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Summer of Love

Page 24

by Gian Bordin

"Your promises are not worth much, lass. No, you remain tied up until we leave tomorrow morning." He looked at the kerchief that he had crumpled up in his hand and added: "If you promise not to yell, I won’t gag you. But one squeak and I will stuff that cloth into your mouth… You promise to be quiet?"

  "What’s the use of promising, since it isn’t worth anything?"

  "Mind your tongue, or I’ll gag you right now and give you a taste of the hiding you will get once we are back home," he growled.

  Helen bit her lips to prevent herself from answering. Then she murmured: "I promise."

  He turned away from her. "Come, fellows, we all deserve a feisty meal to celebrate our success."

  The three young men responded with a cheer and filed out of the room. Dougal closed the drapes, plunging the room into semi-darkness. He cast a last stern glance at her and muttered: "You behave. I meant what I said."

  He locked the door behind himself and checked vigorously that it was secure.

  Helen was alone. The air felt stuffy, almost suffocating. The gloom in the room was depressing. Her spirits suddenly hit a low. There, she had planned every detail, but had forgotten about her father. If she had thought of it, maybe she could have dreamed up a scheme to distract them, such as hiring a few sailors to engage her folks in a fight, long enough for them to get away. But now it was too late. She might as well cooperate with them until they departed from Glasgow. Did Andrew get safely to The White Heron? What was he going to do? The answers evaded her. She felt terribly alone, even more so than when Andrew had just left with the constable. At least then she did have control over what she could do. Now she was helpless, at the mercy of a father who saw his honor sullied by her actions, and exposed to the hateful spite of Robert.

  She could hardly shift without the cloth strips cutting into her. After a while, her arms went numb. Her bottom and back began to feel sore and then started to hurt. The room was completely dark. How long had she been tied to the chair? She had lost all sense of time, except that now her bladder also began to feel uncomfortably full.

  She was sorely tempted to call for help, but thought better of it. Her father hadn’t been kidding when he had promised to punish her. He would do it, in front of Robert, her brother and her cousin. Having them witness her punishment, particularly Robert, would be almost worse than the punishment itself. She could already see the glee on his face. It increased her sense of vulnerability.

  How I hate that man! The thought of being forced into marrying him made her gag. I’ll never consent. I’ll rather die… I’ll kill myself first. She fought her despair by thinking of Andrew, reliving the happy moments they had shared. But the present asserted itself time and again. She became suddenly aware of how deeply she loved him, and silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Slowly, the pressure on her bladder became unbearable. How much longer was she going to be cooped up here? Loud steps on the stairs announced that somebody was coming. Should she call out and ask for father?

  The footsteps stopped at the door. Somebody fumbled trying to insert the key into the lock, mumbling to himself. Oh no, it’s Robert… Not him! What does he want? After what felt like minutes, he finally managed to open the door. The oil lamp in his hand blinded her for a few seconds. He closed the door, put the lamp on a holder on the wall, and then stood in front of her, grinning. His small eyes were a clear sign that he had drunk quite a bit already. He didn’t hold his liquor well, she remembered.

  "Just checking on my future wife," he mumbled.

  Her instant reaction was to tell him sharply to forget about that idea, that she would never consent, but she curbed her ire. With her bladder asserting itself ever more urgently, she needed his help right away.

  "Robert, I have to relieve myself. I can’t hold it any longer. Please, untie me." She hated herself for having to beg him. It gave him power over her, exposing her to his need for controlling her.

  His grin broadened.

  "Please, Robert."

  "I don’t know if I should." He was swaying back and forth, having difficulties to keep straight. "Maybe just the legs."

  "I can’t do it with my hands still tied to the chair." She was getting desperate.

  "All right, I’ll untie the hands and tie them again in front."

  He clumsily loosened the knots. It took an interminable time. Finally, her arms were free. She rubbed them to get her circulation going again.

  "Come, hold them out in front so I can tie them again."

  She complied. She wasn’t sure she could hold out long enough to argue with him. Somehow she would have to manage with her hands tied. After another two or three minutes, her legs were free. She rose gingerly, not trusting them, and walked stiffly over to the chamber pot in the corner.

  "Will you please leave the room until I’m done?"

  "Oh no! I won’t let you out of my sight."

  She couldn’t argue with him. So, she cowered over the pot, spreading her skirts as best as she could away from it, closed her eyes so that she didn’t have to see his leer, and urinated. It made her again aware of her extreme vulnerability. It had felt completely natural to do it in front of Andrew. But not being watched by this oaf! She was grateful that she hadn’t worn one of Andrew’s underdrawers. When she got up and looked at Robert, he was still grinning gleefully.

  "Satisfied, you swine?" It was out before she could stop herself.

  His face turned red. He advanced threateningly. "Who’s the swine here? You or me? You fornicating whore cheating on me while I slave away building our cottage!"

  She instantly regretted her outburst. Vulnerable as she was, it was silly to provoke him. He grabbed her roughly and shoved her backward. She stumbled over the edge of a mattress and fell on her back. Robert came slowly down on top of her, but she deftly turned, avoiding him, and was back on her feet, retreating into a corner. He staggered up too and followed her.

  "If you come any closer, I’ll yell."

  "No, you won’t. You know what your father promised if you do, and he’ll believe me when I tell him that you took advantage of me when I tried to be nice to you."

  He is probably right.

  Robert came closer, the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath. His glazed eyes expressed a dogged, almost wild determination. Leaning over her, he suddenly grabbed her hair with one hand and pinned her to the wall, while the other lifted the front of her skirts. For a moment, she was stunned. He was going to rape her! Then she remembered Rose. She pulled her knee up sharply, aiming for his crotch. The tall man was completely unprepared. It crunched hard into his balls. He gasped; his eyes almost popped out of their sockets; both hands reached for his genitals, and he fell to his knees, hollering like a wounded animal. For a few seconds, she was terrified. Then she jumped into action. Maybe she could escape. She rushed to the door and opened it. The sound of several people running up the stairs greeted her. Too late! She closed the door again and sat on the chair, waiting for them to enter.

  Dougal stormed into the room first. He looked at Robert, whose hollering had subsided into a pitiful groan, then at Helen.

  "What happened?"

  "He untied me so that I could relieve myself and then he tried rape me. So I kneed him." She was surprised how calmly she could say that.

  At first, a silly grin crossed Dougal’s face, then it turned an angry red. Towering threateningly over Robert, he snarled with controlled restraint: "You stupid fool! You know damn well that we cannot afford trouble now! Could you not wait for another few days?" He turned to Robin and Fergus. "Take him downstairs and fill him with whisky."

  The two did not react, both staring at Helen with a mixture of disbelief and admiration.

  "Did you hear me?" roared Dougal.

  They lifted Robert up and almost carried him out of the room. Dougal began retying her legs to the chair.

  "Please, father, not so tight. My limbs went all numb."

  He ignored her plea.

  "Why did you have to make a fuss? You
said yourself, you had it off with master Andrew before you were wed. Couldn’t you let him have his way?"

  She was outraged at his suggestion. For a moment she was lost for words. "You don’t understand, do you? I love Andrew. Nor would he ever force me."

  "You gave in to him!"

  Doesn’t he see the difference? "No, I didn’t. I wanted it myself."

  He slapped her. "You slut."

  "I see, it’s all right to give in when a man wants it, but it’s not all right to do it out of love."

  "Be quiet! Robert will get his way in a few days, whether you like it or not."

  "I will never marry Robert. I hate him. You cannot make me."

  "We will see, lass. We will see."

  He undid the cloth around her wrists and tied her arms again to the chair. Then he pushed the chair against a wall and said: "No sound, remember! And now go to sleep, if you can. It will be a long night."


  Andrew landed hard on the pavement. I should have helped her, not save my own skin, he berated himself! … But didn’t she shake her head when he wanted to jump? Or did he just imagine it? And what will they do to her? He felt suddenly sick with anxiety.

  "Hurry, sir," urged Owen.

  One last uncertain look to the top of the wall, and Andrew sprinted after the boy, who had already gained thirty or forty feet on him, running as fast as his short feet would carry him. At the High Street end of the close, the boy looked back. Nobody pursued them, so he halted, catching his breath.

  "Wait here, sir. I quickly check whether it’s safe."

  He went into High Street and disappeared to the right. Andrew adjusted his peruke and set his hat again to shade much of his face. He straightened his waistcoat. His heart was still pounding, but not so much from the run, but from fear for Helen. He should have followed Dougal to discover where they took her. He turned back, but had hardly gone two steps, when Owen reappeared and called: "This way, sir," beckoning him.

  "I have to go after them. I have to know where they’re taking Helen," he answered over his shoulder.

  "I’ll do that later on. First I must bring you to a safe place. Come, sir, we can’t tarry any longer." It was said with such authority that Andrew complied. Maybe the boy was right.

  They crossed High Street and immediately ducked into the closest alley.

  "Boy, where are you taking me?"

  "I’ll tell you later, sir. Just follow me," he whispered, dipping his head a bit to the side, pointing at the people chatting in front of several doorways. Then, he added with a smile: "Your lady trusted me."

  "So will I then."

  Soon they turned right, parallel to High Street. At Gallowgate Street, Owen again checked if the road was clear before crossing it to duck into another alley. He repeated this procedure another two times, crossing Saltmarket and King Streets. Once past Stockwell Street, he took Andrew’s hand, saying: "Like this people will take us as father and son, sir."

  He looked up with a mischievous smile, and Andrew could not help but respond warmly.

  "I’m taking you to The White Heron, sir. That’s where your lady hid with your horses these last few days. She’s an inn near the wharf. You’re quite safe there, especially if you don’t show your face in the tavern. Rose has everything arranged."

  "Who is Rose?"

  "Rose runs The White Heron. I guess she belongs to her."

  "But I really should go after Helen."

  "You’ll need help for that, sir. They are four Highlanders."

  Andrew’s stomach tightened again into a knot of anxiety.

  Owen looked up to him. "Do you know who they are, sir?"

  "Yes, they are her folks. Her father and one of her brothers, … and the man she was supposed to marry."

  "Did you run away with her then? Is that why they were after her?"

  A first smile crossed Andrew’s face. "You’re a smart boy. Yes, you’re right. They weren’t just after her, but also after me. They’ve already tried to kill me once. Though, I don’t think that they recognized me… I just hope they won’t harm her. That’s why I must rescue her as quickly as possible."

  "Maybe Rose can help. It was her idea to spring you from the tolbooth, you know, and everything would have worked out just fine, except for these fearsome Highlanders. When I saw them lurking around the prison, after your lady and Joe went in, I smelled trouble."

  "I haven’t thanked you yet for your help. Without you, they would have caught me too."

  "You don’t have to thank me. Your lady already paid me an advance of half a crown for my services, and promised me another one, once we’re safely at the inn. I guess I’ll have to wait for that one."

  In spite of his anxiety, a short laugh escaped Andrew. "I see. You’re a professional. I’m sure glad Helen hired you. Don’t worry, you’ll get the rest and more. But first you must help me find Helen."

  They boy nodded seriously and said: "As soon as I’ve done my contract with her and delivered you safely to The White Heron, I’ll go back into the city and make inquiries."

  He talks like a professional, mused Andrew … Contract, delivered, inquiries. "And how do you suggest making these inquiries, young man?"

  "I’ll check with all the cheaper inns to find out where they’re lodging. I doubt they’ll have stopped at one of the more expensive ones, like The Good Shepherd. Or do they have relatives in the city?"

  "Not as far as I know. But they might be leaving right away. So you also have to ask if four Highlanders left today or this evening. They probably checked in under the name of Campbell."

  "Isn’t that your name also? It’s the name your lady used."

  "Yes, but I’m a real Campbell, from Argyle."

  "So Campbell isn’t their real name?"

  "No, they are MacGregors, but assumed the name of Campbell. Helen’s father calls himself Dougal Campbell."

  Andrew was more and more surprised by boy. From his height, he looked like a nine or ten-year-old, but his astuteness and mature reasoning suggested that he was older. "Owen, how old are you?"

  "I’m twelve, going on thirteen. I know I look much younger, but that’s to my advantage. Like this, I can fool people more easily."

  "You certainly fooled me."

  They reached the rear entrance of The White Heron. As Helen four days earlier, Andrew was instantly fascinated by the flowers, so unexpected in this barren neighborhood. Owen, seeing his surprise, smiled and said: "Your lady liked them too. She was particularly fond of those pink roses over there. They smell nice."

  Andrew went over to the rose bush, pinched off a little bloom and inhaled its delicate aroma. It provided a symbolic link to his love.

  Rose’s booming voice made him turn around. "I see, you’ve already discovered the roses your dear wife loves—but where’s she?" She searched the yard.

  Owen answered before Andrew could respond: "Her father kidnaped her when we came out of the tolbooth. There were four of them. We couldn’t prevent it."

  Rose’s mouth remained wide open for a moment. "The poor lass," she uttered finally. "We have to get her out of their clutches. Owen, what are you waiting for? Find out where they took her."

  "He has already offered to make inquiries," interjected Andrew. "I’m Andrew Campbell and you must be Rose." He still held the small bloom in his hand.

  "Yes," she laughed, "on account of those roses."

  "I’m going now," said Owen.

  "Yes, do that, boy. But be careful; they might recognize you," urged Andrew.

  "No worry! I’ll put on a different-colored shirt and hat. I bought them with the money your lady gave me for my earlier services, sir."

  Rose tousled his hair. "What would we do without you, Owen?"

  He showered her with a proud smile and said: "You pay me well, Rose. So you deserve good service." With that, he skipped out of the yard.

  "He’s a gem of a boy, and so resourceful. We couldn’t’ve done this thing without him," she said, shaking her head.
  "Yes, he is."

  "Helen had everything planned out so carefully, but I didn’t know that her father was after you too. She never told me."

  "She probably thought that we had shaken them off for good. They pursued us and almost got us in Stirling, right in the middle of the wedding ceremony."

  "What do you think they do now?"

  "Take her back to the Highlands. I don’t think they recognized me. But somehow they must have found out about my arrest and believe that I’m still in prison. So, hopefully, they plan to leave town only tomorrow. We might still find out where they lodge… But how can I get her away from them without drawing the attention of the police on me?"

  "Don’t you worry, young man! We take it one step at a time! We first find out where they’ve taken your sweet lass, and then we figure out how to rescue her and get you both safely out of here."

  Blushing, Andrew said softly: "You seem to like Helen. I’m glad she found you."

  "Yes, she’s a sweet, little thing, and very clever. You’re lucky, young man."

  "Yes, I know," he answered, lowering his head bashfully.

  Rose chuckled. "I can see why she fancies you so much." She smiled at him kindly. "You must be hungry. Come into the kitchen. I cook something while I tell you our plans for how you two leave Glasgow."

  * * *

  Darkness was closing in when Owen returned.

  "Have you found Helen?" Andrew exclaimed, jumping up from the table in the kitchen, where he had just finished a simple meal.

  Rose rushed in from the tavern, as if she had received a telepathic message that the boy was back.

  "Yes, I think so. At The Golden Eagle, the second inn I checked. Four Highlanders have lodged there for the past two nights. Some kids saw them return this evening with a lass. Their description fits your lady, sir, I think. They’re drinking right now in the tavern."

  "Do you know where they keep her? Did you see her?" asked Andrew impatiently.

  "No, I didn’t, nor do I know where she’s kept. But while I was there, somebody screamed upstairs, and three of them rushed up and shortly afterward came down carrying the fourth one. He was groaning miserably, all hunched up."


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