The Bite Before Christmas

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The Bite Before Christmas Page 15

by Laura Baumbach, Sedonia Guillone, Kit Tunstall

  He pulled his mouth away from Chris’s and looked into the deep blue eyes, half hidden under his lids, the golden lashes like soft fans.

  “What is it, mon amour?” Chris’s smooth voice rasped slightly from arousal.

  Jesse swallowed, uncertain as to whether he should venture to tell his lover what he felt under his hand. “Heartbeat,” he whispered after several moments.

  Chris tensed under his hands. “What did you say?”

  Jesse gazed up at him, concerned at the surprise in his lover’s face. “I feel your heart beating.”

  Chris’s lips parted slightly and he turned, sinking onto the bed. His hands slid down Jesse’s arms and grasped Jesse’s hands, holding them lightly. “By the gods,” he murmured, his eyes still appearing as if he’d just witnessed a miracle ... or something of that nature. “Darelle told me once that this could happen.” He lifted his gaze to Jesse. “I didn’t believe her.”

  “What did she tell you could happen?”

  Chris hesitated another moment, his blue gaze liquid in the soft glow of firelight. “She told me once, centuries ago, that there would be one being on this earth who would be able to feel my heart beat.” He shook his head. “I thought it was a romantic fancy of hers. Not something real.”

  Jesse’s own heart thumped. He remembered the first time he’d touched Chris’s chest, searching for that heart and hadn’t found it. “I didn’t feel it before.”

  Chris nodded. “I know. But ... you didn’t love me in that moment. You do now, don’t you?”

  Jesse reached out and cupped his lover’s cheek, brushing his thumb across the smooth pale skin. “Yes. I do.” With one knee, he nudged Chris’s legs apart and stepped between them, sliding his hands over the bulging muscle in Chris’s back. He leaned over and pressed a kiss onto Chris’s hair, at the same time reaching down to tug Chris’s shirt off the rest of the way.

  They might have eternity to make love, but he wasn’t going to waste another second.

  With gentle fingertips on Chris’s jaw, he tilted the vampire’s head gently back and kissed his lips, tasting them for what seemed a long time while his hands roamed over the warm muscles of Chris’s back and shoulders, alive and hard. Enjoying every caress, he worked his way down, pulling away from their kiss so he could kneel and concentrate on working Chris’s jeans open.

  Chris leaned back, giving Jesse space to work down the zipper and pull the fabric aside, allowing that thick, glorious cock to spring free. It was already hard, the head full and taut, a drop of clear seed seeping from the tip.

  The sight of the reddish veined shaft made Jesse’s mouth water and he leaned over, taking it into his mouth in one hungry gulp.

  A long groan filled his ears as he began to suck, taking Chris’s cock deep inside, his tongue sliding over Chris’s satiny skin. He slid his lips almost to the base and drew back, the tip of his tongue lapping up the droplets of seed at the tiny opening.

  He grasped Chris’s jeans, urging him to lift his ass so he could slide them the rest of the way off. He tugged them down Chris’s legs and over his feet, his mouth hesitating on the delicious shaft just a moment until he was free to concentrate.

  He moved Chris’s legs wider apart, giving him access to the rest of his jewels. He lifted his mouth away and pushed Chris gently onto his back. “Stay like that,” he ordered in a husky voice.

  Chris rose on his elbows, his face flushed. A tiny grin teased at his lips. “Whatever you say, mon amour.”

  Jesse returned his smile and leaned into him again, taking Chris’s shaft in his palm and pumping it while he caressed the heavy sac underneath with his eager tongue. The wetness of his mouth caused his tongue to glide across the tender, musky skin. He feathered the tip of his tongue in quick circles, and then in larger ones, over each lobe of Chris’s balls and down to the perineum, each movement pulling a groan of enjoyment from his lover.

  Jesse closed his eyes, drinking in the scents and flavors of Chris’s muscular body, loving the sound of his moans, enjoyment that he was giving Chris. His own body quivered and tensed, his bottom aching for the pounding hardness of his lover’s cock inside him.

  Quickly Jesse stood and stripped off his own clothes, climbing onto the bed, straddling Chris before the vampire had a chance to move. He looked down at Chris’s face, the rugged lines of his cheeks and jaw, the soft curves of his lips, and for one brief moment, his heart ached mercilessly that he had once contemplated killing this glorious, beautiful being. His soul mate.

  Chris’s look darkened and Jesse felt his concern. “What’s the matter, Jesse?”

  Not wanting to ruin the bliss they were sharing, he cast away the guilt. No doubt it would return, but for the moment, they had each other. He smiled. “Nothing’s the matter. I was just thinking how badly I want you to fuck me.”

  Chris’s look darkened further, taking on a feral glow. “I’d love nothing more.”

  Jesse wet his hand with spit and rubbed his bottom and then slicked his hand over Chris’s cock, straining and hard. He pumped it several times with his hand and then rose up, guiding the swollen head to his tight hole. Maneuvering his bottom until the smooth head poked in, he hissed in pleasure and then pushed, impaling himself on Chris’s delicious cock in one smooth glide.

  Jesse gasped from the sharp pleasure-pain, his vision blurring as their bodies met. Chris groaned and bucked his hips.

  Jesse righted himself, finding his balance, which was difficult from the weakening effect of pleasure. He could feel Chris deep inside him, that gorgeous thick cock rubbing all the right spots.

  In slow even strokes, he found a rhythm, riding his lover’s shaft and pumping his own cock with one hand. Chris’s large hands held his hips, keeping him astride, his strong arms adding more lift to his movements.

  Jesse’s eyes fluttered closed and his head tilted back, the pleasure building hard and fast, overwhelming him.

  “That’s right, mon amour.” Chris’s voice slid like silk around him, deepening the sparks of pleasure bursting through him. “You fuck me so good.”

  His lover’s words urged him harder and faster, the grinding of Chris’s cock deep in his tight passage and the pumping motions of his own hand bringing him faster and faster to the edge.

  In the next breath he spilled over, his seed pulsing out in milky streaks, anointing Chris’s chest and stomach.

  Chris groaned and lifted his hips, his cock twitching deep inside Jesse with his release.

  Jesse slumped over, his hands bridging Chris’s wide body, his hands sinking deep into the mattress. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Chris’s, still panting. They rested like that, Chris’s large hands moving in lazy circles over Jesse’s hips and ass.

  When he’d caught his breath, Jesse rolled over, letting his lover’s partially erect cock slide out of him. If he hadn’t known there was an eternity to feel that cock inside him again, the sensation of sudden emptiness would have been unbearable.

  As it was, he planned to impale himself on Chris’s cock again soon. And again. And again.

  He rolled over, snuggling against Chris’s side. Chris turned over, his hand sliding over Jesse’s back, ignoring the warm puddle of cum that coated his skin. He smiled at Jesse.

  Jesse returned the smile, his hand wandering lazily down to Chris’s chest, seeking out the heartbeat that only he, in the entire world, could feel. The beat pulsed strongly under his hand and Jesse could have sworn it beat now only for him.

  “Hey,” he said to Chris in a soft whisper.

  Chris looked at him, his lips curving in a smile. “Hey what?”

  Jesse grinned. “Merry Christmas.”

  ~ * ~

  Sedonia Guillone

  Sedonia Guillone lives on the water in Florida in winter and on the rocky coast of Maine in summers with a Renaissance man who paints, writes poetry and tells her she’s the sweetest nymph he’s ever met. When she’s not writing erotic romance, she loves watching spaghetti westerns, cuddling, and ea
ting chocolate.

  Visit Sedonia on the Web at

  * * * * *


  Kit Tunstall

  Chapter One

  Hugh Klein lived in a huge house on the highest hilltop in the small town neighboring the nearest university, where Chris Hanna was a senior. Chris gazed at the outside with wide-eyed awe as he stepped out of the passenger side of the BMW Emory had driven to convey him to the meeting with Mr. Klein. “Dude, this place is awesome.”

  Emory nodded, looking distractedly at the brick and wood façade. “Inside’s even better.” He glanced at the gold watch on his wrist. “Hurry up, man. Mr. Klein’s expecting us in two minutes, and he isn’t someone you keep waiting.”

  Chris nodded, falling into step with his frat brother and close friend. Emory was off to a coveted position on Wall Street in a few days, and if Mr. Klein approved of him, Chris would be taking over the assistant job his friend was leaving behind. He was nervous, but hopeful that he could meet all of Mr. Klein’s expectations. It would solve all of his problems ‑‑ an income for his final year of college, along with a place to live. The position even came with a car for his personal use. He cast a glance back at the BMW, imagining how the car might turn the head of Vanessa Shaye. Maybe she would finally notice he was a man and stop treating him with brotherly affection when all he wanted from her was passionate devotion.

  Thinking of Ness made him sad. No doubt, she was on a date this Saturday night, while he interviewed for a job. The slightly spoiled daughter of a wealthy man, Ness had never worked, and probably never would. Her pursuit of a degree was merely something to fill her time. She had admitted that herself many times, accompanied by that tinkling laugh that made his insides ache whenever he heard it.

  “Chris, c’mon.” Emory elbowed him in the ribs to get him moving.

  Chris shook off his melancholy thoughts and proceeded through the entryway. His eyes took in the priceless objet d’art surrounding him as they walked through the house, but he didn’t allow his feet to stop. If things went as planned, he would have ample time to study the pictures, sculptures, and collectibles between assisting Mr. Klein and his college courses.

  With a frown, he once again tried to imagine what being the other man’s assistant entailed. Emory had been vague, saying simply that he did, “Whatever Mr. Klein asks.” Chris imagined it would be a job filled with errand running, phone answering, and the requisite bowing and scraping a man like Mr. Klein would expect. He wasn’t looking forward to the duties, but the perks should make up for the sheer boredom he would no doubt endure.

  An unexpected rumble of nerves quaked in his stomach as he followed Emory into a somber study. The room smelled of leather and learning, with bookshelves to the ceiling, stacked neatly full of leather-bound volumes. The patina on the teak desk indicated it was an antique, and the surface was free of clutter. Only a blotter, laptop, and trays for paperwork occupied the area.

  He turned his attention to his prospective employer when the man’s leather chair squeaked as he leaned forward. Austere was the word that came to mind. Hugh Klein was blond, with fair coloring, and strange gray eyes that seemed to penetrate to Chris’s core, reading the most intimate details about him. Imposing in a black turtleneck, the other man seemed to swallow up all the space behind the desk, though in reality he had an average build, with compact musculature. The light from the presidential-style lamp on the wall behind him illuminated his hair, picking out silvery highlights. His gaze scrutinized Chris from head to toe, making him shiver. To his shock and embarrassment, Chris’s cock swelled with arousal when Mr. Klein met his eyes. In an attempt to cover his reaction, he practically leapt into one of the chairs facing the desk, sliding low and pressing his thighs together.

  Somehow, he managed to sound normal when he accepted the hand Mr. Klein extended and said, “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

  Emory took the other seat, and Chris was conscious of his friend fidgeting as Mr. Klein asked him some general questions. He answered as thoroughly as possible, and then settled back into the seat when the other man fell quiet. An air of expectancy hung in the room, and he waited with bated breath, sensing something else was going to happen, but not sure what.

  The preternatural sense of impending epiphany faded when Mr. Klein turned to Emory. “You trust Mr. Hanna implicitly, Emory?”

  Emory nodded his dark head. “Yes, Hugh. I’ve known him since he was in seventh grade, and I was in eighth. We met when he defended me from the class bully, though he was barely bigger than I was at the time. Chris is a good man, and he’ll guard your secrets.”

  Chris lifted a brow at the exchange, feeling his curiosity stir to life. He inferred from their conversation that secrets referred to more than financial statements or typical confidentiality.

  Mr. Klein made a non-committal sound before focusing on Chris again. “You’re active in some campus clubs, I see. Politics, speech, and the university chapter of the VCLU.” His eyes narrowed. “How did you become a member of the Vampire Civil Liberties Union?”

  Chris shrugged. “My folks are both members. My dad’s always said there’s no reason to discriminate against vampires. They have more laws in place than we do to protect humans. It’s our own fear ...” He trailed off, not wanting to launch into a passionate diatribe and risk alienating the man who might be hiring him. He was a proud member of VCLU, and he spoke out regularly for vampires’ rights, but he couldn’t afford to lose the job opportunity because of personal views.

  Mr. Klein nodded. “That’s excellent. Tell me, Chris, do you know any vampires?”

  Chris tilted his head. “I don’t know, sir. There might be some in the group, and there are probably some at the rallies and fundraisers, but I’ve never had one come out to me.”

  A smile of amusement crinkled Mr. Klein’s lips, making him look years younger, and exposing a glimpse of a lighter personality than he had thus far displayed. “‘Coming out.’ What a charming way to phrase it. I suppose it can be likened to homosexuality. Both are feared and sometimes hidden. Thankfully, gays and lesbians no longer have to fear criminal persecution for being who they are.”

  Chris breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Klein appeared reasonable and liberally minded, so it was unlikely they would clash over ideals regarding the treatment of vampires. “I hope it will someday be that way for vampires too, Mr. Klein.”

  “So do I. You have no idea how much I long for that.” He parted his lips in a wider smile, revealing fangs slowly descending.

  Chris gasped, and despite his views, a frisson of fear scrabbled into his gut. He’d never knowingly been so close to a vampire before, and his first thought was to guard his neck. He glanced at Emory from the corner of his eye, finding his friend was unsurprised by Mr. Klein’s revelation. Seeing Emory’s calm demeanor allowed Chris to regain control and keep from making an ass of himself. Well, much of one. “Does it hurt when they come down?”

  Mr. Klein shook his head. “No. It’s a natural process.” He steepled his fingers together on the desk. “I’m satisfied you’ll do as Emory’s replacement, if you can work for a vampire.”

  Chris hesitated for an instant before nodding. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll expect complete discretion.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “Call me Hugh.” Hugh shared a look with Emory before continuing. “Much of the job is straightforward. I’ll need you to run errands for me throughout the daytime, answer phones, make appointments, and handle some clients or paperwork yourself.”

  “What do you do, Hugh?”

  “I’m an antiquities expert, and my consulting services are always in demand.”

  Chris nodded. “I’ve taken business courses. I’m sure I can handle all that.”

  “There’s one more aspect to the job, and it’s better you see it now, so you can decide if you can perform this duty.” Hugh gestured to Emory, who rose to his feet and walked around the desk.

  Chris watched with puzzled interest as Emory got to his knees. His confusion cleared up when his friend undid Hugh’s snap and zipper of his pants. A flash of white briefs shielded Hugh’s cock from view for a moment, until Emory freed it from the underwear. It sprang into sight, erect and proud. The shaft was thick, about seven inches long, and straight as an arrow. Scarlet painted the head in its arousal, and a single drop of fluid hovered on the tip of his penis, slowly sliding downward. It almost disappeared from sight, but Emory caught the droplet on his tongue at the last second, before taking the other man’s cock into his mouth.

  It was difficult to breathe as Chris watched his friend fellate Hugh Klein. A whirlwind of emotions swarmed through him ‑‑ discomfort, envy, and longing. It felt wrong to watch the men together, but at the same time, Chris wished he were the one taking the thick shaft inside his mouth. Until that moment, he’d never doubted he was anything except straight, but all he could think about was touching and tasting Hugh’s cock, and then having the other man touch him. Chris’s erection jumped at the thought, as if to spring eagerly from his Dockers. He folded his hands on his lap to hide his reaction. It was strange enough to find the scene arousing in light of his sexual orientation. Having the other two aware of his conflicted emotions would be too embarrassing. Chris couldn’t help feeling somewhat ashamed of his excitement, though he was not the least bit homophobic. Enjoying such an experience just wasn’t part of his accepted self-image.

  Hugh watched him with a strange impassivity as Emory sucked his cock. A fine sheen of sweat dotted his brow, and he seemed physically aroused, but his eyes were almost blank, as if Emory couldn’t touch him emotionally. “As you probably know, vampires need blood for sustenance. Sexual pleasure, coupled with blood, reduces the amount we need.”

  “What about cloned blood?” How was it possible that he was having a nearly normal conversation while a member of his fraternity sucked the cock of the man about to hire him?


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