A Christmas Treasure [The Men of Treasure Cove 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Christmas Treasure [The Men of Treasure Cove 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Rebecca Joyce

  The Men of Treasure Cove 9

  A Christmas Treasure

  It’s Christmastime in Treasure Cove! As the town gears up for the upcoming holidays, two sisters learn how gloomy the holidays can really get. Janie Hicks has waited for her good news ever since she married Jeff and Caleb Hicks. Now that it’s happened, she is learning that having it all isn’t all that it's cracked up to be.

  Charlotte Connelly is more than any one person can handle. Thank goodness, she has two husbands who are eager to help. If only she would let them. Determined to have everything her way, she learns that, just maybe, some things are better left undone.

  When all of the town's residents rally to help two of their own, they all soon realize that this Christmas is going to be one for the history books. Because when the town of Treasure Cove gets together to celebrate the holidays, anything that can happen, generally does.

  NOTE! A Christmas Treasure is a holiday reunion book in The Men of Treasure Cove series with mixed romantic pairings. It is not stand-alone. We recommend reading this book after books 1-8.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 45,937 words


  The Men of Treasure Cove 9

  Rebecca Joyce


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Rebecca Joyce


  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  To my wonderful readers…Thank you. Without you, this series would have never been possible.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  About the Author


  The Men of Treasure Cove 9


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Wednesday, December 18th, seven days until Christmas

  “A little more to the left,” Emma said, standing in the living room, instructing Travis and Tate. It was seven days before Christmas, and they had waited long enough. If she had had her way, the beautiful tree would have been up the day after Thanksgiving, but her husbands insisted on waiting. Well, with seven days left, she wanted that tree up regardless of what they thought. After putting her foot down, she complained for three days until they relented, and now she finally had her tree. So far, the decorating was going according to plan. She and Tabitha had done most of the little things, like hanging the garland around archways and putting the poinsettia plants around windows and corners. Her home was starting to look like Christmas, and the final touch was almost set. She had decided to wait until morning to decorate the tree, since it was late and little Tamara Jane was already asleep. She didn’t want any of her girls to miss a single second of the holidays, and decorating the Christmas tree was the biggest part of it all, besides the presents.

  She loved Christmas, her favorite time of the year. She loved the colors, the warmth, the happiness that surrounded the season. All year long, she built herself up for that special day. She would watch her daughters wake to find out that Santa Claus had arrived. She would file every laugh, every hug, every kiss deep in her mind as a precious memory.

  “Just a smidge more to the left,” she said again, looking at the beautiful tree Travis and Tucker had cut down. She loved the smell of pine. It invigorated her, and every time she smelled the scent, she automatically thought of her mother.

  She missed her mom. She could remember every Christmas morning her mother would come into her room and kiss her forehead, regardless of age, just to be the first to wish her Merry Christmas. It was a tradition she carried over with her daughters.

  “Emma,” Travis growled.

  She stifled her laugh, and said, “That’s perfect.”

  “Thank God,” he grumbled.

  “The girls are going to be so happy to see the tree. They’re going to want to decorate it immediately. Now, don’t forget, I need all of the Christmas boxes out of the attic before Tabitha wakes up. If she finds out that y’all are going up there, she will be underfoot,” she advised, looking at the magnificent tree that took up the whole corner section of the living room. She couldn’t wait until the Silver Star was sitting on top of the tree. Tabitha had made the pretty star her first year with her daddies. Since then, her men insisted on that star for the tree.

  The tree was going to be beautiful.

  She knew whe
n she moved the furniture around two weeks ago exactly where she wanted the tree placed. She had made sure that there was going to be enough room, without hindering the view of the fireplace.

  She had always loved this house. Growing up on the neighboring ranch, she would spend hours playing with the Quinn Brothers. Though they were older than she was by five years, they never denied her. When they reached their teen years, they spent less time with her and more time sowing their wild oats. It hurt, but what could she do? She was ten years old, and they were almost grown men. She got her chance on her twenty-first birthday, when they claimed her in a night of passion that to this day still made her blush scarlet. She thought everything was going to fall into place and they would live happily ever after that night. Except, she learned, that dreams and reality were two very different entities and reality was a massive bitch sometimes.

  The night she thought all of her dreams would come true, her family home burnt to the ground and her mother whisked her away. That night her reality began. It took her almost seven years to start dreaming again. Even with the help of her men, it took her some time before she started believing again.

  Now, the wife of the three men she had loved since childhood and the mother of two daughters, all of her dreams had come true. Well, all but one, but she had her suspicions.

  Strong arms wrapped around her. Soft lips kissed the side of her neck. Leaning back into his warm embrace, she asked, “Tabitha asleep?”

  “Yeah, she just wanted her favorite daddy to snuggle with her,” Tucker kidded, nuzzling her neck. Emma knew Tabitha didn’t have a favorite daddy. She loved them all. Each one lavished their love on her. They had missed six years of her life, and though they didn’t treat their daughters any differently, the love in their eyes where Tabitha was concerned was profound.

  “Uh-huh, and how much did you promise her this time?” Tate asked, sitting on the sofa.

  “Five bucks,” Tucker whispered, letting her go. Plopping into the recliner, he rubbed his hands down his face. “You know something, that girl is a handful. I pity the man or men she sets her eyes on. I hope they have strong constitutions because Tabby is going to make their lives interesting.”

  “Tabitha is not getting married,” Travis said with absolute finality.

  “Sure she will. When she’s ready,” Tucker said.

  “No,” Travis reiterated.

  “Uh, Trav, she is getting older. Eventually she will grow up, have boyfriends, fall in love, and sometime in the near future, she will marry. You do understand the evolution of life right?” Tate said, looking at his brother.

  “I said no.” Travis held his ground.

  Emma looked at Tate and then Tucker, before the three of them erupted in laughter. She had always known how Travis felt about his daughter. Hell, they all felt strongly about Tabitha. They had missed the first six years of Tabitha’s life. In addition, they tended to be overprotective Neanderthals when it came to her safety and future. They all adored Tamara, but when it came to Travis, the intensity he felt for his firstborn came directly from his soul. He never treated her any differently, but Emma could tell. All three of them were wonderful fathers. She couldn’t have asked for any better for her girls.

  “Travis, she is still a little girl. I think we have plenty of time before we have to start worrying about marriage. Besides, Tabitha told me the other day she wants to be a barrel racer and ride the circuit. Her dream is to be the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association Champion,” Emma informed the men. When all of them looked blankly at her, she asked, “What?”

  “Hell no!” Travis shouted.

  “Ain’t happenin’, Emma,” Tucker advised.

  “Over my dead body,” Tate stated.

  “Why? It’s a reputable profession.”

  “Sure is, and she can make a nice living doing it, but our daughter is not riding the circuit. Those cowboys are horn dogs. They will look at my baby girl, do something stupid, and then I will have to murder them. I am not saying this to protect her. I am saying no to save those boys from an untimely death,” Travis informed her, with Tate and Tucker nodding in agreement.

  There was no talking to them. When they got their stubborn on, they were impossible. Sighing, she just smiled and decided to drop the subject. There was really no need to discuss it now anyway. Tabitha was only eight years old. Of course, she knew the time would come, and Tabitha would bring the subject up to her fathers in her own devious way. If anyone could weasel anything out of them, it would be her. She knew the day would come soon enough. Until then, she decided to sit back and watch as their daughter played her fathers like a fiddle.

  Looking at the clock as she yawned, as she noticed how late it was. Getting up with the sun wasn’t as easy as it looked, especially when all she wanted to do was sleep lately. Tate got up and knelt before her with worry in his eyes. “You feeling all right, baby?”

  Out of all of her husbands, Tate was the one in tune with her body. He just knew when she was happy, tired, or just plain worn out. Touching his face, she said, “I’m fine, Tate, just a little tired. It’s been a long day.”

  “How about I run you a hot bath?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.” She smiled just as the phone rang. Tucker answered and immediately pulled the phone away from his ear. Handing it to Emma, he grinned. “It’s her.”

  Smiling, Emma took the phone and said, “Hi, Charlotte, how are you doing?”

  “I am a fucking beached whale!” she screamed into the phone. “I’ve had it with this pregnancy. I want it over. Help!”

  “Charlotte, Andy said the baby could come any day now. I know being overdue a week isn’t comfortable, but the baby will come when it’s ready,” Emma said softly. Arguing with Charlotte wouldn’t do any good. The best way to handle her was to listen to whatever pissed her off and try to deflect the conversation to something she would like.

  “I’m ready now damn it!” she yelled louder.

  “Did you do what I suggested?” Emma asked.

  “Are you kidding me? There is no way in hell I would let them near me! They’re the bastards that put me in this situation in the first place. I am not mother material, Emma. I can’t do this. Jordan can. He’s the maternal one. Jordan should carry this little insect. He should get sick, let his back hurt like crazy, and don’t even get me started on the feet. I can’t see my feet!”

  “It won’t be much longer, I promise. Look at it this way, if the baby comes tonight, it will have its first Christmas in seven days. I hope you bought a Christmas present for the baby just in case.”

  She heard Charlotte sigh and then calmly say, “Braxton said I had to. But seriously, Emma, the little insect can’t talk, walk, use utensils. Hell, it can’t even hold its head up. It can only see in black and white, and all it will do is cry, shit, and eat. What the hell do you get for something like that?”

  “How about a blanket or a teddy bear?” Emma asked.

  “Jordan already got them. Therefore, I got it something it could actually use. I picked it up a six-pack of those industrial mechanical towels. You know, the ones that soak up all the grease. It said on the package that it guarantees complete soakage, and since it can’t hold its head up, I got one of the airplane pillows, so it won’t have to worry about breaking its neck.”

  When Charlotte Connelly found out she was pregnant, the town of Treasure Cove cringed, then stepped up to help Braxton and Jordan. Everyone knew that with Charlotte’s straightforward attitude, having a baby and then raising it was a reach for her. Therefore, those closest to her tried to teach her as much as they could in the short amount of time they had.

  Kelly insisted that Charlotte, Braxton, and Jordan start taking Lamaze classes, along with every child-rearing class they could find. After the first class, Charlotte upset the instructor so much she barred her from all future classes, refusing to work with someone who was so obstinate. It wasn’t that Charlotte was difficult. Okay, yes, she was, but Charlotte wanted clarificat
ion and required a better, more detailed understanding of what was going to happen. When the instructor couldn’t answer to Charlotte’s satisfaction, the woman told her to leave. Since then, Charlotte had taken to calling the girls for information. Because each of the girls had their own lives to live, they made a calendar for Charlotte, which she was to follow explicitly, when she needed an answer, and it just happened that Emma was assigned the month of December.

  Stifling her laughter, Emma said, “Charlotte, those are very thoughtful gifts. I think they will come in handy.”

  “I think so, too. Whelp, I had better get off here. Braxton said he would sit and watch Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives with me. That spiky-haired dude is crazy as hell, but man can he cook. Talk to ya tomorrow, bye.”

  The line went dead before Emma could say another word. Placing the phone on the end table, she got up went to check on the girls. Both sleeping peacefully, she kissed them good-night and headed for her bathroom to the hot bath that awaited her.

  The scent of jasmine and lilies filled her nostrils as she walked into the bathroom. Taking off her shirt and bra, she unzipped her jeans and removed her socks. She stopped wearing panties several months ago when Tucker kept ripping them off her. She had to admit that going commando was easier, and after a couple of days, she preferred it.

  Stepping into the hot water, she sat and rested her head against the rim of the tub. She loved baths, especially when she didn’t have to worry about two little girls interrupting her. Her men were great when it came to “Momma’s alone time,” but on occasion she would get interrupted. However, tonight, it was all hers. The girls were sleeping peacefully, snug in their beds, and her men were showering after doing last-minute chores on the ranch. She knew she would have a whole twenty minutes to herself before they came in, and she planned to take advantage of every minute.


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