by Sara Spark
“I want to kiss you, little minx, as Hudson fucks you.”
Both Trixie and he sucked in a sharp breath. She liked that idea, eagerly bending forward to meet Keo’s mouth.
And Hudson? Well, that was like a shot of lightning to his dick. His bear rumbled in agreement. This was gonna be quicker than he thought. He pulled out to thrust powerfully forward. One hand grasped her hip as the other grasped her shoulder, pulling her back to meet his thrusts.
After a few minutes, Keo broke the lusty kiss with Trixie to trail kisses down her arm and then push underneath her to suck on her breasts.
Hudson couldn’t see what was going on, but there was a rapid-fire stream of Spanish coming out of Trixie’s mouth and as they had learned early on, the more aroused she was the faster the words came out.
“Hudson, mi osito,” Trixie called as Hudson picked up the pace. “Keo,” she cried as Keo pulled out from under her.
“Be right back, mate. I want to see Hudson fuck you.” Keo shifted on his knees till Hudson could tell that Keo could see him powering in and out of Trixie.
Keo’s hands stroked over Trixie’s back and hips, watching Hudson.
And Hudson? He’d never imagined it before. But he got off on Keo watching him claim his mate. He wanted someone to see how well he pleasured his mate. Someone to appreciate all that sexy, pussy cream that Trixie made to coat their cocks. Someone who got it. Who understood that being inside her was as close as they were going to get to perfection in this life.
Hudson hammered inside her. Both of his hands now gripped her hips as he pounded inside of her, adjusting speed and power to her cries of delight. Keo was touching her everywhere as Hudson took her. Sweeping over her back, grasping her shoulders, cupping her ass for a second when Hudson pulled back on one stroke.
Keo reached underneath Trixie and Hudson felt Keo stroking over her pussy. He didn’t even break stride, continuing his hard strokes inside her. Anything Keo wanted to do to ensure Trixie’s pleasure was just fine by him and his bear.
But the finally straw was when Keo grabbed her hair and pulled her head back and away stretching her bare vulnerable neck to him. He roared, flashes of fur rushing over his skin as he hammered away at her covering her with his body and sinking his fangs into the base of her neck.
Hudson felt Keo’s fingers swiftly stroking her pussy as Trixie screamed out her pleasure. Her entire body clenched. Her pussy tightening against him until he thought his balls were going to explode. Her hips jerked against him, as she tried to take him deeper.
Hudson erupted deep inside Trixie, thrusting slightly to get as far as he possibly could. He wanted his scent so ingrained in her that it became a part of her. His fangs, roughly sinking into the tender junction where neck met shoulder, claimed her. He felt the mating bond between them flare with brilliant energy on the invisible soul plane.
When it did, he felt the deep connection to her solidify. He felt her pleasure crashing through her body, he felt the essence of her entwined intimately with him. And it was sexy, a soul-deep completion which he had never felt before. And ribboned throughout it and entwined inseparably in it was Keo. An integral, vital part of the soul bond.
Hudson groaned and it sounded as if it came from his toes and was dragged out of him. Collapsing to the side, Hudson carried her with him, keeping his cock deep inside her and keeping a hold of their mating connection deep inside, too.
Keo snuggled up to her front, petting her lightly, praising her beauty but more importantly, praising her uniqueness. She was wonder, empathy and connection wrapped up in sexy curves. There was no one like Trixie.
That was the last thought that Hudson had before he passed out.
Chapter 8
Roughly three weeks later
The three of them had fallen into somewhat of a routine. It had a pattern, even if the pattern was somewhat annoying and inconvenient. They saw each other almost every weeknight and all weekend. Keo was living for the weekends now, making sure that he had people to cover all Saturday and Sunday. That had been an adjustment for everyone at the stable. Not that they didn’t want to take a shift, but that Keo wanted time off. Any time off. Keo didn’t take time off. He was always at the stables.
During the weeknights, they got to be together for a little while, but usually it took lots of time to make the arrangements and to make it to one of their apartments, or in his case his cabin. Time that could be better spent with Trixie, taking her out, making love to her, talking to her, making love to her, arguing with her and making love to her. It was amazing how often that list entered his mind, with all the fine details mapped out in vivid color.
Trixie worked in the Accounting Department of the same firm that Rimie used to work for. Unfortunately, that was literally across town from the ranch. At least, Hudson was a lot closer to the ranch and there was no traffic between the nursery and the ranch to worry about. Not the case with Trixie. Very often, much of the time was spent with Trixie, or Hudson or him stuck in traffic trying to make their way to their meeting spot for that night. It frustrated the hell out of Keo. He just wanted his mates near him. A lot. And that thought made him uncomfortable.
It was a big adjustment. Keo was a loner. Had always been a loner. Growing up on the reservation, he had been one of the Chimera that randomly popped up in the population with no prior Chimeric ancestors. At least no known prior ancestors. It did happen from time to time that a Chimera’s animal would remain dormant and the person would never make the transformation. So it was possibly that there could be Chimeric ancestors that didn’t even know they were shapeshifters.
Luckily, around the time of his first shift which usually happened in puberty for Chimera, a drifter happened to be passing through. Well, it was luck or Mater Natura, the mother spirit that with the Pater created the Chimera. Most likely the Mater. Why else would a Chimeric drifter just happen to amble through their poor Indian reservation around the same time that his body had been going through weird and wild changes?
At 15 yrs old, Keo was still waiting for his puberty growth spurt in order to catch up to all the kids that towered over him. The drifter had recognized that he was a Chimera right off. Delaying his travels for a couple of weeks, he had helped Keo get through his first change. After experiencing the wonder of transformation and bonding with the eagle owl inside of him, Keo had not needed anyone else. He was just fine, him and his owl.
But now, it was not fine. He was irritated and annoyed, cussing traffic and work and anything else that delayed him from seeing his mates each night.
It had all come to a head the night before.
Yesterday, Keo had been called in to help with some security sweeps in the day. The number of incidents that had happened in town had meant that when the Alpha family returned to Stone Ranch security protocols had been tightened.
Normally, Keo enjoyed the rare security tasks that he was given cause it was something different that helped him appreciate his everyday job. A horse trainer, near the horses he loved. But normally was not when he was in the process of mating. The extra tasks had made him angry and irascible.
Now at dinnertime, several chores still unfinished at the stables, he had to call his mates and let them know that he couldn’t come. He had too much work to do at the stables. Trixie had to get up early in the morning for work and Hudson running a nursery was always up before the dawn. Keo couldn’t in all conscience, make them drive out to him just cause he had extra work to do.
Keo was stilted and stiff as he video chatted Trixie that night. Tension was vibrating through him. Trixie was using her tablet, propped on the counter when Hudson arrived with Chinese take-out for what was supposed to be all of their dinners. His owl was a knotted mess of pissy-ness. Not understanding why they couldn’t be with their mates.
“What is wrong, mi lindo?” Trixie asked gently about five minutes into their conversation.
“I don’t like it. I don’t like not being there.” Keo put his head against the wall
in the little tack room that he had gone into to talk to them. His talons came out and scratched down the wall, well out of view of the camera lens.
Keo watched Hudson walk up behind Trixie as she was in the kitchen pulling plates down from the cabinet. Hudson wrapped an arm around Trixie from behind, giving a brief kiss to his mating mark on her neck. He looked at Keo.
“You’re not coming?”
“Security sweeps. I was on them all day. So now, I’ve got to take care of Berrywine, she started her estrous cycle pretty early this year. Showing signs of heat.” He rubbed his forehead. “We may have to move the timetable forward for her breeding.”
“I can’t see your face very well, Keo. You are kinda backlit.”
Keo just grunted. His hair was hanging down around his face. He felt irritable, on a hair trigger. He didn’t especially want to show this side of himself to his mates.
“What are you not telling me?” Her dark brown brows drew together in a frown that he thought was entrancing. Fuck! He had it bad if even her frowns were appealing! “Are you sure that this isn’t about Hudson?”
“Hudson?” He was lost.
“Yes, the fact that Hudson is here and you aren’t.”
“I already told you I didn’t like not being there with you.”
“You sure you aren’t jealous?” She crossed her arms and looked at him suspiciously.
“Yeah, I get jealous. I didn’t like that other male putting his arm around you.” Keo rubbed the back of his neck trying to release the tension. “Well, until we figured out he was your cousin.” He watched Hudson kiss along the edge of her shoulder, pushing aside the oversized sweatshirt that she had on. “But I am not jealous of Hudson.” How could he be? He was part of their mating group even though Trixie wasn’t aware of it.
Hudson’s hands slid around to hold onto her hips lightly. Keo watched as Hudson’s lips ascended till he was biting on her ear. Trixie sucked in a hard breath.
“Humph.” Trixie said while thrusting one hip out. She looked like she was tapping her foot.
“You don’t believe me?” Keo felt a little stunned and then a subsequent wash of frustration poured over him.
“I am not so sure that this isn’t a little ‘dog in a manger’ going on here.”
Keo swallowed some instinctive noises from his owl. He and his owl were pissed. Hudson was looking over Trixie’s shoulder. His eyebrows were arched to the ceiling.
He realized that both of his mates were in doubt about his feelings. That they thought his frustration of tonight was just that Hudson had arrived. That Hudson had his arms around her and Keo didn’t. That his feelings stemmed from selfishness or spite.
“It’s not that.”
Silence. Keo ground his teeth.
“I can prove it.”
“Really, how?” Trixie’s tone was full of doubt.
How the hell was he gonna prove it? And then something sparked in his mind. “Do you want Hudson?”
Trixie eyed him suspiciously as if she was looking for a trap. “Of course.”
“Well, then make love with him.” Keo’s voice vibrated with intensity.
“Qué?” She looked poleaxed.
“Fuck him, Trixie. Right here. Right now.”
“No! That’s not right. I’m not forcing anyone to have sex. He may not want—“
Both men started laughing at the same moment.
“What??” She peered around at Hudson.
“Trixie, we always want you, always, beauty.” Hudson turned her head to the side, bent down and kissed the hell out of her. Keo watched as Hudson’s big hands moved from her hips to cup her breasts, pressing, and tugging on them. Trixie’s breathing sped up. So did Keo’s.
“That’s it, minx. Let Hudson pleasure you. He’s right. We always want you.” Keo watched Hudson’s hands move down and then back up again, this time underneath the sweatshirt. “Trixie, we would come to your work in the middle of the day, lay you across your desk and fuck you till you screamed, if you’d let us. We always want you.”
Trixie made a little noise in the back of her throat.
Keo sucked in a sharp breath as Hudson suddenly ripped Trixie’s sweatshirt over her head. Full, bare breasts bounced and moved as Hudson roughly rubbed them back and forth. His sexy mates were grinding together as if doing a slow dance. Bodies twisting and thrusting. Each one trying to touch more, stroke more. It was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen.
“Oh, Hudson.” Trixie had one arm circled over her head to hold onto Hudson. The other hand was rubbing up and down Hudson’s arm touching him, urging him on. “Keo!”
“I’m here, minx. I’m with you every step of the way. I want to watch Hudson take you. I want to watch you surrender to him. You are so sexy when you come, Trixie.”
Hudson reached up and pulled Trixie’s nipples hard. A spate of unintelligible Spanish poured from her lips.
“Trixie that makes me hard as a rock.” Keo shifted and had to undo the button on his jeans. “You know why? That means that you are getting all hot and wet for us. That you are getting ready to come.”
Swiftly, Hudson pulled down her sweats leaving her naked. Standing in full beautiful nude display. Keo had to unzip his jeans as his body tightened.
“No bra, no undies. Such a naughty beauty. Was that for us?” Hudson rubbed his hands down the outside of her thighs pressing them together as he did.
“Sí, mi osito. Yes!” Hudson’s hands disappeared behind Trixie. “Yes, Hudson!”
Hudson pulled away with a disappointed groan from Trixie, to strip out of his clothes.
“How do you want it, Trixie?”
“I, I—“
“How do you want Hudson to take you, minx?”
“I need to be able to see you,” she cried to Keo as Hudson wrapped his arms around her. One of his huge hands pressed against her little bare vee and rubbed it.
“Hudson?” Keo asked Hudson.
Hudson nodded at Keo. “I will take you any way you like, beauty.” He used one hand to tilt her head back to him to kiss her hard, voraciously eating at her mouth. Keo slowly stroked his cock as he watched the heel of Hudson’s hand rubbing against her mound. Timing his strokes with each one of Hudson’s.
When Hudson let Trixie come up for air, she was panting and little cries were exploding out of her red lips for each stroke Hudson did against her pussy.
Hudson disappeared off camera.
“I need to see you, Keo. I can’t see you.”
Keo rolled so that his back was against the wall. The faint light in the tack room falling on his face. “Is that better?” In Trixie’s apartment, a stool scraped across the floor as Hudson dragged it into view.
Trixie gasped, “No, I want to see all of you.”
Hudson tenderly picked up one of her legs and propped her foot on one of the rungs of the stool. His voice gruff as he said, “Spread nice and wide, beauty, so that Keo can see all of you.”
Keo groaned at the final pose that Hudson had created. Trixie was standing on one foot, her other foot, angling to the side and resting on the stool. Legs parted wide. Pussy lips parted lustily. Breasts heaving and a nice, sexy flush to her cheeks. Delectable.
“Keo,” Trixie reached up and grasped her own breasts roughly pinching at her nipples, cupping and kneading them. “Show me.” Hudson had frozen on his way back behind her, watching every move that her hands made.
Keo didn’t move, hypnotized, as well, by the picture of his sexy mate.
Her hands moved down to her pussy.
“Now that’s not fucking fair, Trixie!” He was trying to hold onto his phone while preventing his talons from coming out as his owl was internally climbing the walls to get to his mate.
“Show me your cock, Keo.” She demanded as her hand cupped her pussy, rubbing against it slowly. Her hips twitched side to side.
He and Hudson had the exact same response, low groans as their hands pumped faster on their cocks. Pater’s shaft, he wasn’t goin
g to survive this. His balls were already tightening in sexual agony.
“I need both of you, Keo.” Trixie bit her lip.
“Hudson, hurry up and get inside her. I know that look. She’s about to blow.”
“Better give her what she needs then,” Hudson said calmly.
With a curse, Keo went to prop up his phone on a dusty shelf in the corner. “Is this what you need, stubborn minx?” Keo backed up, leaning against the wall and stroking his cock that was thrusting out of his undone jeans.
“Hmmm. Take off your shirt.” She tilted her head to the side as she surveyed him. Keo ripped his shirt off with an abrupt yank. Hudson had moved behind her and was stroking his hands up and down her thighs as she rubbed her pussy. “Now your jeans, pull them down. I can’t see your co—oh!”
Hudson had used her distraction to line up his own cock and slowly, and determinedly push his thick cock inside her. Bending his knees and curving his body around her to get deep inside her.
Curses came out of both Keo’s and Trixie’s mouths. Keo shoved his jeans down so that his feisty mate could see all of him. She wanted no less than his surrender. He would give it to her. He would give her anything.
“Thank fuck, Hudson! Finally!” Keo said hoarsely as he watched Hudson power inexorably inside. Keo stroked his cock in time with Hudson, but his cock jumped as he watched Hudson’s cock pull out covered in Trixie’s cream. Then there was no more talking. Just panting and moans and broken Spanglish. Just Hudson’s hips pumping forcefully inside and the wet sounds of lusty fucking.
“We need to come together, mates.”
Broken cries answered Hudson.
“Almost, beauty. I can feel you tightening.” Hudson’s pace picked up. He growled, “You going to come for your mates? Are you going to show Keo how much pleasure you get from my cock?” Keo watched Hudson press on her clit and with a hammering thrust, she tipped over. Hudson’s teeth bit down hard on her neck, and she screamed.
Her mouth opened wide as her eyes crashed together with his. Keo couldn’t hold it back any longer. With a yell, he erupted over and over. His thrusts were exactly in tune with Hudson who was doing his own erupting deep inside her, pumping hard to get every drop out.