Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2)

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Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2) Page 7

by Hamford, Kacey

  She had gone home? I dialled her number to talk to her and it just rang constantly. I walked back inside to let Rose know that I’d had a message from Bonnie.

  “She text me, she said she wasn’t feeling well and has gone home.”

  “She wouldn’t leave without telling me.” Rose exclaimed.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” I heard Joseph shout as he darted out of the kitchen. We all followed him to see who he was talking about. We saw Joseph pin Damien up against the wall.

  “What have you done to Bonnie?” Joseph barked in his face.

  “Looking for me is she?” He cockily answered.

  “Damien.” Ethan said his name in a warning tone.

  “Shit, man, I was joking. I just got here.”

  “Bro, let him go.” Jacob said, pulling Joseph away from Bonnie’s ex.

  “What’s going on, is she alright?” Damien asked.

  “Like you really care.” Rose scoffed.

  “Of course I care, I love her.”

  “Love her? Is loving someone cheating on them?” Rose snapped, getting closer to him.

  “You cheated on her?” I asked Damien.

  “You didn’t know? She didn’t tell you, what about the…”

  “She hasn’t told them anything, now please, leave.” Rose pointed to the door and stood there until he walked away.

  “Come on, Rose, what do we need to know?” I asked her.

  “She will tell you if and when she wants to.” Rose turned around and walked away.

  “I’m going to find her.” I told the twins and walked away.


  I checked the flat first in case she had gone there to wait for me, she hadn’t. I pulled up at her parent’s house, all the lights were off and her Mum and Dad’s car wasn’t in the driveway so I thought they must have been away again. They seemed to be away a lot recently. I climbed out of my car and walked to the front door and banged on the front of it. No answer. I banged again calling out Bonnie’s name. Maybe she didn’t go home, where else would she have gone? A couple of minutes later I saw a light came on in the house and the front door opened. I was surprised to see her Dad standing in the doorway.

  “Hello Mr…”

  “What do you think you are doing coming to my house in the middle of the night? Waking everyone up?” He shouted, cutting me off.

  “I’m sorry, I wanted to see Bonnie.”

  “Pick a more reasonable hour next time.” He slammed the door in my face and I watched the light from inside go out. I tried calling her again and she still didn’t answer. I had to give up for the night and go home, I would talk to her in the morning. As I climbed back into my car, I felt my phone vibrate, I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the message it was from Bonnie.

  Please, stop calling me. It wasn’t the best way for us to end our week x

  What? We have one more day x

  I don’t think so, I need a day to myself before I go away with Joseph x

  You’re going away? x

  Yes. I will see you once we’re back x

  I’m sorry for upsetting you. I’ll miss you x

  Don’t worry about it. See you soon x

  I couldn’t believe that she was going away with Joseph and that she wasn’t going to see me on our last day together. I was pissed off and upset that she could treat me like that. I didn’t fancy going back to the party so I headed home where I would probably not stop thinking about her and drive myself insane with jealously knowing that she was going to be with Joseph for the week and I wouldn’t get to see her. I needed to keep myself busy so I made plans to call the guys and set up a few night outs where hopefully I could get myself lost inside of a leggy hot blonde.

  Chapter 15


  I hadn’t seen Bonnie since I caught a glimpse of her at Rose and Jacob’s house warming party and that was two days ago. I was really looking forward to the surprise I had planned for her. She was going to love it. I had just pulled up outside of her house to pick her up. As I climbed out of the car, she walked out of the front door pulling along a small suitcase.

  “Just one bag?” I asked her, smiling.

  “Yeah, you said we were only going for a couple of days.” She looked up at me and I couldn’t stop myself from pulling her in close and kissing her lips.

  “Mmm, I’ve missed that.” I groaned as we pulled away.

  “Well, there is plenty more where that came from.” She winked and left me to put her bag in the boot. I chuckled as she walked away. She was going to kill me for the next couple of days with her sexiness.

  “You ready?” I asked as I started the car up.

  “Yep, where are we going?”

  “Not far.”

  “If it’s not far then why are we staying away?” I didn’t answer her straight away as I concentrated on driving.

  “No interruptions.” I finally answered.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you liked to concentrate so much when driving.”

  “No, sweetness. I’m taking you away so we don’t get any interruptions.”

  “Oh, right.” She giggled. “So, how long til we get there?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Cool, so tell me something about yourself that I don’t know.”

  “Um, like what?” I began tapping my hands nervously on the steering wheel, wondering what she wanted to know.

  “How many girlfriends have you had?”


  “None? Never?” She had turned herself around in the seat to face me.


  “Not even for like a month?”

  “Nope, I have never wanted one, until now.”

  “Until now?”

  “Yes. You, sweetness.” I tapped my finger on her nose and chuckled.

  “Oh… Can I ask why?”

  “Why I want you to be my girlfriend?”

  “No, why you haven’t wanted one in the past.”

  “Just never found the right girl. Never found someone that made my body come alive when she touched me. Never found someone I wanted to spend all of my time with, never found someone who made me laugh. Never found someone that made me want no-one else.”

  “You found that all with me?” I nodded. “What about the two girls you took to the back room at Redz that Matt told me about.”

  “Nothing happened… I had every intention of making them scream but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I haven’t been with anyone else Bonnie.” I was telling her the truth, I had tried to hook up with a couple of other girls but the thought of it not being Bonnie made me push them away. My cock only got hard for her now, it’s because he knew how good it was between us. I didn’t know what would come of my sex life if she decided to stay with Matt. “So, how many boyfriends have you had?”

  “Well…” She began. Oh, shit was there going to be a long list that would make me jealous and want to hunt them down and kill them all? “There was Andy, when I was four. James, when I was seven. Steve, when I was ten. Martin, when I was fourteen and Damien, when I was sixteen.”

  “And now you don’t want a boyfriend?”

  “Well, I do, I think. If I can find one to trust enough, to trust him not to hurt me. Damien hurt me and I never wanna feel like that again.” I nodded so she knew that I’d heard her. I felt like a lot of pressure was on my shoulders, would I be the right person to hold Bonnie’s heart? What if I broke it? What if I did hurt her? What if I fucked up? Maybe Matt would be the better choice for her, after all. He wouldn’t hurt her, would he?

  “You ok?” She asked me placing her hand on my arm. I felt the familiar buzz crawl over my body and my cock started twitching. I had to think of other things so I didn’t get the familiar bulge in my jeans.

  “Yeah, sorry. We need to turn off soon, I don’t want to miss the junction.” I turned the radio up as a song I liked came on. Hopefully, she wouldn’t ask me anymore awkward questions. We drove in silence for the remainder of t
he trip, her singing occasionally. Which was very cute, I loved the way she relaxed around me and let go.


  We pulled up and parked outside of the ‘Peacock Hotel’ and as we grabbed our bags, Bonnie said;

  “Oh my God, is this where we are staying? I heard this is where Flix are staying for their gig. I wonder if I will get to see them.”

  “Well, sweetness, you will definitely get to meet them.” She spun around and looked at me.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This is your surprise, we are going to their concert tonight…” She cut me off when she started screaming and jumping around. I couldn’t help but laugh, I loved how happy she looked.

  “Back stage passes too.” I added.

  “Are you kidding me? Please don’t mess with me.”

  “Not kidding. But remember you are mine, no going off with a rock star.”

  “They all have partners, well except for Will… Mmm, I bet drummers have some muscles.” She giggled. “Oh and Frank, but he’s gay.”


  “I’m only joking. You are all I want this week.” She threw her arms around me and kissed me.

  “Come on, let’s go and check in.” I pulled our bags out of the boot and we walked hand in hand into the hotel.

  “Hello, we have a booking under the name Mr and Mrs. Peters.” I looked at Bonnie who was staring at me and I gave her a wink.

  “Yes, your room is all ready, sir. Enjoy your stay.” The receptionist handed over the key and we made our way to the lift. Once we were inside and waiting it to move to our floor Bonnie dropped her bag and threw her arms around my neck, holding onto me tightly. “Hey, you ok?” I asked, running my hand up and down her back. She nodded but didn’t move away until the lift pinged to tell us we were on our floor. She let go of me and I picked up her bag and we went to find our room.


  I was beyond excited, Joseph had booked us into a posh hotel. It had a huge double bed, large en-suite with a massive bath tub and walk-in shower. A small sofa that looked out of the patio doors and all you could see for miles was the sea. It was so relaxing and just what I needed.

  “Hey, you ok?” He asked, wrapping his arms around me from behind as I was looking at the waves rippling in the sea.

  “Yeah, I’m so excited for the concert.” I turned around in his arms and clasped my hands around his neck. “No-one has ever done anything like this for me before.”

  “I’m glad that I am the one that gets to put that smile on your face.” He leant forward and kissed me. I moaned into his mouth.

  “When do we need to leave?” I mumbled between kisses. My body inched closer to his, I needed to feel him.

  “We need to leave now.” He said, stepping away from me.

  “What? But I need to change?” I was still in my comfy jeans and t-shirt that I had worn for the car journey. I didn’t know where we were going or how long it was going to take.

  “Hurry up then, you have ten minutes.” He slapped my bum, making me yelp and my body tightened inside. I had never been spanked before, would I like it? From the way my body had reacted I thought I would. I opened up my suitcase and pulled out my clothes, I went to the bathroom to change as I wanted to see Joseph’s reaction when I walked out.

  “Sweetness, you ready yet?” He called out after ten minutes, I just finished re-doing my make-up.

  “Yeah, coming.” I looked at myself in the mirror again and was pleased with how I looked. I decided to go with a short black leather looking skirt, an off the shoulder black top that had lace holding it together at the sides so you could see skin and my red heeled shoes. I loved how they made my legs look even longer than they were. I would only be a little shorter than Joseph for the night.

  “I’m ready.” I quietly told him as I stood in the doorway to the bathroom, he was looking out at the view and his mouth dropped open when he turned around and looked at me.

  “Fuck, you look hot.” He stalked towards me. He ran his finger over my bright red lips. “Does this come off?”

  “Not easily.” I smiled up at him. He had changed too, he was wearing fitted dark jeans and a tight t-shirt that showed off all of his muscles and tattoos.

  “Mmm, I’m dreaming of these bright red lips enclosed around my cock.”

  “I can make that a reality.” I winked, grabbing his belt.

  “We have to leave, sweetness, or we’re going to be late.”

  “What time is the concert?”

  “In a couple of hours, but we need to eat first.” I nodded my head, picked up my bag and we walked towards the lift.

  Chapter 16


  “Is this where we are eating?” I asked Joseph, looking at him.

  “Yeah, pizza is a must before a concert. Come on, sweetness.” He winked at me before walking in the door. The place was a proper little Italian restaurant with tables covered in checkered table cloths and cute men in tiny trousers. I was going to enjoy this meal. We were seated at a table by the window and a bottle of wine was brought to us.

  “Wine?” Joseph asked. I nodded. “Did you mind me bringing you here? Rather than to a posh restaurant?”

  “I love pizza. Posh restaurants always make me feel a bit uncomfortable. I never know what cutlery to use.” I shrugged my shoulders as Joseph poured wine into my glass. I sipped the wine. “Mmm, that’s nice.” I said as I licked a drop that fell on my bottom lip.

  “Let me do that.” Joseph growled as he leant over and ran his tongue over my bottom lip, before he had a chance to pull away I sucked his tongue into my mouth and his lips were soon attached to mine. A man cleared his throat and we broke apart.

  “Sorry to interrupt, here are your pizzas.” The waiter placed two large pizzas on the table and the smell was awesome.

  “You already ordered?” I asked Joseph as he cut into one and placed a slice on my plate.

  “Yeah, I don’t want my girl to be late for the concert. So I pre-ordered. That ok?” I nodded.

  “What have we got?”

  “This one is ham and pineapple and this one is veggie supreme.”

  “They look yummy.”

  “Dig in, sweetness.” He winked at me and took a bite of his pizza. My body trembled every time he winked at me or gave me that gorgeous grin. I kind of felt bad for blowing Matt off, it was wrong of me to not see him on our last day together. I was just pissed at him for telling everyone I was his. I didn’t know why it bothered me so much. I put it down to the fact that I will be on my period in just over a week and the hormones were playing havoc with my body. I was here with Joseph and I was going to enjoy myself, have fun and relax until I had to go back to college in a few days.


  I was having a blast with Bonnie, she was enjoying herself and I loved seeing her happy and care free. She was rocking to the music coming from the stage, her hair was swaying from side to side. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever been with, I had a chance to show her that I was the one for her and I was not going to mess that up. I stood close behind her, placed my hands on her hips and whispered in her ear;

  “Fuck, you look so hot. I want to be inside of you.” She giggled as she turned around to face me.

  “You, mister, are just going to have to wait. I’m watching my guys perform.” Her head nodded in the direction of the stage where Flix were playing.

  “Your guys? If you aren’t careful I won’t let you meet them if I have competition?” I rose my eyebrows at her and she shook her head, slapped my chest gently and jumped up and down when they started a new song.

  “I love this one.” She called out. I laughed at her and we danced together, everyone else around us disappeared and all I saw was Bonnie.

  After another hour I’d had enough, I was ready to take my girl back to the hotel and show her just how much I loved her. Loved her? Shit, where did that come from? I was not in love with Bonnie, yeah I liked her a lot, but was it love? How would I know if
it was love? I had never been in love before, but then I had never felt like this towards anyone before either. I needed air, I was feeling panicked, overwhelmed and needed to get the hell out of there.

  “I will be back in a few minutes.” I shouted to Bonnie.

  “Are you ok? I’ll come with you.” She looked worried. Did my face tell her everything? That I was panicking and ready to get the hell out of there?

  “I just need some air, I’m hot. You stay here.”

  “Ok.” She said softly. I placed a kiss on her cheek and walked away from her. She didn’t look too happy. Once I reached the exit I pushed open the door and took a deep breath. I needed to calm down, I needed to talk to Rose. She would help. I dialled her number.

  “Hey.” She answered. “Everything ok?”


  “Joseph? What’s wrong? Is it Bonnie?”

  “Calm down, sis, Bonnie is fine. It’s me, I’m freaking out.”


  “I don’t know, everything was fine, we’re at the concert. Bonnie is having so much fun and I was watching her and…” I paused, trying to take a deep breath.

  “And what?”

  “I think I love her.”

  Rose started laughing. “Of course you love her.”

  “What? Why do you say that?” How did she know when I didn’t know.

  “I’ve seen the way you look at her and the way you act around her. Come on, Joseph, you got me to invite her around so you could see her.” She giggled.

  “Shit, I can’t love her.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  “I’m not good enough for her, what if I hurt her or break her heart? What if I’m not cut out to be with one woman? What if I cheat?” These were things I was concerned with, I started pacing around as I was talking to Rose.

  “When was the last time you slept with someone else?”

  “Not since I slept with Bonnie.” I told her.


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