Silent Running (film), 99, 100
Skager, Mona, 74
“Skylark of Space” (Smith), 6
Skywalker, Anakin, 61, 206, 228, 237–238, 267, 301–302, 304–305, 335, 341, 343, 344, 367–369
Skywalker, Luke, 31, 58, 105, 112–113, 151, 155, 160, 161, 179–180, 224, 228–232, 235–237, 243, 248, 262–264, 266–268, 270, 280, 286–287, 291–293, 367
Skywalker Ranch, 22, 238–239, 260, 272, 275, 299, 374, 402
Skywalker Sound, 393
Skywalker Vineyards, 15
Skywalking (Pollock), 272
Slavicsek, Bill, 285
Sloan, Mel, 45
Smith, Bud, 211
Smith, Charlie Martin, 91
Smith, E. E. “Doc,” 6–7, 110
Smith, Kevin, 133
Snootles, Sy, 317
Society for Creative Anachronism, 30n
Solo, Han, 58, 116, 117, 118, 124, 181, 186, 187, 223, 235, 246, 262, 288, 293–294, 310, 312–313, 361
South Korea, Star Wars fans in, 398
Soylent Green (film), 110
Space: 1999 TV show, 148
Space fantasy and space fiction, defined, 1–2
Space opera, early use of term, 9n
Space Opera (Aldiss), 9n
Space Soldiers TV show, 25
Spaceballs (film), 136
Spaced TV show, 356
Spiegelman, Art, 191
Spielberg, Steven, 53, 93, 100, 137, 154, 170, 191–192, 213, 234, 244, 258, 260, 264, 298, 315, 344, 388
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (Foster), 287
Stamp, Terence, 321
Stanfill, Dennis, 156
Star Dancing. See Home Free
Star Tours Disney ride, 279, 386, 397–398
Star Trek: The Motion Picture, 218, 260, 356, 400
Star Trek TV show, 86–87, 184–186, 400
Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (Foster), 161, 209
Star Wars 1313 game, 373, 383, 408
Star Wars Celebrations, 35, 330, 345, 350, 352, 354, 397, 409
Star Wars Corporation, 109, 156, 192, 387
Star Wars Detours (film), 140–141
Star Wars Encyclopedia (Sansweet et al.), 197
Star Wars Episodes IV, V, and VI (DVD), 344
Star Wars Holiday Special TV show, 222–226, 325
“Star Wars” Insider magazine, 330, 336, 380, 391
“Star Wars Kid” video, 68
Star Wars (later Episode IV: A New Hope)
action figures, 200–201, 205–206, 241, 280
birth of, 85
Buddhism and, 61
casting, 145–147
changes in through the years, 315–316
Christianity and, 60–61
as collaborative effort, 142–143
concept paintings, 119–120
“despecialized editions” of, 316
drafts of, 111–119, 121–126, 142, 150–151
drug culture and, 184
fanfare, Twentieth Century Fox, 165–166
fast pace of, 178
fiction fanzines, 186
girls, appeal to, 203n, 377, 380, 397
as global phenomenon, 397–398
humor in, 128–129
imitators of, 211–219
London, filming in, 144, 152–153
merchandise, 190–191, 199–203, 241
novelization of, 159–162, 181, 209, 288–290, 293–295
on-screen logo, 167
opening crawl, 166, 169–171
opening credits, absence of, 171
outline of, 102–103, 105–106
props and sets for, 149–150
release of, 182–183
repeat viewers of, 183
review of San Francisco opening, 164
sound mixing, 155–156
Special Edition of, 309–314, 317
special effects production difficulties, 147–149, 155
synopsis of, 121
theme music, 168–169
Tunisia, filming in, 150
TV show concept, 221
underground cabal of Charles Lippincott, 158–162, 183
See also fans, StarsWars; Twentieth Century Fox
Star Wars missile defense system (Strategic Defense Initiative), 281–282
Star Wars Rebels TV show, 408, 409
Star Wars role-playing games, 285, 383–384
Star Wars TV shows, 372–375, 378–380
Star Wars Uncut (film), 138
Star Wars Underworld TV show, 373
Starburst magazine, 249
Starkiller, Annikin, 111–115
Starkiller, Deak, 111–112, 115–117, 120, 121
Starkiller, Kane, 111–113, 122
Starkiller, Luke, 116–118, 121, 122, 151
Starlog magazine, 46, 185, 210, 223, 229n, 258, 283, 399
The Stars My Destination (Bester), 99
Steeples, Oliver, 354n
Stelling, Suzy, 34
Stewart, Jon, 129, 357, 382, 399
Stewjon, 129
Stoklasa, Mike, 360–362
Stone, Oliver, 308
Stormtroopers, 28–32, 34, 115, 120, 129–130
Stover, Matthew Woodring, 368
Stradley, Randy, 294
Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 95
Sugarland Express (film), 100
Sullivan, Jack, 138
Summer, Edward, 22–24, 95, 98, 99, 157, 193, 241
Superman comics, 9, 20–21
Superman (film), 213
Supersnipe Art Gallery, 157
Supersnipe Comic Euphorium, 22, 98, 157
Survivor’s Quest (Zahn), 31
Tales of Power (Castaneda), 123
Tales of the Jedi comic, 318
Tanen, Ned, 89, 91, 103, 107
Tano, Ahsoka, 377–378, 380
Tantive IV, 172, 173, 178
Tarkin, Grand Moff, 123, 366
Tartakovsky, Genndy, 375
Tatooine, 14–15, 151, 304
“Tatooine” (Kepler 16(AB)-b), 402
Tauntauns, 247, 248, 297
Taylor, Chris, as Boba Fett, 255–257
Taylor, James Arnold, 197, 208, 378
Teller, Edward, 282
Templeton, Mary Ann, 13
Terminator 2 (film), 298
Thomas, Roy, 160
Thoris, Dejah, 5, 15
Thrawn, Grand Admiral, 291, 292
The Three Musketeers (film), 108
Threepio. See C-3PO
THX, theater sound company, 338
THX 1138 (film), 1, 20, 52, 57, 73–82, 85, 104, 214n, 344
TIE fighters, 118
Time magazine, interview with Lucas, 52–53, 61
Tippett, Phil, 155, 247, 312
Titanic (film), 306–307, 317n
Titleman, Carol, 238
TK-421, 29n
Tolkien, J. R. R., 123
Tommy Tomorrow of the Planeteers, 21
Tora! Tora! Tora! (film), 16
Toshiro Mifune, 146
Towersey, Lee, 354n
Toys “R” Us, 329
Trade Federation, 300–301, 303, 306
Travers, Peter, 331
Travis, 325, 326
A Trip to Mars (film), 2n
A Trip to the Moon (film), 2n
Triumph of the Will (film), 108n
Tron (film), 217–218
Troops (film), 136
Trumball, Douglas, 93, 99, 122
Tucker, Larry, 95
Turkey, Star Wars movies in, 395–397
Turner, Ted, 315
Twentieth Century Fox, 97, 107, 113, 118–119, 154, 156–158, 159, 183–184, 189–190, 209–210, 221–222, 242, 259, 313–314
Tyranus, Darth, 334
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 400
Ultimate Guide to Star Wars Action Figures (Sansweet), 197
United Artists (UA), 85, 86, 89, 106, 107, 213
Universal Studios, 89, 99, 100, 103, 106, 107, 108, 214n, 221–222
/> Used universe, concept of, 149, 213, 351, 368, 378
Utapau, 303, 304
Vader, Darth, 32–33, 58, 113, 115, 118, 120, 123, 137–138, 149–150, 175–178, 205–206, 209, 231–232, 235–238, 248–249, 267–268, 270, 287, 302, 340, 342–345, 350, 358, 407
Vader, Gary Rex, 17
The Vader Sessions (film), 137n
Vader’s Little Princess (Brown), 138
Vaughn, Robert, 216
Vector Prime (Salvatore), 294
Verne, Jules, 2
Vietnam, 87–88, 125
Vilanch, Bruce, 224
Wall-E (film), 378
Walter, Richard, 88
War of the Worlds (Wells), 3, 26
Ward, Jim, 383
Warner Brothers, 73, 77, 82, 213, 214n, 377
Warren, Bill, 229n
Wasserman, John, 164
Watto, 305–306
Weber, Charles, 233, 260
Wedge Antilles, 318
Weintraub, Fred, 165
Welch, Ken, 224
Welch, Mitzi, 224
Welles, Orson, 98
Wells, H. G., 2, 3, 26
West End Games, 285
Wexler, Haskell, 45, 79, 90
“What If Episode I Were Good?” video, 363–364
“What If Episode II Were Good?” video, 363
Why Man Creates (film), 55
Wiese, Michael, 134
Williams, Billy Dee, 243, 252–253
Williams, John, 168, 213, 317, 329, 377, 406
Williams, Robin, 325
Willow (film), 285, 298
Wilson, Lucy Autrey, 88, 289
Windu, Mace, 341, 344, 375
Winfrey, Oprah, 43
Wolfman Jack, 90
Wood, Matthew, 345, 406
Wookey, Bill, 80–81
Wookieepedia, 70, 339
Wookiees, 81, 91, 124, 133–134, 145, 222–225, 231
World War II, 15–16
Yoda, 58, 123, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240–241, 262, 263, 266, 267, 305, 333, 338, 360, 363, 369, 380, 408
Yojimbo (film), 106
Young, Bryan, 229, 365–368
Young, Maggie, 202
Young, Neil, 233
Young Indiana Jones TV series, 298–299
Young Sherlock Holmes (film), 297–298
YouTube, 137
Yves Saint Laurent, 329
Zaentz, Saul, 83
Zahn, Timothy, 31, 173, 289–292, 338, 364, 410
Zelazny, Roger, 217
Zemeckis, Robert, 98
How Star Wars Conquered the Universe: The Past, Present, and Future of a Multibillion Dollar Franchise Page 65