Routes to Romance

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Routes to Romance Page 3

by Lucy Lynn

  "Tell me about it, I just hope the food is as good." He flicked his way through the menu, eyes going wide at some of the prices.

  Sarah tilted her head in interest. "You've never been here before?"

  "Me?" He chuckled, "No way would I come to a place like this alone. I'm not rich."

  "Then... Why bring me here? Surely that's going to cost much more."

  "Well, I mean, yeah." He smiled softly. "But I've always wanted to go here, and I figure... Well what better chance than with you? Plus, I thought it'd make a good impression."

  She shook her head, though she herself was smiling fondly. "Keith, we could have gone to a burger place and it would have been enough for me, you don't have to worry about impressing me."

  "Oh." He suddenly thought of his wallet. "Well then, how about..."

  She held up her hand, cutting him off. "Too late, I just saw the apple crumble, we're staying."

  He settled back in his seat, thumbing his own way to the dessert section. "Alright, that's fair." Satisfied he knew what he wanted, he placed his menu back down on the table. "I'm glad that you're here."

  His statement took her by surprise, wide eyes looking up at his own as she momentarily fumbled with her answer. "I... I'm glad too. For a while I thought that I was alone in my feelings."

  "Really?" Keith huffed in disbelief, "I don't see how that could ever be, have you looked at yourself? And I don't just mean in a mirror, have you actually looked at what sort of person you are?"

  She could feel a blush starting to overtake her face. "I haven't... Though I'd love to hear you tell it."

  Keith crossed his arms in front of him, looking straight into her eyes as he said, "You're beautiful. Your face, your body, they're incredible. But even though it sounds absurdly cheesy, it's what's inside of you that I care about. Your intelligence, your passion... Hell, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a little turned on when you laid into me when we first met."

  Sarah ducked her head into her palm, desperately trying to hide her blooming cheeks. "Oh my god..."

  "But even after you did that, you apologized, even though you didn't have to." He reached across the table, linking his fingers in hers as he smiled. "You cared about the feelings of some rube like me. That's why the thought of someone not falling for you is absurd. Because you are such a caring, passionate person, one that people would be lucky to even meet, let alone take to dinner."

  "Keith you're going to kill me." She hid her mouth behind her hand, but he could clearly see that she was grinning beneath it. He squeezed her hand, before sitting back, about to continue complimenting before she suddenly spoke up. "I feel the same." She giggled, "Not about myself, about you."

  He lowered his head. "Sarah just because I complimented you doesn't mean you have to return the favor..."

  "I'm not. I'm telling you what you deserve to hear. About how you actually listen to me when I talk, and don't just wait for your own turn to speak. The way that you heard what I said when I yelled at you, rather than just focusing on the volume of my voice." She chuckled, "How you already trusted me enough to tell me things you thought were embarrassing, even though I might have laughed. And your first impulse when we agreed to go out tonight was to make me a part of something you've been dying to do for ages." She beckoned him in closer, leaning in and placing a soft kiss against his cheek. "I think that speaks to what kind of man you are Keith, and it's a very good one indeed."

  Even though she pulled away, Keith stayed frozen in the middle, fingers coming up and softly touching his cheek where her lips had been moments ago. Dramatically, he began to fan himself. "Oh wow, and I thought I was the one who was supposed to be wooing you."

  "Well look at us then, on our first date and we're already smashing that wall down." She held up her glass of water, clinking it against his own in kind. "I have to say Keith, it's only been ten minutes and I'm already having a wonderful time with you."

  He took a sip of his water, soothing his suddenly dry throat. "Me too. I think... I know I would like to do this again with you. That is... If you would as well."

  "Oooo we're very eager now aren't we?" She smiled, taking a drink of her own before clearing her throat, "Of course I would. I'd love to go out with you again." The menu was flicked once more to the dessert section. "But I think first we should focus on this date, don't you? The apple crumble seems like a good place to start with that."

  Keith laughed, his heart already soaring in his chest as his nerves calmed. He opened his own menu, scanning down the items. "I'm a big fan of pecan pies, I've heard the one they serve here is pretty good." He looked up at her. "I'll get that, you get the crumble?"

  "Sharing things seems to be a theme with us, doesn't it?"

  "That it does." He smiled, snapping his menu closed. "And I think it'll continue to be."



  Gareth and Maggie

  It had been two months since Sarah and Keith had started dating, and Gareth would be hard pressed to say that the two of them hadn't just clicked. They fit together like two pieces of the same puzzle, like one was made exactly for the other. Hell, he hadn't seen Keith so happy in such a long time.

  Just because he was happy for his friend however, didn't mean he was just going to stand by and listen to every inane idea that came into his mind.

  "Come on Gareth, don't you want to meet someone?" Keith had that look on his face again, like a kicked puppy, just daring Gareth to say no. Fortunately after years of knowing Keith, he'd gotten pretty good at resisting the effects.

  Not perfect but nearing it at least.

  "Keith, I barely want to leave the house. Why the hell would I want to open myself up to someone I've never even met before?"

  "Don't you want to experience something new?"

  Gareth laughed, "You've known me for years, when was the last time I said I was tired of my routine?"

  Keith threw his head back against the couch, letting out a frustrated groan as he rubbed at his eyes. Gareth shook his head. "Just because you're in a happy relationship doesn't mean everyone else has to be as well."

  His friend looked at him, tilting his head in curiosity. "Come to think of it Gar, you've... Never been with anyone in the entire time I've known you."

  Gareth snorted, "Where are you going with this?"

  "Gareth..." Keith leaned forward, his expression filled with apprehension. "Are you Asexual?" He quickly held up his hands in a placating manner. "There's nothing wrong with it if you are! I just... I wanna know..."

  "Relax." Gareth leaned forward himself, putting his hand on Keith's shoulder. "I'm not, but thanks for being cool with it anyway. And for your information I have gotten with people before, I just don't make a big deal about it."

  "So then why? Don't you wanna meet someone special?"

  He sighed, "Someone special? Sure, why not? I guess it'd be nice to find the right person to click with."

  "So then why aren't you looking?"

  "Do you still wanna catch a record breaking fish someday?"

  Keith was confused by the change in topic. "I don't..."

  "Answer the question, don't you want to catch that fish?"

  "I... Sure."

  "So why aren't you out there right now on the lake? Why are you sitting here bugging me?"

  "Because..." Keith sighed in realization, "Because I have other things to focus on right now."

  Gareth waved his hand, dismissing the topic. "Thank you, there's the answer. I don't have anyone right now, because I don't want to look for anyone right now. Simple as that."

  "I just think that it could..."

  "Oh, for Chrissakes Keith!" Gareth rolled his eyes so far into the back of his head he was certain he saw the edges of his own soul. "If I just say yes will you please shut the fuck up about it forever?"

  Keith nodded, a small smile edging onto his face. "Absolutely, just one blind date, that's all I'm asking."

  "Good, because that's all you're getting. One date, then
I'll never call again, and I'll go back to my normal life. So, pick wisely, this is your one chance." He stood up, tossing his magazine back into the seat and walking off. "Listen to me for once, fuck me..."

  Keith leaned back into the couch, grimacing when Gareth shut his door a little harder than normal. "Shit, I'm gonna have to apologize..." First things first however, he pulled out his phone, dialing Sarah's number and holding the phone to his ear. "Sarah? Yeah, it's fine on my end, how about yours?" He sighed when he heard her answer. "God, they really will be perfect for each other."

  • • •

  "Tell me about it..." Sarah groaned as she walked back to her apartment, apology chocolate tucked into her bag and a headache pulsing in her temple. "She's usually all for going out, I don't know why now is different..."

  "Maybe it's just been a while, I was pretty rusty before I met you after all."

  She hummed, "True, I'll be a bit gentler, maybe she'll agree then. I don't want her to think that I'm forcing her to go, that's not true at all."

  "We just want them to be happy..." Keith sighed on the other end of the line. "But maybe we don't have to be such dicks about it. Are you going to be all good? I need to give an apology."

  Sarah smiled. "I'll be fine, you go tend to your best friend."

  "And you to yours." He hesitated, his voice smaller than before. "I love you."

  "I love you too." She said, her face brightening even more. "Goodbye..."

  She opened the door, seeing Maggie still sitting on the couch where she had left her. The woman looked tired, like she just wanted to sleep for two or three days. When she heard the door open, she looked over, and even through her obvious annoyance a certain fondness was still clearly shining through. "Hey..." She said, "Bout time you got back."

  "Sorry." Sarah reached into her bag, grabbing the chocolate and tossing it lightly towards her friend. "I had to pick this up, say sorry for being such an ass."

  Maggie chuckled, tearing open the packet and breaking off a piece. "It's fine, I... I was a jerk too. I shouldn't have yelled."

  "Well good, common ground." Sarah sank into the chair opposite Maggie, groaning as she felt her tired body give in. "I just want a chance to explain..."

  "Oh, come on Sarah, don't..."

  "I'm not going to push, I'm not going to keep telling you that you need to do this. I just want to tell you why I would like you to do this, is that alright?"

  Maggie chewed slowly on the chocolate, savoring the sweetness as she thought things over. Finally, she nodded with a huff, "Fine, but I'm still not agreeing to anything."

  "And that's fine!" Sarah reached over, holding onto Maggie's fingers, running her thumb along the tips. "Thank you for giving me the chance."

  Her eyes tracked Sarah's thumb, every sweep feeling like a silk brush. Maggie exhaled shakily, looking her friend in the eye. "Alright, go ahead."

  "You're my best friend, and you've been there for me for years. Every assignment I didn't do well on, every relationship that went sour, you had my back that entire time." She chuckled, "Hell, the only reason I'm with Keith now is because you told me what I needed to hear, you gave me that confidence to finally go and take what I wanted. What I needed."

  "I think you might be selling yourself short..."

  "You have been my rock for as long as I've known you, I owe so, so much to you Maggie." Sarah's eyes were wet with unshed tears, and she prayed that it didn't look manipulative. "I just want to try and give you something back, just a chance to be with someone as great as you and Keith are to me."

  Maggie squeezed her hand back, trying hard to not cry herself. "Those tears aren't fair Sarah."

  "I'm sorry, I swear to god I'm not trying to-"

  Maggie swept her up in a hug, the rest of her words coming out in a surprised wheeze. "I know. I know Sarah." They stayed there for a few minutes, the two women clutching onto each other and trying to squeeze every ounce of care that they had into one another. Finally, Maggie pulled back, sighing as she swept hair out of Sarah's face. "I'll agree to one date, ok? But that's all."

  "Oh, Maggie you don't..."

  "No." She held her hand up, cutting Sarah off. "No, it's... It might be good for me to meet someone, actually get out of the house and experience something new." She held her finger out in warning. "But don't do this again, ok? It wasn't cool ambushing me with something like this, not cool at all."

  "I know, I'm sorry." Sarah hung her head, rubbing the back of her neck. "Still friends?"

  Maggie rolled her eyes. "Of course we're still friends you idiot. If accidentally setting my bag on fire in chemistry class didn't end our friendship this isn't going to."

  "Hey that's..." Sarah trailed off, shrugging. "Ok yeah, that was totally my fault."

  "So, who's my lucky date then? Are they a movie star? A bodybuilder? An astronaut? I hope for all the trouble this has been that they're someone worth it."

  "Um..." Sarah grimaced. "Would you mind if I kept it a secret?"

  Maggie narrowed her eyes at her, her voice carrying a hint of warning, "Sarah..."

  "They're going in blind too! I just... I don't think it'd be fair if you knew ahead of time when they didn't."

  "I..." Maggie rubbed at her temples, trying to stop the rapidly approaching headache. "Fine. I'll go on your blind date. But I swear if they turn out to be a total freak then I'm not teaching you to cook anymore."

  Sarah's eyes widened in horror, almost making her tell her his name before she clamped her mouth shut, remembering the promise she made. Instead, she swallowed her dread, simply nodding. "That's fair, I'm pretty sure he's not a freak though."

  Maggie laughed as she walked towards her bedroom, her tired muscles calling for rest. "Oh happy days."

  "I promise, he seems like a nice guy. I wouldn't set you up with him otherwise." She walked over to Maggie, squeezing her bicep. "You know that right?"

  Maggie smiled at the contact, placing her own hand over Sarah's. "I know, I'm just dicking around with you. Your taste in guys is... Well, usually is pretty good."

  "See!" Sarah's face split in a grin, pushing Maggie towards her room. "You've got nothing to worry about, now go sleep!"

  "Aye aye captain." Maggie chuckled, closing the door behind her and collapsing onto her bed. Her arm still burned from the contact as she let her eyes fall closed.

  • • •

  Gareth threw his feet up on the table, sighing heavily when Keith came over with that look on his face that clearly betrayed excitement about something. And given that it was two o'clock and the fishing shows didn't start till three, there was only one thing he could be that giddy about.

  "Keith, I swear to god, stop creeping over here and just tell me what it is."

  Keith pouted, but shuffled over to the couch, sitting down next to his roommate. "Ok, so I know that you're still pissed about the blind date..."

  "You already apologized Keith."

  "And that doesn't mean you stop being pissed, which is totally fine! Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean you should just stop being mad at them..."

  "Keith." Gareth leaned forward, making his face as understanding as he possibly could. "It's alright, really, water under the bridge. But I swear to god if you hem and haw anymore and don't just get to the point..."

  "I've got you a date. Are you free this Friday?"

  "Of course I'm free this Friday, I don't like to do anything on Friday. That's the entire reason I'm always free." He sighed dramatically, leaning his head back against the wall. "I suppose I can do something for once. I hope you know that you owe me for this."

  Keith laughed, leaning himself against Gareth. "How about we go out and grab a beer, would that be alright?"

  "A beer? Sure, but you're buying me at least two."

  "God, twist my arm why don't you?" Keith held his hand out. "Deal. Now get your ass up off the couch."

  Gareth raised an eyebrow. "Right now? But you're going to miss the show."

  "Doesn't matter." Keith sh
rugged. "I wanna hang out with you more right now, it's been a while since we did that and that's my fault." He clapped his hands together. "So! You and me are going out for a drink, and I promise not to get distracted."

  Gareth rolled his eyes. "You always get distracted, that's just who you are." He brushed past him, beginning to smile. "But fine, let's go and get a drink. I'm interested in seeing if you still can't handle yourself."

  Keith grumbled to himself as he started to follow. "That was one time goddammit."

  • • •

  Maggie walked into the coffee house, Anna looking up and smiling as she closed the door.

  "Maggie! How are you today?" She walked around the front of the counter, dragging her in for a hug. "What can I get you?"

  "Hey Anna." Maggie patted her on the back, smiling at the barista. "Just the usual thanks. I've also apparently got a date coming in as well, would you be able to tell them that I'm at the booth out the back?"

  "A date? What, do you want me to just ask every person who walks in if they're here to meet a woman?"

  She chuckled, "No! He's supposed to be wearing a pink beanie, he should be hard to miss."

  "Alrighty. Go and grab your seat, hopefully your coffee and your man'll be here soon."

  Maggie nodded her thanks, waving at Aisha as she passed by, the other woman clearly waiting for her two other friends to arrive. Aisha's face lit up, grinning and eagerly waving as Maggie giggled. One of these days she would actually have to sit down and talk to her, Aisha seemed like someone she'd get along with. Though that would have to wait for another day, one where she didn't already have someone occupying her time.

  She sat down with a groan, her body was chronically tired because of her degree and having to trudge out to the coffee house on what was otherwise her day off sure wasn't helping that. "Who knows," She thought, "Maybe I'll have a new person that I can complain about all this shit to."


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