Water Princess, Fire Prince

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Water Princess, Fire Prince Page 44

by Kendra E. Ardnek

  “You’ve done wonderfully with them,” his dad continued. “I suppose I should have involved myself more, but then again, you’ve become a fine young man for the experience. Would I want to undo that?”

  And Andrew found that he agreed. After all, his experience in organizing his family had been what he’d drawn upon for the running of Klarand. Neither said anything more as they folded down the tent together, but for the first time, the silence between them wasn’t tinged by the resentment Andrew felt for having to raise his brothers.

  Only when they were loading the tent into the trunk did his dad make a comment that drew Andrew out of his thoughts. “This is a fine sword, but I think you’d do well if you left in Texas. Isabelle’s collection would be a much less conspicuous place for it.”

  Andrew’s breath caught as he realized that his father had opened a long, black velvet case that contained the sword he’d been given all those years before. “Um, yeah,” he said. “That probably would be a good idea.” Isabelle was the Water Princess’s mother, wasn’t she? The Water Princess had mentioned her collection a few times.

  “I never was one for the sword,” his dad continued, “much to the amusement of my fellows. I preferred the path of learning. However, I hear you got to be pretty good with this one, and surely only got better.”

  “You mean, you know…” Andrew realized.

  “About the excursion you just took into Rizkaland? Yes, of course, I’ve known for several months now.” He snapped the case shut. “We of the Ten and the Eight still keep in touch with each other – the modern age of technology has been wonderful for that. After Kathlene and Richard had their excursion into Klarand and became the Leaf Princess and Wind Prince, they told their parents, and naturally, Isabelle, Anselle, and I were alerted. In fact, that’s the real reason we’re making this trip right now.”

  Andrew opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment, Kyle, Josh, and Parker emerged from the woods. Andrew’s breath caught again. Perhaps he had just left three sons behind in Klarand, but here he had three younger brothers here who still needed him in their lives.

  “Parker,” he spoke up, walking over and grabbing his backpack, which he had brought back with him, “I found something a few minutes ago that I think you might be interested in explaining.” Digging through, he found the shopping bag filled with the animals.

  Parker glanced about guiltily, then turned his big pleading eyes up at Andrew. “Well, you did say that you didn’t want to see it in my bag.”

  “I didn’t want to see it in my bag either,” Andrew countered. “However, since it did come with us, it is now your responsibility. If you lose any of them, I can’t guarantee that you’re going to see them again.”

  Parker nodded. “Yes, Andrew.”

  They all piled into the car, Andrew in the front seat with his dad and the map to make sure they got where they needed to go. Parker apparently poured the contents of the bag into his lap and had been looking at them, when he suddenly announced. “Hey, I don’t remember getting this one. What sort of animal is it?”

  “Pass it up,” said Andrew, reaching a hand back for it.

  It was a pale green figurine, and Andrew recognized it at once. A shwazle.

  His dad apparently recognized it too.

  “Oh, that’s something from Native American folklore,” his dad explained, immediately coming up with a plausible explanation. “I forget what it’s called, but Steven told me about it once. In fact, I bet he’s the one who slipped it into your collection.”

  “Oh,” said Parker, as Andrew handed the shwazle back to him. “That’s cool.”

  Their dad turned to Andrew and added, in undertone. “Your bag went with you, didn’t it?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Then if I were you, I’d check through it to make sure you didn’t bring anything else with you or leave anything behind. Not that it’d be a bad thing, of course, but still, check. It’s always good to know what you have on hand.”


  Clara hadn’t been this nervous in a long time, as she, her friends, and their moms laid out a picnic. Only Rhoda was oblivious. Only Rhoda didn’t know that she’d just returned from ruling Klarand for twenty-five years.

  “When are they getting here again?” Kath spoke up. “The suspense is killing me. Clair, too, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Kath, do us a favor and knock it off,” said Rhoda, rolling her eyes. “Clara doesn’t like redheads, and she certainly has no reason to automatically like my cousin.”

  “Yes, Kath, let me choose my own fate and don’t tie me to anyone while he’s still a stranger.”

  This evicted a laugh from the mothers, who knew the story. Rhoda’s frown just darkened.

  Before the suspense could grow murderous, a car pulled up, the doors opened, and the Fire Prince and his family poured out. Everyone else dropped what they were doing and ran up to the car to greet them, but Clara hung back to arrange a few items that didn’t actually need arranging, suddenly shy.

  Over the Fire Prince? Well, yes, because this wasn’t exactly the Fire Prince she knew. This was the Fire Prince before he came to Klarand, back when he was just Andrew. And she was the Water Princess back when she was just Clara. That morning, they’d been married, but now they were strangers again.

  “And who are you?”

  Clara glanced up to see Andrew staring down at her. He wasn’t as tall as he’d been the last time she’d seen him, just that morning when they’d kissed each other goodbye, and he was terribly scrawny. Apparently, Abraham had done quite a bit to put some muscle on him before they’d met.

  She swallowed. His question demanded answer.

  “I – I don’t know, sir, not at present. I mean, I knew who I was this morning … but I’ve changed since then.”

  “Yeah, me too,” he muttered. “Well, Alice, I guess it is?”

  “This is my friend Clara, I believe I’ve mentioned her a few times in my emails?” Rhoda piped in.

  “Clara? No, I believe Alice suits her much better.”

  “Oh, I see,” said Clara. “Well, if you give me a nickname, I’ll have to return the favor. Let’s see. Oh, how about Tom Canty?”

  “Why ever that one?”

  She smirked, already feeling at ease with him again. Sure, he was younger, she was younger, but they still knew each other. He was still her Fire Prince.

  “Speak up, good lad, and fear nothing. How used ye the great seal of England?”

  His answer didn’t hesitate. “To crack nuts with.”

  “Well, there you go.”

  There was a general laugh, and eating began. Somehow, the two of them managed to slip away alone with their plates to discuss their future without anyone to comment. Sure, most everyone knew, except for Rhoda, her younger brothers, and Andrew’s brothers, but still. They didn’t want a commentary.

  “By the way, Alice,” he said, stubbornly using the new nickname that she was rapidly growing to like. “I found a huge wad of hundred-dollar bills in my backpack when I got back. I know it wasn’t there when I left, and I’m quite certain that I didn’t put it there. Would you have any ideas?”

  “Uh, yeah,” she admitted. “I found it in that room of stuff back in Upper Klarand. I thought that your backpack would have a better chance of returning here, and figured you might need it, what with four growing boys and all that.”

  “Ah,” said Andrew, nodding slowly. “Well, as it happens, my dad makes good enough money doing what he does. However, what I think I shall do is this: I’m going to put it in the bank, one or two bills at a time so it doesn’t look suspicious, and I’m going to save it towards the life we’re going to have together again one day. How does that sound?”

  “Wonderful,” she agreed, grinning. “Do I get to go to the Olympics first?”

  He smiled. “I’m quite certain that can be arranged. But what then?”

  “What do you mean?” Clara asked.

  “Oh, just a passing th
ought. What about the Tela Du? She’s supposed to show up in Rizkaland in about a thousand years, and we came to Rizkaland about a thousand years after our parents. What if she’s our daughter?”

  “Actually,” said Clara, “my mom and I were just talking about that, and they already know who the Tela Du is.”


  “Her name’s Petra, she’s the daughter of Queen Jane and King Ralph of Fire and Electricity, and she doesn’t live too far from here. Only about a three-hour drive.”

  “And she looks just like Amber?” Andrew suddenly drew back. “You mean Petra Arden?”

  Clara nodded, then her eyes narrowed. “You … know about her already?”

  “I told you about Kevin’s aunts and uncles, didn’t I?” Andrew asked. “Petra’s best friend is David and Michelle’s son, Reuben. Best friend is putting it mildly, too. He…” His eyes widened. “That’s why Granite seemed so familiar.”

  Clara blinked. “What?”

  “Amber isn’t the only one with a Tela Du.”


  Guide to


  Glossary of Rizkan Terms

  Just various words used over the course of Water Princess, Fire Prince that those who are not native to Rizkaland may not understand.

  Alphego’s Hill: The hill where Alphego stood to create the world. It stands about ten feet tall, and is a perfect circle, and has a perfectly flat top. Four sets of golden stairs are cut into its side, and it boasts the only bit of green plant-life in Rizkaland.

  Book: A special book given to Rizkaland, through which Alphego guides and advises the people.

  Bookdaughter: Daughters of the Bookholder, who, at times, Alphego chooses to Speak through.

  Bookholder: The elf in charge of keeping the Book, and recording the legends.

  Bugchild: Children who have an immunity to the Ia Beetle and hired to seek out and kill any they find. Known as Bugslayers in some areas as they get older.

  Down: Generally, it means the same as it does in our own world, but when referring to direction, it means the same as our South.

  Ea (EE-ah): The Rizkan version of East.

  Eir: A creature that has fallen from another world, and Amber recruited for her army.

  Elves: Apart from humans, the main race of Rizkaland. They are physically weaker than humans, but to compensate, each are given a special gift, such as healing, flight, or so forth, which manifests itself in the form of a small wooden box that the elf wears around his or her neck.

  Enokle (eh-NOHK-ehl): A replication of an Eir. They are not truly living, but a creation of Amber’s magic used to expand her army.

  Etrina (eh-TREE-nah): A cat-like creature, about the size of a bobcat.

  Firefall: A point in Lower Klarand where fire leaks from the Lake of Fire in which Rizkaland rests. It forms the only Ri in Rizkaland to flow upward.

  Gava: A dried fruit which is considered a delicacy in Klarand.

  Haranda: One of the steeds who inhabit the Isle of Talking Beasts. It has the power of telepathy and instant travel.

  Haric Door: A doormat woven with a strand of hair from a haranda. The Rizkans use them to travel long distances quickly.

  Hinequa (HIN-eh-kwah): One of the steeds who inhabit the Isle of Talking Beasts. They have the power of flight.

  Ia (IE-ah) Beetles: Foul insects created by Amber’s magic. Their bites are deadly poisonous.

  Kastle: The fortress that stands at the heart of Klarand and serves as the island’s capitol.

  Kirat (KIE-raht): A large predator, about the size and build of a bear, but with longer, sharper claws and teeth.

  Kloradie (KLOR-ah-dee): A yellow Rizkan bird that resembles the canary, but with a longer beak.

  Korren: A large yak-like beast of burden.

  Legend: A true history as recorded by the Bookholder of its time.

  Li’Daughter (Le-Daughter): The daughter of one of the four Lords of Klarand.

  Lintooalintae (lin-TOO-ah-LIN-tae): The world where Amber lived and ruled for four thousand years, also where she was corrupted.

  Loray: The circular castle built around Alphego’s Hill in the heart of the mainland, forming its capitol.

  Lor’Son: The son of one of the four Lords of Klarand.

  Luna: Amber’s original world.

  Pomella Cider (POE-mehl-lah): A beverage made by boiling the pomella nut, which tastes like cloves and vanilla.

  Primmon: A fruit that, when dried, is called a gava.

  Quaggleshump (Kwag-gle-SHUMP): A large purple bird resembling a pelican, but with donkey-like ears.

  Ri (Rie): We would call it a river in our world. Plural: Ria (Ree-ah)

  Rikka: Gazelle-like creatures the size of large rabbits.

  Riv (Rihv): One of the seven great bodies of water that flow from the top of Rizkaland to the bottom, and separate the islands. Plural: Riva (RIE-vah)

  Rizkaland: Generally, it refers to the world as a whole, but it is the specific name of the mainland, which is situated between Klarand and Rintae islands.

  Rowanda (roe-WAHN-dah): One of the steeds on the Isle of Talking Beasts. They are given the power of speed.

  Sentaur: The immortal ruler over the Isle of Talking Beasts. He has the body of a horse, and the torso, arms and head of a man.

  Shwazle: A reptilian beast whose head resembles a camel.

  Tela Du (TEL-ah DOO): The girl prophesied to be Amber’s final enemy. She is said to possess the same face as Amber herself.

  Tylith: The Rizkand word for the union between a husband and a wife.

  Twa: Rizkan for good-bye.

  Up: Generally, it means the same as it does in our own world, but when referring to direction, it means the same as our North.

  Waterfall: The source of RiWa, which is the longest blue Ri in Rizkaland.

  Wea (WEE-ah): The Rizkan version of West.

  The Islands

  Rizkaland is a cylindrical world, divided by seven mighty bodies of water, known as Riva, into six islands and the mainland. It has no magnetic field, so compass directions are referred to as up, down, ea and wea. Each of the six islands and the mainland run from the very top of the world to the bottom, though they differ greatly when it comes to widths. They are separated from each other by Rizkaland’s seven Riva.


  As of the time of Water Princess, Fire Prince, many of the islands were still uninhabited. Of the inhabited islands, however, the most important was Klarand, with served as a barrier between Amber’s Island and the mainland.

  Klarand is divided naturally by mountains and forest into four sections. Upper Klarand is mountainous, and the inhabitants are predominately miners and soldiers by trade. Lower Klarand is predominately forests, and men there are hunters and tenders of animals. Both Ea and Wea Klarand are flatlands, and are populated with farmers. In its very center stands the Kastle, an impregnable fortress build directly into a mountain by Alphego himself.


  The mainland of Rizkaland is the largest portion of land in this world. In its center stands Loray, a circular castle built around Alphego’s Hill, which is where Alphego stood to create this world.

  The mainland is predominately farmland with scattered forests.


  The desert island of Rintae was largely uninhabited at the time of Water Princess, Fire Prince, though a few nomadic tribes had wandered in from other worlds.

  Isle of Talking Beasts

  The name of the Isle of Talking Beasts is a slight misnomer, as the only talking beasts that live there are the magnificent horses. It is a jungle island, thick with trees other vegetation.


  The mountainous island of Chinok was uninhabited, and in truth, unnamed at the time of Water Princess, Fire Prince.


  Literally translated as “narrow,” Silink is the narrowest island in Rizkaland, scarcely a mile at its widest. It is mostly sand, and is uninhabited.

  Amber’s Island<
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  Also known as the Isle of Banishment. Little is known about the geography of this island, for none who have step foot on this island have ever returned, save Amber and her husband Granite. There is a guise on this island where, should you step foot on it, you cannot leave again for another five hundred years. The people of Klarand and Rizkaland send people to this island as a form of capital punishment.

  The Water

  In Rizkaland, water flows in every color of the rainbow, and each color has a different smell, flavor, and use

  Red is the most obnoxious of all of the water. A few brave souls use it as seasoning for a chili-like dish, but most are glad that it can only be found in RivDo. If you get even a drop of it in your eyes, you’re liable to become blind, and many people develop horrid rashes if it touches their skin. If you ask most people, the only purpose it serves is to keep Amber, the Lady Dragon, on Amber Island where she belongs.

  Orange water is predominately used for baking, as it has a yeast-like effect. It is perpetually warm, so many people mix it with their bathwater in winter (which also makes bubbles that can annoy very ticklish people). It smells and tastes of citrus.

  Yellow water is also used in baking – but as a sweetener. It’s a rather sticky liquid, so it is not advisable for people to go swimming in RivMi and the Ria that flow with yellow water. Children like to freeze it for Popsicles. Visitors to Rizkaland report that it smells like bananas.

  Green water is for cleaning. It has a bitter smell and taste, and ingesting it can make you sick. Getting it in your eyes is not advisable either. However, since it’s very useful for washing and sanitizing, it is not shunned like red water.

  Blue water is the most like ours. It is tasteless and odorless, and its primary use is for hydration. It is the most prevalent form of water in Rizkaland, for not only is RivSo the widest Riv, but on the mainland and most islands, a Ri containing blue water can be found at least every ten square miles.


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