The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance

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The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 11

by Mika Lane

  I squeezed onto the sofa with her. There wasn’t a ton of room, so we had to lie pressed together. No problem there. My dick, of course, was standing at full attention, and when I pressed it into her stomach, she gasped, sending a spark through my veins. What was it about this girl?

  I reached down to finger her, moving slowly to make sure she was ready after our last session. When she pressed her hips into my hand, she answered my question.

  She was not only ready. She was hungry. For me.

  My cock was throbbing, and as if she knew, she reached to stroke my length, the very same cock that just a few hours earlier had come all over her lovely tits.

  I parted her pussy lips and ran my fingers along her soft folds, sticky from our earlier play. She moaned, melting into my touch, and her lips swelled with arousal.

  “You good, baby?” I asked, her breath deepening from my strokes.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “Could you fuck me, Brade? Please?”

  She didn’t need to ask twice.

  I popped up off the sofa and opened a lacquered box on my coffee table. From it, I grabbed a condom, rolling the bad boy over my stiff one. I returned to the sofa, lying alongside Maizy, where I lifted her top leg into the crook of my arm. With my lips on her mouth, I eased the head of my cock into her entrance, giving her time to adjust. As soon as she relaxed and opened up for me, I could no longer hold back. Fortunately, I didn’t need to.

  “Fuck, baby. Can I give it all to you now?” I asked.

  “Please. Please fuck my pussy,” she begged, her chest rising and falling as her control slipped away.

  She tilted her hips to give me more access, and I raised her leg up higher, giving her every last inch of my cock until I was balls-deep inside. I ground my teeth to keep from exploding, and damn if I didn’t feel like I’d died and gone to heaven. Her juicy pussy gripped me like a tight glove, and I plunged in and out as deeply as I could.

  “Oh, oh, oh…” she screamed as she contracted around my cock.

  “You coming, baby? You coming on my cock?”

  “Y...yeh…yes…,” was all she could manage.

  I drove into her faster and faster until an orgasm shattered what was left of her composure. My own willpower gave way, and I exploded, cum shooting from my balls. Even though I was wearing a condom, I swear I could feel every bit of the grip of her delicious pussy.

  It was all new territory for me, sex that was more than the purely physical and passing. Yeah, I wanted to fuck Maizy’s brains out, but I also wanted to learn everything about her—who her friends were, what she liked and didn’t like, what made her laugh and what made her cry. I wanted her on my arm, but I knew the choice was hers to make, and that it wasn’t going to be an easy one for her. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I hoped she’d choose me, but in the end, what mattered most was that she was as happy as humanly possible. Everything else was gravy.

  “Wow,” she murmured. “What just happened?”

  I kissed her again, unable to separate from the sweetness of her lips. That was what a kiss was supposed to be like. And it hadn’t been that way for me in a long, long time.

  I planted one more on her honeyed little lips. “This is what I call just getting started.”

  Chapter 20


  So now I knew what all the fuss was about. Sex with two guys was freaking amazing. All I could think about was when I might be able to do it again.

  But since I was at work, I pushed that out of my mind. I had a meeting with none other than Brade and my boss, Eva. I’d just about wrapped everything up, but Eva wanted to formalize things. We giggled about it beforehand, Brade and I, joking that we’d like to tie Eva up and watch us get it on.

  I hoped she wouldn’t embarrass me in front of him, but on the other hand, I hoped she’d try to do just that. I was fully confident that Brade would put her in her place with a perfect smack-down she wouldn’t be able to respond to. She’d have to eat it, because he was the client. If she chased him off with her bitchiness, we could lose his business. That would not be good for the firm, because Brade paid them a nice monthly retainer to take care of his legal crap, and it would be disastrous for her. She could lose her job.

  Which might not be such a bad thing…

  So it was no surprise that when I ushered him into her office to go over his case, she turned into an insufferable bootlicker. She always did this with clients, but it seemed amplified with Brade, I guess because he was a rock star. Apparently, she was a huge fan, which was probably why she’d refreshed her lipstick and finger-combed her severe bob.

  “Braden, I just wanted to have a quick meeting and see how we’re progressing with your case. I know Maizy’s been taking good care of you,” she said.

  If she only knew how I’d been taking care of him…

  Brade looked over at me, giving away nothing. He was so hot in his faded jeans and leather jacket. But being the professional I was, I just pushed my glasses up on my nose and nodded politely.

  “Yeah, Maizy’s taking care of everything,” he said.

  She should have been asking me, but whatever. I just smiled.

  Eva looked at me like she doubted I was capable of tying my shoe. God, she was a bitch. She knew I was doing a great job but just had to make it clear she was the head honcho.

  She nodded at Brade. “Okay, then. Glad to hear all is well. Maizy is quite capable, but if you ever need anything, you know how to reach me.”

  Braden stood. He had no patience for boring pleasantries.

  “Thank you, Eva.” He extended his hand.

  Her mouth opened but quickly closed. She was normally the one to call a meeting to a close.

  “I see you have a show coming up here in the city, next week,” she said, placing her folded hands under her chin.

  Was she also batting her eyes?

  Ugh. She was hinting for free tickets. Could she have been any more obvious?

  Brade nodded, glancing at me. “Yes, I do. I think tickets are still available. I hope you can make it.”

  Boo-yah. He’d given me free tickets! Not that I’d share that with Eva.

  “Well, we’ll see you there,” she said with a forced smile on her face.

  “Thanks, Eva,” I said, moving toward the door. I couldn’t get him out of there fast enough.

  I walked him to the elevator before I went back to my cube.

  Brade lowered his voice. “Yeah, she was a little bitchy. It was like the air smelled of it.”

  I had to laugh at that.

  He took a discreet hold of my fingers and squeezed.

  “See you later, then?” he asked.

  “Looking forward to it,” I said, sad to say even a temporary goodbye to my sexy rocker boy.

  Wrapping myself in my trench coat, I slipped past Eva’s office. Well, I tried to, anyway. There was no way to avoid her when it was quitting time, and I knew the chances of her stopping me with some stupid question or nasty insult were about fifty-fifty. But I needed to get the hell out of there and home. I had Cato and Von coming over for dinner to meet each other. I was a bundle of nerves and wanted to make sure I got the cooking mostly done before they arrived and I got all distracted.

  “Maizy!” she called out in a cheerful voice.


  I stopped at her door, displaying my most pleasant smile. “Eva,” I said, like I was super glad to see her. God, I should win an acting award. “How was your day?” Like I cared.

  Ignoring my question, she said, “C’mon in, Maizy. Have a seat.” She gestured toward the chair I always sat in, as if I didn’t know I could sit there. The fact that I was holding my bag and had my coat on went completely unnoticed.

  I took a super-quick glance at my watch, not long enough to say “I have somewhere better to be” because you can’t do that with your boss, but rather a glance that said something along the lines of “Where did the day go?”

  But it made no difference. She couldn’t give a crap about an
y schedule I might have to keep.

  “Good meeting with Braden today, don’t you think?” she asked.

  I nodded. Of course it was a good meeting. What the hell else did she expect?

  “Yes, I’d say very good. We’re getting his royalties taken care of without any protracted legal action. I think he’s very happy with the firm’s work.” I’d already told her these things, multiple times, so I wasn’t sure what else to say.

  What was she getting at?

  She walked around her desk toward me and propped her ass on its corner, trying to be all casual and stuff.

  “You know, Maizy, I sensed something in today’s meeting.”

  Oh, shit.

  Stay cool.

  “What do you mean, Eva?” I opened my eyes so wide it nearly hurt. I was going for the innocent look.

  She furrowed her brow. “Well, I’m not entirely sure, but I think Braden might have taken a liking to you.”

  No shit, Sherlock.

  But I protested with a laugh and wave of my hand. “Oh, don’t I wish, Eva. Imagine, a rock star interested in me.”


  She tilted her head. “Yes. You’re probably right. I can’t imagine why he would be interested in someone like you.”

  There was the sting I’d been waiting for. She never freaking failed. But I kept my cool and didn’t let my “pleasant smile” falter.

  “So what’s up with my brother-in-law?” she asked.

  Shit. I should have known she’d go there.

  “Oh, um, I think we may get together again, soon,” I said.

  Should I have told her how he went down on me the night before, played with my ass, came in my mouth?


  She nodded, like she was thinking. “Glad to hear it. This could be very good for your position here at the firm, you know, if anything comes of it.”

  “Well, fingers crossed,” I said, holding up my crossed fingers. I stood. “Was there anything else, Eva?”

  She looked distracted. For Christ’s sake, I wished she spit out whatever was on her mind.

  “I was surprised Braden didn’t offer us any free tickets to his show.”

  There it was.

  As if she couldn’t afford to buy her own. What a cheapskate. And no, I wasn’t about to let her know I got freebies. Backstage passes, too, bitch.

  I inched toward the door. “I guess they only get so many free tickets.”

  She crossed her arms, her face screwed up with thought. Christ, was it that big of a deal to her? She needed to get a life.

  “I suppose.” Spell broken, she walked back behind her desk. “See you tomorrow,” she said, dismissing me without looking up.

  Finally home, I smiled as I passed the painting Anson had bought me at his friend’s gallery. It was the perfect piece for my foyer and best of all, I saw it every day when I went in and out of my apartment. And thought of him, too, of course.

  Throwing my things aside, I tied on an apron to protect my work clothes. The pizza dough I’d made the night before came out of the fridge, along with several different toppings, and the oven was set to five hundred degrees. The cork on the Chianti Classico was pulled, and I set three wine glasses out. The gelato maker was switched to on and filled with the pistachio mixture I’d also made the night before. I had even warned Sparkle, that if she came around, to make sure she was fully dressed. I was ready.

  And not a moment too soon. My bell rang, and there stood Cato at the door, looking even more handsome than he had the other night at his boss’s penthouse.

  What a night that had been.

  “Hey, handsome,” I said, letting him in. “I barely saw you all day.”

  He hooked his finger under my chin and tipped up my face for a delicious kiss.

  “With this new job at the firm, it’s amazing I ever see the light of day.”

  I took his hand and led him to the kitchen.

  Handing him a glass of wine, I said, “I appreciate your being open about this. You know, meeting the others.”

  “Happy to support the cause,” he said, settling into a barstool at my counter and raising his glass in a toast.

  But something in his tone didn’t ring true. I turned to the sink to wash the vegetables and hide my face at the same time. His words had brought tears to my eyes. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was hurt Cato. My dear, dear Cato.

  Was I being selfish in bringing the guys together? I’d gone into it with the best of intentions.


  But it was too late now. The wheels were in motion. They all knew about each other, and they’d all soon meet. The best thing I could do was be honest.

  So I walked over to Cato.

  “Hey,” I said, snuggling up to the stool where he sat.

  “Hey, yourself,” he said, pulling off his glasses and setting them on the countertop. He’d loosened his tie, and goddamn if he wasn’t the epitome of the guy at work you most wanted to fuck.

  I ran my hand along his thigh. “I don’t want this to be a bad experience. I know it seems unorthodox. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

  He looked down at his wine.

  I’d been right. There was something eating at him.

  His gaze returned to mine. “I’ve had feelings for you for so long. I’d always hoped it would some day be the two of us.”

  He might as well just have stabbed me in the heart. Because it sure as hell felt like it.



  I didn’t want to make Maizy feel bad. I really didn’t. But I’d set my sights on dating her so long ago, that now we were finally coming together, I wasn’t thrilled about being one of four. She had to choose one, and if I were perfectly honest, I wanted it to be me. The other guys might be great, but I didn’t really want to see her with them.

  I wanted to see her with me.

  You couldn’t blame me, really.

  But I wasn’t going to be a dick about it. If she wanted us to get to know each other, hang out, even become friends, I was fine with that. On the positive side, it was going to be great to hang out with someone other than attorneys. I was the only scumbag lawyer in the group, thank god.

  Anyway, I upset her with my big mouth when I told her I’d wanted her for myself. Now I felt like a shit.

  “Hey, Maizy, c’mon. It’s all good, everything will work out. Look—at the very least, we’ll always be good friends,” I said, ruffling her hair. “I mean, work would be unbearable without you.”

  She looked at me with a small but grateful smile. The Chianti was making me warm and relaxed, so I pulled her to me. Her lips parted just in time to greet my exploring tongue. God, she was delicious.

  We were interrupted by the doorbell.

  Of course.

  When she pulled away from me to go answer it, I looked around the apartment. I’d never been there before. It was a typical small New York apartment, but it was nice in a girl-ish sort of way—overstuffed furniture and lots of scented candles and throw pillows.

  Maizy came bounding into the kitchen, all smiles, holding the hand of a tall dude, who must have been Von, who had two dogs on leashes. He walked right up to me, hand extended.

  “I’m Von, great to meet you. I understand you two work together. You must have a lot of fun.”

  “Hey, man. Nice to meet you. And I wish the place we worked was fun,” I said, shaking my head.

  He laughed.

  “But we do our best to stick together and not let the bullshit get us down.”

  I got down on my knees to greet the dogs. They were big, happy mutts, and when Von clicked his tongue, they both sat back on their haunches.

  “You trained them well. Look at that,” I said, returning to standing to watch the dogs fight their urge to jump all over me.

  Von reached to pat them on their heads. “They’re good boys. All the dogs are for the most part, but these guys are the best behaved. That’s why I brought them tonight.” They looked up at him, t
hen at me, and then back at him.

  “Chianti?” Maizy asked, handing a glass to Von.

  “Oh, yeah, I need this. I had a hell of a day,” he said.

  “Hey, you’re a vet, right?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yes, I am. Got my own practice across town. And today was a crazy one.”

  “He also is a sucker for taking in stray animals,” Maizy said with a smile.

  I raised my glass in toast to him. “Can’t blame a guy for that.”

  He raised his glass back. “Better be careful. I can be very persuasive about getting people to adopt animals who need homes.”

  “So what happened at work?” Maizy asked.

  Von settled onto the stool next to me.

  “Someone discovered one of those nasty puppy mills and rescued the dogs. There were about ten of them, and half came to my practice and half went to my buddy’s practice. Poor babies were a mess.” He shook his head.

  “God, I can’t believe people do that to dogs. Fuckers,” I said.

  “It’s unbelievable. We got them cleaned up with a flea bath, dressed the sores they had, gave them their shots, and fed them probably the first good meal they’d had since they were taken away from their mothers.”

  “Wow. That’s incredible. I assume you probably don’t get paid for work like that, do you?” I asked, feeling like a shit for spending my days doing legal work for rich assholes.

  “Nope. You’re right. It’s pro bono. But I have a pretty busy practice so I can absorb it. It’s just tiring when you squeeze in cases like this in addition to the day’s appointments.” He looked over at Maizy, who was putting what looked like homemade pizza in the oven. “It’s time to perk up now, though. Work is behind me, and I am very happy to be here. And that food looks killer.”

  “Cheers to that,” I said. We all clinked our glasses together.

  Maybe this wasn’t going to be such a bad deal. Von seemed cool, and I really respected his commitment to his work. You had to hand it to someone who loved animals that much.

  Maizy walked over and stood before the two of us, looking cute as hell in her little apron. I’d never considered aprons hot before, but my dick let me know this girl had gotten my attention.


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