Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2)

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Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2) Page 9

by Hamford, Kacey

  “I need to feel you.” She mumbled as she nuzzled her face into my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and hoped that my cock wouldn’t stir at this inappropriate time. It wasn’t always about sex when it came to her, I loved to make her smile and laugh and I loved her feisty side too. I loved spending time with her. I would work through my fears of hurting her and be the man she needed me to be.

  Chapter 18


  I woke up feeling groggy. My eyes stung and my throat was sore. I rolled over to cuddle Joseph and his side of the bed was empty and cold. I bolted upright, had he left me? After I poured my heart out to him. Did I tell him too soon? I climbed out of bed and picked up the dressing gown I was wearing last night. I listened for the shower in case that was where he was and it was all quiet in the hotel room. I looked around and panicked, his bag was gone. I ran in to the bathroom, looking around and his toothbrush, shower gel and hair gel was all gone too. He left me, he walked away from me and left me here with no way of getting home.

  I dialled Rose’s number to see if Jacob or Matt could come and pick me up.

  “Hello.” She answered, happily.

  “Hi.” I croaked, my throat still sore.

  “Bonnie? Are you ok?” She sounded concerned. I sat back down on the edge of the bed.

  “I told him, all of it.”

  “Oh my God, what did he say?”

  “He left Rose, he left me. He left me here all alone, I woke up and he wasn’t here and all of his stuff is gone too.” I sobbed into the phone. “I was gonna call Matt and see if he would come pick me up, but I didn’t leave things great with him. How’s he been?”

  “I’m not gonna lie, he was hurt by you ending it like you did. But we will come pick you up…”

  “No, that’s not fair, Jacob is Joseph’s brother, I don’t want to get him involved.” I cut her off.

  “Hold on, Jacob’s on the phone.” I heard mumbling in the background. It felt like I was waiting for her to talk to me for ages, I checked the phone a few times as I thought we’d been cut off. Should I just hang up and call Matt myself? I heard a bang and looked over towards the door and saw Joseph storming through it. He hadn’t left me. He looked pissed off as he stalked towards me. He grabbed the phone out of my hand and ended the call.

  “You thought I left you here?” He barked at me. “How could you think I would do something like that?” He was shouting at me and I was not in the mood for it, last night I was vulnerable and emotional but that didn’t mean he could now walk all over me. No way. I stood up and pushed him away from me.

  “All of your stuff is gone, you were gone.” I shouted at him. “What was I supposed to think? Wait, how did you know that?”

  “I was packing my bags in the car as I was on the phone to J. We are off on the next part of your surprise.”

  “The next part? I thought we were staying here?” I was confused.

  “Plans change, sweetness. Now get yourself ready, we have to leave in ten.”

  “What? No, I will not be bossed around by you or any man.” I snapped, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at him.

  “There she is.” He smirked.

  “Where who is?”

  “My wildcat. I knew I wouldn’t lose you for long. We really have to leave within half an hour.” He kissed me on the lips and then walked over and lay on the sofa looking out at the view. I smiled to myself, he didn’t leave me. I walked towards the bathroom and stopped as I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and saw that it was Rose calling me back. I answered it and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.


  A couple of hours later, we were pulling into another hotel. Joseph refused to tell me where we were going again. We checked in and I was now getting ready to go out. Joseph said we would be at a club by the end of the night. I’d decided to wear a short black fitted dress and killer black heels, along with the bright red lipstick that Joseph had so much fun trying to see if he could get it off. I didn’t tell him that I’d bought a lasting stay lipstick.

  “Chinese ok?” He asked as we climbed into a taxi. I nodded. I half expected Joseph to act differently with me today after I poured my heart out to him last night, but he hadn’t been any different. We hadn’t discussed it and that was fine with me. “Sweetness?” I must have zoned out as Joseph was stood outside of the taxi holding his hand out for me.

  We walked into the restaurant and the waitress asked if we had a booking and I heard Joseph say we were meeting some people and that he could see them.

  “Who are we meeting?” I asked following him.

  “These guys.” He stopped in front of a table and I was surprised to see the guys from Flix and their families with them.

  “Hi, Bonnie, nice to see you again.” Esme said as she took a sip of water.

  “Hi, sorry, I didn’t know we were meeting you guys. I was told we were going clubbing. I’m not dressed…”

  “You look gorgeous, we are going to a club after. Come and sit down.” Marcy said as she motioned to the seat opposite her. “This is Saskia, my sister-in-law.”

  “Hi, I’m Bonnie and that’s Joseph.” I nodded my head towards him as he was still standing up talking to Will.

  “Nice to meet you. I love your dress.”

  “Thanks.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Joseph walking towards us and sat down next to me.

  “Babe, this is Saskia.” They shook hands and Saskia carried on talking to Marcy. “Why didn’t you tell me? How did you arrange this?”

  “Jon left the invite at the reception of the hotel with his number and I gave him a call and accepted.” I smiled and leaned forward and kissed him softly. We were interrupted when we heard;

  “Ewww, they’re kissing.”

  “Ashton, stop that.” Rick said in a warning tone.

  “Oh, sorry, I…” I began.

  “Don’t mind him, he has always been like that.” Marcy said kissing him on the top of his head.

  “Mummy, stop.” He said, pushing her away from him.

  “Are we all going clubbing?” I asked as the waitresses brought over loads of different dishes and spread them out on the table.

  “Yeah, we have a VIP room. You two can come and go as you please but we all have to stay in there for safety. Besides, that’s better for me and Esme.” I nodded. We all started digging into the food and the waitress brought over bottles of wine, too. We all chatted and laughed and it was a lovely evening and I was lucky to be spending so much time with Flix. They were a group of easy going and fun to be around people.

  “What about the children?” I asked, pointing to Ashton and Scarlett.

  “We have a babysitter that comes on tour with us. She is down there, her name is Lucy. She will take them back to the hotel.” Esme explained. I nodded so she knew I had heard her.

  “Ready to go, sweetness?” Joseph asked me.

  “Yeah.” I stood up and swayed slightly. “I think I drunk more than I thought.”

  “Great, you can drink with me tonight. As these two can’t.” Saskia said as she looped her arm through mine and we walked towards the door. We were all soon seated in a large limo and we were headed towards a club.


  We walked into the club and were quickly escorted towards the VIP area, I hoped that we would get some time on the main dance floor as it looked awesome down there. Full of people letting go and having fun.

  “Wow, who are all of these people?” I asked Esme as we walked towards a large booth and sat down.

  “That group over there are models. That’s the guys from the band, ‘Black Demons’ and those are some other VIPs. Marce, who’s that over there?”

  Marcy looked over her shoulder at the guy Esme was talking about. “That’s Colton Simons, billionaire. He owns the company, ‘Simons properties’. He’s hot.” She giggled fanning herself.

  “Oh, I thought the VIP area was just going to be you guys, it’s packed in here.”

  “It wouldn’t be a
s much fun if it was just us. People respect our privacy and don’t bug us.” Marcy explained. The guys and Saskia arrived at the table with trays full of drink.

  “Here, sweetness.” Joseph handed me a drink, I looked at it, I wasn’t sure what it was. I took a sip and smiled as it was Vodka and Red Bull.

  “Thanks, babe.” It didn’t take me long to finish the drink and I was dancing in my seat to the music.

  “Come on, Bon, I love this one.” Saskia said as she pulled me off my seat and dragged me to the dance floor. I was surprised at how busy it was. We made our way to the middle and danced facing each other. She was messing about by grabbing guys and dancing with them, they all looked like their luck was in when she pushed them away.

  “You don’t want to have fun with any of them?” I shouted at her over the music.

  “No.” She laughed. “I’m gay.”

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She moved closer to me. “Your guy is watching you.” I looked over my shoulder and saw that Joseph was watching me while he was talking to Rick. I winked at him and blew him a kiss. His smile grew bigger and I was glad that his eyes were on me.

  “I was a bit worried his attention may not have been on me with all of these models around.”

  “Plastic bimbos is what we call this lot. They know not to mess with us, Marce has had a run in with them in the pass. They learnt to keep their distance.”

  “Drink?” I shouted out. Saskia nodded and shouted back;

  “Let’s do Jager bombs.” I nodded and we walked back towards everyone else. I walked up to Joseph and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. As I went to pull away he placed his hand on the small of my back and held me against him.

  “You having fun?”

  “Yeah, Saskia is so much fun. We’re doing shots. Want one?”

  “No, sweetness, I think one of us should be sober enough to get us back to the hotel.” I shrugged my shoulders at him and skipped away and joined Saskia at the bar.


  I had been keeping a close eye on Bonnie all night, I could see almost every guy in here eye fucking her. When she moved she was at ease and her body swayed rhythmically to the music. I was surprised that no guys had in fact tried it on with her. I had been watching, I was ready to go and claim her if I needed to. I was happy watching her having fun, she hit it off with Saskia straight away and I thought that those two out alone would definitely cause some trouble.

  “You in college too, man?” Rick asked me. I turned my attention back to him.

  “Yeah, doing business. I’ve got a plan up my sleeve.”

  “Oh, yeah, like what?”

  “Me and my brother do underground fighting. It pays well but his fiancée gets so upset when he has to fight. So I’m looking for ways to get out of that.”

  “Yeah, I get ya. No point in making your women worry if you don’t have to.” I nodded in agreement. I heard a familiar song play and looked over to the bar and saw Bonnie dragging Saskia to the dance floor.

  “You coming?” She called out as she passed us. I shook my head and laughed. She would be complaining all day tomorrow about how much her feet would be hurting. Bonnie threw her arms up into the air and began swaying her hips, when the beat got faster so did her hips. I saw a guy on the dance floor watching her and my fists clenched at my sides.

  “So, what’s this plan you got?” I heard Rick ask.

  “Um, sorry…” I was distracted by Bonnie dancing. I stopped talking as I saw the same guy walk up behind Bonnie and place his hands on her hips. I went to take a step forward when I felt a hand clamp down onto my shoulder.

  “She’ll handle it. Your girl is feisty, like my Angel.” I nodded and watched Bonnie step away from him shaking her head. He took another step closer and she pushed him away with her hand on his chest and then I saw Saskia say something to him. He stepped back and Saskia pulled Bonnie towards her and they began dancing together, closely.

  “What the…” I was surprised by the way they were dancing together.

  “Chill out man, that’s my sister for you.”

  “She’s gay?” I asked shocked, as I hadn’t picked up on that.

  “Yeah, she loves pussy as much as the rest of us. Come on, let’s sit down, she’s in good hands.” He winked. I laughed and thought watching them was pretty hot. “Hey, Angel, how you feeling?” Rick asked as he placed a hand on her bump and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Good. Oh, great, incoming plastic alert.” She called out. I looked up and saw a tall, blonde, skinny woman with obviously large fake boobs standing in front of me.

  “Hey, handsome. Wanna dance?” She purred as she sat on the stool in front of me and crossed her legs letting her dress rise higher. I went to answer her when I heard Marcy snap;

  “Get the fuck away from him. We’ve had this talk with you lot.” She gestured with her hand towards the other models. “I may be pregnant, but I can still kick your ass.” She stood up.

  “Angel.” Rick said in a warning tone.

  “Don’t.” She glared at him. She walked over so she was stood in front of the blonde. “I get fed up of telling you to get away from our men. When will you get it into your fake blonde head that they are not interested.”

  “He isn’t one of yours.”

  “He’s taken.” Marcy placed her hands on her hips, not backing down. I stood up ready to intervene in case this blonde got too much, she came across as the sort of person to cat fight and I wouldn’t let Marcy get hurt for me.

  “Let’s ask him shall we? I don’t see him with anyone.” She motioned with her hand to the table.


  “Hi, baby.” I heard Bonnie say from behind the blonde. She stepped around her, walked up to me, swaying those hips, she knew that affected me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, stood on her tip toes and devoured my lips, I groaned when her tongue slid into my mouth and I wrapped my arms around her back keeping her close to me.

  “Well, that’s just rude, I was here first.” The blonde complained.

  Bonnie broke away from me and looked over her shoulder at the blonde.

  “Oh, hunny, you’d never be able to handle him, he would break you in two.” She kissed me again and I heard the Barbie lookalike stomp away.

  “Angel, I know you like to protect everyone but take care of my girls first.” Rick said as he placed his hands on both sides of Marcy’s face and kissed her passionately.

  “Hey, let go of my girl, the bar is calling for us.” I looked up and saw Saskia standing there.

  “You only have her for one more hour and then I’m taking her back to the hotel.” Saskia nodded and grabbed Bonnie’s hand. “Oh and Saskia? She has always been mine.” I winked at Bonnie and she blew me a kiss as Saskia dragged her towards the bar.

  I sat back down and grabbed my drink, Will sat next to me.

  “Hey, man, you got one feisty girl there.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. You got lipstick smeared all over you face.” I chuckled.

  “Yeah, some women just can’t get enough of me. How did you manage to snag that one?” He pointed his beer bottle towards Bonnie and I smiled as she laughed out loud and threw her head back.

  “I don’t know, she ain’t completely mine.”

  “What you talking about?”

  “I’m in competition with one of my mates. Long story.” I shook my head, hoping he wouldn’t ask anymore.

  “So, shorten it.” I explained the situation to him and he whistled as I finished.

  “I don’t know why you would want to stick with one girl, like these dudes over here. I wouldn’t be happy sticking to just one chick.”

  “Yeah, that’s how I thought until I met her.”

  “What you worried about?” Jax asked.

  “She has been through some shit, I don’t wanna hurt her, I can’t promise that I wouldn’t. I think I should have my week with her and then step back. She should be wit
h Matt, he’s the better choice.”

  “What? No way. Have you seen the way she looks at you? I’ve seen the way you look at her.” Esme interrupted. I didn’t realise everyone at the table was listening.

  “What if I hurt her?”

  “You probably will at some point. We’ve all been there.” She placed her hand in Jax’s. “If you are meant to be together, you work through it.”

  “Come on, babe, let’s dance.” Jax said, standing up and pulling Esme up with him. I watched them walk to the dance floor and he spun her around so her back was against him, I guessed the baby bump got in the way when dancing. They swayed together to the beat and he placed his hands on her stomach and kissed her neck. I had to look away as I felt like I was intruding on their special moment. My eyes wandered to my gorgeous girl on the dance floor. I hadn’t had a dance with her yet and I would before we left.

  After I finished my drink, I walked to the middle of the dance floor and pressed myself up against Bonnie, she immediately melted into my arms. We didn’t speak, we let the music guide us and soon our bodies were hot, slick with sweat and my jeans were beginning to feel like they were a size too small. When the next song started, I turned Bonnie around so she was facing me, she put her arms around my neck and I pulled her close placing my leg in between hers and we moved to the beat of the music together. This would be our foreplay, once we were back in that hotel room I wasn’t waiting. She was ready for me, I could tell as every time my leg put pressure on her pussy she gasped and dry humped my leg trying to be subtle. She wanted a release, but I wouldn’t let her have it, not here in the middle of the dance floor.

  “Joseph.” She moaned.

  “Yes, sweetness?” I trailed kisses down her neck, paying attention to the special spot behind her ear.

  “I need you to fuck me.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I will.”

  “Now.” She demanded.

  “Greedy little thing aren’t you?” She whimpered and nodded. “Let’s say goodbye to everyone and grab a taxi back.”


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