Elusive Obsession

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Elusive Obsession Page 11

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘Very funny, Chris,’ he sighed wearily, tiring of this game. ‘I took a week off because I needed one——’

  ‘You’ve needed one for years,’ his son put in drily. ‘Why the sudden need now?’

  ‘You and Maddy decided you should…?’ He ignored this probing question and posed one of his own.

  Chris looked at him searchingly for several long seconds, receiving only a blank stare in return for his concern, shrugging resignedly as he realised he was wasting his time pushing the point any further. ‘We decided to take pity on one of the old folk and invite you out to a party with us this evening,’ he grinned.

  Reece smiled in spite of himself. Chris really was the most infuriating of sons—he had no right coming here cheering him up when he was determined to wallow in misery! And yet he had to admit, to himself at least, he already felt better than he had for days.

  Chris sat forward in his chair, sensing his father’s weakening attitude. ‘Do come with us,’ he encouraged gruffly, all humour gone now. ‘Barbara said if she can get away she might join us later too.’

  Maybe this was what he needed—a night out with people he could relax with; too often, when he was with people, he had to remember he was Reece Falcon, and that more often than not the people he came into contact with had an angle for wanting to meet him. Years of knowing that, of having to accept it as a fact of his life, had warped his way of dealing with people.

  Diana hadn’t had an angle, hadn’t even wanted to meet him, certainly hadn’t wanted to be with him——Oh, damn Diana!

  ‘All right, I’ll come,’ he told Chris more forcefully than he might otherwise have done if thoughts of Diana hadn’t intruded once again. But just thinking about her was enough to upset him nowadays. He needed an evening out where he could just forget about her completely.

  * * *

  Almost the first person he saw when he got to the party a couple of hours later was Diana…!

  And she wasn’t alone!

  Diana saw Reece across the room almost at the same moment he spotted her.

  These sort of parties—loud music, noisy chatter competing with that music, the conversation consisting mainly of what people had or hadn’t got, where they were going or had been on their latest trip abroad, who was having an affair with whom—were exactly the sort of evening Diana hated the most! But Charles had asked her to accompany him so that she could wear one of his gowns, so it was actually a night of work for her.

  It wasn’t surprising that Reece had spotted her so easily—she was a blaze of colour in a gown that was red at the throat and then passed through all the shades down to orange at its above-knee-length hem!

  She had seen and heard nothing from Reece Falcon again during this last week, and yet here he was tonight. And as he scowled across the room at her she didn’t think he was particularly pleased to see her here; indeed he tensed defensively as he excused himself from Chris—and Maddy?—to cross the room towards her with determined strides.

  His eyes were glittering dangerously by the time he reached her side. ‘What’s the relationship between you and Oxley?’ he demanded unexpectedly.

  Ah. She could breathe again. For a brief moment she had thought he might have found out. ‘Professional respect,’ she answered coolly, glancing briefly across to where Charles was deep in conversation with a woman who wanted him to design a gown specifically for her.

  ‘And?’ Reece grated, his mouth a thin line of displeasure.

  ‘I enjoy working for him,’ she added pointedly, knowing her shaft had gone home as Reece’s eyes narrowed coldly. ‘I’m working for him tonight, as it happens,’ she explained lightly, knowing that if she continued to constantly rebuff this man it would, ultimately, result in the exact opposite of what she actually wanted to happen. A little sugar among the vinegar…

  ‘You are?’ He sounded a little uncertain now, some of the anger leaving his face.

  ‘I am.’ She allowed herself a smile. ‘Is that Maddy with Chris?’ She looked across the room at the young couple as they stood together talking.

  Reece easily followed her line of vision. ‘Yes,’ he confirmed unnecessarily. ‘And things seem to have stabilised between them again,’ he added harshly. ‘So stay away from them tonight!’

  He still wasn’t sure about her own relationship with Chris, Diana realised; Chris was certainly extracting his pound of flesh from that situation. He was probably still furious with his father for his interference!

  Lips painted the same vivid shade of red as the top of the gown she wore curved into a smile. ‘I couldn’t possibly ignore Chris all night.’ She shook her head. ‘Most of the people here tonight know we’re friends, and it would just look——’

  ‘I didn’t ask you to ignore him,’ Reece cut in irritably. ‘Only that you don’t play cat-and-mouse games with him in front of Maddy.’

  Diana looked at the other girl consideringly. Madeleine Carlton looked young, yes, but she was also a very self-possessed young woman; as the daughter of Barbara Carlton, and with a finishing-school education so recently behind her, she was bound to be. Tall—although not as tall as Diana—with shoulder-length blonde hair she wore in a straight style, Maddy wore her black designer gown—not an Oxley!—with youthful elegance.

  No, Diana didn’t believe Reece’s concern was for this young girl at all; she felt sure that his worry was much closer to home—namely himself!

  She turned back to him. ‘Maddy looks more than capable of standing up for herself,’ she said drily.

  He relaxed slightly, darkly attractive in a lightly patterned dark grey shirt and grey fitted trousers, the latter moulded to the lean length of his legs. Although, Diana realised as she gave him a closer look, he seemed more strained than when she had last seen him—paler, lines beside his eyes from lack of sleep. Because of her…? God, she hoped so!

  ‘She is,’ he confirmed ruefully. ‘Would you like a drink?’ he suggested as a waiter passed them with a laden tray of filled glasses of what looked like champagne.

  She glanced across to where Charles was still deep in conversation with his client, the two of them obviously still discussing the new design the lady would like; Diana knew from experience that work was the only thing that could so engross Charles!

  Diana turned back to Reece again. ‘Why not?’ she accepted with a shrug, her face remaining impassive as she saw the look of triumph that blazed momentarily in silver-coloured eyes before it was quickly masked again. Yes, a little sugar was definitely in order just now…

  It was inevitable that, drinks in hand, they should drift over to where Chris and Madeleine were indulging in a lightly flirtatious conversation, although Chris seemed happy enough to forgo that to turn and hug Diana, kissing her warmly on the lips as he did so. She allowed him the liberty—and liberty they both knew it was!—because it suited her, for the moment, as much as it did him, to keep his father slightly off-balance. Although she wasn’t too sure about Madeleine…!

  ‘It’s just as well I’m not the jealous type.’ Maddy was the one to interrupt their greeting.

  Diana looked across at her curiously, not immune to the hard glitter in the steady blue gaze. It was obvious as she looked at the young girl, now that she was aware of their connection, of the relationship between Babs Carlton and Madeleine—there was a slight facial similarity, especially around the eyes—and Maddy, for all her youth, like her mother, was no fool! It only needed the example of her handling of Chris during his brief infatuation with Diana to know that; most women in that situation would have screamed and shouted, thrown a tantrum of some sort, but Madeleine had simply sat back and waited for the infatuation to burn itself out. As she had known it would. Possibly because she knew she had something much more alluring to Chris, in the long run, than the simple attraction to a beautiful face! Although perhaps that was being unfair to the other girl; Madeleine and Chris certainly did seem to have a closeness between them that spoke of genuine love.

  ‘Just as well,’
Diana echoed drily, the two women sharing a look of mutual understanding. It was a look that said Diana knew she had only borrowed Chris for a short time, Maddy’s in return telling her that although she had been worried for a while in the end it had perhaps turned out for the best, that Chris was all the more attentive and loving because of his lapse. It was a look that also said the two of them would probably even become friends one day!

  * * *

  Reece saw the look that passed between the two women and marvelled at it; did this beautiful woman cast a spell over everyone she met?

  Even Barbara, experienced and somewhat cynical after years in the cosmetics business, had been impressed by the cool beauty of the model Divine, had been truly disappointed, even knowing of her friendship with Chris and the danger that could represent to her own daughter’s happiness, when Reece told her of the model’s adamant decision in not being involved with their publicity campaign.

  What was it about Diana that made men and women alike gravitate to her cool loveliness?

  If he knew the answer to that, perhaps he would be able to sleep again at night!

  Chris stood next to Diana now, his arm about the slenderness of her waist, and Reece scowled as he saw the familiarity. Madeleine might not be showing any jealousy, but Reece knew he wasn’t faring quite so well. He wanted to strangle his own son with his bare hands!

  ‘Great party, hmm, Dad?’

  Reece looked up to find Chris watching him speculatively. And the last thing he needed right now was for Chris to get ‘speculative’ about his behaviour towards Diana—Chris could be an absolute pain when he decided to start making mischief! Equally undesirable would be Chris’s fury over Reece’s own attraction to the woman he had so disapproved of for him. Oh, hell! The sooner he could get Cathy over here to help organise Chris and Madeleine’s wedding, as they had discussed her doing, the better; it might take Chris’s mind off Reece and Diana. Might…

  He straightened now. ‘I haven’t even had chance to talk to our hostess yet,’ he rasped. ‘If you’ll excuse me.’ He strode away from the potentially explosive situation. For possibly the first time in his life he walked away.

  He was having a lot of firsts since Diana Lamb had entered his life!

  ‘You were right about your father, Chris,’ Maddy said slowly once he had gone, staring after him. ‘He doesn’t seem at all like himself.’ She frowned worriedly.

  ‘No,’ Chris acknowledged thoughtfully, moving away from Diana, his gaze suddenly levelled questioningly on her.

  She returned that gaze unflinchingly. ‘Has your father been ill?’ she enquired politely.

  ‘Not exactly,’ Chris replied slowly, still looking at her searchingly. ‘More—behaving out of character,’ he enlarged thoughtfully.

  As far as Diana could see Reece Falcon was still acting completely in character, having arrogantly issued her an instruction and then expected it to be obeyed without question! But she couldn’t deny she was curious about this ‘out of character’ behaviour of his…

  She gave a dismissive shrug. ‘Men his age do tend to do that sort of thing, I’ve heard.’ She was deliberately provocative.

  ‘Men his age?’ Maddy repeated with a puzzled frown.

  Diana nodded, her expression completely deadpan. ‘Middle-aged crisis. It can happen to a lot of men approaching forty. I’ve heard it can be quite—disturbing for the family of the man afflicted,’ she added conversationally.

  For several seconds the other couple just looked at her in stunned silence for what she had just said, and then, as she raised her brows in mocking humour, both Chris and Maddy burst into laughter. Diana couldn’t help grinning herself at this conspiratorial humour at Reece’s expense, although the smile faded from her lips as she turned slightly and found a fierce silver gaze fixed on her angrily from across the room, almost as if Reece knew he was the reason for their laughter.

  ‘Middle-aged crisis!’ Maddy repeated with a chuckle. ‘My God, anyone less likely to be suffering from the inadequacy that causes that than Reece, I have yet to meet!’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know…’ Chris drawled speculatively.

  Diana wrenched her gaze away from Reece’s to look at Chris, only to find he was watching her in return, brows raised in mocking question. She could see that he was wondering now at the possible reason for his father’s unpredictability.

  ‘No, I don’t believe that can be it.’ Maddy shook her head with certainty. ‘Not Reece. It has to be something else that’s bothering him.’

  ‘Or someone,’ Chris put in softly.

  ‘It’s probably something to do with work,’ Maddy dismissed, not picking up on the undertones of Chris’s conversation at all. ‘Mummy tells me you turned down a contract with Carlton Cosmetics,’ she said, turning to Diana curiously. ‘I hope your decision didn’t have anything to do with Chris and me…?’

  A very self-possessed young lady, Diana acknowledged again admiringly. Chris was going to have his work cut out with this clever young lady. Madeleine had obviously been ‘finished’ in grand style in Switzerland!

  ‘Not at all,’ Diana replied smoothly. ‘I never do that sort of work.’

  The other girl frowned. ‘I thought all the top models were after cosmetics contracts nowadays, that it was the way to really make their name?’

  ‘Divine believes in doing what you feel right about,’ Chris told her lightly. ‘That if she——’ He broke off awkwardly as he suddenly seemed to realise he was being decidedly indelicate quoting Diana’s beliefs to his fiancée. Colour slowly darkened his cheeks as Maddy looked at him with derisively raised brows.

  ‘As I was saying,’ she drawled pointedly before turning back to Diana. ‘Surely a contract like the one offered to you is where the big money is in modelling?’ she frowned interestedly.

  ‘Diana believes there are more important things in life than money,’ drawled a mocking voice.

  Diana slowly turned to look at Reece, having been completely unaware of his presence there until he spoke, but knowing as she looked at him that his taunt had been deliberate—and that he didn’t really believe she meant that at all. She moved slightly to one side to allow him into their group. ‘If I didn’t believe that, I would have accepted Carlton Cosmetics’ offer,’ she pointed out mildly.

  ‘Maybe,’ he shrugged. ‘Or maybe you just have a more lucrative offer in mind.’

  Diana eyed him pityingly for the explanation he had come up with in his own mind for her refusal of the offer; he really didn’t have any other value in his life than money and the power it gave him. But then, she had always known that. Any man, businessman or not, with the sort of wealth Reece Falcon had, had no need to push another man to the desperate extreme of taking his own life just to give him more money and possessions. Unless he was Reece Falcon…!

  And he had obviously looked for, and believed he had found, the only explanation he could understand for her refusal of the Carlton Cosmetic contract.

  She shrugged. ‘It wouldn’t necessarily have to be more lucrative,’ she told him quietly.

  His mouth twisted with derision. ‘Just something you “feel right about”?’ he scorned.

  He had obviously been listening to their conversation for some time before speaking up himself—although Diana doubted he had heard her disparaging remarks about mid-life crisis; he would be a lot more cutting with her if he had, she was sure. ‘Not even that,’ she said calmly. ‘Carlton’s new range of cosmetics sounds exactly what I approve of.’


  ‘But when, or if, I become involved in a contract like that,’ she continued firmly over his interruption, ‘it will have to be one that I didn’t think you were instrumental in arranging!’ Her head went back proudly as she issued the challenge.

  Madeleine could be heard drawing in a sharp breath, and Chris’s eyes widened incredulously—it obviously hadn’t even occurred to him that there was such a connection between the contract offer and his father. But now it did. And, con
sidering how strongly against her his father had been at their last meeting, he was now realising how odd it was that the contract had been offered at all!

  Diana looked at Reece, seeing the mixed emotions on his darkly arrogant face—the admiration he felt for the directness of her challenge, irritation that she had chosen to issue it in front of an audience. And such an interested audience!

  * * *

  So she had known it was him behind the offer and not just Carlton Cosmetics, Reece acknowledged impatiently. Well, he had wanted to know—and she had certainly told him! But so much more than he had really wanted to know, and in front of Chris and Madeleine too. Would this woman never cease annoying him? He had a feeling the answer to that was no!

  ‘Is that really the only reason you refused the contract?’ His intent gaze didn’t leave the cool beauty of her face for a second.

  She gave an inclination of her head. ‘Of course.’

  Straight for the jugular. No nonsense. As sharp as a dagger. And the result was he just wanted her more!

  ‘In business it pays never to let emotions play any part in the decisions you make,’ he drawled dismissively. ‘Evaluate the situation and act on it,’ he shrugged, frowning concernedly as he saw her reaction to his words. All the colour seemed to have drained out of her face, and her eyes were wide and haunted, deepening in colour now until they almost looked black. What the hell——?

  That he had somehow said the wrong thing he had no doubt, that he had touched on some personal pain he also didn’t doubt. That Diana could display such fierceness of emotion set him back on his heels! She was always so composed, so much in control, that he also despised himself for being the one to cause her pain now, but at the same time he could only welcome any show of emotion other than that coldness she usually showed him.

  But he wondered about the pain he saw in her eyes now, at what had caused it. He knew that a model’s life, unless she was at the top of her profession as Diana now was, could be a hard one, realised that during the early years, as in any other business, it could be difficult to know whom to trust and whom not to trust. And young girls looking for fame and fortune were always the ripest for being cheated and taken advantage of. Somewhere, in the last four years of her career, Diana must have known just such a painful experience.


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