The Bite Before Christmas

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The Bite Before Christmas Page 2

by Laura Baumbach, Sedonia Guillone, Kit Tunstall

  When the young man clasped his hands behind his back, the puffy sleeves looked like angel’s wings on his back. His voice was throaty and slightly raw, as if his words had been lightly sanded before they were spoken aloud. His diction was crisp, but Ian’s vampire hearing detected the undertone of a cockney accent the man tried very hard to hide to lend credence to his role as a gentleman’s son. High cheekbones and a tapered, masculine jawline completed the package.

  Ian was smitten from the first moment the actor glanced at him and seemed to hold his mesmerized gaze during a pause in the action. Play forgotten, Ian stared at the man through the entire performance, his attraction and need growing through each successive scene. During the first intermission, he signaled an attendant and sent his calling card off to be delivered to the actor, and in the process learned the actor’s name was Trevor Sheffield. Entranced, Ian started when the cue caller announced the end of the play.

  Walking backstage to the dressing area, Ian was surprised to discover he was nervous about meeting this young man, a mere human a half a foot shorter than he was and easily forty pounds lighter. Yet with all his age, supernatural powers, and strength, he was suddenly nervous as a lad at the thought of being rebuffed by this man. It irritated and thrilled him, making his arousal soar. The air around him nearly crackled with energy. These two feelings, irritation and unbridled desire, Trevor would always instill in him.

  He waited by the closed door the attendant had indicated, accepting his cloak and hat from the man moments later. He tipped the man generously and ignored the knowing wink and leering smile the man let slide across his face just before he walked away. Ian inhaled deeply, noticing the man’s scent, cataloging it should he have to correct the man’s lurid impression for Trevor’s sake at a later date and time. Humans always seemed to need to think the worst of their fellow man. Ian supposed it made them feel better about their own lot in life.

  As he waited, Jules appeared out of the throng of milling actors, stagehands, and backstage patrons. He rushed headlong at Ian, a smile on his lips and saucy sway to his slim hips that suggested a practiced air of unspoken seduction. Ian had no doubts Jules made his extra income bedding patrons and street cads alike. It was of no matter any more; Jules paled in comparison to Trevor’s beauty and grace. Ian had lost interest in anyone else.

  He caught Jules’s gaze and returned only an unwelcoming, stony stare that made the young man falter in his confident steps. Ten feet away, Jules slowed as Trevor emerged from a curtained-off alcove, traces of the harsh stage makeup still on his neck and cheek. Jules came to an abrupt halt when Trevor stepped between them, locked eyes on Ian, and shyly smiled. Thoughts of Jules faded away, despite that young man’s continued, angry presence.

  Unable to resist the hesitant twist to Trevor’s naturally rose-colored lips, Ian smiled back, feeling the urge to take and claim the man surging through his entire body. He had thought his soul had been destroyed with his turning, but if it had, he knew it had been reborn at this moment. His still heart ached and his stirring groin pulsed with need unlike any he had experienced before. His mouth watered with the scent of him and the thought of this man’s taste ‑‑ his blood, his seed, even the bead of sweat on his temple ‑‑ all called to him. And he had yet to say hello.

  “Good evening.” Ian walked up to Trevor, towering over him by several inches. His smile widened and he extended his hand to the surprisingly shy man. “Ian Flynn, shameless admirer of your talents.”

  The young man huffed a nervous sound and flashed Ian a nervous smile, saying, “Evening, sir.” Trevor shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, his uncertain gaze darting between Ian’s face and the floor then back again before settling on the vampire’s still extended hand. “Oh, sorry, sir, wasn’t thinking!” He clasped his hand into Ian’s and firmly shook it.

  The vampire savored the warmth, barely suppressing the shudder it chased down his spine. Trevor’s skin was a combination of rough and soft, his fingertips and lower hand lightly callused, but his palms were soft and smooth. It delighted Ian just to touch it, a sensual caress against his own sensitive flesh. He lingered over the texture before allowing Trevor to reclaim his hand. He noticed the way Trevor immediately rubbed his fingers together, but Ian didn’t know if the man was wiping off his touch or trying to re-experience it.

  “Why don’t you just call me Ian?”

  Trevor ran one hand through his blond hair, running the tip of his tongue over his upper lip. “My name’s Trevor. Ah, Trevor Sheffield, actor.”

  “I know that part.” They both laughed lightly and Trevor licked at his lip again.

  The tongue was pink and wet as it danced over the plump fullness of upper lip. Ian’s gaze followed every nervous wiggle and thrust. He wondered what it would feel like dancing over the head of his cock or into his ass. He wanted to taste it and feel it battle against his own before he tamed it and swallowed it whole. He could consume every inch of this man and still need more of him.

  The scent of harsh soap and lime invaded his nostrils and he had to push it aside to detect the slightly salty, musky smell of Trevor’s body. It reminded him of almonds and chestnuts, slightly bitter and heavy, tempting him.

  “So very pleased to make your acquaintance, Trevor.” The tang of masculine arousal struck him like a blow as Ian bent nearer to Trevor over the pretext of more intimate conversation, and inhaled, nostrils flaring, cock hard and needy in the confines of his trousers. He shifted his cloak over his arm to hide his response from Trevor’s shy glances. He needed to taste his man soon.

  “I admired your grace and talent on the stage tonight, though seeing you without the trappings of your profession ‑‑” He boldly reached out and wiped a smear of paint from Trevor’s blushing cheek with his thumb. “-- enhances my opinion of your attributes, both of the flesh and the mind, even more.” He let his touch linger a second longer than publicly acceptable.

  Ian let an appreciative smile light his eyes as he studied Trevor’s surprised, but pleased, reaction to his compliments.

  “I was hoping you’d be free to share a late meal with me.” Ian didn’t make it a question. He quietly waited, watching desire, uncertainty, excitement, and attraction all battle for dominance on Trevor’s expressive face. Ian knew why the man was so well suited for acting. His emotions played freely across his fine-boned face and flowed over his audience, even an audience of one. He could read every thought that crossed Trevor’s mind.

  Much to Ian’s relief, attraction and desire won. Trevor dropped his gaze, pausing before hesitantly confessing, “Don’t usually go out this late.” A flush of pink bloomed at the top of his high-boned cheeks as he stumbled over an almost whispered explanation. “Got me mum to look after.” He licked his upper lip and his voice grew firmer, his own gaze darting longingly over Ian’s face and broad, muscular body. “But her sister’s come to visit with her for a time.” He stood a bit taller and returned Ian’s smile. “Warm meal’d be nice. Be honored to join you, sir.”

  “Ian. I’d like you to call me Ian. An accepted dinner invitation allows us the indulgence of this one, tiny intimacy, don’t you think?”

  Trevor ducked his head, nervously fingered the edge of his cloak, and then looked Ian in the eye. “Would be all right, I think.” He paused then added, “Ian.”

  Liking the way Trevor’s throaty voice and soft cockney accent made his name sound, Ian moved closer and took Trevor’s cloak from the man’s arm. He held it out and indicated the young man should put it on. Trevor instantly obeyed and Ian enjoyed the feel of his warm, firm body close to his own as he shrugged the cloak over and around Trevor’s lean shoulders. Slipping into his own cloak and hat, Ian guided Trevor out the side exit to a line of waiting cabs, not sparing the fuming, dismissed Jules a second glance.

  * * * * *

  “Let me take those things for you.” Ian hung up his own cloak and hat, then expertly divested Trevor of his soaked outerwear.

  The snow and wind had pic
ked up volumes during the time the two of them had spent dining at a posh hotel. The thin fabric of the young man’s cloak had not weathered the wet and wind well on the short walk from the hotel to Ian’s townhouse flat. Trevor was left chilled and shivering, his shirt collar soaked and his worn but serviceable boots dull and squeaky from icy puddles.

  Flinging the offending garment over the back of a chair, Ian guided Trevor through the dim sitting area to stand in front of the flickering hearth.

  “I keep the fire banked while I’m out. It makes starting a blaze easier. And besides ‑‑” Ian knelt at the grate and began stirring the flames to life, adding more logs and a few lumps of coal to the embers. “-- I like a room bathed in fire light.”

  “It’s romantic.” He stood and brushed off his hands, then reached up and grabbed Trevor’s shivering arm. “I like romance.” Gaze searching Trevor’s face for some sign of resistance, he slowly drew the man nearer the fire and his partially open lips. “I like you.”

  “I ... I-I like you, too.” Trevor swallowed hard and softly, shyly added, “Immensely.”

  Trevor came like a moth to the flame, gaze locked on the vampire’s intense and questioning stare, attraction and desire easily read on his open face. He moved into Ian’s arms, hesitant but willing, uncertainty in his eyes and an awkwardness in his too-rigid stance.

  “You’re safe. I’ve got you.” Ian wrapped his arms around Trevor and soothed his shivers with long sweeping strokes of his square hands and strong arms down Trevor’s back and arms. He tucked the young man in close to his chest, delighted at the press of Trevor’s firm arousal that branded his inner thigh.

  Trevor gasped at the intimate contact, but Ian merely slid his hand down to Trevor’s taut buttocks and gently, but insistently, pulled him closer. Trevor’s breathing increased, but so did his hold on Ian’s waist.

  When the chills tapered off to a fine, occasional shudder, Ian nuzzled at the side of Trevor’s neck, inhaling the sweet elixir of his scent and feeling the warm flow of Trevor’s blood as it erratically pounded through the artery under Ian’s cheek. He could smell the wine they had drunk during dinner on Trevor’s skin and in his blood. It was a very good wine that left Trevor talkative and sleepy-eyed, though still quick to flash his shy, twisty smile, a combination Ian had instantly liked on the man.

  Dinner had been exhilarating. Trevor’s companionship had proved to be both physically arousing and mentally stimulating. While Ian found the young actor to be modest and relatively inexperienced in the ways of the world and its sexual pleasures, he discovered Trevor was well-read, inventive, amusing, and quick-witted. The hour had passed quickly, and Ian knew he needed more than just release and nourishment from Trevor. For the first time in centuries, he began to want more.

  He brushed his lips over Trevor’s ear and felt him shudder with excitement. He took the reaction as permission to do more and slowly worked his lips over Trevor’s neck and cheek to run a line of moist kisses around Trevor’s trembling jaw and up to his other ear.

  Ian breathed into the shell and nipped at the small lobe before whispering, “You’re a beautiful man, Trevor. And as striking as you look by firelight, you feel even better.”

  He pulled Trevor’s ass in tight and ground his own trapped, swollen erection against Trevor’s, pleased by the answering jump and urgent answering press of flesh under his restraining hand. “I want to feel your flesh against mine.”

  He felt Trevor tense, then relax in his arms. He kissed over Trevor’s ear, thrusting his tongue into the narrow channel twice before nipping and licking his way down the offered neck and back up to Trevor’s now panting, parted mouth. “Want to share the need in my loins, satisfy our desires. Let me do that for you, Trevor. Let me pleasure you like you’ve never been pleasured before, by man or woman. I’ll make you feel things you didn’t know you could.”

  Sliding a hand through Trevor’s thick blond hair, Ian coaxed the man’s head back and sealed his hungry lips to Trevor’s. He devoured the willing mouth, opening his own wider and thrusting his tongue deep into the hot, wet cavern. He bathed the smoothly ridged palette, then stroked over each tooth, memorizing the contours and savoring the flavor of his lover. He teased the sensitive silky skin between lip and gum and drew Trevor’s eager tongue into a battle for dominance he quickly won.

  Vampire senses buzzing, the smell, sight, and feel of this man invaded every corner of his mind and newly rediscovered soul. Ian struggled briefly to gain control over the rising vampire impulses trying to break free to experience Trevor as well, but centuries of practice kept the ancient monster in chains, much like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’s monster earlier tonight.

  Breathless and dazed, Trevor jerked back from the kiss far enough to gasp, “Never met anyone quite like you before, Ian. You make me want to do things I never have.”

  “There is no one else like me, Trevor.” Ian rained a flood of frenzied kisses over Trevor’s upturned face, then kissed him hard, whispering into his lover’s waiting mouth. “Do those things with me. You’ll never regret them. I promise.” He licked up Trevor’s arched throat and bit gently behind his ear, a spot Ian knew was tender and vulnerable and connected directly to Trevor’s cock. He felt the man’s shaft jump and surge against his own. He bit down harder, forcing a needy groan and then a whimper out of Trevor.

  Voice raspy and full of lustful need, Ian growled. “Good. You agree.”

  Ian scooped Trevor up into his arms, ignored the throaty yelp of surprise, and strode out of the living area and into an upstairs bedroom. The room was colder than the other one, but the large, lavishly made bed was heaped with duvets and down comforters, and the smoldering fire was only a few logs away from being revived.

  Planting Trevor on the edge of the bed, Ian disrobed with an amazing amount of speed and skill, then began working off Trevor’s disheveled clothes. If he had any worries that the need to be naked was one-sided, they were banished each time his fingers collided with Trevor’s less nimble, shaky hands over a buttonhole or a belt buckle. Within seconds, Ian had Trevor gloriously naked and stretched out full-length on the bed. He slid his own body alongside Trevor’s slender, smooth form, letting the silky hairs of his chest tease the sensitive ribcage and underarm of his lover. His hands worked over every inch of flesh he could reach, while his lips and tongue re-explored the depths of Trevor’s mouth again.

  Moans and groans, dotted with whimpers and stuttered gasps, filled the air, raising the tension between them to higher levels. Trevor was already squirming and whimpering with need, hips thrusting and legs unsure whether to be bent or splayed wide. Ian slid his lower torso between them and Trevor instinctively wrapped his legs around the vampire’s hips. The restless squirming became an urgent thrusting of pelvis against unyielding pelvis.

  “You need a bit of release so we can make the evening last, my beauty.” Ian pushed his muscular body down over Trevor’s trim hips and grabbed hold of his waist. He grinned and locked gazes with Trevor’s confused, desperate stare, then expertly swallowed Trevor’s cock to the root in one stroke.


  Arched off the bed, Trevor nearly bowed in half at the sudden movement, a sharp cry of surprise and amazement twisting his face into a mask of intense pleasure that appeared to border on pain. Ian held on to the slim hips that bucked and heaved under him by pinning Trevor down with the weight of his own solid body on the young man’s legs. He lapped and sucked at the swollen shaft in an unrelenting rhythm meant to bring Trevor the most pleasure in the quickest amount of time.

  Ian had plans for the entire night, and making Trevor come as often and as hard as physically possible was among them. He intended to experience every inch of this beautiful, shy creature from his satiny, pale skin right down to the taste and smell of the golden strands of hair on his head. But first he thought he’d start with the taste of his cum, the smell of his musky opening, and the sight of Trevor’s face, eyes closed in rapture, hair tousled and cheeks flushed w
ith passion, fists tightly entwined in the bed sheets.

  Unable to drag his mouth or his eyes away from the man, Ian stared up at Trevor’s lusciously sprawled body while he suckled the man’s cock. Every hollow corner of his ancient, empty soul was being filled with the essence of the delightful, hesitant being he now possessed body, mind, and hopefully, by morning, heart. He refused to give up this ray of sunshine that had unexpectedly entered his dark existence. In one short evening, this responsive, shy, and tender man had shown Ian he still had a soul buried deep within him. The soul with which Ian intended to capture Trevor’s heart, along with his lean, passionate body.

  Swallowing Trevor’s cock to the base again, Ian worked his throat and sucked hard, one hand moving to fondle and tug the tight, wrinkled sac beneath. As he rolled the sac, he slid one long, thick finger between Trevor’s ass cheeks and stroked the tip firmly over the tiny opening to Trevor’s body, loving the way the ring of muscle spasmed and puckered under his touch. The exotic and unexpected stimulation seemed to drive Trevor to new heights of excitement and responsiveness, his body writhing under Ian’s hold.

  The air in the bedroom was cool, but Trevor’s body was flushed pink and his cheeks burned red as he arched up and gave a hoarse cry, climaxing into Ian’s eager mouth, giving over his seed as well as his liberated passions.

  As the last droplet of cum touched his tongue, Ian swiftly moved his lips to the thin strip of flesh between Trevor’s thigh and groin and sucked hard on the satin-like skin. Blood rose to the surface over the pounding pulse of the artery buried there, coloring the small circle of flesh a deep crimson. He used the sharp edge of a pointed canine to scratch the blood-filled surface and then feasted on the trickle of blood that oozed out.


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