The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance

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The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 9

by Mika Lane

  How is it that a girl like that is even single?

  Or was she single? She’d agreed to have dinner with me at my place. You didn’t do that if you had a boyfriend. Right?

  My sauce was on the stove, bubbling gently, when she rang and I buzzed her in. I popped open a nice Chianti Classico and poured two glasses while I waited for her to come up in the elevator.

  When I pulled my door open, I don’t think I was ever so glad to see someone. The second she walked in, I felt like I could breathe for the first time in years. Jesus. What was it about her?

  “Hey,” she said, planting a kiss on my cheek and giving me one of her dazzling smiles.

  Her hair was piled on top of her head in one of those messy knot-things, and she had a little smudge of makeup under her eye. It all contributed to making her even more gorgeous. I thought to tell her about the errant mascara or whatever it was, but it was so cute, I wanted to look at it for a while longer. She was perfect in her imperfection.

  I handed her a glass of Chianti and watched her check out my kitchen. Her tight blue jeans and high-heeled boots caused a twitching inside my boxers and a rush of blood through my veins.

  I knew I liked her, but shit, I didn’t know I liked her that much.

  “Cheers,” I said, as we clinked glasses.

  “Great place,” she said. “It’s just amazing.”

  The dogs, curious as hell that there was a stranger in the house, pressed their noses against the sliding glass door from where they were banished on the terrace.

  “Thanks. I’m really fortunate to have this place. When my parents passed, and I sold their farm, I ended up with enough for a nice down payment.” I followed her gaze past my living room, complete with an operating fireplace, and back to the modern kitchen I’d had installed. “I’d never dreamed I could end up in someplace like this.” It was absolutely true. Veterinarians do well, but not this well.

  “Good lord. You really do have five dogs, don’t you?” she asked, smiling and watching them jump all over each other.

  I laughed. “Yup. It’s impossible to turn them away when you know they’re going to end up in a shelter.” It was a serious weakness of mine. But not a bad one to have, if you asked me. “Not only do I have a whole pack, I’ve gotten nearly everyone I know to take in one or two strays. Maybe you can take a couple, see how they get along with Cher the rat.”

  She scrunched her face. “Pretty sure that’s not allowed in my apartment building. In fact, I don’t think we’re even allowed to have the rat, but it came with Sparkle, and there was really nothing I could do about it. At least it’s in a cage unlike the rest of the rats in New York City.”

  “Cheers to that.” I took a swig of my wine. “Rats are actually great pets. Low maintenance, and they stay pretty healthy.”

  “Sounds like the perfect boyfriend,” she said, throwing her head back and laughing.


  “Speaking of which,” I said, “do you have a boyfriend?” I felt a quick thump in my chest. God, I was becoming a pussy.

  She shook her head. “No. I do not.”

  But something in her face said there was more than just a “no” answer to that question. I wasn’t going to push it, though. Whatever it was would come out later. If there was going to be a later. Which I really hoped there would be.

  I served my sauce over some nice, fat bucatini pasta.

  “Oh, my god. This is amazing,” she said with small moans of appreciation.

  Of course, the twitching in my dick was now on high alert.

  Down boy.

  After dinner, she helped me clear the table. “Hey, I have to take the dogs for a walk,” I said.

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  I opened the door to the terrace and five happy pups barged into the apartment and straight for her.

  “Easy, guys,” I said, trying to pull them off her. But she was unfazed by the paw prints and drool they left all over her blue jeans.

  Gotta love that in a girl.

  When I’d leashed them all up, I corralled them, and her, into the elevator. We wandered across the street to Central Park. She shivered, so I handed her the dogs and properly zipped her jacket right up to her chin. A couple raindrops landed on her pretty face.

  “Oh, shit, rain. I gotta walk the dogs, though. Do you want to wait inside?” I asked.

  She shook her head, and some of the hair that had fallen out of its clasp floated around her face. “No, I’m coming with you.”

  Well, I don’t know if lightning struck me just then, but something did. Even the dogs sensed it. They sat patiently, looking up at both of us.

  So I leaned in for a kiss and to my delight, she leaned right back toward me.

  Chapter 17


  Good lord, if Von hadn’t kissed me just then in the park, in the rain, I may have just had to attack him.

  But thank goodness he finally did, and damn, was it worth the wait. His lips brushed mine at first, as if in a test, and then they parted, allowing him to tickle me with his tongue. The guy left me breathless. Seriously, why had he waited so long?


  With the dog leashes in one of my hands—the little buggers had gone completely silent as they stared up at us—I moved my other to his chest, a rock-hard prominence of muscle and hard-earned strength. The guy clearly didn’t spend all his time at his vet practice. And when I brushed over his nipples, I could have sworn I heard him suck in his breath.

  Ah. I’d discovered his soft spot. Well, at least one of them.

  We might have been in the middle of a chilly path in Central Park, but the heat inside me exploded like an out of control wild fire. The rain came down harder, trickling into our lips and mouths. Instead of being an annoyance, it only served to heighten the growing throb between my legs. Time stood still as I got lost in Von’s kiss. I wanted to stay lost there.

  But of course, life doesn’t work that way. One of the dogs, soaked and most likely getting cold—and still having to pee—began to whimper. Another quickly followed, and pretty soon all five of them were asking if we couldn’t please cool our jets and get a move on. Who did we think we were anyway? they seemed to ask.

  Panting, I pulled back from Von. The rain, having plastered his hair to his head, trickled down his face in rivulets. The dogs were equally as soggy, although they didn’t look nearly as happy about it.

  “C’mon,” he said, taking my hand and pulling the dogs over to a grassy patch where they could relieve themselves. As they proceeded to sniff, as dogs did, to find the perfect spot, Von ran his hand over my matted hair and wiped a raindrop on the end of my nose with his thumb.

  The dogs were gathered back at our feet, presumably done with their business.

  “Let’s hit it,” he said.

  We started to run back to his building, the rain pelting our faces and the dogs trotting behind us. All I could do was laugh. How lucky was I to be running in the rain with this gorgeous man and his assortment of mutts, like I didn’t have a care in the world?

  We got inside his building and shook ourselves off just like the dogs did, leaving little puddles of water on the lobby floor and the elevator.

  “Wait here just a sec,” he said when we reached his front door. He removed his shoes and disappeared into his apartment, returning with several towels.

  “Do you mind?” he asked, bending to towel off his fur babies.

  Of course I didn’t mind warming up the shivering pups. We both knelt in the hallway and rubbed all the water we could off their fur, and then let them inside where they crammed into a couple dog beds by the radiator. Von took my dripping jacket, shaking it off on the tiled floor like it was no big deal. He tilted his head in a follow me fashion. Which, of course, I did.

  Aside from the kitchen, I’d not seen much of the place, so I was glad to crane my neck and snoop while I followed him down a long hallway and into a bathroom.

  A bathroom?

  But I wasn’t confused fo
r long. He pushed my hair back over my shoulders and slowly lifted my shirt over my head. He then reached for the fly of my jeans, making quick work of that. I kicked off my boots so my jeans would fit over my feet, and as soon as I stood there in my black bra and panties.

  He was down to his skivvies in no time and reached into a huge, tiled shower stall to turn the water on full blast. As steam filled the room, he bent to kiss me again while he reached around my back to unfasten my bra.

  “I’ve wanted to touch you since the first day I met you. Actually, I wanted to do more than that. A lot more,” he whispered.

  “Oh, yeah? Like what? What more do you want to do with me?” I teased.

  He stepped back, and with a very serious expression, ran his gaze over me from top to bottom.

  “For starters, I might remove those panties,” he said.

  “But they’re the only thing I’m wearing.”

  “Yes. That’s the point.”

  “Well, what about yours?”

  I pointed at his boxers, now with a huge tent in the front, courtesy of what I guessed was a nice-sized erection.

  He followed my gaze, hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers, and swept them to the floor where he kicked them aside.

  Holy shit.

  Now that I could appreciate all of him, I took a moment to take in the perfect splay of hair across his chest that narrowed into a thin line leading directly to more hair, and of course, his huge, bouncing erection.

  Who knew the friendly neighborhood vet—or should I say, rat healer—was sprung from such god-like genes?

  So I returned the favor and dropped my own panties to the floor. His gaze wandered over me like warm honey. I pressed my legs together, hopefully discreetly, so he wouldn’t see the moisture dripping from my core. I had a feeling he’d know how wet I was in a few short moments.

  Taking my hand, he led me into the steaming shower, and we both stood under the sharp spray, any lingering chill from the rain quickly disappearing down the drain.

  I leaned my head back into the spray to rinse out my tangled hair. Von’s lips flew to my neck, and his hands to my breasts, where he ran his fingers over my slippery skin before finding my hard nipples. My hand found his cock, now bouncing hard against me. Wet from the shower water, I stroked him until I could swear he got even bigger. He moaned loudly, his eyes fluttering closed while his head lolled back.

  “Hold on, baby. You’re gonna make me come,” he said, gently moving my hand. He reached for a bottle of shampoo and squeezed a small amount into his hand.

  “Turn around,” he demanded.

  Now behind me, he began massaging the most amazing-smelling shampoo into my hair. He lathered it up on my scalp like a pro and somehow knew to let just a little of it dribble down to the long ends. Maybe he’d washed some other woman’s hair in his past? I didn’t know, and I certainly didn’t care. His fingertips massaged my scalp until I thought I might pass out. It was a good thing I was close to the shower wall, because I wasn’t sure my shaking legs would support me.

  Of course, I barely knew this guy, but I was so drawn to him. Not only was he gorgeous and built like a Greek statue, he also had a soft spot for animals and could cook a pasta sauce like nobody’s business.

  What wasn’t to love?

  Once he’d worked up a fantastic lather, he turned me back around to make sure that while he rinsed my hair, nothing ended up in my eyes. I felt like a goddess, being attended to by deft but sweet hands.

  Good grief. How did I get so lucky?

  And now it was his turn to get lucky.

  I grabbed the bar of soap and worked up a lather in my hands.

  “Now you turn around.”

  I soaped up his back, running my nails over the surface of his skin. As first, he tensed from the sensation, but then relaxed into it, leaning onto the shower wall in front of him, resting his head on his hands.

  I directed the shower spray to rinse him and then lathered my hands again. This time, I reached around his hips for his hard-on and stroked him with my slippery fingers.

  “Oh, Christ,” he murmured, pushing himself into my hands for more.

  I rested my head on his muscled back. “You like it, baby?” I whispered.

  “Fuck, yeah. Stroke me like that. I’ll come in your hand,” he growled.

  I ran my other hand over his hard chest while I pumped him faster. He drove himself balls-deep into my hand one last time, and he moaned as warm streams of cum spurted into my hand and onto the shower floor.

  “Jesus, baby,” he said, slowly turning back to me. He held my wrinkled hands under the water to rinse them, then stepped underneath to rinse himself. He shut off the shower and opened the door, steam filling the bathroom. He helped me step out of the stall, reaching for a fluffy towel that he wrapped around me, and one for his own waist. What a sight. The guy had just come, and already had another erection.

  Good lord was I in trouble. First, Anson, then Brade, then Cato.

  And now, Von.

  The next day at work I was fairly floating through my meetings and work, that is, until Eva popped by my cube and burst my bubble. I came crashing back to earth and braced myself for her dig.

  “Maizy,” she said simply.

  Oh, god. What the hell was she up to?

  I smiled brightly, clenching my fists under my desk. “Eva! How’s your day going?”

  She placed a cheek of her skinny little ass on the corner of my desk, pushing the papers I was working with onto the floor.

  And no, she didn’t pick them up.

  “Fine, Maizy, my day is just fine.”

  Then what the hell did she want?

  “I wanted to remind you that review time is about two weeks away now. I was wondering if you’d given any thought to what we discussed at the firm party?” she asked.

  I’d given plenty of thought to her being the biggest bitch on wheels. But I didn’t think that’s what she was asking about.

  So I played dumb just to mess with her.

  “What do you mean, Eva?” I asked, my smile still bright.

  “Well, you know, about what you need to do to really excel at the firm.”

  “Oh. Like find a husband? Is that what you mean, Eva?”

  Ha. I had her. She looked like she wanted to crawl out of her skin.

  “Well, that’s not exactly what I said, Maizy. But how are you progressing in that area?”

  “Yeah, Eva, I think we both know someone doesn’t find a guy, get engaged, and then get married in four weeks flat.”

  Is it possible she hadn’t considered that? I’d thought she was smart. “Right. Right. I just wanted to know if you’d made any progress. Like with my brother-in-law.”

  “If what you’re asking is whether I’ll be married to your brother-in-law in two weeks’ time, I’d have to say the answer is no.”

  “Right. Of course.”

  I should have just turned her lame ass into human resources. But I didn’t want to ruin my career. At least, not yet.

  Her office phone rang, and she jumped up to run for it.

  That’s right, bitch. You’d better run.

  But she had gotten me thinking, and I did need to do something about the guys and I had an idea. I just had to see if they’d all go for it.

  Chapter 18


  I guess there was a first for everything.

  I was headed over to Braden Darby’s house to meet him and another guy Maizy was supposedly dating. The Maizy I’d gone out with just a few nights previous.

  I know, right?

  What the fuck?

  When she’d invited me over, I thought it was one of the freaking strangest requests I’d ever heard.

  But I was a big believer in shaking things up. So I said yes.

  On top of that, I couldn’t believe I was going over Braden Darby’s house. I didn’t even know he lived in Manhattan. And on top of that, he and Maizy were dating?

  I had to admit that, in spit
e of my puzzlement with the entire situation, I was psyched to meet him. And of course, to see Maizy.

  I didn’t blame Maizy for playing the field. She had a lot going for her.

  The beautiful, sexy, Maizy.

  She was amazed by the painting I’d surprised her with, which thrilled me to no end. As soon as I’d spotted her checking it out, I mentioned to my gallery buddy to set it aside. Yeah, he’d given me shit for being pussy whipped, but hell, he was always thrilled to see art go to a happy home. And to make his commission, of course.

  And most importantly, Maizy was pleased as punch.

  My Uber ride dropped me in front of a massive brownstone row house. Damn, I’d thought I was doing pretty well for myself thanks to the world of finance, but it would seem being a rocker was far more lucrative. Well, good for him. I remember when Braden’s band was nothing, playing college campuses and crappy little bars. I’d been following them way back then. He’d worked his ass off and now played Madison Square Garden and huge arenas like that.

  A heavy wooden door swung open when I rang the bell. “You must be Anson,” Braden said. There he was, in the flesh. A little taller and thinner than I’d expected.

  “Hey,” I said, extending my hand. “I already know who you are. Good to meet you, Braden.”

  There were little crinkles around his eyes when he smiled, but otherwise, he looked like the star I’d expected. Life on the road, touring all over the world, might have been a lucrative gig—but I could see it could take its toll, too.

  “Feel free to call me Brade. All my friends do,” he offered.

  “Will do.”

  I followed him up some stairs. “We’re heading to the game room. There will be some nice adult beverages for us there,” he said over his shoulder.

  And what a game room it was. There was a pool table, of course, and a sizeable poker table. There were also several leather sofas facing what looked to be a large movie screen. In the opposite corner was a nice wet bar, complete with a wall of shelves behind it holding every imaginable liquor and several I’d probably never even heard of. I settled into a stool at the bar while Brade walked behind it.


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