Michelangelo And The Sistine Chapel

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Michelangelo And The Sistine Chapel Page 18

by Andrew Graham-Dixon

  Auerbach, Erich, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature , Princeton 1968

  Chambers, D. S., ‘Papal Conclaves and Prophetic Mystery in the Sistine Chapel’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 41 (1978) pp. 322—6

  Chastel, André, The Sack of Rome, Princeton 1983

  Chastel, André, et al., The Sistine Chapel: Michelangelo Rediscovered, London 1986

  Clark, Lord Kenneth, The Nude, London 1976

  Condivi, Ascanio, The Life of Michelangelo, trans. Alice Sedgwick Wohl, ed. Hellmut Wohl, Pennsylvania 1999

  Delacroix, Eugène, The Journal of Eugène Delacroix, ed. Hubert Wellington, Oxford 1980

  Duffy, Eamon, Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes, London 1997

  Fenton, James, Leonardo’s Nephew: Essays on Art and Artists, London 1998

  Freedberg, Sydney Joseph, Painting in Italy 1500—1600, London 1970

  Graham-Dixon, Andrew, Renaissance, London 1999

  Hall, James, Michelangelo and the Reinvention of the Human Body, London 2005

  Hersey, George L., High Renaissance Art in St Peter’s and the Vatican: An Interpretive Guide, Chicago 1993

  Hibbert, Christopher, The House of Medici, Its Rise and Fall, New York 1975

  Hughes, Anthony, Michelangelo, London 1997

  King, Ross, Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling, London 2002

  Liebert, Robert S., MD, Michelangelo, A Psychoanalytic Study of His Life and Images, Yale 1983

  Martines, Lauro, Power and Imagination, London 1980

  Michelangelo, Complete Poems and Selected Letters, trans. Creighton Gilbert, ed. Robert N. Linscott, Princeton 1980

  Milton, John, Paradise Lost, ed. Alastair Fowler, London 1971

  Murray, Linda, Michelangelo, His Life, Work and Times, London 1984

  Partridge, Loren, The Renaissance in Rome, London 1996

  Partridge, Loren, Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Rome, New York 1997

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Discourses on Art, ed. Robert R. Wark, New Haven 1975

  Seymour, Charles, ed., Michelangelo: The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, London 1972

  Thompson, Damian, The End of Time: Faith and Fear in the Shadow of the Millennium, London 1996

  Tolnay, Charles de, Michelangelo, vols 1 and 2, Princeton 1943, 1945

  Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, trans. Gaston du C. de Vere, with an introduction and notes by David Ekserdjian, London 1996, 2 vols

  Wind, Edgar, ‘The Crucifixion of Haman’, in Journal of the Warburg Institute, I, no. 3 (January 1938), pp. 245—8


  All colour illustrations of the Sistine Chapel ceiling are reproduced with permission of the Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican City.


  Michelangelo Buonarroti and His World

  p. ii Autograph sonnet with self-portrait (Scala, Florence)

  p. 13 Self-portrait of Michelangelo, black chalk, pricked, the Teyler Museum, Haarlem

  p. 24 The Battle of the Centaurs, marble, Casa Buonarroti, Florence (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 32 The Drunkenness of Bacchus, 1496—7, marble, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 36 Pietà, marble, St Peter’s, Vatican (Alinari)

  p. 40 David, 1501—4, marble, Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 43 Seated male nude, c. 1511, red chalk heightened with lead white, the Teyler Museum, Haarlem

  p. 44 Studies for Haman, 1511—12, red chalk, British Museum, London

  p. 46 The Battle of Cascina, after Michelangelo, 1542, oil on panel, Collection of the Earl of Leicester, Holkham Hall, Norfolk (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 49 Portrait of Pope Julius II, Raphael, c. 1512, oil on panel, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 60 Sistine Chapel exterior (Scala, Florence)


  The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

  p. 86 Study for Adam, c. 1511, red chalk, British Museum, London (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 149 The School of Athens, from the Stanza della Segnatura, Raphael, 1510—11, fresco, Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican City (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 150 Detail of The School of Athens showing Heraclitus, Raphael, 1510—11, fresco, Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican City (Bridgeman Art Library)


  The Last Judgement, and Other Endings

  p. 164 The Last Judgement, fresco, Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican City (AKG images)

  p. 166 Christ, detail from The Last Judgement, fresco, Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican City (AKG images)

  p. 168 Detail from The Last Judgment, fresco, Vatican Museums and Galleries, Vatican (AKG images)

  p. 171 Crucifixion, c. 1538—41, black chalk on paper, British Museum, London (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 172 Head of Nicodemus, detail from The Florence Pietà, 1553, marble, Opera del Duomo, Florence (Bridgeman Art Library)

  p. 176 Study of a crucified Christ and two figures, c. 1555—64, black chalk heightened with lead white, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (Bridgeman Art Library)



  Abraham and Isaac (bronze medallion)

  Adam; in The Creation of Adam; in The Creation of Eve; in The Temptation and Expulsion

  Alberti, Leon Battista

  Aldovrandi, Giovanni Francesco

  Alexander VI, Pope

  Alidosi, Cardinal

  Ambrose, Saint


  Ancestors of Christ, the; attributions; male lineage; female lineage; vacuity; in spandrels; meanings


  ‘animae rationali’

  Anthony, St

  apocalyptic anxiety



  architectural drawings

  Ariosto, Ludovico


  Ark, the, symbolism of

  artists: role; status; patronage

  ‘Asa Josaphat Joram’

  Ascension of Elijah, The (bronze medallion)

  Assumption of the Virgin, The (Perugino)

  Auerbach, Eric

  Auerbach, Frank

  Augustine, St

  Baptistery, Florence

  Barbieri, Filippo

  Barque of Dante, The (Delacroix)

  Bartholomew, St

  Battle of Anghiari, The (Leonardo da Vinci)

  Battle of Cascina, The (Michelangelo)

  Battle of the Centaurs (Michelangelo)

  Bertoldo, di Giovanni

  Biagio da Cesena

  Bible, the


  Borgia family

  Borgia, Cesare



  Brancacci Chapel, Carmine

  Brazen Serpent, The


  bronze figures


  Buonarroti family

  Buonarroti, Leonardo

  Buonarroti, Lionardo

  Buonarroti, Lodovico

  Buonarroti, Michelangelo, see Michelangelo Buonarroti

  Byzantine tradition

  Cain and Abel




  Carnevale, Domenico


  Casa Buonarroti, Florence

  Castel Sant’Angelo

  casualties, the sack of Rome

  Cavatieri, Tommaso de’

  chaos, portrayal of

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

  Charles VIII, King of France


  Chirico, Giorgio de

  Christianity, spread of

  Christopher, St

  Chronicles, Book of

  City of God, The (Augustine)

  classical sculptures

  classical sources

  Clement VII, Pope

  Colonna, Francesco

/>   Colonna, Vittoria


  Condivi, Ascanio: as M’s biographer; on M’s apprenticeship; and wet nurse story; on M’s attraction to the arts; on M in Lorenzo de’ Medici’s household; on M’s flight from Florence; on M’s meeting with Cardinal Riario; on commission to create tomb for Julius II on M’s refusal to return to Rome; on the Sistine Chapel ceiling; on M’s asceticism; on Savonarola’s influence; on lost picture of St Anthony; on The Last Judgement; on M’s reading of the Old Testament; on Pietà


  Conversion of St Paul (Michelangelo)

  Cortile del Belvedere, Rome

  Creation, the, St Augustine’s ideas

  Creation of Adam, The: figures in God’s mantle; influences; misreading of; originality; portrayal of Adam; portrayal of Eve; portrayal of God;

  representation of Christ;


  Creation of Eve, The

  Creation of Life in the Waters, The

  Creation of the Sun, Moon and Plants, The

  Cross, the, prefiguring of

  Crucifixion, The (Michelangelo)

  Crucifixion of St Peter, The (Michelangelo)

  Crucifixion with two mourners, The (Michelangelo)

  Cupid (Michelangelo)

  Cumaean Sibyl, The



  David (Michelangelo)

  David and Goliath

  De Doctrina Christiana (Milton)

  De spiritu et littera (Augustine)

  Death of Haman, The, Delacroix, Eugène

  Della Francesca, Piero

  Della Roverre, Francesco

  Delphic Sibyl, The

  Deluge, The; the Ark; attention to detail; composition; figures in; originality; Savonarola’s influence on; symbolism; theme

  Discourses on Art (Reynolds)

  Disputa, the (Raphael)

  Divine Comedy, The (Dante)


  Doni, Angelo

  Doni Tondo (Michelangelo)

  Drunkenness of Bacchus, The (Michelangelo)

  Drunkenness of Noah, The


  Erasmus, Desiderio

  Erythraean Sybil, The



  Eucharist, the




  faith, doctrine of justification through

  Fall of Man

  Fall of the Rebel Angels, commission for

  Final Conflict, the

  Flemish tradition, the

  Flight to Egypt


  Casa Buonarroti

  Palazzo della Signoria

  Santa Maria Novella

  Florence Pietà, The (Michelangelo)


  Francesco of Urbino, Maestro

  Francis I, King of France

  Freud, Sigmund

  Galli, Jacopo

  Genesis, references to



  Ghiberti, Lorenzo

  Ghirlandaio, Domenico

  Giles of Viterbo

  Giovanni, of Pistoia

  God: early portrayals; in Separation of Light and Darkness; in Creation of Adam; in Creation of Eve; in The Creation of Life in the Waters; in The Creation of the Sun, Moon and Plants; man’s relationship with; mercy; Old Testament

  golden age

  good and evil

  Giovio, Paolo

  Great Schism, the

  green, symbolism of


  Hadrian VI, Pope


  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  Head of a Faun


  Holanda, Francisco de

  Holkham Hall

  Homeric legend

  human form, use of


  Hypnerotomachia Poliphilia (Colonna)

  I Vaticini delle Sibille (Barbieri)

  ignudi, the

  imaginative projection

  indulgences, traffic in

  Inferno (Dante)



  Isaiah, the Book of


  Jacopo della Quercia


  Jesus Christ: attribution in the Ancestors of Christ; depictions of; depiction in The Last Judgment; Jonah as representation of; prefiguring of; redemptive sacrifice; sun as symbol for

  Jewish tradition, Christian reinterpretation of

  Jews, celebration of the death of Haman

  Joachim of Fiore


  Joel, the prophet

  Joel, the Book of

  John, the Book of

  John the Baptist


  Jonah, the Book of

  Joseph, father of Jesus

  Joseph of Nicodemus

  ‘Josias Jechonias Salathiel’

  Judas, son of Jacob

  Judith and Holofernes (Donatello)

  Judith and Holofernes (Michelangelo)

  Julius Exclusus (Erasmus)

  Julius II, Pope: Giles of Viterbo’s portrayal of; election; character; Raphael portrait of; determination to regain papal lands from Borgias; plan to renovate Rome; achievements; commissions M to create tomb; cancels commission for tomb; refuses to pay M; orders M back to Rome; conquest of Bologna; commissions monumental statue of self; commissions M to paint Sistine Chapel ceiling; scheme for the Sistine Chapel ceiling; collector of classical sculpture; family emblems; M’s poetry about; succession

  Kermode, Frank




  Last Judgment, The; depiction of Christ; figures; power of; style

  Leo X, Pope

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Libyan Sibyl, The

  Life of Michelangelo (Condivi)

  Lives of the Popes, The (Platina)

  Louvre, Paris


  Luther, Martin

  Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects (Vasari)

  Madonna of the Stairs, The (Michelangelo)

  Mannerism (maniera)

  Martin V, Pope

  Mary, the Virgin: moon as symbol for; prefiguring of; attributions in the Ancestors of Christ; depiction in The Last Judgment; depictions of

  Mary Magdalene (Donatello)




  Matthew, Book of

  Medici, Lorenzo de’ (il Magnifico)

  Medici, Piero de’

  Medici family, overthrow of

  medieval tradition


  Michelangelo Buonarroti: wet nurse; family; apprenticeship and education; apprenticeship and education; in Lorenzo de’ Medici’s household; flight from Florence; Savonarola’s influence on; leaves Florence; talent recognised; commissioned to create tomb for Julius II 52—3; refusal to return to Rome; commissioned to create monumental statue of Julius II commissioned to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling; scheme for the Sistine Chapel ceiling; painting of ceiling; use of classical sources; autonomy; vision underlying ceiling; and Raphael; and the sack of Rome; Chief Architect, Sculptor and Painter to the Vatican palace; commissioned to paint The Last Judgment; breaks leg; drops planks on Pope; evolution in style; and Reformation; later style; on Pietà

  Character and characteristics: achievements; aloofness; asceticism; appearance; conception of self as artist; drive and motivation; lack of empathy; originality; paranoia; pictorial language; painting technique; reputation and biographies; sculpture technique; sexuality; spatial awareness; speed of work; theology; use of assistants

  Works (see also Sistine Chapel ceiling and individual parts of ceiling):

  drawings; sketches and studies for the ceiling; self-portraits; poetry; The Battle of Cascina; The Battle of the Centaurs; Crucifixion; The Crucifixion of St Peter; The Crucifixion with two mourners; Cupid; David; design for Julius II’s tomb; Doni Tondo;
The Drunkenness of Bacchus; The Florence Pietà; The Last Judgement; The Madonna of the Stairs; Moses; The Pietà (Rome); The Rondanini Pietà


  Milton, John


  Mond Crucifixion (Raphael)

  moon, symbolism


  mortality rates


  Moses (Michelangelo)


  Neo-Platonic philosophy

  Nicholas V, Pope




  Numbers, Book of

  ‘Odysseus’s Scar’ (Auerbach)

  Old Testament

  Oration on the Dignity of Man (Pico della Mirandola)

  Original Sin


  Pagnini, Sante

  Palazzo della Signoria, Florence

  Papal Chapel

  Paradise Lost (Milton)

  Pater, Walter

  Paul III, Pope

  Persian Sibyl, The



  Peter, St



  Picasso, Pablo

  Pico della Mirandola

  Piermatteo d’Amelia

  Piero di Cosimo

  Pietà (Michelangelo)




  Poliziano, Angelo

  Porta Magna of San Petronio

  profil perdu

  prophets and sibyls

  Jonah; meanings; the prophets; revelations; the sibyls


  Psalms, Book of

  Purgatorio (Dante)


  Raphael; The School of Athens


  Reformation, the

  renunciation, spirit of

  Revelation, Book of

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua

  Riario, Cardinal

  Ripa Grande

  Rodin, Auguste

  Romagna, the

  Roman art

  Rome: Cortile del Belvedere; Piazza San Pietro; renovation of; sack of; St Peter’s; Via Giulia; Via Lungara

  Rondanini Pietà, The (Michelangelo)

  Ruskin, John

  Sacco, Giuliano

  Sacrifice of Noah, The

  Saint Denis, Abbey of

  St George (Donatello)

  St John the Baptist (Donatello)

  St Peter’s

  ‘Salmon Booz Obed’

  Samuel, Book of


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