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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

Page 18

by Vikki Vaught

  Helen had been wonderful through this whole ordeal. He couldn’t ask for a more supportive wife. He thanked God every day for bringing her into his life. He’d been so involved in this situation with his sister, that he hadn’t been able to spend much time with her or the children. Now that everything seemed to be settling down, he’d see if she wanted to take Christina and Catherine for another picnic on the beach. The weather was already starting to turn cool, so if they were going to do it, it needed to be soon. He’d ask her if they could do it this afternoon.

  Chapter 15

  Fall 1820

  Matthew found Helen in the nursery with his daughters. She was reading them a story and he loved seeing her so animated. Whenever Helen talked, she used her hands quite a bit, and his daughters finally seemed to be warming up to her. God must have been looking out for him because he had certainly blessed him by bringing Helen into his life.

  When Helen looked up, Matthew smiled. “How would you lovely ladies like to go to the beach for a picnic? Since the weather’s so fair today, I thought it would be a pleasant outing for us.”

  Christina and Catherine ran over to him and hugged him around his legs. Christina said, “Oh yes, Papa. We would love to go. Do you think it’s still warm enough to get in the water?”

  “Yes, so why don’t you go with Katie and get changed, all right?” Matthew smiled down at both his daughters and laughed when they ran to get their bathing costumes. While the girls went to do that, Matthew turned to Helen. “Why don’t you go get your bathing costume also, and we’ll all go swimming?”

  Helen grinned. “I’d like that Matthew. I’m so pleased you thought of this. Your daughters love spending time with you, and it’s been a while since we’ve been able to do anything like this. I’ll go get ready and meet you out front in ten minutes. Will you bring the girls, or do you want me to?”

  “I’ll wait here and bring them once they’re ready. See you in ten minutes.”

  After meeting out front, Helen, Matthew, and the twins walked to the beach. While the water was a little cool, it still felt marvelous, and soon they were having a wonderful time. Matthew would toss the girls in the air and catch them just as they were hitting the water and they would squeal with delight. Helen laughed, and Matthew looked over at her and grinned while he continued to play with his daughters. After they swam for a while, they got out and had their picnic.

  After everyone ate, Helen and the girls built another sand castle, and it was the best one yet. When it was time to leave, Christina and Catherine cried because they didn’t want to go home yet, but Matthew persuaded them to come along without any fuss. He was so pleased at the difference in his daughters, and he knew that he owed it all to Helen. By the time that they got back to the house, the girls were falling asleep, so they carried them upstairs and laid them in their beds.

  Leaving the nursery, Helen turned to Matthew and said, “That was so much fun. I’m sorry to see the summer end. It’s hard to imagine it’s almost the middle of September already. Do you realize we’ve been married for over two months? In some ways, it seems much longer than that, because so much has happened. You warned me that your brother and sister were challenging, but I would never have imagined how much. I will say this, I’m certainly not bored with my life!”

  Matthew loved to see Helen so happy. Her bright blue eyes were glowing with joy, and her pretty cheeks were flushed a delicate pink. He felt his shaft harden, and he realized that he’d been so distracted that it had been a fortnight since he’d come to her bed. He would remedy that tonight!

  “Well, hopefully things will calm down next week once Gregory leaves to go back to school,” Matthew replied. “We’ll just have to wait and see what happens with Margaret and Boling. So far, they seem to be getting along well. Of course, it’s only been a week. You know what I’d like to do? Spend a quiet evening alone with you, with no distractions.”

  “Let’s do that. Right after dinner, we’ll go to the library and we can read to each other. Then we can retire early so we can enjoy some time alone. Well, I’m going to my room now. I think I’ll take a quick nap before dinner so I don’t get tired too soon tonight. I’m counting on you to have big plans for me tonight!” Matthew laughed as he watched Helen walk down the hall to her room.

  He definitely did have very big plans for her tonight!

  Dinner went well that evening. Gregory and his two friends went out for the night, so it was just the four of them. Margaret and Boling were trying to act mature, so they were actually able to hold an intelligent conversation around the table. Matthew and Boling didn’t stay in the dining room to enjoy port and cigars, but came straight to the drawing room instead. Helen went to the pianoforte to play so Margaret could sing. Margaret had a lovely light soprano voice, and it was a pleasure to listen to her. Helen had been so patient with Margaret, and her influence finally seemed to be paying off. After about thirty minutes, Boling and Margaret excused themselves and went up to their rooms.

  Helen and Matthew decided to forego the reading and go straight up to their rooms instead. Once Sally helped her get ready for bed, Helen told her that she could leave. Soon after that, Matthew walked into her room. He looked so handsome standing there, that stubborn lock of hair was hanging down his forehead, and Helen felt her passions rise. It dawned on her that it had been a fortnight since they’d made love, what with everything that had happened with Margaret, they’d just been too worried.

  Matthew walked over to her, took her into his arms and began to kiss her. Deepening the kiss, he pulled her tight. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to her bed. As he unbuttoned her night rail, he gazed at her lovely breasts.

  Helen felt desire settle at her core as Matthew huskily said, “Helen, you have the most beautiful body. I love your breasts and your sweet tasting pink nipples. They’re growing taut as I look at you. I wonder what will happen when I do this!” Leaning over, Matthew took her nipple in his mouth and ran his tongue around her areola.

  Matthew had always taken the lead in their lovemaking, but tonight, Helen felt bold and decided to take the lead instead. Pulling up Matthew’s head, Helen kissed him ravenously. Breaking their kiss, she trailed kisses down to his flat male nipple and teased it with her tongue and teeth. Matthew groaned, so Helen knew he was enjoying her exploration. She slowly continued to explore his well-muscled stomach, licking his navel. Reaching down, Helen wrapped her long slender fingers around his shaft. She felt it swell as she tentatively started moving her hand up and down.

  Matthew gasped as she squeezed his thick shaft. Then a thought occurred to her. If she liked him to kiss her on her secret spot, then he should like it if she kissed him on his shaft. Slowly, she kissed her way down his stomach and then kissed his shaft and licked the bulbous head. A drop of liquid pearled on the head of his shaft, and she licked it off. She found the taste strangely enticing, somewhat salty and sweet at the same time. Helen felt her core begin to liquefy and burn with desire.

  Hearing Matthew’s heavy breathing, Helen took him into her mouth and began to suck and lick his shaft. She gazed up at Matthew and watched as he closed his eyes in ecstasy. Seeing and hearing Matthew’s reaction to what she was doing to him, Helen felt a burning in her passage and moist heat spread upward, marveling that she could be so aroused even though Matthew wasn’t touching her. It gave her a keen sense of power, knowing she could affect him so. Rolling her tongue around his engorged shaft, Matthew let out a long, keening moan. Helen began to undulate her hips as she continued to revel in the taste and smell of Matthew. Reaching down, Matthew pulled her up his body so that she was straddling his hips.

  “Oh God,” Matthew cried out, “My love, you’ll unman me. Helen, take me into your body and ride me.”

  At first, Helen wasn’t sure what he meant, but he helped guide her, and soon he was inside her tight sheath. It didn’t take her long to pick up a rhythm and start riding him. When Helen felt her muscles clinch around his shaft, a tingling sensa
tion coiled tighter and tighter. He surged upward and raised her by her hips as she moved faster and faster. Looking down at Matthew, Helen reveled in the knowledge that she could make Matthew lose control so completely and loved the look of ecstasy on his face.

  Matthew thrust deeply inside her, much deeper than ever before, and she knew she was close to her release. Beads of perspiration dotted her forehead and formed upon her breasts as she twisted and turned, trying to reach for the stars. When Matthew stroked her sweet spot with his finger, that pushed her over, and she went soaring into bliss just as he found his release and spilled his seed deep inside her. Helen slumped forward onto his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her. They lay there as their breathing returned to normal.

  “Helen, I’ve never felt such passion as I feel with you,” Matthew murmured drowsily, as he stroked her soft shoulders. “You’re such a passionate woman, and I’m truly blessed to have you in my life. I loved it when you kissed me intimately. Thank you for becoming my wife. When I asked you to marry me, I never dreamt that I’d find marriage so fulfilling. I want you to know that I respect and admire you tremendously.”

  At that moment, Helen had to fight back the impulse to tell him that she loved him, but fear held her back. She just wished she knew if he loved her. He’d called her “my love,” but that was when he was at the height of passion, so she didn’t count that. When Melody had written back to her, she told her to watch his actions, and he did act as if he loved her, but she needed to hear the words. Helen looked up at him and smiled, then snuggling close, she closed her eyes, feeling so safe and secure in his arms as she fell asleep in his embrace.

  Finally, it was time for Gregory and his friends to go back to school. Matthew felt a huge sense of relief as he stood there watching the carriage pull away. He put his arm around Helen’s shoulders and pulled her close. “I just hope that once he gets back to school he’ll stay out of trouble, but that’s probably wishful thinking. Gregory is out of control and at the rate he’s going, he’ll end up in serious trouble. Helen, you’re an amazing woman to put up with Gregory and his friends. You’ve handled everything that’s happened this past summer extremely well. Most women would have run screaming back to their families. Thank you for being so supportive.”

  Helen looked up at him. “Matthew, that’s what marriage is all about, standing beside each other through the good times and the bad. I care about you tremendously, and you’ve become my best friend. I have no regrets about marrying you. I’m sure that if the tables were turned you would do the same thing for me.”

  Feeling immense love for her, Matthew had to bite his tongue to keep from telling her, since he still felt she wasn’t ready to hear it. While she did seem more open and receptive, he didn’t want to do anything to cause her to withdraw from him.

  Matthew looked down at her and asked, “Are you looking forward to our trip to Plymouth tomorrow? Are you sure we should try taking the girls without any servants? I know that they’re much better behaved, but it’s still going to be quite a bit of work for us.”

  “Oh, we’ll be fine. Christina and Catherine are so excited about the trip, I know they’ll behave themselves, so quit worrying. It’ll be fun. Well, I’m going upstairs. I think I’ll catch up on my correspondence. I’ll see you at luncheon.”

  The next morning, they left shortly after eight o’clock, since it would take at least three hours to get to Plymouth. The trip was fun, and both Christina and Catherine were on their best behavior. Matthew enjoyed watching Helen entertain the girls as they traveled along the road. She truly had a knack for it, and seeing her with his daughters just made him love her even more than he already did.

  Before he realized it, they had reached Plymouth shortly after eleven o’clock, in plenty of time for luncheon. They stopped at the coaching inn, and Matthew paid for a suite so that Christina and Catherine would have their own room. Once they were unpacked, they went downstairs to the private dining parlor for luncheon.

  Luncheon was a delightful experience, and Matthew could tell that Christina and Catherine were thrilled by it all. Since they had never eaten out before, they were on their best behavior. He hoped Helen would be able to handle them. It was actually exciting to be on a trip like this with just Helen and the girls.

  After luncheon, Matthew herded Helen and the twins outside and walked them to the shopping area. They went to the dressmaker first to get new clothing for the girls, since Christina and Catherine had outgrown most of theirs. They ordered several dresses for both of them, and Helen decided to order some warm day dresses and flannel petticoats, since it would be winter in just a couple of months. After they finished up at the dressmakers, they went to the millinery.

  Helen found a pretty new chip straw bonnet, and since she had been looking for one, Matthew insisted that she purchase it. The confectionery was next door, so they took Christina and Catherine there and let them pick out some sweetmeats. It was such a joy, watching the girls’ eyes grow big as they tried to choose which candies to select. A quaint little bookshop was their final stop before returning to the inn. By the time they got back to the inn, Christina and Catherine were getting sleepy, so Helen put them to bed for a nap and soon they were fast asleep.

  Helen and Matthew decided they would rest as well so they would be ready to handle the girls when they got up. After unbuttoning Helen’s gown and loosening her corset, they lay down on the bed, and Matthew pulled her into his arms and gave her a gentle kiss. It was so blissful to just lie there together. Matthew was enjoying the closeness, but Helen was so tired she quickly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

  The evening meal was interesting, because it was the first time that Christina and Catherine had dined formally with him. Both little girls sat quietly and ate their entire meal. It warmed his heart to see such a change in his daughters. Looking over at them, Matthew smiled. “I’m so proud of both of you. I think that since you ate all of your dinner, you can have some pudding for dessert, and Helen and I will read a story to you when you go to bed.”

  After they finished dinner, Helen and Matthew took Christina and Catherine upstairs and read them a story, but before they had even finished it, the twins had fallen fast asleep. Once Helen and Matthew entered their room, he said, “Turn around, my dear, I’ll help you out of your clothes.”

  While releasing each button, he kissed the nape of her neck and her back. It sent shivers up and down Helen’s spine. Once her dress was unbuttoned, he pushed it off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor. Turning her around, Matthew rained a hot trail of kisses down her neck and shoulders. He unfastened her petticoat and took off her corset. Then he turned her around and gently suckled her breast through her silk chemise. Anticipation had her reeling, and she pulled his head up so she could kiss him.

  Picking her up his arms, Matthew carried her to the bed, then tore off his clothes and quickly joined her. Soon, Helen was caught up in a sensual storm, and a rushing tide of pleasure submerged her as he pulled off her chemise and sucked her taut nipple into his mouth. While he kneaded her other breast, sharp tingling sensations continued to shoot through her body.

  Matthew parted her thighs and surged home. As soon as he was inside, Helen’s inner muscles tightened around his shaft, and he started moving harder and faster. Sensations flooded her body and they both reached their peak at the same time. As his essence flooded her sheath, she flew over the edge into ecstasy. Helen’s heart was racing, and as she laid her head on Matthew’s chest, she listened as his heartbeat and breathing slowed down. It was as if their hearts beat as one. Matthew gathered her closer to him, kissed her temple. As she relaxed in his arms, she fell into an exhausted sleep.

  Even though they got a late start the following morning, the trip back went well, and they were home by one o’clock. Christina and Catherine told Miss Wilson all about their great adventure. They were so excited that they seemed to talk a mile a minute. Helen and Matthew left them in the schoolroom and made their way to their roo
ms to freshen up for tea.

  When Helen went into the drawing room, Margaret was already there. Smiling, Helen asked, “Did you have an enjoyable day yesterday, Margaret? We had a marvelous time in Plymouth. Christina and Catherine were little angels the entire time. I was a little worried about taking them without any servants, but it worked out well. How is everything with Mr. Boling?”

  “Peter and I went for a long ride yesterday,” Margaret replied, “and we explored more of the caves. He’s fascinated by them, and he thinks he’s going to find buried treasure. I keep telling him that all the tales are just myth, but he says that it doesn’t hurt to take a good look around anyway. After all, those caves were used by smugglers, and they may have left something behind.”

  Helen was relieved that Margaret and Boling seemed to be getting along so well, so maybe this wouldn’t turn out to be the disaster they had expected it to be. Helen poured a cup of tea for Margaret and handed it to her. “I’ve never been in the caves. I’m not sure I would enjoy exploring them. I don’t like dark damp places.”

  Looking over at Helen, Margaret wistfully said, “It seems strange, not going back to school. I know I only had one more year left, and I’m going to miss it. I don’t regret marrying Peter though.”

  “I’m pleased that you and Mr. Boling are getting along so well. I was worried that he might be restless since he was forced to marry you so quickly. Both of you are so young to be thrust into adult responsibilities when both of you should still be in school, but if you’re happy, then I hope you’ll continue to be so.”

  “Helen, you worry too much. I know Peter and I are young, but we really do love each other. We’re going to be fine.”

  Matthew and Boling joined them, and soon they were all drinking their tea and enjoying their biscuits. Both Matthew and Boling ate several sandwiches each. After tea, Matthew excused himself, because he had a meeting with Wilcox. Boling went with him. Matthew was teaching him how to manage an estate, since Boling would have his own to manage in the future. Helen decided to go to her room and start her new book that she’d gotten in Plymouth.


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