Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy) Page 34

by Vikki Vaught

  Miriam entered the breakfast room, and as she filled her plate, she turned to Melody and asked, “Are you going to the orphanage today? I really think you’re spending too much of your time there, Melody. By the way, don’t forget to go to the dressmaker and pick up your new riding habit. It will be ready today.”

  “Oh, goodness, Aunt Miriam. I forgot all about that. What time do I need to be there?”

  “Try to be there by twelve o’clock and don’t be late. You’ll need to be home in plenty of time to get ready for your drive with Lord Henry. I’m so pleased he’s shown an interest in you. You need to be sure you make a good impression on him this afternoon.”

  “Yes, Aunt Miriam.” Melody knew her aunt was happy for her, but she did wish she wouldn’t go on so about Lord Montgomery.

  “He’s in the army, you know, and fought during the war with France. I’m so glad that war is finally over, and that awful Bonaparte is on Elba, safely locked away. It’s sad that so many fine young men lost their lives in that terrible war. I just hate to see all those other young men who came back so horribly wounded, with missing limbs and such. I wonder what Lord Henry’s going to do now that the war has ended?”

  “He mentioned this last night, as we were dancing. He said he’s on an extended leave and will soon be going to his family in Surrey. After his leave is up, he’ll be joining his regiment in Canterbury. He mentioned that he eventually plans to sell his commission, but he wants to help his men get settled back into civilian life, first. How do you know so much about Lord Henry?”

  Melody’s aunt looked knowingly at her. “Oh, I have my ways. I know all about his family. After all, they’re very good ton. His father, the Duke of Sanderford, is very prominent in the House of Lords, and their family goes back to William the Conqueror. However, your family is just as respectable, if not as prominent as his is. Yes, indeed, this would be a very fine match for you, my girl!”

  Starting to get up from the table, Melody said, “Aunt, please don’t get your hopes up. I’m sure that nothing will come of this. After all, it’s not as if I’m a great beauty, and I really am just a simple country girl. I’m certainly not going to get too excited about anything at this point.”

  The footman entered the breakfast room. “Excuse me, my lady, but there’s a delivery for Miss Centerfield-Smyth.”

  Dropping back into her seat, Melody looked up in astonishment as her aunt asked, “What is it, Charles? Do you know who the delivery is from?”

  “It’s a bouquet of roses, and I believe that the livery belongs to the Duke of Sanderford, my lady. Where would you like me to put them?”

  “Well, bring them in here, of course, so we can admire them, Charles! Oh, this is wonderful, my dear.” Beaming at Melody, she added, “I told you he was interested. I just know this is going to be something wonderful for you.”

  Charles returned with a gorgeous bouquet. While gazing at the beautiful flowers, she softly said, “Oh my, they are certainly lovely. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such beautiful roses in my life, but I’m still not going to get my hopes up yet. Remember, I just met the gentleman for the first time last night. I’m sure he does this all the time, and it doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Well, I still say it’s a very good sign, and I, for one, am going to enjoy watching how this all comes about for you.”

  Not bothering to acknowledge Aunt Miriam’s comment because she knew it wouldn’t do any good, Melody she stood up. “If I’m going to get to the orphanage in time, I need to leave now. I’ll see you this afternoon when I get back.”

  While Melody turned to leave the breakfast room, Aunt Miriam called after her, “Make sure you take your maid with you. Remember, you must be very careful to protect your reputation. This isn’t the country where you had more freedom. You must be extremely cautious and make sure you don’t give anyone any reason to think poorly of you.”

  Melody tried to hide her frustration because she knew her aunt meant well. “Yes, Aunt Miriam, I’ll take her with me, and I’ll be careful. I do know what is expected of me while in town.” Melody hurried to her room to get her pelisse, then left for the orphanage. Since it was such a fine morning, she decided to walk. When she arrived at St. Mark’s she saw her friend Susan Wilton and waved to her.

  “Melody, I saw you dancing with a very handsome gentleman last night at the ball. How did you meet him?” Susan asked. “What’s his name? Oh, I’m so envious!”

  Melody laughed. “His name’s Lord Henry Montgomery. Lady Walton introduced us last night, and then he asked me to dance, but I had actually met him earlier on the terrace. He seems to be a very pleasant gentleman, and he’s asked me to go driving with him this afternoon.”

  “Oh, Melody, how exciting! I would just die for the chance to meet someone like him! Do you think he has a friend for me?”

  “Susan, you sound as bad as my aunt. She already has me walking down the aisle to get married, and all because some attractive gentleman asked me to dance and go for a drive. I’m sure that it won’t amount to anything, so let’s not talk about it anymore, all right?”

  Susan and Melody went into the orphanage and started helping with the children. Soon she forgot all about Lord Henry and had a very pleasant morning. Before she realized it, the time had flown by, and it was time to leave. Melody and Susan hugged each other as they said good-bye, and agreed to meet again in two days.

  The bookseller was on the way to the dressmakers, so she stopped in to see if the new Minerva Press novel was in and, finding it in stock, she purchased it. Next, she went on to the dressmaker and picked up her new emerald riding habit. Green was a good color for her, because it brought out the green flecks in her eyes. Melody could hardly wait to wear it on her morning rides.

  Melody loved to ride, but she’d never had much opportunity when she lived at home. Lady Helton had several horses and encouraged her to ride as often as she wished. Taking advantage of this, she’d gone riding several times this season with some of her gentlemen callers. Noticing the time, she hurried home, since she needed plenty of time to get ready for her drive with Lord Henry.

  Arriving back at Lady Helton’s house, she hurried upstairs and changed into her sprigged muslin daffodil yellow gown. It was one of her favorite gowns, and she hoped Lord Henry would think she looked pretty in it. Millie fixed her hair, braiding a matching ribbon through it.

  As Melody turned to leave her room, she glanced over at the beautiful yellow roses. Again, she grew excited about seeing Lord Henry. Would he look at her the same way he’d looked at her last night, or would he realize she was too short and plump to be of interest to him? Melody heard someone knocking on the front door, and the footman came to let her know Lord Henry was waiting for her in the drawing room.

  Once she arrived downstairs, she stopped at the door to take a deep breath, hoping it would slow her heartbeat down. She didn’t want to appear too anxious, so she calmly opened the door and entered the room. Lord Henry was standing by the mantle and looked up as she entered. Their eyes met, and that odd sensation arose in the pit of her stomach, just like she had felt the night before. Lord Henry bowed to her as she curtsied.

  Lord Henry asked, “Are you ready for our drive? I thought we could go to Hyde Park this afternoon, if that’s agreeable with you?”

  “That sounds delightful, my lord. It’s a lovely spring day, and for a change, there’s not a cloud in the sky. I noticed that this morning on my walk.”

  Lord Henry turned to Lady Helton. “My lady, we’ll leave for the park now. I’ll return Miss Centerfield-Smyth within the hour.” Lord Henry offered Melody his arm. He escorted her out to his curricle, and then they were off. The traffic was extremely heavy. Dozens of carriages filled the street, so Lord Montgomery had to give his full attention to driving.

  Melody looked around and noticed all the people walking along the street. There were street vendors hawking their wares, and little street urchins running up to carriages trying to earn a coin or two. She r
ealized she’d miss all the hustle and bustle of London when she returned home.

  Melody sighed deeply as she thought about leaving London. Now that she’d met Lord Henry, she wasn’t as anxious to go home as she had been. She surreptitiously glanced over at Lord Henry and noticed his strong masculine hands handling the reins. She imagined those hands touching her, and with this thought, her face grew warm, wondering why she would think about something like that.

  By the time they arrived at the park, the traffic had cleared out. Lord Henry turned to Melody. “You look lovely today, even lovelier than you did last night. Did you have a pleasant morning?”

  “I had a very pleasant morning. I volunteer at St. Mark’s Orphanage, so I spent part of my morning there. I want to thank you for the roses—yellow roses are my favorite.”

  “The roses reminded me of your smile, all sunny and bright. I’m glad you like them.” As Lord Henry continued to gaze at her, he added, “I’m glad you could come driving with me today. I’d like to get to know you better. Have you always lived in Lincolnshire?”

  “I’ve lived in Lincolnshire my entire life, and until I came to London, I had no idea how wonderful all the entertainments could be that are available here.”

  “Yes, London does have quite a few amusements, doesn’t it? I’ve enjoyed being back here. I’ve been able to spend some time with my friends. How much longer are you going to be in London?”

  “I’m supposed to leave in three weeks. I’ll miss it terribly. Of course, I do look forward to seeing my parents again. My lord, you told me last night that you’d recently returned from the continent.”

  “Yes, and I’m so relieved that we’ve finally defeated Bonaparte. War’s brutal, and I lost several close friends over there, men that I fought and served with for years.”

  Melody looked over at Lord Henry and gave him a sympathetic look. “I agree, war is terrible, but I’m glad it’s finally behind us and that England prevailed. How long have you been in the army?”

  “I went in six years ago, when I turned eighteen. It was always a dream of mine, and since I’m a second son, my father bought me my commission when I finished school. Now that the war is over, I’m going to be helping my brother with some of the ducal holdings, once I resign my commission.” Looking directly into her eyes, he said, “Listen, I want to see you as much as possible over the next few weeks before you go back to Lincolnshire. Will you allow me to see you again?”

  “If it pleases you, I’d like to see you as often as you would like.” She looked up at him and just knew…she was falling in love, and it scared her to death. She’d heard others talking about love at first sight, but she’d never expected it to happen to her.

  Surely, he couldn’t return her regard so quickly, could he?

  The rest of the drive went by quickly and soon, it was time to return home. When they arrived, he helped her down from his curricle, and when he touched her hand, she felt a warmth run through her entire arm. Lord Henry’s eyes darkened, and he looked so intense that it sent chills up her spine. Once she reached the ground, he reluctantly let go of her hand.

  Turning to her, Lord Henry asked, “Would it be convenient for me to pick you up tomorrow at ten? I’d like for us to go riding. I’d be happy to procure a horse for you, if you need me to.”

  “My aunt has several horses, so I’d be pleased to go riding with you, my lord.”

  Lord Henry escorted her inside, and took his leave. Just as soon as he left, her aunt immediately started asking her questions about the time that they had spent together. As Melody removed her lace gloves, she said, “We had a delightful drive, and he’s asked to see me as much as possible over the next few weeks, and I told him that I would enjoy seeing him again.”

  Miriam pulled her into her arms and hugged her. “How simply marvelous! I just knew he was interested, and now he plans to court you. I’m so pleased for you.”

  Melody nervously twisted her hands. “Aunt Miriam, I’m scared. This is all moving so fast. How can I be sure that my feelings are real, when everything is happening so quickly? I think he’s serious in his intent, but I just worry. I don’t want to be hurt.”

  Aunt Miriam lovingly touched her arm. “Melody, sometimes it only takes a moment to fall in love. That’s how it happened for me with your uncle, and we had twenty-five wonderful years together. I’ve missed him every day since his death ten years ago. I’ve had opportunities to marry, but there will never be anyone who can take your uncle’s place in my heart.”

  “I remember how happy you were,” Melody wistfully replied. “I’d like to have that kind of love, just as you did, and my parents do.”

  Reaching over, Miriam patted Melody on the shoulder. “All I can tell you is that sometimes, you just have to be brave and take a chance on love. See your young man as often as possible and just let nature take its course. All right, darling? I’m sure you’ll be fine. I can tell by the way he looks at you that this is going to be an enduring attachment.”


  If you'd like to read more, purchase Lost Pleasures Found on Amazon.

  Turned Around by Love - Chapter 1

  Late June 1823

  While Jonathan St. John, the Marquess of Sutherland, lay in bed looking around the room of his latest mistress Alana, he realized that even though she was beautiful with her long, rich, sable-brown hair, startling golden eyes, and a figure as voluptuous as any man could ask for, he was already tired of her.

  Jonathan was thirty years old and had had a dozen of mistresses over the last eight years. While all of them were beautiful, none of them could hold his interest for very long. Oh, they were all sexually alluring and well trained in all the sensual arts, but after a while he lost interest in every one of them. He found himself growing bored faster than usual with his most recent mistresses. It was as if he’d even lost interest in sex. Physically, his body still responded, but mentally, he was somewhere else.

  At two and twenty, Jonathan had returned from Waterloo a broken man. He’d joined the army when Bonaparte escaped from Elba. Because his father didn’t want him to enlist as a foot soldier, he’d bought him a commission, and since his brother Roderick refused to stay behind, he came along also.

  The injuries Jonathan sustained during the battle still pained him today. Because of his bad knee, he’d lost his fiancée, Susannah, when he came back from the war. She had refused to marry a cripple. He suffered from terrible nightmares and…he was a drunk. In essence, he was going through the motions of life and letting it pass him by.

  Alana stretched, purring like a cat. He knew he’d pleasured her well because he was an expert lover, but he was completely unmoved by their sexual encounter. It was definitely time for their liaison to end. Jonathan rolled out of bed and stood up, leaned over, and pulled on his black satin knee breeches over his muscular buttocks and thighs.

  Alana sat up and gave him a sultry look. “Darling, why are you getting out of bed? I thought you were going to spend the night. Please come back. I’m sure I can revive you, if you’ll give me a chance.” She pulled him to her and began stroking his cock through his breeches, but he remained unmoved by her touch.

  “Alana, I’m not in the mood, and I just want to go home. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. I just need to leave. Besides, I never stay all night. You know that.”

  He reached for his startling-white, fine lawn shirt, pulled it over his head and broad shoulders, then tucked it into his breeches. He put on his deep blue embroidered waistcoat and pulled his dress coat on over it. Once he finished dressing, he ran his fingers through his thick, jet black hair and smoothed it down, giving it some semblance of order. He took a deep breath, clenched his straight white teeth, and turned around.

  Softening the expression in his brilliant blue eyes, Jonathan gave her one of his sardonic smiles. “My dear, I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve spent together. However, I’ve decided that it’s time to end our liaison.”

  “What do you mean it’s time
to end our liaison? We had an agreement that I would be your mistress for twelve months, and we’ve only been together for three. I turned down several very good protectors for you!” She stood up, her eyes on fire with indignation as she walked over to him. “I’ve given you no reason to want to end our liaison. Sexually, we’re extremely compatible. Give me a chance to prove it to you.” She lifted up on her tiptoes and gave him a searing kiss as she stroked his cock.

  He felt a stirring of desire and returned her kiss but then pushed her away. “I know what our contract states. I’ll fulfill those terms until you can find another protector. I’m sure one of those men you turned down will be happy to take my place. You’re more than welcome to stay in this house while you find a new protector. My secretary, Stebbins, will pay all your expenses, within reason of course, and you’ll receive a new diamond necklace for your trouble. I’m leaving London at the end of the week, so I will bid you adieu.”

  Jonathan turned around, picked up his silver-headed walking stick and left the room. As he closed the door, he heard a crash and breaking glass, and Alana shouting profanities. Obviously she wasn’t taking their parting well at all. He made his way down the stairs, picked up his top hat and kidskin gloves, then laboriously made his way out of the house.

  When he stepped down onto the sidewalk, he motioned to his driver to bring him his carriage. When the carriage pulled to a stop, he gingerly pulled himself inside. His knee was killing him, and it was beginning to swell.

  As Jonathan fell back against the tufted dark red velvet cushions, he rubbed his knee, trying to alleviate some of his pain. His leg was acting up, so he knew the weather was getting ready to turn. He tapped the roof and told his driver to take him to his club. Pulling his flask from the inside pocket of his dress coat, he took a large swig of brandy. Jonathan needed the brandy to steady his nerves. He knew he was drinking too much, but couldn’t seem to help it. It was the only thing that seemed to deaden the pain.


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