Camping, Concealer and Criminals (A Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mystery Book 12)

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Camping, Concealer and Criminals (A Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mystery Book 12) Page 2

by Cindy Bell

  “Sounds good to me,” Nick said with a grin. “Be prepared though, I think we'll smoke you!”

  Bekki's eyes widened. She looked at the pile of supplies and the tent still wrapped up in a tubular bag and wondered how in the world that was going to turn into a tent.

  “I don't know,” she hesitated.

  “Don't worry, Bekki, it's just for fun,” Morris said as he dropped the last of the supplies in the middle of the campground.

  “All right, ready for this?” Nick asked Bekki. Bekki shifted nervously as she looked at Nick.

  “I'm a little out of my element,” she admitted.

  “No, you're not,” he smiled with confidence. “You just think you are.”

  Bekki looked at him strangely. “What do you mean?”

  “Bekki, you're one of the most efficient problem solvers I know,” he grinned. “Just think of this as something that needs to be put together, not a tent or anything that you're not used to. I'm sure if we work together, we can get it done quickly.”

  “Okay,” Bekki smiled a little. “I guess I'll give it a shot.”

  “Ready, set, go!” Morris announced. He and Sammy began methodically assembling their tent. Nick started to set the tent up.

  “Something's missing,” he said grimly as he rummaged through the bag.

  “What?” Bekki asked as she noticed him getting more aggravated.

  “It looks like it's one of the poles,” he sighed. “There's no way we can win now.”

  Bekki studied the tent for a moment. She saw how the poles slid through the pockets in the tent. She glanced around the campsite. She found a stick about the width of the missing pole.

  “Try this,” she suggested and handed it to him.

  “Good idea,” Nick grinned. “I knew that there was nothing you couldn't do.”

  “Done!” Sammy called out cheerfully from the other side of the campsite.

  “You won!” Bekki cried out as Nick rigged the stick to the tent pole with some twine.

  “I think you two win for creativity,” Morris chuckled as he studied Nick's creation.

  “Rules are rules,” Nick said and took Bekki's hand. He leaned closer to her. “I'd do anything for a walk in the woods with you,” he said warmly. Bekki blushed faintly and they began to walk to the edge of the campsite. Just as they were about to step onto a trail that led into the woods, three women stepped off it and into their campsite.

  “Hi,” the tallest one said cheerfully. “Sorry to barge in. We're your camping neighbors.”

  “Hi,” Bekki replied in a friendly tone. She was glad not to be walking through all of the hanging leaves and potential spiders.

  “I'm Penny, and this is Danielle, and Kim,” Penny introduced herself and the two women standing beside her. “We're Girl Scout leaders,” Penny went on to explain.

  “I’m Bekki, and this is Nick,” Bekki said happily. “And that’s Sammy and Morris,” she gestured towards them and they waved a greeting in return.

  “We're scouting locations for a camping trip we're hosting next month,” Kim explained. “This is such a beautiful place.”

  “Yes, it is,” Nick smiled warmly. “I used to camp here a lot when I was in the Boy Scouts. If you need any help, or just some company, feel free to stop over.”

  “Thanks,” Danielle nodded as she adjusted the bright yellow scarf she was wearing. “I've heard there are some really great hiking trails.”

  “Sure, just a few miles up the mountain there's one that leads to an amazing overlook,” Nick explained and pointed in the direction of the trail. “It's one not many people know about. In fact I think our troop was one of the only ones to find it, and we decided to keep it to ourselves. I bet the girls in your troop would love it.”

  “We'll be sure to check that out,” Penny smiled and nodded to both of them. “Enjoy your stay!”

  “You too,” Bekki said warmly. Morris and Sammy waved to the women as they walked away.

  “Hey Nick, this fire isn't starting itself,” Morris called out rather loudly.

  Nick glanced over his shoulder at Morris who was doing his best to suppress a laugh. It seemed to Bekki that he was having quite a bit of fun bossing Nick around.

  “Let's get that firewood,” Bekki said bravely and hooked her arm through Nick's. “You can tell me all about being a boy scout.”

  “I'm not a boy scout anymore,” Nick pointed out and pulled her close to him. In the heat of the kiss they shared Bekki actually forgot about the insects and snakes that might be in the woods surrounding her. When he broke the kiss she smiled.

  “Noted,” she pecked his cheek lightly.

  Nick led Bekki deeper into the woods. She glanced around as they walked. There was something very soothing about the soft chirping of birds and the rustle of the leaves in the trees as the wind blew past.

  “We should gather extra,” Nick said with a slight frown as he glanced up at the sky. “It looks like there might be a little rain tonight. Dry wood burns much better than wet wood.”

  “Okay,” Bekki nodded. She watched as Nick stepped off the trail and further into the woods. He began piling fallen tree branches in his arms. Bekki cringed when he picked one up and shook off a few bugs that were clinging to it. She swallowed thickly and reminded herself that it was always good to be challenged. She rolled down the sleeves of her flannel shirt and buttoned the cuffs carefully. She retrieved a few small branches and began piling them into her arms. She bit into her bottom lip to keep from squealing at the potential ants, beetles, and spiders that could be crawling all over her.

  “Here Bekki, I'll carry them,” Nick said. “Just pile them on top. You can get a few twigs and thin branches for kindling.”

  Bekki sighed with relief and piled the branches on top of the ones that Nick had already collected. She was happy to pick up the smaller twigs because it was easier to shake them off.

  “Bekki, I think I owe you an apology,” Nick said quietly as she bent over to pick up some twigs.

  “An apology for what?” Bekki asked with surprise as she turned to look at him.

  “Sometimes I forget that the things I enjoy, you might not enjoy as well,” Nick explained as he shifted the branches in his arms.

  “What do you mean, Nick?” Bekki asked and tried to smile.

  “I mean, I planned this whole weekend thinking that it was going to be a great surprise for you, and now I have to admit that I didn't really take the time to think about whether you would actually enjoy this,” he frowned as he met her eyes. “I hope you're not too disappointed.”

  Bekki shook her head slightly. “You're right, as usual. I don't exactly see camping as a relaxing weekend, but I've never given it a chance, either. Any time spent with you, Nick, is a good time,” she promised him. “So, just make sure that no spiders get in the tent, and we will be just fine.”

  “Never fear, my love,” Nick said as he smiled. “I will be your spider warrior.”

  “I hope so,” Bekki cringed. “Because, you should know that I will scream like a little girl and pull that tent down on top of us if I wake up to one crawling on me.”

  “I'll be the only thing crawling on you,” Nick said and wiggled his eyebrows. Bekki burst out laughing and shook her head.

  “Only you, Nick.”

  As they walked back towards the campsite Bekki was feeling much more optimistic about their camping trip.

  “Good haul,” Morris commented when Bekki and Nick piled the wood onto the ground beside the fire pit.

  “I think we're going to need to get the tarp out of the SUV,” Nick said as he glanced warily at the sky again. “It's really getting cloudy.”

  “Let's hope it passes,” Morris said grimly before walking over to the SUV to get the tarp.

  “What are we going to do if it storms?” Sammy asked.

  “We should be fine,” Nick shrugged. “I've weathered plenty of storms up here. They usually blow through fast. But hopefully it will just pass over us. How about an
early dinner?” he suggested.

  “I can get that going,” Bekki offered.

  “I'll start the fire,” Nick said and began piling wood in the pit.

  “I'll help you,” Sammy said to Bekki and followed after her so they could sort out the meal.

  Chapter Four

  Once the fire was started the four friends gathered around it. It was still light outside, but the sun was fading. There was plenty of food to share. Bekki felt a lot more relaxed since she and Nick had talked. The crackling of the fire and being alone with people she loved was a great way to spend the evening. She was starting to be glad that she hadn't missed it.

  “Mm, delicious,” Sammy said with a sigh. “You got this from Angela’s bakery didn't you, Nick?” she asked.

  “Of course,” Nick smiled. “No reason not to have a few modern pleasures while camping,” he passed her another slice of the freshly baked bread.

  “I hear there are campsites with cabins, and electricity,” Bekki said before she took a bite of her bread. Nick and Morris exchanged an amused look.

  “That's called a motel,” Morris said smugly.

  “There's nothing wrong with cabins,” Bekki insisted.

  “Spiders can get inside the cabins, too,” Sammy pointed out and tried not to giggle when Bekki shot her a look of disdain.

  “It's a little uncomfortable at first,” Nick admitted. “But once the stars come out, and the fire warms you up, it's like being in an entirely different world.”

  Bekki glanced up at the cloudy sky. “I don't know how many stars we're going to get to see tonight.”

  “Maybe not tonight,” Nick admitted reluctantly. “But tomorrow night they will be shining brightly.”

  “So, where exactly do we use the facilities?” Bekki asked hesitantly as she glanced around the campsite. There wasn't even a port-a-potty.

  “Oh, don't worry,” Nick said with a sly smile. “I've got a spade in my bag so we can dig holes…”

  “What?” Bekki and Sammy hollered in unison.

  Nick and Morris burst out laughing. Bekki stared at Nick, horrified. She began plotting how long she could avoid going to the bathroom. When Nick finally stopped laughing he choked out an apology.

  “I'm sorry, ladies, but you should have seen your expressions,” he cleared his throat when Bekki glared at him. “There's a communal bathroom down the trail,” he explained. “It even has real plumbing.”

  Bekki didn't want to ask what the alternative would be. “Well, I'm heading in that direction,” she said and stood up. Morris and Sammy had begun singing an old camp song as they cleared away the dishes and packed away the food.

  “I'll take you,” Nick said firmly.

  “I don't need an escort to the bathroom,” Bekki protested. Then she looked down the dirt trail. The sun was slowly setting, which caused the once bright and cheerful trail to look very shadowed. She looked back at Nick and cringed. “Maybe I do.”

  “It's fine, Bekki,” he laughed. “You can't expect to know how to get everywhere here. I know this place like the back of my hand,” he slid his arm through hers. “Besides, it gives us an excuse for a little more alone time.”

  “That's a very good point,” she smiled. They began walking down the trail together, with Morris and Sammy's singing drifting after them.

  “Those two seem to be very happy together,” Nick said softly.

  “I'm so glad to see it,” Bekki admitted. “I couldn't have picked a better companion for my best friend.”

  “Let's just hope that Sammy feels the same way,” Nick said. “Because Morris is head over heels.”

  “I'm sure she does,” Bekki grinned.

  “It's right up here,” he pointed to a small stone building. The walls didn't even fully touch the cement slab it was sitting on.

  “Oh,” Bekki said quietly and tried not to feel sick to her stomach.

  Nick held her hand a moment longer. “You're really not enjoying this trip, are you?” he asked.

  Bekki's eyes widened. She sighed as she grimaced. “I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it,” she mumbled.

  “You don't ever have to hide things from me, Bekki,” Nick said warmly and looked into her eyes. “This is all new to you, but maybe you'll enjoy it more tomorrow.”

  “Nick, to be honest, I wasn't thrilled about it,” Bekki admitted. “But now that we're here, I think I'm going to get used to it pretty fast. Anywhere you are, is where I want to be.”

  “Aw,” he kissed her cheek gently. “You're too sweet to me.”

  “Just remember that when I make you take me to a five star hotel at two in the morning,” Bekki grinned and took off for the bathroom. When she stepped inside she noticed that Penny was standing in front of the line of sinks and mirrors.

  “Hi there,” Bekki smiled at her.

  “Hi!” Penny said happily as she glanced over at Bekki. She leaned a little closer to the mirror as she applied some concealer to her cheek. Bekki noticed that it was Vervay, a very expensive brand of make-up. It wasn't what she would expect someone to bring into the great outdoors. She also noticed that Penny was layering it much too thickly. Bekki tried to fight the beautician within, but she just couldn't resist.

  “You have such beautiful skin tone,” she said quickly. “Do you mind if I give you a tip?”

  “A tip?” Penny asked warily as she looked over at her.

  “I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I work as a beautician, and I just find it hard to keep my suggestions to myself sometimes,” she explained with a smile.

  Penny's expression relaxed and she smiled once more. “Oh, please share anything that you can. I met the ranger earlier, and he is a serious hunk. So, I sneaked up here to doll myself up a bit,” she winked.

  “Well, that make-up is high quality,” Bekki said quickly. “It really is the best that you can buy. But, with your skin tone, you want to use it sparingly and with a feather streak, otherwise it will mute that beautiful glow and you'll end up looking a little washed out.”

  “Can you show me?” Penny asked.

  “Of course,” Bekki smiled. She washed her hands in the sink and dried them. Then she stepped closer to Penny. “Just look up for me,” she instructed. Carefully, with a very light touch, Bekki spread the concealer so that it was blended more and highlighted Penny's skin tone and cheekbones rather than hiding them. “Perfect!” Bekki announced. “Now, maybe you could give me a tip,” Bekki suggested. “How do I survive camping?”

  Penny laughed a little. “The most important thing to remember is that it's temporary. Sometimes I imagine what it was like when everyone lived this kind of lifestyle. Sure, there were a lot less luxuries, but there was a lot less stress, too,” she pointed out.

  “You're right,” Bekki said slowly as she smiled at her. Since she had been on the trip she hadn't worried about the salon, or when Nick might be home, or if there was anything she needed to run to the store for. She hadn't felt stressed about anything but insects, and that was a nice perk of the trip. “Thanks for the attitude adjustment,” she sighed. “I think I can find a way to enjoy myself.”

  “One other thing,” Penny added as she closed the concealer and tucked it into her pocket. “There is nothing more romantic than snuggling up in a tent. Maybe the ground isn't as soft as your bed back home, but the fresh mountain air can make things very interesting.”

  “I'll keep that in mind,” Bekki laughed. “Did you notice the sky? My husband mentioned there might be a storm tonight.”

  “We just checked on the weather,” Penny nodded. “Looks like a lot of rain and not too much else, so it shouldn't cause any damage. If you guys need anything though, we are only a campsite away.”

  “How could we go wrong with three experts next door?” Bekki asked with a warm smile.

  “Don't forget about that ranger nearby, too,” Penny winked. “I just might have to have him come inspect our campsite.”

  “Good luck,” Bekki grinned as she stepped into one of the
stalls. She heard the bathroom door close as Penny left. When she was done she washed her hands and checked her own make-up. She had only used a little, knowing that the elements might melt it all away. She was impressed with how it had held up. She reminded herself to get some Vervay for the salon when she got back. As she stepped out of the bathroom and met Nick in front of it, a few drops of rain started to fall.

  “Oops, guess we're not avoiding that storm,” he said with a sigh. “Let's get back and take shelter before we get soaked.”

  Bekki took Nick's warm hand in her own and they ran together through the first drops of rain.

  By the time they got back to the campsite the rain was getting heavier. The four friends finished packing everything away and decided to call it an early night.


  Despite the mosquito bites that were driving Bekki nuts, once the tent was zipped closed for the night, she began to realize the appeal of camping. Nick snuggled closer to her than ever. The sounds of the rain, the crickets chirping, and the wind rustling through the leaves in the branches above them, were musical and soothing. Bekki smiled as she cuddled close to Nick.

  “I can see why you like this,” she said in a whisper.

  “Nothing to interrupt us,” he murmured in reply and kissed her cheek. “No televisions, no cell phones ringing, no reason to pay attention to anything but each other.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Bekki laughed softly as they held each other close. The rain started to bucket down, splashing hard against the tent. Bekki snuggled closer to Nick and in between the sound of rain drumming against the tent she heard the rivers of water running down the slight incline their campsite was on. They lay together for what must have been a couple of hours just enjoying being close to each other.

  Once the rain had eased slightly and it wasn’t so loud, the noise from the steady rain and Nick's warm embrace made Bekki really sleepy. Her body was incredibly relaxed as she curled around him. She yawned and rested her head against Nick's chest. Nick trailed his fingers down through her hair, coaxing her into a deep sleep.


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