Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy) Page 30

by Vikki Vaught

  “Please, Matthew! I need you right now. Please help me.” Picking her up, he carried her to his bed. He pushed up her skirts and found her sweet spot. Pulling her bottom to the edge of the bed, he surged home. It was the most indescribably wonderful feeling in the world. Helen was writhing as he stroked in and out of her tight passage.

  And to think that he had almost lost her…

  Matthew watched her face flush with passion. Helen was panting as she splintered into a thousand pieces, the most powerful climax flinging her over the precipice into bliss. A husky sound rose in his throat as he filled her sweet passage with his seed. Falling to the side, he pulled her close as Helen sighed with contentment.

  Soon, poor Helen was writhing and twisting as passion took her over again. Matthew loved her over and over again, until she finally fell into a deep sleep. Matthew watched Helen as she slept. He quietly prayed to God, thanking him for returning Helen to him, then fell into the most restful sleep he’d had since Helen had been taken.

  Helen and Matthew slept until well past noon the next day. Matthew woke up first and lay there just looking at Helen. Her beautiful face was covered with cosmetics, but she still looked lovely to him. She was sweetly smiling in her sleep, so she must be having pleasant dreams. Helen snuggled up close to him, and he put his arms around her. It was as if they couldn’t get close enough to each other. Matthew knew that once she woke up, he’d have to tell her what he suspected about Cecilia, and he was afraid of her reaction.

  After all…it was his fault she’d been taken.

  Chapter 25

  May 1821

  Matthew watched as Helen began to wake up. She sighed and stretched. When she saw Matthew, she smiled. “Oh, thank goodness! It wasn’t just a dream! I really am safe!”

  Matthew pulled her close. “Yes, darling, you’re safe and sound, and I’m never letting you go again. I’m so sorry you were abducted. I never should have left you and our sons alone.”

  Helen looked up at him. “Matthew, you had to go to your sister. I hope she’s all right. I assumed she must be, since Peter was with you last night. I’m sorry I acted the wanton, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. Madame put something in my wine.”

  “I wanted you as much as you wanted me, and besides, that must have been a powerful potion she gave you. The note was a forgery. Margaret isn’t, nor has she ever been, with child. They were shocked when I showed up and told them why I was there.”

  “Tell me how you were able to find our sons so quickly?”

  “Wells got in touch with the magistrate just as soon as they realized that you and the babies were missing. Someone had seen the two men with our sons. It was easy to pick up their trail, because they weren’t trying to cover their tracks at all. We found them just before Chard, Somerset.”

  “Thank goodness you found them in time. I’ve been so worried about them. What happened when you confronted the men?”

  Helen snuggled close as he continued with his story. “Peter and I quickly stopped them and got our sons away from them. One of the men got away, but I was able to capture the other. He told me that the man who hired him was taking you to London, and that he was going to sell you to a brothel. That’s why we began searching all the brothels in town.”

  Helen looked puzzled. “The man who took me was named Louis, but I’d never seen him before. He never told me why he had taken me, but he alluded to someone else being behind it. I still don’t know who wanted me abducted. Have you been able to figure out who was behind this?”

  Matthew lowered his head.

  Oh God, he didn’t want to tell her.

  She was going to hate him.

  “God, I’m so sorry. It was my fault you were taken. Please don’t hate me…but I suspect Cecilia was the one who ordered you to be taken. Only we think that you were supposed to be killed—not abducted.”

  Helen gasped. “Do you really think that was the plan? I think you’re right about Cecilia being behind this. She’s the only one that has a grudge against me.”

  Gently stroking Helen’s shoulder, Matthew continued his tale. “The Bow Street Runner believed your abduction was tied to those accidents you had, and since it was my former mistress, she probably thought that if you and our sons were dead, that I would go back to her. Helen, I was so stupid. If I had just broken up with her before I came to London, none of this would have happened. I’ll understand if you do hate me. I deserve it.”

  Helen looked at Matthew and stroked his cheek, touching the day’s growth of beard on his handsome face. “Matthew, I don’t hate you, but we can’t prove that Cecilia is the one who ordered everything. We’ll have to find Louis and get him to talk. That’s the only way we’ll get the proof.”

  “I’ll find him. Then we’ll have the proof that she was behind this,” Matthew vehemently exclaimed, with great determination in his voice. “I’ll see her severely punished for what she has done!”

  “I know you will. I had quite a bit of time to think while I was at that brothel,” Helen explained, “I realized that it wouldn’t have made any difference if you had broken it off with her before you came to London. She would have hated anyone you married, because she’s deranged. In her mind, it was my fault you broke up with her, and if I were dead, then you would come back to her. I’ve forgiven you because…I…I love you.”

  Matthew felt a lump in his throat and tears filled his eyes. “I don’t deserve your love. You’re the most understanding and forgiving woman in the world. I love you deeply with every breath I take. When you were abducted, I finally understood why my father acted the way he did when my mother died, because I knew that if you were taken from me, a piece of me would have died also. I promise to love you for all eternity, Helen.”

  Gathering Helen into his arms, he tenderly kissed her. Helen put her arms around his neck, and reached up, running her fingers through his silky hair as passion took over. He deepened their kiss and ran his hand gently over her breast. Kissing her neck, he nibbled his way down to her swollen breast. He took her turgid nipple into his mouth and gently sucked.

  Matthew felt spirals of heat rush through his flesh and coil in his loins. Trailing kisses over her belly, he buried his face between her pretty thighs. Helen writhed and moaned as he licked her little bud, inhaling her sweet essence. Glancing up at Helen through heavy lidded eyes, he watched as she drifted into luscious, building pleasure.

  Helen arched upward as incredible, thrilling waves broke over her, and she claimed her release. Feeling all-powerful, Matthew crawled up her beautiful body, and as he kissed her, he thrust deeply into her. His thrusts grew deeper and faster as passion took him to that place where true lovers find total bliss.

  With his last thrust, he groaned as he emptied his seed deep inside her. His arms wouldn’t hold him up, so he gently pulled out and rolled to her side as he pulled her into his arms. Matthew’s heart swelled with love and contentment stronger than he had ever felt before. He had his beautiful Helen back in his arms, and she’d forgiven him.

  With tears swimming in his eyes, Matthew whispered, “My love…you are my life.” Cradling her in his arms, they drifted off into peaceful slumber.

  Later that evening, Helen and Matthew went down to dinner. As they entered the drawing room, everyone was already there. Melody, Kathryn, and Mary rushed over and hugged Helen.

  When Melody hugged her, she said, “Thank goodness you’re all right. We were so worried about you. Matthew sent a message telling Henry that you’d been taken to a brothel in town. They were already planning to attend that auction because of the rumors. Then Old Maude came and told them that you were at Madame Lucille’s awful place. We were so relieved to find out where you were.”

  “I’m just glad I got out of there. The only thing that kept me from losing my mind that last day was the hope that Old Maude had gone to Henry.”

  Simpson came in and announced dinner. Melody had ordered a special meal prepared to celebrate Helen’s return. After dinner, the me
n decided to join the ladies in the drawing room instead of having their port and cigars. They talked and laughed with joy that they were all together again. Since Matthew and Helen were still quite exhausted from lack of restful sleep, they were the first to go to their rooms.

  Upon returning to their rooms, they went into their sitting room, sat on the sofa, and talked. “Helen, tell me what happened to you. I’m amazed you were able to hold off Madame Lucille. I’m thankful that you did, but I’m still astonished she allowed you to wait.”

  Helen smiled smugly. “I told her I’d just given birth and if she forced men on me too soon, I’d be damaged, and she wouldn’t make as much money. I kept thinking that if I could just delay anything happening you would find me, or I’d figure out a way to escape. I almost did, but that brute Bernard caught me. That was when she beat me. Thank goodness, she allowed Old Maude to treat my wounds.”

  “Helen, you’re brilliant. Thank God she wanted to protect her investment. When I thought about what could happen to you in a brothel, it drove me mad. It terrified me when I believed you’d probably been violated. I worried that even if I did find you, you’d be dead, or terribly hurt.”

  Touching Matthew’s hand, Helen replied, “I never gave up hope that you would find me. I prayed constantly to have the strength to endure. Now, what are we going to do about your suspicions regarding Cecilia? When do you think the Bow Street Runner will return? I need to get home to our sons right away.”

  “We’ll go home in a few days, after you’ve had time to recover from your ordeal. I know you’re anxious to get home, but neither one of us have been sleeping very much. Mr. Livingston should be back soon. He’s been gone for about ten days. I just hope he was able to get Cecilia to talk. I’m convinced she’s the one behind all this. This Louis character, he never said anything that hinted at who was giving the orders?”

  “No, nothing at all. I’m just so glad to have this whole ordeal behind me.”

  “You know your brother holds me responsible for your troubles, and I don’t blame him. But it bothers me terribly because I respect him tremendously, and now he’s lost all respect for me. Melody was so disappointed in me that she wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. It made me feel very ashamed of my behavior. I just hope they can eventually forgive me. It’s up to me to show them how much I love you, and that I’ll never hurt you again.”

  “Matthew, I’m sure they’ll forgive you now that I’ve returned unharmed. My darling, I know that I’m tired, and I’m sure you are too, so let’s go to bed.” They went to Matthew’s room, hands clasped and fingers laced, and he tenderly made love to her. As he held her in his arms, she drifted off to sleep.

  The next day, Henry met with Helen and Matthew and told them the Bow Street Runner wasn’t able to find out anything when he went to Devonshire. Helen noticed how cold Henry was acting toward Matthew and decided she would have a talk with him privately. They needed to work together if they were going to prove that Cecilia was the instigator behind this debacle.

  Matthew went to their townhouse that afternoon to tell the housekeeper they wouldn’t be opening the house for the season after all. While he was gone, Helen went to Henry’s study to talk with him. “Henry, I need to speak with you regarding your attitude toward Matthew. I’ve forgiven him, and I want you to forgive him also. He’s my husband, and I love him very much. He feels terrible about what happened to me, and that it could be his fault, because of Cecilia.”

  “Helen, I don’t understand how you can forgive him so easily.”

  “I love him. Besides, I believe that even if he had broken it off with Cecelia before he came to London, she would still have reacted with animosity. You haven’t met the woman, I have. I believe she’s insane. We need to move forward and work together so we can stop her from doing anything further harm. Our focus needs to be on how we’re going to prove she’s behind all this. So, can you ease up on Matthew for me?”

  “Oh, all right. I’ll ease up on him. I do believe he cares for you and that he’s very remorseful over this entire situation, so yes, I’ll forgive him. All I want is your happiness and safety. You’re right about us needing to work together to prove that Mrs. Arlington is behind the attempts on your life and your abduction.”

  “Matthew respects you tremendously, and he’s worried that you’ve lost all respect for him, just when you’d started to become friends. I hope you’ll let him know you’ve forgiven him. Thank you, it means so much to me.”

  “Anything for you, sweetheart.” Henry pulled her into his arms and gave her a hug.

  Helen left Henry’s study feeling much better about everything. She understood why Henry held Matthew responsible, but he didn’t know Mrs. Arlington. Now she wanted to talk to Melody, so she went to find her. She found Melody in the drawing room and gave her a hug. “Good afternoon, I’d like to talk to you about Matthew. Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

  “Of course, I don’t have anything planned this afternoon so I’d happy to talk to you. I’m just so glad you’re all right. We were terribly worried about you.”

  “I’m just glad this horrid ordeal is behind me. Listen, Matthew told me how disappointed you were when you found out he’d had a mistress when we got married. I was angry with him myself when I first found out. Matthew should have broken it off, but he didn’t, and that can’t be changed.”

  “I was mainly just concerned about you. I was so afraid you’d be hurt.”

  “Melody, I’ve forgiven him, and I want you to forgive him also. It’s important to me that we all get along and respect each other. Matthew realizes he made a grave mistake by not breaking off with her, and he feels awful about what’s happened. What we need to focus on now is making sure that this woman is stopped. Can you do this for me?”

  “Helen, I’ve already forgiven him. I know how much he loves you. He was so distraught when you were missing, and I know he feels a great deal of remorse. All I want is for you to be happy. If you’re willing to forgive him, then that’s all that matters.”

  “I’m glad we had this talk. I feel much better. Now, can we go see your children? I haven’t seen them since December. I’m sure Magnus has changed dramatically. I wish you could see my sons. They’re adorable, and they look just like Henry.”

  “I can’t wait to see them. If they look like Henry, then I’m sure they’re adorable. Henry was so pleased when you named one of them after him and Nelson. Oh, it’s so good to have you back with us. Now, let’s go up to the nursery.” Leaving the drawing room, arm in arm, they went upstairs.

  Helen and Melody played with the children for about an hour, but it made Helen miss her sons tremendously. They were too small to be without her, so she needed to get home to them right away. She hoped they could leave tomorrow.

  After they left the children, Helen went to her room. At loose ends without her children, her thoughts turned to the night before. Last night had been wonderful. Now that she’d told Matthew she loved him, their lovemaking was even more fulfilling than before. She was still embarrassed by her behavior the other night, but Matthew had assured her he didn’t mind her wantonness at all. She felt heat scorch through her just thinking about how erotic making love with Matthew had been.

  Later that afternoon, Margaret arrived. When she saw Helen in the entry hall, she rushed over and gave her a hug. “Helen, I was so worried about you. Have you found out who was behind your abduction? Peter wrote me and told me everything. I’m sure it was perfectly horrible. I can’t imagine how you felt when you found yourself in a brothel. What was it like?”

  Helen was glad to see Margaret and returned her a hug. “It was perfectly awful, and I’m just glad that it’s all over with and that I’m safe. We both feel that Mrs. Arlington is behind it all. She must think that if I were done away with, Matthew will return to her. By taking my children, she has tangled with the wrong woman. We’ll find the proof, and then she’ll be punished to the fullest extent of the law.” Then, smiling fondly at Marga
ret, she added, “I’m thrilled to see you, but you didn’t need to come all this way just to see me.”

  “Of course I wanted to see you. You’re my sister now, and I love you. I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time when you first got to Collingswood Hall. I acted very childish and made things much harder for you. I know you were just worried about me and afraid I’d make a terrible mistake. I know that I’m young, but I really do love Peter, and I’m very happy. I think you’re right about Mrs. Arlington. She’s always been a bit unhinged, so I can believe she would think that getting rid of you would get Matthew back.”

  “I agree. Cecilia is definitely deranged. Now tell me what your plans are, now that you’re in town.”

  Margaret grinned. “Now that you’re safe, I’ve come for the season. I won’t be able to attend any of the parties because we’re in mourning for his uncle, but we can still go the ballet, opera, and plays and such. I’ve never been to London, so I’m very excited about being here. I need to get some mourning gowns made, but I want them to be as fashionable as possible. Who do you use while you’re in London?”

  “You need to go see Madame Devy. She’s marvelous, and I’ve been using her forever. Her shop is located on Bond Street, so she’s easy to find.”

  “Are you going to stay for the season?”

  “We had planned to come for the season, but now all I want to do is get back to my sons. Margaret, they’re so beautiful, and they look just like my brother. I wish you could see them. I was very impressed with Peter, by the way. He helped Matthew recover my sons, and I’ll be eternally grateful to him for that. I know Matthew really appreciated his help. I hope you have a good time this season. Even if you can’t go to the parties, there are so many things that are available in London.” Looking up, Helen saw Melody and added, “Oh, here comes Melody.”


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