A Killer's Memoir 2: New Contracts

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A Killer's Memoir 2: New Contracts Page 4

by Mark J. Allen

  I slowly removed my hand from her mouth and she exhaled heavily, finally being able to breathe normally. She didn’t make any noise and just looked at me.

  “I’m going to move off of you now,” I said quietly. “If you have any questions, ask them quietly. But hurry up and get dressed and come with me.” She nodded again as I moved off of her. My body was naturally a little aroused but if anything it was just making my blood flow a little quicker and preparing me to go downstairs.

  The girl had no bra and just put a shirt on and pulled her panties and skirt on. She started to put heels on and I stopped her.

  “Leave those off for now,” I told her.

  “What? Why?” she finally said.

  “You have a little bit of a jump,” I told her. She looked hesitant but after looking at the guy once more she rolled her eyes and followed me out.

  “Sorry about your boyfriend,” I told her.

  “Boyfriend?” she asked. “I’m a hooker. He pays me.” I snickered at her willingness to admit that.

  “Sorry about your client,” I said, correcting myself. She smirked, clearly not too worried about the death anymore. I think she was more so shocked about what she was seeing and frightened for her own life.

  “I’m still on his clock, if you want to stall before your little vendetta continues,” she told me while looking me up and down.

  “Out the window and down those stairs,” I told her. “There is about a seven or eight foot drop. When you hit the ground just bend your knees and you’ll be fine. If you alert those guys downstairs you’re as good as dead.”

  “You’re very pleasant,” she said sarcastically.

  “Just being honest,” I said. I turned as she started to climb out the window and made my way to the top of the stairs. I knew when I came down the stairs I wouldn’t be in sight if they were all still sitting where they were before, but I still went down the stairs slowly so I didn’t make too much noise.

  When I got down them I made my way to the doorway that led to the big room they were in. I carefully looked around the corner to see all four of them sitting around a table playing poker. I wanted to take a shot at all four of them now but that wasn’t what my instructions had said to do.

  Instead I took a deep breath, decided which one needed to be killed first and walked right into the room.

  “What’s the buy in guys?” I said. They all jumped and turned my way. One of them even stood up on the defensive, putting his hand towards his back where I assumed he kept his gun.

  “Who are you?” one of them said. I assumed being the first one to talk that he was the leader. It made sense as he was the smallest of the four.

  “I’m looking to hire some contract killers and I hear you guys are the ones to talk to,” I said. They all looked at each other when the leader finally spoke up.

  “Who told you we kill people?” he said as if it was some wild accusation.

  “Your buddy upstairs,” I told them.

  “What? How do you know he is upstairs?”

  “Oh, I already talked to him,” I said. I moved a little closer to them, which made them all stand up.

  “If you talked to him, what is his name,” one of the other guys asked. The leader looked at him as if scolding him for talking.

  “Dude,” I said, “he was a little busy if you know what I mean. I didn’t get in to the formalities of names. It was more like a brief conversation, some struggle, finally the conclusion. Nice looking whore though,” I said. They continued to look at each other, questioning the validity of my statements.

  “Guys, you need to relax. My target is a dude named Justin,” I started but was interrupted by the leader.

  “Justin?” he said quickly.

  “Great, you know him,” I said. “This will make it easier and I won’t have to pay you for locating somebody you don’t know.”

  “Who are you?” the biggest of the four finally asked.

  “My name is Wolf,” I said. One of them recognized the name but before he said anything I stepped forward, grabbed the leader and turned him around, using him as a shield. I drew my gun out and pointed it at them. “Guns down gentleman,” I said.

  They looked at me but didn’t move. Their leader finally nodded at them and they put their guns down but as they did I was caught off guard by the guy I was holding. He threw his head back into mine, breaking my nose, and pushed away from me.

  All four of them rushed me and surrounded me. The very first guy that stood up came in to swing at me and I pulled a knife out and stabbed him in the stomach. I swung him around so that he was in the middle of the circle they had formed around me and I was on the outside. I used my foot to push him off of the blade, pushing him into the guy across from me.

  I swung at the biggest guy and connected my fist with his face but at the same time the leader grabbed the hand that held the knife and bent my hand so the knife fell. I reversed his grip and pulled him closer as the bigger guy was punching and made the big guy connect with the leader. I then hit the leader, knocking him out, and pushed him to the side. The other guy grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms behind me and I immediately began pushing my feet backwards, driving him back into a wall.

  I was so focused on him I hadn’t seen the big guy grab some wood from the fireplace next to them. I used the leader’s move against the guy holding me and threw my head back into his nose, breaking it as well. I turned quickly and punched him as hard as I could right in his throat. I could tell from his struggle to breathe his larynx had collapsed and unless he could perform an emergency tracheotomy on himself I knew he was dead.

  With two down and two to go I turned back to the leader and the big guy only to feel the piece of wood the big guy had picked up connect with my head. Everything went dark as I fell to the ground but as I hit the ground I remained conscious.

  The big guy picked me up and held me as my vision continued to cloud as I tried to keep refocusing.

  “Not so funny now are you,” the leader said as he hit me in the stomach. “What are you doing here?” he asked me.

  “Justin sent me,” I told him. I was being honest hoping it would buy me some time by them asking more questions.

  “What? Why would he want me dead?”

  “He wants all of you dead. He doesn’t want any competition when he starts his business. I’m assuming he approached you and asked you to join his organization and you said no?”

  “I said I’d think about it,” he said. “His plans are ridiculous. They’re crazy and he’s crazy. I didn’t know if I wanted to be on something so large scale.”

  “What are his plans?” I asked, now curious. This was all helping me buy more time to get my head to stop from spinning.

  “One world, one business,” the leader said.

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “He wants to run the only business in America that deals with contract killing. And after that he wants to spread to all the other countries until he’s the leader of the entire thing. Past that who knows, mass genocide, government coups, you name it.” I didn’t know Justin too well but this confused me as it didn’t sound a lot like his personality.

  “Well, clearly I’ve been misled guys, sorry,” I said, trying to get them to let me go.

  “Nice try,” the leader said, seeing right through my ploy. Unfortunately for him it was too late. I swung my leg back quickly, connecting with the big guy’s nuts. As he let go of me and fell I reached out and grabbed the leader by the shirt. I moved behind him and put one hand on his forehead and the other on his chin and twisted opposite directions as hard as I could. It was much harder to break a man’s neck than the movies made it look but I knew from the crack that I had gotten the job done.

  I turned back to the big guy who was still nursing his nuts and took a knife out form my pocket. I grabbed his forehead, pulled his head back, and sliced the side of his neck right over the carotid artery. I knew he’d be dead within the minute.

  I left
and got back into my car to drive back to my place. I knew for the next job I was going to need my truck and I knew I could use some rest and a good shower. I had other people’s blood and sweat on me and I needed to change.

  I called Justin on my way back. He picked up and sounded a little groggy.

  “Wolf,” he said. “Glad to see you’re still moving right along.”

  “Why am I doing this?” I asked him, ignoring his comments.

  “To save Emma and your parents I imagine,” he answered.

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” I said. “Why am I completing these kills? Why do you need them done? Why can’t you do them yourself?” He didn’t answer right away.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he told me. “Nothing you need to worry about. You just do your job and I can leave you alone.”

  “I don’t plan on leaving you alone you son of a bitch,” I said. I immediately regretted it but my emotions had taken over.

  “Tough words from a guy miles away from his girl who’s in the room with a vicious killer,” Justin said.

  “That’s what I don’t get,” I told him.


  “A vicious killer,” I said. “You’re not a vicious killer. You were always pretty clean and concise. Phil, he was a vicious killer. You never were.”

  “You are though,” he said.

  “I did and do what I have to do based on the client’s request. I always preferred clean kills though,” I told him.

  “Client’s request is to be vicious. You’d be better at that than me.”

  “Are you saying there is a client?” I asked him. He paused again.

  “James I’m speaking figuratively,” he said and I noticed he switched to calling me James. I found it odd but didn’t press it, “I am the client and I’ve asked you to do these things because I want these guys to suffer more than a clean kill. I knew you’d be better at that than me.”

  “Why now? Why rebuild now?”

  “Seems like the time to do it. Look, I’m getting annoyed with the questions,” he told me.

  “If I caught you I would have taken my time. I would have made it a vicious kill,” I told him.

  “And I would have just placed a bullet in the middle of your forehead,” he said. I heard the click of the phone as he hung up. I threw my phone into the passenger’s seat, angry at the whole situation, but curious as to what Justin’s motive was.

  The Woods

  After a shower, sleep, and a change of clothes I was in my four wheel drive pickup headed towards some mountain man type hunter. He actually seemed pretty interesting after I read the page about him but also seemed like he could provide some challenges.

  The hunter, whose name was actually Hunter had been pretty well known among hunters through different magazines and events until one day he just kind of disappeared. Rumors were that he had been killed by a dangerous animal he was hunting but the information I had said he just decided to become a recluse and live off the land way up in the hills.

  As my truck drove upward I could tell the air was getting colder. I had several blades with me as well as a rifle. My hope was that I could catch him somewhere out in the open, shoot him before he knew I was even around, and move forward, but I had an idea it wasn’t going to be that easy.

  I pulled into the vacant lot that was right before his home and grabbed my stuff before getting out of the truck. It was cold and even though we were right around the beginning of winter snow had began to lightly fall. I had a pretty warm coat on with a hat to keep my ears warm.

  I walked past the vacant lot and after about a mile of walking I found the house where Hunter lived. I raised my 12 gauge shotgun and pointed it at the door when I was about fifty yards away. I had a deer slug loaded and a scope on the gun so I was confident I could do some damage.

  “Hunter!” I yelled. I didn’t expect him to just open up the door but to my surprise he did. He was dressed in all camouflage including face paint.

  “What do you want?” he said. His voice was low and crackly.

  “You always dress like that?” I asked him.

  “You always have to be ready for a hunt,” he told me.

  “Okay then,” I said, thinking how strange he was.

  “What do you want? Pretty bold move, walking up to a man’s house and sticking a gun in his face,” he said.

  “Well, unfortunately for you I’ve been sent to kill you. I assume you didn’t join Justin when he asked you?”

  “Who?” he said.

  “Don’t play dumb. I know of his plans. I know the people on his list didn’t join him and he was sent to kill them.”

  “I was visited by somebody,” he told me. “But his name wasn’t Justin.”

  “What was his name?”

  “Are you Wolf?” the man asked me, ignoring my question.

  “I am. What was the person’s name that visited you?”

  “He told me you’d visit,” he said, ignoring me again. “I was looking forward to it.”

  “Who was it?” I asked again.

  “I’ve never hunted a wolf before,” he said. I was getting pretty irritated with him ignoring me. I moved my rifle to the right and fired. The bullet struck the door frame next to Hunter, shattering the wood by him. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t even look at it. I pumped the next shell in, leaving me with 4.

  “Answer my fucking question!” I told him. I had had enough of the games. “Who visited you and what did he tell you?” Hunter smiled at me.

  “You kids have such a temper,” he said. While I wasn’t young it was obvious that he was older than me but I didn’t enjoy being referred to as a kid.

  “Mister, I don’t know what you were told about me but I would highly suggest not pissing me off anymore,” I told him.

  “You won’t survive out here Wolf. These are my woods. You have an opportunity right now to walk away and live; take it or leave it.”

  As soon as I looked down the end of my barrel to aim at his head he shut the door. As I started to move my way toward the house I saw him running out of the back down the path behind his house. As he was disappearing in the trees and snow I saw him put a bow over his shoulder.

  He was a lot faster than I would have expected him to be, he had a head start, and he knew the area and I didn’t. With all of this working against me I wasn’t looking forward to the pursuit but I threw my gun over my shoulder and began running after him. There was a main path cleared through the trees and I followed that, figuring it would be the easiest to follow.

  I stopped every couple minutes to try and listen to see if I could hear Hunter. The snow was starting to fall harder and moving without making a little noise was becoming nearly impossible. I continued on the path and stopped suddenly next to a large tree. I saw the chain wrapped around the tree before I saw what it was attached to. I cleared the snow and leaves with a nearby stick to see the animal trap sitting on the ground. It was meant to close down on the animal’s leg.

  I looked around and didn’t see Hunter anywhere in sight. I then looked for a good place to hide. I pushed the stick down as hard as I could onto the triggering mechanism and the teeth came whipping up to catch the stick with force. I yelled loudly like I was in pain and moved into the shadows behind a tree and listened quietly.

  I heard him nearby after a few minutes but couldn’t quite figure out where he was. Finally I saw him emerge. He knelt down to look at the trap and then looked up as if he knew I was around watching. I lined my shot up and fired.

  Hunter saw me just before I pulled the trigger and my bullet just grazed the side of his stomach. He took off quickly, continuing on the path. I threw the gun back over my shoulder after pumping another round in and took off after him however it was hard to run full speed with the fear of stepping on one of the traps.

  I came to a small clearing that had a covered bridge running over the water below it. The bridge was dark from shadows and I thought this had to be where he was hiding. He could be pressed to t
he side on the inside of the bridge and I wouldn’t be able to see him until I got up close.

  I decided to flank the entrance of the bridge from the side and moved my way down towards the side of the bridge quickly. I was about fight feet from the entrance and ready to peek in, gun raised, and ready listen if I could hear anything.

  I was about three feet from the entrance when I heard the sound of Hunter’s bow. He released and before I could figure out where the sound come from an arrow with a broadhead tip tore through my leg, slicing right through my calf muscle.

  I let out a real sound of pain as I fell down into the water. I lost my gun as I fell and even though the water wasn’t super deep or fast moving I lost sight of it quickly. I regained my composure as quickly as I could and pushed my way to the bank. I knew I had to get out of the water as quickly as possible.

  I climbed up the bank which stood about five feet and limped into the woods. My leg hurt bad and as soon as I felt I was out of sight I moved my way off the path and sat near a tree. The arrow had gone right through my leg into the calf muscle and right out the other side. The arrow was still stuck in my leg.

  I snapped the back half of the arrow off and laid it on the ground while grabbing a stick. I put the stick in my mouth and then very quickly pulled the other half of the arrow out of my leg. My teeth sunk into the stick as I tried to mute any sounds of pain. I started sweating immediately and tried to focus. I tore a sleeve off of my shirt and wrapped it around my leg to put pressure on the wound.

  I strained to try and hear Hunter moving but I couldn’t hear anything out of the ordinary. I stood up and began to limp back to the trail, keeping an eye out for any movement. I finally heard him crossing the bridge and knew this would be my only opportunity to get a jump on him and I decided my best approach was to play opossum.

  I sat down right along the trail with my back against a tree facing the direction he would be coming from. I saw him approaching from a distance and I sat still, slouching downward as if I had passed out. I heard him approaching cautiously and quietly but remained still. I knew my strategy was risky as there was nothing stopping him from putting an arrow into my chest but I was banking on him being more confident than that.


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