Changing Times

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Changing Times Page 10

by Marilu Mann

  “Where are you hurt?”

  “Just a scratch, Slade. The bastard caught me from behind.” Cutter turned slightly so that Slade could see the scratches on his back. They were deep but not to the bone. They would be gone the next time Cutter shifted.

  Slade listened to Cutter’s version of the fight. He knew from the tone of voice that Cutter was leaving something out, but he couldn’t sense any real deception. Deciding that it had to be embarrassment at being “pussy-whipped”, Slade let it slide.

  Slade sent Cutter off to bed. Maggie followed a short time later after her attempts to seduce Slade failed. Slade didn’t even see her leave. He was too wrapped up in his own plans. He waited for the phone call from his contact at the police department. Surely even the dumbest of cops could have found his latest present by now.

  Slade went back into the study and slumped in the chair behind the desk. He’d never lived any place as fancy as this with multi-line phones on the desk and more bedrooms than he could count upstairs.

  The old Alpha had been a native of New Orleans and this house had been in his family for over a hundred years. The money wasn’t bad, either. There wasn’t any way Slade would give this up. His plan had to work. He stared at the phone as if willing it to ring. If everything went according to plan, he would know exactly where Tony stood within a few days.

  * * * * *

  Tony got back to his house after the sun was fully up. He had left Carly sleeping. Resisting the urge to follow her up the stairs and crawl in the bed with her for just a few hours had been hard. There was definitely something there, something between them like a volcano ready for eruption.

  Tony’s cell phone rang as he got into the car. He sighed as he answered the phone. The news he received had him sitting up straight and his fatigue disappearing.

  “Julia, that’s fantastic. I’m glad you were able to get the bail hearing. What happens now?”

  “I’m going to have her admitted to a private facility, Tony. It’s for a psychological exam as well as for her protection until the trial. I think putting her in a safe place will be the best thing for her.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Let me know what I can do to help.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. Take care, Tony.”

  “You too, Julia.” After he had asked a few more questions, Tony disconnected and sighed. There had been another murder similar to the one Susan had committed while she was in custody, so Susan had been granted bail. No jury would convict her when the second murder had happened while she was in custody. The prosecutor had finally agreed to bail and Julia had jumped into action. Susan would have to spend some time in the hospital undergoing a battery of psychological exams but at least she would be out of jail.

  This called for a celebration. Tony smiled as he planned his day. He would grab a few hours’ sleep then call Nolan and the others to get a party started. He knew Carly was in good hands and now he knew that Susan would be safe as well, at least for a while. The day was looking up.

  * * * * *

  Slade laughed as he hung up the phone. “It worked. The cops are chasing their own tails, pardon the pun.”

  “What worked, sexy? What did you do now?” Maggie’s sultry voice announced her as she sailed back into the room. Maggie moved around behind him and rubbed his shoulders as she waited for him to share the joke.

  Slade pulled Maggie into his lap. He ran his hand over her shoulder as he threw his head back and laughed again. “Everything is coming together nicely. The trap will be sprung soon.”

  “Good, why don’t you crash for a while, lover? You look tired.” Maggie bit at Slade’s neck.

  Slade chuckled softly then got to his feet with Maggie in his arms. “You coming?”

  “In a little while. I want to make sure everything is locked up down here.” Maggie kissed Slade with more force than passion and he answered in kind. Slade let her slide down his body then stepped away from her. He went upstairs to his bedroom as Maggie stood at the foot of the stairs watching. Despite the fact that they were lovers they each had their own bedrooms. Slade had never spent the entire night in Maggie’s room nor she in his. Maggie watched to make sure Slade went to his room and not to hers.

  Chapter Eight

  The police department buzzed, both in Metairie and New Orleans. The phones rang off the hook in both places. Slade listened to the message his contact had left. There had in fact been two murders committed that evening. Both had been deemed animal attacks. One man had had his throat ripped out while the other had literally been torn to shreds.

  The first one was a male, mid-forties, balding and unremarkable, much like the man Susan had been accused of killing. The second was an older male in his sixties, remarkable only because he was a known small-arms dealer. The cops were totally mystified both as to who would have done this and at the brutality of the crimes.

  Slade laughed as he listened to his source’s quiet voice. The cops’ only course of action would be to put together a task force and the Turn Skins were nowhere near the top of the list of groups to be investigated.

  As far as the city knew, they were just a biker gang who’d never yet been caught in any serious criminal activity. Slade knew none of his people would be arrested because he had too many connections and they all had airtight alibis for the past fifteen hours. He had arranged the deaths but hadn’t bloodied his own hands.

  It was a shame the girl had to die—she was such a pretty thing. Still, the city had enough doctors and medical students. This one wouldn’t make that much difference in the grand scheme of things. Slade put his hands behind his head and sighed.

  The pretty blonde medical student was almost a physical twin for the lovely Dr. Chambers and Tony would know that she had been chosen especially for him. Slade rolled onto his side, closed his eyes and was asleep in moments.

  * * * * *

  Carly knew it was too early to call but she couldn’t keep from reaching for the phone. She needed to hear his voice. She dialed Tony’s number, telling herself she would hang up if he hadn’t answered by the third ring. She was surprised when he picked up on the second ring sounding remarkably alert for someone who should have been sound asleep.

  “It’s Carly.”

  “Did you get any rest?” His voice had that low purring quality that sent shivers down her spine. Carly gripped the phone a little tighter. His voice did things to her. Good things. Sexy things. Things she wanted more of.

  “Some. Why aren’t you asleep?” She pleated the sheet on her bed as she waited for his answer.

  “I was talking to Julia. Susan is going to be released to a private hospital.” Tony hesitated briefly not sure he wanted to say more but continued anyway. “There was another murder similar to the death of her employer.”

  “Oh,” Carly hesitated then plunged in. “Do you do this all the time?”

  “What’s that, cheré?” The purr was definitely back. That hard, muscular body with all of that golden skin against pale sheets flashed in her mind, making her catch her breath. She couldn’t deny the attraction she felt for him. She knew he was beyond her experience. She also knew she couldn’t contain these feelings in a neat little box just because she wasn’t sure of his feelings. So she forged ahead.

  “Help everyone you come into contact with.”

  “I do what I can, Carly, just as you do. Why did you really call?” His voice deepened just a bit. Her stomach tightened in response.

  “I just…I just wanted to talk to you.” She winced at her response. Lame. Just wanted to talk to you? And I’m how old? She waited for his answer.

  “I’m glad you called. I was going to get in touch with you later this morning anyway. I’m planning a small party to celebrate Susan’s release from jail and I would really like for you to come with me. We’re going to get together at Animalia tomorrow night.”

  She heard the smile in his voice. Just picturing it made her wonder what it would be like to kiss him for a very long time.

Carly gave him a noncommittal answer then just listened to the soft sound of his voice as he tried to convince her to go with him. She was getting a better picture of him. Tony was successful, he was gorgeous and he was a genuinely caring individual. He was committed to the people in his sphere.

  His actions on Susan’s behalf and his efforts to keep her safe bore that out. Okay, so he could turn himself into a large deadly animal. Did that honestly mean he was less of a man? She felt warmth on her face as she thought about the casual way he had disrobed in front of her. And remembered those hot, angry kisses that had aroused him as much as they had her. He was definitely not less of a man.

  This was more than sheer physical urge however. His mind, the brief glimpses of humor she had seen as well as the darker side of his personality—all of this pulled her toward him irresistibly. It was the whole package.

  Maybe it was time she let him know that. She knew he was attracted to her—he’d told her so and shown her. She had to let him know that she didn’t fear him or hate him for what he was.

  His passion scared her but thrilled her at the same time. Were-cat or no, he seemed to genuinely care about her as well as being attracted to her on a purely sexual level. Tony Pantera was definitely someone she wanted to know better.

  “Yes, I’d love to go. Pick me up?” Carly held the phone a little closer to her mouth, lowering her voice a bit.

  Tony pulled up to her door just before eight. Carly let him in while she picked up her shawl and purse. His obvious pleasure at seeing her thrilled her. She applauded her decision to wear the strappy sandals with the flirty dress she’d paid a bit more for than she normally would. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach as Tony pressed a kiss to her cheek.

  “Shall we, cheré?” His hand at the small of her back guided her to the car. As they threaded their way through the narrow streets of the Quarter toward the warehouse district, they talked about Susan.

  Lights and music greeted them from the upscale address of Animalia. Carly had heard stories about the club from coworkers who had tried to get in, but were always rebuffed by the bouncer. She knew they would be all over her if they knew where she had gone. The bouncer waved them forward to the head of the line.

  “Hey, Tony. Pretty lady with you.” The big man shook Tony’s hand in his own ham-sized fist and winked at Carly. Tony smiled as they went inside the club.

  Nolan met them at the door with a bottle of champagne in one hand and two glasses in the other. He executed a twist and a turn before kissing Carly on the cheek as he handed each of them a glass and poured champagne into the glasses. “Drink up, there’s plenty more where that came from. We’re in the back room.”

  Nolan moved through the crowd easily and Tony laughed as he led Carly to the private party room. Eyes turned toward them as they came in, making Carly wish for a coat instead of the lacy shawl. Were they all shifters or were there humans in this mix?

  Carly realized just how out of her element she truly felt in this realm. Tony’s hand felt warm as he unerringly led her to a table in the back. He positioned her to his side so that his back met the wall. He could easily see everyone but it was harder to see them.

  Carly smoothed her hair in an effort to soothe her nerves. She’d opted to wear it in a simple ponytail flipped up and over so it spilled out of the band. She knew it was a good look for her. She’d gone light on the makeup but had pulled out her favorite perfume. She bit back a grin at the way Tony’s nostrils had twitched every time he leaned toward her.

  She imagined the light floral scent of her perfume tickling his senses which made her feel a bit like a femme fatale. She chuckled at the thought of coltish Carly Chambers seducing this powerful man.

  “What do you find so funny, kitten?” His voice drew her eyes as she watched his sensuous lips move.

  “Nothing really…just the idea of me, Carly Chambers from Kokomo, sitting in an exclusive club with a man who is a panther and all of these other…” She waved her hand around. “Is everyone here a shifter?

  “Not everyone, but everyone here is either a shifter or a known and vouched-for ally. Any who would betray us would be killed.” Tony paused as he held her with his stare. “By the one who vouched for them.”

  Carly nodded. She knew he meant every word he said. And she felt honored by his trust in her. “Thank you, Tony, for vouching for me.”

  “I didn’t. Micah and Nolan did.” He grinned then as he pointed out various people in the room to her. He ran his hand down her arm, leaning into her to whisper about one of the partygoers. His breath feathered across her neck. He shifted, brushing his thigh against hers.

  Carly felt completely and utterly aware of him. When he leaned back in his chair, she swayed toward him. His hair glistened in the lights and candles of the décor. Finally she gave in to her longing. She grabbed a handful and tugged lightly. Tony looped a hand around her neck to pull her against him. She sighed as she let her head fall on his shoulder. Carly felt his lips brush the top of her hair. She couldn’t remember a time she’d felt more safe and more cared for.

  “Dance with me?” His voice purred in her ear.

  “Of course,” Carly followed Tony out onto the dance floor. The music beat in her skin with a loud and fast salsa sound, but Tony pulled her close to his body and began to move with her to a rhythm only the two of them could feel. She let him lead her to through steps she didn’t know she knew.

  Her legs pressed against his intimately. Entwined like this, she could feel the thickness of his cock nudging her belly. His body told her in a very obvious way that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She pressed her breasts against him so he could feel how hard her nipples were. The solidness of him against her gave her a unique understanding of the physics of friction. Carly wanted to rub up and down him until he purred just for her.

  Tony turned his head toward her and started nipping lightly at her neck and jaw. Carly put her head back slightly to give him better access and he flattened his hand against the top curve of her buttocks, pressing her lower body even tighter to his. Carly let her hand slide down his back and around his waist.

  Tony lifted his head and stared at her through eyes that were almost liquid gold. Shyly she pulled his lips closer to hers so she could meld their mouths together to mirror their bodies. Tony’s response felt like flames as his tongue flicked at her mouth, gently forcing his way in. Suddenly no one else existed. Carly pulled away from him slightly to stare at him.

  “Tony.” She almost didn’t recognize her own voice. His deep hum answered her and Carly took a deep breath. Tony’s eyes were drawn to her breasts tight against his chest. “Tony, remember what you said to me the other night at my house?”

  “I remember.”

  “Well.” Carly did something she’d wanted to do since the first time she saw him. She ran her hand from the crown of his head through the black silk of his hair then wrapped it around her hand and pulled his head against hers. “I want you to take me home and make love to me. I think if you don’t make love to me tonight I’m going to explode.”

  Tony’s eyes turned bright green and a slow smile spread across his face. “Are you sure?”

  “More sure than I’ve ever been of anything in my life.” Carly skimmed her hand farther down his body and cupped his buttocks. She pulled him closer and kissed him with an open mouth.

  Tony purred or growled, she wasn’t sure which, then kissed her hard. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the club, waving goodbye as they went. Carly remembered a blur of faces with only Nolan standing out. His grin had been accentuated by a double thumbs-up sign.

  Within moments they were back in his car and heading for her condo. They hadn’t even lasted two hours at the club and Carly didn’t care. At every traffic light, Tony pulled her across the console for a kiss. Finally Carly wrapped her hands in his hair to lengthen another red light kiss. Carly sighed as his lips slanted over hers with just the right pressure. She slid her hand down his chest to tug at his be
lt. Tony’s hand traced fire down her neck as his fingers lightly worked their way to her breast. Arching into his hand, Carly moaned as she moved her head back from his mouth.

  “I want you, Tony. I can’t remember ever wanting anyone this badly.”

  “I know, kitten, I know. I can smell your need. It’s sweet like ambrosia and I want to dip my tongue inside you and make you come until you can’t scream my name anymore.” Tony raked his teeth gently down the side of her neck, growling when she shook in reaction.

  “C’mon, kitten. Let’s get home now.”

  Carly felt dazed as he moved back to the wheel. She didn’t know how long the light had been green but was glad no one had come up behind them. With a shaking hand she smoothed her hair then reached over to touch his thigh. She didn’t care if he represented a world she knew nothing about. She wanted to be this man’s lover tonight.

  * * * * *

  Slade was trying to put his final plans in motion. He looked up as one of the Beta males, Jack, came into the room but he didn’t stop his conversation, he simply put the person on speaker. “No, that would be too quick.”

  “Hmm…Well, there’s always the swamps.”

  “What? And give the gators indigestion? It’s a matter of professional courtesy, you know.”

  “So you’ll take him up to Alaska. By the time the bears, arctic wolves and foxes get through there won’t be much left. You can just leave the rest on an ice floe.”

  Slade laughed softly, “Wolves?” He looked at Jack with an arched eyebrow.

  The man on the other end of the phone hesitated briefly as he realized what he had just suggested and to whom. “Well, yeah.”

  Slade sighed as he crossed his arms and leaned back slightly. “He’s got to be completely gone. No trace left.”

  “Well, burning is out, animals are out, the only thing I can think of is acid and you know I hate using that.”


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