Ruin (Dirty Secrets Book 3)

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Ruin (Dirty Secrets Book 3) Page 4

by Mercy Amare

  “Harsh,” I say.

  And not at all like Emma. I mean, sure, she has her bitchy moments, but she’s usually not that blatantly rude.

  Cassidy nods in agreement.

  “So, the party tonight…” Frannie says. “Are we going?”

  “I don’t know…” Just as the words leave my mouth, all three of our phones go off at the same time. My heart stops momentarily before it jumps into overdrive. Hesitantly, we all reach toward our phones.

  Blocked ID: Be at Luke’s party tonight. I will have a surprise for you.

  My phone goes off again, but only mine this time.

  Blocked ID: And this time, no cheating. You owe me a game.

  I show Frannie and Cassidy my text.

  “What should we do?” I ask.

  “Tell the police,” Cassidy says.

  We all agree.

  “And then I guess we are going to a party tonight,” Frannie says.

  I sit back against the booth.

  I really hope I don’t end up in the hospital this time.


  You better stay sober tonight.

  Detective Condie meets the three of us at the diner. At that point, he tells us we don’t need to go to the party. And we all tell him that we can’t just not go. Though we probably should skip out… I don’t want to. I don’t want this person to ruin my life — not that they haven’t done a pretty good job of that already.

  “Did Hayden get a text too?” he asks us.

  “I don’t know,” Frannie answers for us all.

  “Isn’t she your best friend too?” he asks.

  Frannie bites her lip. She tends to do that a lot when she’s nervous. “Yeah, sort of. I guess. She was always closer to Emma and Dee. Cass, Madi, and I always stick together. I mean, the six of us are all close, but I’m closer to Cass and Mads.”

  “Why do you think that is?” he asks.

  “Because Cass is my stepsister and Madi is pretty much the nicest person ever,” she says. “Emma and Hayden always put up with Dee’s drama. In fact, they thrived on it. It worked out well for all of us this way. The six of us together rule the school.”

  The detective nods like he knows what we’re talking about, but I can tell he’s clueless. “Okay, well I guess if you’re all insistent on going to the party tonight, I will have to have an officer stationed there.”

  “NO!” We all three say at the same time.

  Mostly because of what goes on at Luke’s parties.

  Underage drinking.

  Occasionally people will smoke weed.

  Detective Condie raises an eyebrow. “You realize that one of your best friends got kidnapped at the last party. This could easily be one of you three tonight.”

  “Well, it won’t be. My brother will be there. And my boyfriend. I’m pretty sure after what happened last time, they won’t let me out of their sight. Fran and Cass will stick with me,” I tell him. “We definitely won’t be separating this time.”

  Frannie and Cassidy both nod enthusiastically.

  “You three are being ridiculous.”

  I lean forward. “Look, Detective… I know you were a teenager once. Sometimes… at parties… we do stuff that you probably wouldn’t agree with.”

  He smirks. “I’m not trying to bust anybody for underage drinking. I’m trying to bring two girls back home to their families. I’ll make sure the guys I station there are inconspicuous. Nobody will get in trouble, I assure you.”

  “Are you serious?” My mouth falls open.

  “Completely,” he promises. “But word to the wise — the three of you better stay sober tonight. If anything goes down, I need you all to have a clear head.”

  “Deal.” We all agree.


  A cop just agreed to turn a blind eye to something illegal.

  I’ve seen it all.


  Absolute perfection.

  “You’re not going,” Trey says, following me around my room as I get ready for the party. Jace is sitting on my bed, not saying a word. I can tell by the look on his face that he agrees with Trey, but he knows better than to say anything.

  “Yes, I am.” I walk into my closet and pull out two different dresses. I hold them both up. “Which one?”

  Jace points to the shorter one, and Trey points to the longer one. I put the longer one back in my closet.

  “I’m serious, Madeline. You’re not going.”

  “Yes, I am. And unless you want to see me in my bra and thong, I suggest you get out of my room.”

  Trey narrows his eyes. “I’m not leaving. And neither are you.”

  I shrug and slip out of my jeans and tank top. Before I can even slip my dress over my head, Trey runs over to Jace and covers his eyes with his hands.

  “Geez, Madi. I didn’t mean you were supposed to strip down in front of Jace.”

  I roll my eyes. “He’s seen my boobs before anyway. Besides, I don’t care. He’s my boyfriend.”

  I slip the dark blue dress over my head, and Trey scoffs.

  “Are you sure that isn’t Hailee’s dress?” he asks. “It’s way too short.”

  I look at Jace who is mouthing “Hot” behind Trey.

  “I’m sure.” I pat Trey’s shoulder. “Chill, dude.”

  “I am chill.”

  I walk past him and sit beside Jace on the bed.

  “God, Madi. I’m going to have gray hair before I even graduate high school,” Trey says. “I will definitely not be letting you out of my sight tonight. Not only do I have to worry about guys not being able to keep their hands off you, I also have to worry about somebody kidnapping you.”

  “Jace will be there,” I say, waving my hand. “Nobody will touch me with him there.”

  “He’s the one I’m worried about.”

  Jace laughs and pulls me onto his lap. “Dude, I’m so not going to let you stop me from touching her.”

  “Whatever,” Trey says, walking toward my door. “I’m going to go get ready for the party. Keep the door open.”

  “No. Trey, shut it,” I tell him. “Since Ben is living here now, I want my door shut and locked at all times. I don’t want that creep anywhere near me.”

  “I’m telling you — gray hair.” Trey walks out and locks my door before closing it.

  I turn to Jace, and before I can say anything to him, his lips press against mine. He kisses me hard and I lean into him closer, but then he pulls back.

  “You should probably move off my lap,” he says, breathing heavily.


  He smirks. “Really, Madi?”

  My face grows warm. “Oh.” Then I smile. “Wait, so I’m turning you on?”

  He nods. “Always.”

  “I like that I turn you on,” I say. I turn in his lap so that I’m straddling him, and I link my hands behind his head. “It turns me on to know that I’m turning you on.”

  He groans. “You’re making it really hard to resist you.”

  “Good.” I run my hands through his hair and push my lips against his. I feel his body stiffen for a second, then he gives into the kiss. His hands gently run down my back, and he cups my bottom. My stomach muscles tighten, and I can’t help the moan that escapes.

  Jace stops kissing me, but his lips don’t leave mine. “God. Baby, you have no idea what it does to me when you make noises like that.”

  I grind my hips into his and he tightens his grip on my butt.

  “You have to stop,” he says.


  “Because I don’t want this to go too far too soon,” he says.

  “I want this. I want you.”

  He groans and picks me up. He sets me on the bed beside him and stands up. He moves away from the bed, putting a few feet between us.

  “Madi, I love you, but we can’t do this right now. I respect you way too much,” he says.

  I nod, frowning. “Okay.”

  “Don’t pout,” he says. “I don’t have any protection. Bes
ides, I don’t want our first time to be when your brother is in a room next to yours and your mom and her boyfriend are just down the hall. It’s not right. I want it to be special.”

  I grin at his words. “Just so you know, it doesn’t matter when and where. With you, everything is special.”

  His shoulders relax at my words. “I’m so scared that I’m going to screw this up. I’ve waited so long for you, and I just want everything to be perfect.”

  And with that statement, I fall even more in love with him.

  “I love you, Jace,” I tell him. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”

  “Good.” He walks back over to the bed and sits down beside me.

  “And there is other stuff we can do until we are ready for sex,” I say, and bite the side of my lip.

  “As weird as it sounds, I’m going to enjoy not having sex with you for a while. We can definitely have fun doing other stuff.”

  Jace has one side of his lip lifted into a smirk, and my stomach flutters. He’s always been hot to me, but it’s different now. It’s different because he’s actually mine. And I realize that I’m definitely looking forward to all of my firsts with Jace.

  He’s right — not having sex is going to be fun. I’ve heard all of Frannie’s sexual experiences and from what she says, some guys are really good with their fingers. It might suck at first, but I’m excited about learning with Jace.

  I’m glad that he is going to be my first and last.

  As crazy as it sounds, one day I am going to marry this boy… The thought of being tied with him forever doesn’t make me nervous at all. It makes me excited. Forever with Jace is going to be absolute perfection.


  Spin the Bottle.

  We are only at the party for thirty minutes before my phone goes off with a text message.

  Blocked ID: I’m bored and ready for a game. How about Spin the Bottle? If you don’t play, you will pay.

  I show my phone to Jace. He frowns when he sees the text.

  “I guess we are playing spin the bottle,” I say.

  “God, what is this person? Thirteen?” Trey asks behind us, reading the text.

  Trey has been rather clingy tonight. I get why he is — I mean somebody has basically threatened my life and kidnapped two of my friends. I could very well be next. Well, not if Jace and Trey has anything to do with it.

  Before we got here, Detective Condie texted me the names and numbers of the officers that were keeping watch tonight. They’re in an unmarked car and not in uniform. I saw them on my way in, and they were young-looking. I doubt anybody who isn’t looking will notice them. I just hope the kidnapper is caught tonight.

  “Spin the bottle!” Frannie yells, coming down the basement stairs. She’s holding an empty bottle of beer. I can tell by the look on her face that she got the same text as I did.

  Behind Frannie, Hayden and Cassidy follow.

  Since Frannie is the one who suggested the game, a ton of guys and girls are all filling into the basement. Usually we wouldn’t play such a juvenile game, but a lot of guys would jump at the opportunity to kiss Frannie, Cassidy, or Hayden. I can’t blame them. I have gorgeous friends.

  I just hope my bottle lands on Jace.

  Ugh. This is going to suck.

  “Me first,” Frannie says, keeping an energetic tone in her voice, but I can see the worry on her face. She spins the bottle and it goes around a few times before the bottle lands on Jace. My Jace.

  He frowns.

  “I’m going to pass,” Frannie says. “No offense, Jace. You’re hot. But you’re my best friend’s boy.”

  “You know the rules, Fran,” Landon says, smiling big. “If you don’t kiss, you have to take off a layer of clothes.”

  “Fine,” she says and pulls her shirt over her head. She is now sitting in her bra.

  “I’ll go next,” Cassidy says. She spins the bottle and it lands on my friend, Lexie.

  Lexie looks up at Cassidy with wide eyes.

  “I’m game if you are,” Cassidy tells her.

  “Um… s… s… sure.”

  Cassidy leans over and kisses Lexie on the mouth. It’s a chaste kiss, no tongue. They break it off within seconds. All the guys boo. Obviously they wanted a show.

  It’s Trey’s turn next. He leans over and spins. He groans as it lands on Dustin, the only openly gay kid at our school. Trey doesn’t say anything, he just pulls his shirt off. All the girls stare at his abs, and I gag. Seriously? That’s my brother! Ew.

  “My turn,” I say, grabbing the bottle. I’m nervous as it spins around, and I feel a rush of relief when it lands on Jace.

  Jace smiles big at me and stands up. He holds out his hand for me and I take it.

  “Keep it PG,” my brother says.

  Jace pulls me into his arms and slowly leans down to kiss me.

  This kiss, like every other kiss we’ve ever shared, is full of passion and love. I feel the zap from the top of my head to my toes. And for a moment, I forget that we are in a room full of people. It’s just me and Jace.

  I reach my hands up to his hair and gently run my fingers through. I feel Jace run his hands down my side until he reaches my butt. He gently cups it, like he did earlier. I am instantly turned on.

  Suddenly, Jace’s lips aren’t on mine anymore. I open my eyes to see my brother pulling him away from me.

  Oh crap.

  How did we forget that we were in a room full of people — in front of my brother.

  “What the hell?” Trey asks Jace, pushing him forcefully.

  “Eff—” Jace says. “I’m sorry, man.”

  “Don’t ever touch my sister like that again.”

  “Trey, chill. He just grabbed my butt. It wasn’t even a big deal,” I tell him, stepping between him and Jace.

  “Not a big deal? He just grabbed your ass in front of everybody,” Trey says. “Like you’re a piece of meat.”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s my body. You don’t get to dictate what is okay and what isn’t. I like when Jace touches my butt. It won’t happen in front of you again, and I’m sorry that it did happen. Jace and I are in a committed relationship, so things are going to happen. You can’t freak out on him every time it does. He’s your best friend. And you promised you’d chill.”

  Trey runs his hands over his face and sighs. “Mads, I am sorry. I just… hate seeing anybody touch you. You’re right. Jace is a good guy, and I’m glad you’re with him. Just, please, no more butt grabbing in front of me. Or making out.”

  “Deal,” I say.

  The three of us take a seat back in the circle.

  Jace’s turn is next, and my stomach churns with butterflies again. I really don’t want him to kiss anybody else.

  The bottle slows down, and my heart beats hard as it makes it comes to a stop.


  She jumps out of her seat and leans close to Jace, but he pushes her away with his arm.

  “I’m not kissing you, Lexie. Sorry.” Jace pulls his shirt over his head. I see the hurt look on Lexie’s face, but she quickly plays it off.

  My eyes land on Jace’s chest.

  Oh my God.

  He. Is. Hot.

  I reach my hand out and run it over his chest and down his stomach.

  I lean closer and whisper in his ear. “Is it bad that I’m thinking how much I want to lick you right now?”

  I hear Trey clear his throat, but I ignore him.

  Jace grins at my words. “Baby, I can’t wait.”

  I kiss his lips quickly, and then sit back in my spot. I definitely do not want a repeat of what just happened with Trey.

  “Wow, Madi. You were so holding back,” Landry says. “When you get bored of Jace, call me.”

  I roll my eyes at Landry. “It’s not going to happen.”

  I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. At the same time, three other phones go off. I don’t have to look up to know that it’s Hayden, Frannie, and Cassidy’s phones. The four of us all pull out
our phones.

  Blocked ID: Hmm… I’m bored… Let’s play truth or dare!

  “This game sucks,” Frannie says. “Let’s place Truth or Dare.”

  “Fun!” Amber, a girl on the cheerleading squad, says enthusiastically.

  My phone vibrates again.

  Blocked ID: You go first. This one is for Frannie. She will pick truth. Ask her if she really wanted to kiss Jace.

  I frown but look at Frannie.

  “Truth or dare, Fran?”

  She looks at her phone, and her face pales. “Truth.”

  “Tell the truth, did you really want to kiss Jace? Or did you turn him down for my benefit?”

  “I’ve always thought Jace was hot,” Frannie answers. She has a pleading look on her face. “A few months ago, I hit on him at a party when I was drunk. I knew you had a crush on him, but I didn’t care. I propositioned him. But he turned me down and told me that he was in love with you.”

  With that, Frannie runs up the stairs.


  I want to run after her, but my phone vibrates.

  Blocked ID: Don’t chase after her.

  Oh my God.

  The person is in this room right now.

  I glance around the room to see if anybody is on their phone. I see about ten people on their phones. That doesn’t narrow it down at all.

  “Madi, truth or dare?” Hayden asks me.

  My phone vibrates.

  Blocked ID: Pick truth. And tell the truth. I know.

  “Truth,” I say, feeling nervous.

  “Be honest, are you sad that Daisy is missing?”


  “It sucks that Daisy is missing. She doesn’t deserve it. But I’m not sad. I don’t miss her,” I answer, honestly. “She made my life a living hell.”

  A few people gasp and a murmur goes through the room.


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