Oh,” she says, and then we scurry down the hall together and slip up the stairs. No one peers out of their office doors and I’m not sure if it’s because they didn’t hear us walking by or if it’s because they did hear us walking by and they’re simply smart enough to give us some space.

  Either way, it’s only a few minutes before Anna and I arrive at the fourth floor of the Victorian.

  “This whole place is yours,” she says when we walk into my apartment.

  “Yeah. We remodeled when we bought the place and we each took a floor. It seemed fitting since we work right downstairs.”

  “It’s incredible.”

  “The third floor is empty now. Landon Fee moved out. He lives with his wife and son now.”

  “So there’s no one downstairs.”


  “So we can be as loud as we like.”

  “How loud would you like to be?” I lock the door and turn to her. She’s standing in the center of the newly-renovated studio apartment, but she’s not exploring the room. She’s not checking out my kitchen or the fireplace or the sofas. She’s not looking at the bed.

  She’s just looking at me.

  She’s only looking at me, and for a brief second, my pride swells because she’s looking at me like she’s going to fucking eat me alive.

  “If we’re going to do this,” she says, walking toward me, swaying her hips as she moves. “Then there are a few things you should know about me, tiger.”

  I swallow hard. My dick feels like it’s going to fucking explode, and so does my heart. It’s beating so hard it might pop out of my ribcage.

  “Like what?”

  “I’m not like the other girls,” she says.

  “That’s what they all say.”

  “I’m not just going to let you get your way.”

  “Tell me what you mean.”

  “You think you can just fuck me and have a little fun and be on your way, but that’s not how I work.”

  “How do you work, Anna?”

  “You’re going to make me come first,” she says. “And then you’re going to make me come again. After that, I’ll be tired, and you can fuck me until you come, too, but I’m not letting your cock anywhere near me until you’ve satisfied me.”




  Where the hell did Joyce find this girl? She’s hell on wheels and so much more. She’s sultry, demanding, and sexy, and I fucking love it. She can have whatever she wants if it means she’ll keep talking, keep letting those dirty words spill out of her mouth.

  But two can play this game.

  And when I play, I play to win.

  “What if I want to tell you how I work, Anna?” Now it’s her turn to swallow hard. She’s not used to negotiations, but I am. I’m a fu
cking lawyer, and if there’s one thing I know, it’s that you never take the first deal offered to you. You negotiate. You bargain. You persuade, and you work it out until you get the best possible outcome from the situation.

  And that’s what I’m going to get.

  “What if I tell you that I’ll give you one orgasm, and oh, I’ll give you two, but number two is going to happen while you’re riding my cock?”

  We’re face-to-face now, head-to-head, and we’re both breathing heavily. The moment is getting to us, to both of us, and neither one of us knows what’s going to happen next. Anything could happen, but I have a feeling I’m going to fucking love the outcome of this match.

  “If that’s what you want, tiger, than I think you should come get it.”

  I kiss her hard, crushing my lips on hers. Her hands come up to my hair and she pulls, but I pull her hair, too, and she groans when I do. Yeah, this little princess likes it a little rough, a little dirty, and I’m going to make it so damn good for her.

  I don’t know what I was expecting when Joyce told me she was calling in a favor. I guess I thought the client would be an elderly grandmother or a housewife with a random issue she thought she needed an attorney for. Maybe a neighbor was bothering her or perhaps she was dealing with a custody issue. I don’t know. I certainly wasn’t expecting a tiger clause.

  I certainly wasn’t expecting an incredibly beautiful young woman to be willing, ready, and needy.

  I certainly wasn’t expecting Anna Donovan.

  I run my hands through her blonde hair. It’s long and curly and soft, and I can’t get enough of it. I stop pulling it and just play with it.

  “Kitty likes his toys, does he?”

  “Stop calling me kitty.”

  She presses her mouth to my ear and whispers, “Make me,” and I about lose it right there. If Anna wants to play fast and loose with the cat, she’s going to get scratched. Then again, maybe that’s what she wants.

  I run my hands down her back and cup her ass, pulling her closer to me. Then I kiss her and kiss her and kiss her a little bit more. I kiss her until she loses her breath, just a little bit, until her body starts to tense.

  “I believe you wanted an orgasm,” I whisper in her ear, and she manages to nod. I lift her effortlessly and carry her across the room to my bed. I’m tugging up her shirt as we move and by the time we reach the bed, I’ve got her topless in my arms. Her big, heavy breasts spill over the top of her bra. I can almost see her nipples.

  “On the bed,” I whisper, and set her in the center of it.

  I reach for her and pull off her boots, socks, and jeans. Then she’s on my bed in just her black bra and panties, and she’s wet and ready for me. If I couldn’t smell her already, seeing her confirms just how much she wants this. She needs this. She needs me, and it’s good to be needed.

  It’s good to have someone desiring me in this moment because I desire her, too. I’m not the guy who lets people get close to me. Most people don’t know my secrets. They don’t know what makes me tick or what makes me scared. Most of the people in my life don’t understand exactly why I am the way I am and I’m not interested in explaining, but I am interested in Anna.

  Something tells me I can trust her.

  There’s something about her that makes me feel like when this is all over, it’s not going to be weird between us. It’s not going to be uncomfortable. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s a good person and my inner tiger can sense that or if it’s because she’s so different from the other humans I’ve met.

  I won’t say she’s my mate, but she’s got my attention.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” I tell her, and she smiles. Then she crooks a finger and beckons for me to join her on the bed. I quickly strip out of my own clothes and drop them on the floor. I don’t miss the way her eyes crawl over my abs and down to my dick. “It’s hard for you,” I tell her.

  “I want it.”

  “I want to make you come first.”

  “I want that, too.”

  I crawl over her so my body is above hers, and then I kiss Anna. My hand moves down her body, over her bra, and down to her panties.

  “You’re wet for me.”

  “What can I say? I’m easily excited.”

  “Tell me how you want me to make you come.”

  “Surprise me.”

  “Oh, little human,” I murmur. “That’s a dangerous request.”

  “What do you mean?” Her eyes are closed as I stroke her pussy over her panties. Her mouth is open slightly as she breathes heavily. She’s aching with desire and I plan to satisfy her in so many ways.

  I plan to touch her with my mouth and my hands and my dick until she forgets about everything but this moment.

  “What if I want you to ride my face, baby? What if I want to lie on the bed while you climb on my mouth, grip the headboard, and grind on me? What if I want to run my tongue over your clit until you’re exploding with pleasure? What if that’s how I want to make you come, Anna Donovan? What would you say to that?”

  “I’ve never done that before,” she whispers, but her eyes are like fire. She likes the idea.

  “There’s a first time for everything,” I say, and I start moving down her body, covering her with kisses. Her bra clasps in the front and I unhook it, letting her breasts fall free. I kiss her pink nipples, flicking my tongue over them until they’re even harder. Then I kiss down her belly, down to her panties, and I bite her underwear with my teeth. Anna watches as I tug it down her body using only my mouth.

  “Oliver,” she murmurs, and she reaches for me. She runs her fingers through my short hair. It’s not long, but it’s time for a haircut, and there’s enough there for her to tug on it, for her to guide me gently to where she wants to be licked, and I comply.

  I swipe my tongue over her soft lips and she whimpers when I do.

  “How long has it been since someone kissed you here, Anna?” I look up at her, and she’s watching me.

  “A long time.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve slept with a human.”

  “I…I’ll try not to disappoint you.”

  “You could never disappoint me, princess.”

  I lick her a little bit longer, but then it’s time for her to ride me. It’s time for her to give me what I want. It’s time for me to take what Anna Donovan is offering.

  “I believe you wanted to go for a ride,” I say, and she nods. A wave of nervousness washes over her. I can smell it, but I kiss her thighs and run my hands up to her breasts until she relaxes. Then I position myself on my back and she climbs up my body, slowly, until she reaches my face.


  “You’re perfect,” I tell her, and she nods. “Just do what feels natural. There’s no wrong way to do this.”

  Anna grips the headboard and lowers her body to my mouth, and I groan with pleasure as I’m surrounded by her scent, her taste, her passion.

  And then I lick her like my life depends on it.

  Chapter 5


  An hour ago, I was standing outside, terrified that my lawyer would be a dick to me.

  As it turns out, he’s not a dick, but he offered me his, and I accepted.

  And now I’m riding his face, grinding on his lips, chasing the orgasm I was promised.

  Somehow, sex has never felt as good as it feels right now. I’ve never been as turned on, as aroused, as I am in this moment, and I sort of don’t want it to ever end.

  I should be embarrassed to be doing this, to be rubbing myself all over his mouth, but I’m not. It feels too good, and I’m close. I’m close to coming, close to having the best orgasm of my life. I can feel it bubbling up inside of me.

  And then it hits me.

  I let go of the headboard as I come, sinking onto him, but Oliver is ready. He grips my hips and holds me firmly in place as the waves of pleasure roll over me. He doesn’t let go of me until I’m completely sated, until my orgasm is finished, u
ntil I’m completely exhausted.

  Then he moves me to me back and he lies next to me, touching me.

  “That was sexy as fuck,” he says.

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  He kisses me, and I taste myself on his lips, but I don’t mind. He strokes my body with his hands, kissing me, teasing me, until I’m ready to go again.

  “I’ve never felt anything like that before,” I admit, and I’m not sure why I’m telling him. Usually, I’m a closed book during sex. I don’t like to ask for what I want. I’ve found that being demanding is a much more effective way to get what I need, what I crave. When you ask, you make yourself vulnerable. The other person might say “no” and then you’ll feel embarrassed, hurt.

  Demanding, though, is a sure way to get what you need.

  No feelings involved.

  There are no hearts there, no emotions.

  Today I did something new, though, just for Oliver. I did it because he asked me to, because he said I would like it, and there’s a part of me that trusts him. I can’t pinpoint why I feel this way, exactly. Why do I feel so much trust in the arms of a stranger? That’s what he is, really. He’s a stranger to me. I only met him an hour ago and we’re already naked together. He’s already witnessed me at most vulnerable and now, I’m being even more open with him.

  It’s a strange feeling, but it also feels right.

  He feels right.

  What is happening to me?

  “You looked beautiful,” he tells me. “You looked so damn sexy, Anna. I loved how you dropped down on my face when you came, how you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore.”

  “I was a little worried I’d hurt you,” I whisper.

  “No, you were sexy, fantastic. I can’t wait to do it again,” he says, and he looks a little surprised when he says it out loud. I think we both thought this would be a one-off thing, but even though Oliver looks surprised he admitted he wants me again, he doesn’t seem scared or embarrassed.


  “Me too,” I whisper, and then his mouth crashes onto mine. His fingers move between my legs again, touching me, rubbing me, and then he’s on top of me, readying himself.


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