Fighter in Lingerie

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Fighter in Lingerie Page 10

by Penelope Sky

  “I know you will…”

  His other arm hooked around my waist while his fingers continued to glide through my hair. He didn’t kiss me, just held me and caressed me at the foot of the bed. He touched me with a gentleness that didn’t seem possible coming from a man like him. His affection was always territorial, but not always sexual. Sometimes, he was so delicate with me, handling me like a flower rather than a woman.

  He tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me closer to him, squeezing me against his chest. He rested his chin on my head as his fingers continued to play with my hair, touching me like I was more than just a lover.

  My cheek moved against his chest, and I closed my eyes, leaning on this powerful mountain. My arms circled his muscular waist, and I breathed against him, enjoying this wonderful feeling. I felt peace, like there was nothing in the world that could ever hurt me. He was as hard as concrete but comfortable like a pillow.

  I squeezed him harder as the emotion overcame me. I truly didn’t want to leave this man, not even to see my family. There had never been another man in my bed whom I felt this comfortable with. There was something about Bosco that made me happy, despite the fact that I disagreed with everything about his life. He was man enough for me. All the other men I dated were never this strong, this commanding. I hadn’t realized how much I was attracted to power and authority until now.

  I pulled away from his chest and looked him in the eye. “Make love to me before I go.” I wasn’t embarrassed by the request. I wanted to feel his come inside me as long as possible, to feel him deep inside me as I lay in bed that night.

  He held my gaze as he listened to my request, not bothered by my choice of words. Without taking his eyes off mine, he pulled my sweater over my head. He didn’t look at my tits as he unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor. His blue eyes deepened as they looked into mine, becoming more intense with every passing second. His breathing stayed the same, but the tension between us stretched like a rope being pulled on by both ends. His hands worked my jeans next and got them loose, pushing them over my wide hips. He pulled my panties with them, getting them down my thighs.

  I kicked them off the rest of the way and pushed his sweatpants and boxers down, revealing his impressive length. It stared right at me, moving against my belly. The tip was wet, already drooling at the sight of me. I kneeled down and pulled his clothes to his ankles, swiping my tongue across the head, collecting the juice before I stood up again.

  Now his eyes looked even more fierce than before. His hand dug into my hair, and he guided me to the bed, laying me down at the foot. He grabbed the backs of my thighs and dragged me to the edge, my ass handing over the end of the mattress.

  He planted his legs shoulder-width apart and pressed his head against my entrance. The only resistance was due to my tightness. He pushed through it with a gentle shove and then slowly dove in, sliding deep inside me until only his balls hung outside my body. His hands gripped my waist, his thumbs meeting in the middle while his fingers touched my back.

  My hands gripped his forearms, feeling the tendons and muscles shift under the skin. He could have taken Ruby like this, but he didn’t want her. The only woman he wanted to fuck like this was me. His fidelity belonged to me exclusively.

  He started to thrust inside me, moving nice and slow like I wanted.

  I was going to be late for dinner, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything right now, except this man who was moving so deliciously inside me. I breathed deeply as I felt him slide in and out, my body acclimating to his size like it’d never felt him before. He was a big man, and no matter how many times we fucked, my body would never mold to his magnitude. His length and girth were unnatural.

  “Like this, Beautiful?” His pretty blue eyes were on mine, watching me with frightening intensity.

  Everything was perfect, from the angle to the speed to his size. My nails clawed at his forearms, and I kept my legs wide open so he could continue to enjoy me so intimately. I held his gaze, thriving in the intimacy. “Yes…just like that.”

  His men placed my bag and dress in the back seat of the car. It’d been filled up with gas, and the oil had been changed too. Since his men couldn’t drive me around for the weekend, Bosco wanted to make sure my car would get me there and back in one piece—even though my car was only a few years old.

  He said goodbye to me at the curb, wearing jeans and a t-shirt even though it was a cold evening. It’d been a clear day, so the temperature dropped an extra ten degrees when the sun set. He looked at me with both irritation and longing, like this goodbye was permanent instead of temporary. “Call me when you go to sleep.” He cupped both of my cheeks and kissed me.

  I kissed him back, not caring about the twelve security men who were gathered on the sidewalk. My hands felt his chest, and I noted the way his come felt inside me. He packed it deep and far, making sure it would last for at least a day. “I will.”

  He kissed the corner of my mouth before he dropped his hands. “My men will follow you until the halfway point. If they go any farther, it might tip off your family.”

  “You don’t need to follow me that far in the first place.”

  He gave me the exact same expression. “Your safety is my responsibility, and I take that very seriously.”

  I’d never needed a man to keep me safe, but now that I was used to his power constantly surrounding me, I was practically addicted to it. I liked knowing I could do whatever I wanted, take a shortcut down an alleyway, and no one would ever place a hand on me. “I’ll be alright, babe.” The nickname flew out of my mouth once more. The last time it happened had been over a week ago. I thought I’d learned my lesson and kept my mouth shut, but apparently not.

  His eyes turned darker than they’d ever been before. He suddenly moved into me again, his hand digging under the fall of my hair as he pressed his face close to mine. He spoke in a whisper so his men couldn’t overhear us. “I like it when you call me that.”

  I wished I’d never called him that at all. It was a name people in love used. It was something exchanged between married couples, even regular couples. Now I’d said it too many times so I couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen.

  He brushed his lips against my hairline before he kissed me on the forehead. “Have a good time. I’ll be here when you get back.” When he pulled away, he opened the driver’s door so I could get inside.

  With flushed cheeks and a racing heart, I got inside and fastened my safety belt.

  He gave me one final look before he shut the door and walked away.

  I didn’t look at him again before I drove down the road and turned the corner. Without looking in my rearview mirror, I knew his men were hot on my tail, driving random vehicles so it wouldn’t be so obvious I was being followed.

  I didn’t search for Bosco, not wanting to look at him again.

  I kept my eyes on the road, disappointed in myself for becoming so deeply attached to this man. I melted like butter. I was at his mercy, completely and utterly. I wanted this man more than any other. I’d never been this attached to someone, this reliant on another human for my own happiness. I wasn’t even a mile away yet, and I already missed him.

  Fuck, I already missed him.

  We sat together at the dinner table on my uncle’s estate. Wine was poured, fresh bread was passed around, and Lars made a feast that somehow topped the last one. He even sat at the table with us and dined so he could enjoy his evening with the rest of us.

  It was obvious how happy my brother was. He smiled a lot more than he did before. Normally, he was quiet, saying very little unless he was trying to be a smartass. His eyes were mainly on the woman at his side, the beautiful brunette he’d fallen for. Luca was on his other side, fitting in with the family like he’d always been there.

  Vanessa gripped her stomach at the table and suddenly took a deep breath.

  Everyone turned silent as we snapped our heads in her direction.

, everything alright?” her father asked, sitting directly across from her with my aunt by his side.

  Griffin had his eyes trained on Vanessa, his hand moving on top of hers as they both felt her stomach. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Vanessa said with a deep breath. “He’s kicking so hard right now.” She placed his hand directly against her stomach.

  Griffin kept his eyes on her as he waited for the vibration inside her belly. His eyes narrowed slightly, a grin forming on his lips. “He is.”

  “Must have liked his dinner,” Vanessa said with a light chuckle, her hand moving back to her stomach. “He does that sometimes, just starts kicking hard for no apparent reason. He particularly likes to do it when I’m sleeping…”

  Griffin possessed the same glow as Vanessa, obviously happy by the life growing inside her belly. He kept feeling her, his arm over the back of her chair. Like no one else was there, he concentrated on the life they made together. “He’s gonna be strong.”

  “No surprise there,” Vanessa said. “He’s probably gonna be a hundred pounds when he comes out…if he looks anything like you.”

  Watching them together made me think of my own future. I imagined myself pregnant, my son or daughter growing inside me, healthy and happy. In the past, when I’d pictured the man who would touch my stomach like that, he’d never had a face. But now I imagined Bosco staring down at me, that sexy lopsided grin on his face.

  God, this was bad.

  “The doctor told you it was a boy?” Aunt Pearl asked.

  “No,” Vanessa said. “But trust me, it’s a boy. A sweet little girl would never act like this. This is definitely Griffin’s son, stubborn, restless, and too big for my little belly.”

  Griffin moved his hand to the back of her neck and gently massaged her. “You’re sure you’re alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Vanessa said. “I don’t think I’ll be comfortable again until he’s out of here. But then I’ll be pregnant again…so I should just get used to this.” She rubbed her belly before she took a bite out of her bread. “Sorry for interrupting everyone. Keep eating.”

  My mother turned to Mia and Carter. “When do you guys think you’ll grow your family? No pressure,” she said with a chuckle. “I’m not one of those crazy grandmas. I’m just curious.”

  “Let them enjoy being married for a while,” Father said. “Carter, you don’t have to answer that.”

  Carter didn’t smile. His eyes flicked to Mia, who immediately frowned at the question.

  I knew something was wrong, just gauging by their reactions. My brother never told me he wanted a family, but after seeing him with Luca, I assumed he wanted more children. I sipped my wine as I felt the tension settle across the table

  “Well…” Carter looked at Mia, having a silent conversation with her that only they could understand.

  Mia gave a subtle nod.

  “You’re sure?” Carter whispered.

  “Yeah,” Mia whispered.

  My mother’s face was instantly filled with regret, like she hated herself for asking a question that clearly caused both of them pain.

  Carter cleared his throat. “It’ll be very difficult for Mia to have more children. She…has some medical issues that we need to try to take care of.”

  My mother’s eyes immediately filled with tears.

  Father looked away, like he was angry with my mother for bringing it up the night before their wedding.

  Carter continued. “She had her tubes tied…against her will.”

  My hand almost shattered my wineglass when I heard what he said. That monster who’d had Mia as a prisoner actually did that to her? Took away something he had no right to touch? Raping her and torturing her wasn’t enough? He had to take it a step further? “Fucking piece of shit!”

  Everyone turned at my outburst.

  Carter remained calm. “But I’m confident Mia and I will figure out a way to have more children. The procedure is reversible, with low odds of success. But there are other ways we can conceive, so not all hope is lost.” He moved his hand to her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze. “And if that doesn’t work out, I already have a son—so I’m happy.”

  My eyes watered at the sweet way my brother handled the situation, how he didn’t make Mia feel inadequate for not being able to bear children naturally. He loved her anyway, didn’t make her feel like she wasn’t good enough. I already loved my brother, but now I respected him even more.

  “Well said, baby.” Mom placed her hand on Carter’s and patted it.

  “Yes,” Father said. “Very true, son. We’re blessed to have everything that we have, including Mia.”

  Mia’s eyes watered next, touched by my family’s unconditional love. I knew her son was the only relative she had in the world, and now that she was marrying Carter, she got all of us. She was getting everything she needed. “Thank you. You’ve all been so kind to me…I’m honored to become a Barsetti. You guys became family the second I met you. There are no words to describe my gratitude, for accepting Luca and me so openly.”

  “We love you,” I whispered. “Both of you. And we’re the ones who feel honored, Mia.”

  Carter’s eyes moved to my face, and he gave me a look of affection I didn’t receive often. He seemed annoyed with me most of the time, but now he was touched by what I said. I’d always gone out of my way to make Mia feel welcome, knowing that Carter loved her unconditionally. And if my brother loved her, then I loved her too. That loyalty obviously meant the world to him. He silently mouthed the words across the table. “Thank you.”

  I washed my face and brushed my teeth before I went to bed. This nighttime routine usually happened with Bosco beside me, using the other sink as he snuck glances at me in the mirror.

  Now I was doing it alone, my heart heavy. I wasn’t sad Bosco wasn’t there. I was sad Mia had been through something so horrible.


  I walked back into the bedroom and pulled the sheets down on my childhood bed. The second I became an adult, I moved to Florence and worked as a waitress as I figured out how to open my shop. I saved money for a down payment, and then my father helped me with the rest. My store rent checks went straight to him since he owned the property. He didn’t want to take my money at first, but when I reminded him I wanted to be treated the same way as Carter, he caved.

  A knock sounded on my door.

  “Come in.” I knew it was Mom without even asking. She usually came into my room before bed, to stroke my hair and share a short conversation with me. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched my mother walk inside, wearing pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. Her makeup was gone, but she was still a beautiful woman. I was lucky to look a lot like her.

  “I just wanted to see if you were alright.” She took the seat beside me, her slender frame barely making the mattress dip. “I know that was hard to listen to…”

  “No, I’m not alright,” I snapped. “I can’t believe that asshole did that to her.”

  “I know.” She bowed her head and breathed a deep sigh.

  “It’s one thing to keep her as a prisoner for god knows how long, but then to do that? To take away a woman’s happiness like that? That guy should we be dead. We should rip off his dick and feed it to a dog or something.”

  “I agree,” she said. “But I think the best thing we can do is let it go. I know that’s easier said than done, but if we don’t move on, it’ll keep haunting Mia. I say we forget about it and count our blessings.”

  “Yeah…” I still thought we should murder him.

  “He’ll get his in the end. They all do.”

  I just wished I could do the honors. “She’s my sister…”

  “I know.” She patted my hand. “But with the medical advancements we have today, they should be able to make it work. I’m sure they’ll have many beautiful and healthy children.”

  “Yeah, I hope so.”

  “We should admire Mia for everything she’d been throu
gh. She’s struggled so much, but she’s still got that fire. She’s still strong. The worst thing we can do is look at her like she’s a victim, not when she’s a survivor.”

  I nodded in agreement. “You’re right. It’s just hard for me to let it go.”

  “I know…” She pulled her hand away. “This is a happy time for all of us. Let’s not let that demon spoil it.”

  “Alright, Mama.”

  She cupped the back of my head and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’m so glad to have you here. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.”

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you much lately.” She didn’t give me a look of accusation, just sadness.

  “I’ve just been busy with work.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll make more trips out there to see you. We can do some shopping for Luca.”

  My mother never passed up a chance to shop, and a new grandson was the perfect excuse. “Good idea.”

  “Love you, Carmen.”

  “Love you too.” I watched my mom walk out and shut the door.

  I got into bed and waited a few minutes before I grabbed my phone and texted Bosco. I just got into bed. I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to talk right now, not after that family revelation. But I’m going to sleep. I’m pretty tired.

  Instead of leaving me alone, Bosco video called me. I listened to it ring and almost didn’t answer. I turned on my side and propped the phone against a pillow so it would stand up without my having to hold it. When I took the call, his face, shoulders, and chest were visible on the screen. He was sitting up in bed, shirtless and just as sexy as when I left him. “I told you to call me when you went to sleep.” His aggressive nature was back in full force, enraged by my disobedience.

  The sheets were pulled to my waist, and my hair was in a ponytail. My face was free of makeup, so I didn’t look my best. I wasn’t naked like he was, or better yet, wearing one of his shirts. “It’s been a long day.”


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