Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1)

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Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1) Page 18

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I bit my lip and tried to calm down. I was freaking out. I'm in an office with no idea what just happened and no one will tell me.

  "Hottie, please don't panic right now. Just calm down. Yoshi, Aki, talk to her," Malachi urged.

  Aki looked down to meet my eyes which I knew were filled with fear. "Hey, don't give me that look. Everything is okay. You're fine. We just need to patch you up before we explain everything. Please Crim, give us a minute or two," Aki reassured me.

  I blinked to show my understanding seeing as I didn't think it was best to lift my head yet.

  "Good job, Crim. Just a little longer," Yoshi encouraged.

  He held my hand while Aki began to soothingly stroke my hair. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes to try and calm myself. I waited for them to tell me when to open my eyes, but then my mind began to drift.

  I was in a room. It looked to be a type of private office based on the arrangement of the furniture and large conference table that could hold at least eight people for a meeting.

  I looked down at my hands, realizing I was a little kid. I glanced at my clothes and saw I was wearing a bright blue dress with little silver sparkles at the end of the poofy skirt.

  I had long silver hair and my complexion was paler than I remembered having. I glanced to one of the display cases that held a weapon: a bow and arrow. I walked toward them and saw my reflection in the glass— wide silver eyes met my gaze.

  "Storm. Don't touch anything, remember," a deep voice announced.

  I turned to the tall man that stood in front of the desk, blocking my view of whoever was sitting in the desk chair.

  I nodded in agreement, not of my own volition, but because I was unable to control my actions in this dream. This must have been a memory of Storm’s, but instead of witnessing it as a movie like before, I was seeing everything through her eyes.

  "It's only a matter of time. The weapon will call to her or she'll die. Then the truth will be revealed and you'll be caught," the man who my mind told me was my father announced.

  I walked around the first display, analyzing the bow and arrow in the showcase. My eyes moved to the second display that had a wand inside it. I moved over to it eagerly to take a closer look, but then lost interest just as quickly.

  "She won't find out. And Jiyuna’s transfer has been confirmed. I don't want us discussing this any further. The secret won't be revealed. And if she dies... good riddance," another voice declared.

  My eyes landed on the third showcase to my right. My body was drawn to the display and moved as if in a trance to stare at the intricate weapons inside.

  Two swords that were in a criss-cross position, reminding me of an X, were in a metal stand keeping them in place. The blades had magic inscriptions, similar to the ones my mother had taught me. Attached to the hilt of the blades were pink ribbons that changed into a bright orange at the ends, which rested at the bottom of the glass box.

  They held power and called to me with a strength I couldn’t deny. I needed them. They belonged to me. My power was stored within them and they were desperate to return to their rightful owner.

  "Crim?" Yoshi's voice pulled me out of the dream.

  "Did she faint?" Malachi asked.

  "Her body is trying to recover from the shock. I'm done," Haru announced.

  "Crimson, can you open your eyes for a moment? You can go back to sleep after. Just want to make sure you’re okay first," Aki whispered.

  I opened my eyes slowly to see Aki's face above mine.

  "Oops. I think I fell asleep again."

  "It's okay. After that nightmare, I wouldn't mind sleeping for a week.” Malachi sighed, sitting back and resting his arms on his knees. He looked exhausted and his running gear had rips and tears. I also noticed the remnants of blood on his arms.

  I looked over to Haru who was as pale as a ghost and I was worried he'd pass out any second.

  "Does anyone wanna give me an explanation of what happened and then let Haru lie down?" I questioned.

  Aki and Yoshi both glanced over to Haru who gave me a weak smile.

  "I'll be fine, Crim. Maybe a nap would be nice when we get home," Haru reassured me with a thumbs up.

  Yoshi got up, pulling out his phone. "You guys were attacked by a group of hired assassins. Two are dead and the last one that tried to barbeque Crim is in custody and will be transferred for prosecution by the Emperor. We don't know if the attack was related to Crim or the organization just stirring up trouble. It’s the third attack today and you guys are the only ones that made it out," Yoshi told us gravely.

  I frowned as I tried to remember what had happened.

  Aki must have noticed the confusion on my face. "Crimson, are you experiencing memory loss?"

  "I think so? I don't remember anything after I stopped running," I revealed.

  "Why did you stop, Crimson?" Malachi asked. He and Haru both knew I didn't need to take a break during my runs. I could go straight through with no issues.

  "I...was dizzy. I think? Everything is still kind of a blur," I admitted.

  Haru sighed. "It could be the shock from the fall. For some individuals, when they experience something traumatic, their mind basically wipes it out. Sometimes it's temporary, other times it's permanent."

  I frowned at the news, not liking that fact I couldn't remember what had happened that landed me in this situation in the first place.

  "Crim. You were being chased by one of those crooks and I have no idea how you got up on the roof, but you fell over the edge. Malachi swung from the opposite building to catch you, but you guys both crashed through the window of the office, which is where you're currently laying." Aki gestured around the room.

  "How did you know?" I asked, unsure where Aki and Yoshi entered the picture.

  "We heard about the attacks and got worried. When we turned the corner we saw Haru and Malachi fighting one of the crooks. When we didn't see you, we sprang into action. Quil and Itsuki are with the authorities explaining the whole situation," Aki explained.

  "They don't know I was involved, right?" I asked, worried that my name would be spread around and my parents would find out.

  "No. We used an alibi. Which reminds me, we better leave before they come up here to investigate the damage," Yoshi pointed out.

  I tried to lift my head up, but Aki shook his head. "Sorry Crim, I'm carrying you and I’ll need you to close your eyes."

  I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why? I'm fine with you carrying me, but why do I have to close my eyes?"

  "You can't stand blood, remember?" Yoshi pointed out.

  I blinked. "Is there lots of it?" I could deal with a tiny little papercut and a few droplets of it, but any more than that and I'd probably pass out.

  The guys exchanged looks and I groaned, closing my eyes. "Okay, I trust you. But if my clothes are drenched in blood I'm taking a nap regardless ‘cause I'll pass out from the sheer sight," I confessed.

  I felt something soft press against my forehead. I peeked open an eye to see Yoshi's grin.

  "Just rest for now. You did amazing and I'm proud you used what training we've taught you so far. Once Quil and Itsuki return, we’ll give you any other details we find. Sound good?" he asked.

  "Sounds good," I agreed with a small smile as my eyes began to close.

  "Crim?" Aki asked, but I didn't reply.

  I felt exhausted and my mind just wanted to relax.

  "Let's get her home. Haru you okay to walk?" Yoshi asked.

  "I'll live. Let's go home."

  Home. I didn't know why the words seemed to resonate with me, but it felt nice to be going back to my flat with all of them. The fact that I'd almost died wasn't sinking in just yet, and I wondered if it ever would. Maybe part of it was because I didn’t remember.

  I relaxed my head against Aki's chest as he lifted me off the ground as if I weighed nothing. I noticed how quick his heart beat inside his chest. I heard fading footsteps, but I knew we weren't moving yet.

Aki?" I whispered. My eyes were still closed, but from the way Aki's heart continued to beat erratically, I knew he was either anxious or worried.

  "Yes, Crim?"

  "I'm okay," I reassured him. My gut told me that he was scared. Afraid I'd vanish from his life.

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Thanks, Crimson," he replied in a hushed tone.

  I smiled at his answer. I wasn't in the state of mind to give him the reassurance I would have wanted to normally, but the least I could do was remind him I was alive and okay, to give him some peace of mind.

  Aki began to walk and the swaying motion helped ease my mind. There were so many unanswered questions about everything from Storm's memories to the weird dreams I'd been having lately. But I knew I was forgetting something important.

  I didn't know what it was and thinking about it only made my head pound. I'd just have to wait and hopefully, my memories would return to me before it was too late.

  That's all I could pray for.

  My eyes burst open and I jolted forward in panic. I quickly scanned the room, looking for the man in black who'd been chasing me.

  Urufu lifted her head from my lap, tilting it to the side. "Woof?" she asked.

  I smiled, petting her gently with my left hand while I let my right glide through my hair. Just a dream. Fuck.

  I took a shaky breath as I laid back down on my half of the bed. I turned to see Aki's hair ribbon on the counter, but he wasn't next to me.

  I'd woken up twice since we'd left the crime scene that was now surrounded by officers. We got out of there before my father had arrived. Quil said he'd been notified and the Emperor had specifically requested for him to check out the scenes of all three attacks.

  I'd woken up when Quil was bathing me, but fell back asleep in less than a minute. The second time was in the middle of the night when I had a dream I was falling off the building, but I wasn't caught by Malachi this time.

  Aki had calmed me down and encouraged me to go back to sleep, but I was terrified. It took him holding me in his arms and a warm cup of milk, courtesy of Haru, for me to relax enough to go back to sleep.

  I wasn't a fool to think my dream was just a dream. I knew it had already happened, but there was still a lingering fear inside me telling me I was missing something big. Haru said to give it a few days, but did we have the luxury of such time?

  I tried to fall back to sleep, but the eerie feeling lingered and I was scared to be once again in the memory of being chased and falling to my death. I got out of bed, making sure the thin white t-shirt I knew was from one of the guys covered my butt before I peeked into the hall.

  Both doors to the guys’ rooms were closed which told me they must have been asleep. During my recovery from the break-up, they had fixed up both rooms so Aki, Quil, and Yoshi had one room and Haru, Itsuki, and Malachi stayed in the other.

  I'd noticed that if one of the guys was watching over me and planned to stay the night in my room, they would close the door for the night. But if they left the room at any point, they left the door slightly open like I normally did when it was just me.

  I walked down the hall into the living room and spotted Aki who stood in front of the piece I'd been working on for A.T. Green. I needed to add some finishing touches before I applied a special clear coat to seal the artwork and make it waterproof.

  Aki's arms were crossed over his chest and his hair wasn't glowing like last time. It was loose in its colorful gold and orange glory and his tails shifted back and forth slowly as if he was deep in thought.

  Uru sat by my feet and glanced up at me excitingly. I smiled down at her before returning to stare at Aki.

  Akihiro had always been handsome and attractive, but his Kitsune form always left me in awe. I noticed the white ears on his head were twitching slightly. He slowly looked over his shoulder and his bright green eyes met mine.

  A smile formed on his lips and it made my stomach flip with excitement. Urufu plodded over to him, stopping at his feet before using her paw to tap his leg over and over again.

  He chuckled, leaning down to pet my familiar who wasn't afraid of his Kitsune form like she was last time. He was less intimidating now that he wasn't upset.

  I walked over to him and didn't hesitate, walking right into his outstretched arms.

  "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "Bad dream," I whispered, tightening my hold around his waist. His arm tightened around my waist while his other hand went through my hair.

  "Sorry. I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd admire the final product." He gestured over to the painting.

  I looked up at him. "Do you like it?"

  "Very much. You did an excellent job." He pulled out of the embrace, but kept his arm securely on my waist as he glanced back at the piece of artwork.

  "You drew Storm beautifully and you're just as gorgeous," he whispered in my ear.

  I blushed at his comment and then strode over to the painting. "Does it look like me?" I inquired, pulling out one of my clean brushes and a palette. I squeezed small amounts of the remaining colors I needed to add the finishing touches to the image and began working. I didn't need an apron since I knew it wouldn't get as messy as starting from scratch.

  "From a perspective of someone who doesn’t know you? No, it doesn't. But I can tell immediately that it's you. Though, I'm surprised your hair in the image is past your shoulders," he pointed out.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see the smirk on his lips. "I still like short hair," I mumbled, returning to focus on the canvas in front of me. I could grow it out just a little if the guys wanted me to.

  "I like short hair on you. Don't need to change it on my behalf, or for the others," Aki reassured me as if he'd read my thoughts.

  I looked back and saw him sit down on the sofa where Urufu was curled up asleep. "Do you mind if I finish? I don't wanna go to bed yet," I confessed.

  "I don't mind. I'm not sleepy either."

  We shared a smile before I got back to work.

  Once in the zone, I added the final touches quickly, adding little stars and cherry blossoms to complete the image. I took a step back to view the final product and sighed in relief that I'd surpassed my expectations.

  On the left half was Storm Yuna; her long silver locks were flowing in the wind that was filled with cherry blossoms and stars that twinkled in the night sky above her. The background was the cliff where the cherry blossom tree stood proudly in its glorious beauty and I'd made it so it looked illuminated even without the last effect that I needed to apply.

  She wore a beautiful white kimono and Urufu sat at her feet proudly. Storm had a joyful smile on her face as the last droplets of tears floated with the wind that blew her hair and carried little balls of souls in the background. I'd added magic circles in silver, white, pink, and blue and they intersected one another as if she was casting a final spell.

  I glanced to my right to see the image of me. The representation displayed my slightly tanned skin, which looked striking next to Storm's pale complexion. I had made the hair go just past my shoulders, unlike my short hair that just reached the base of my neck in reality. My silver highlights were present but in the painting there were twice as many, making it so my hair went from solid black to the wonderful silver and white color in an ombre effect.

  The background on my half shifted from the dark blues and purples of Storm's side to a beautiful transitioning sunset which I always loved to watch when I finished my painting for the day. The oranges, yellows, and reds blended so perfectly as little blackbirds flew in the sky above and cherry blossoms flowed through the breeze that lifted my hair up in the opposite direction of Storm's.

  I stood there in my leather jacket that I adored, and in a simple tank top and shorts. I'd even incorporated the tattoo on my neck, feeling incomplete without its symbolism that belonged only to me.

  My legs had magic circles displayed on them like tattoos and standing at my feet was the pure white Kitsune with pink eyes that hau
nted my dreams. Her tails crisscrossed with Urufu's as if they were friends from another life.

  The final and most important piece I added was the pocket watch at the top, in the center between both halves of the painting. The pocket watch had all of its crystals and had a white glow surrounding its silver frame. The charms attached to the chain were in the right spots and I'd added a little colored aura around each of them. The chain extended to the edge of the canvas, but left a little spot for me to write the Japanese characters that resonated so strongly with me after painting the pocket watch that started it all.

  Watashi no ai

  "My love."

  I turned to Aki's low voice. He had a peaceful expression on his face and his hand was inches away from his tablet.

  "Yes. That's what went through my mind when I was drawing the pocket watch," I confessed. I put down the paintbrush and palette to get the special can of polish I needed to bring out the hidden masterpiece beneath the image.

  Aki eyed me with a curious look which made him look super cute as his ears twitched. I gave him a mischievous look and pulled the lid off of the paint and held my breath.

  I quickly sprayed the clear content on the large piece, using a little bit of wind magic to allow the spray to cover the entire canvas without having to use a stepping stool.

  Once satisfied, I put the lid back on and spread out my hand to use more wind magic to dry it faster.

  "What does that do?" Aki wondered.

  I placed my hands on my hips and smiled back at him mysteriously. "Watch," I whispered. I walked over to the open curtains that allowed moonlight to illuminate the room. I closed them, sending the room into darkness.

  I heard Aki gasp and smiled in triumph when I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him to view the hidden magic I'd created.

  The entire image glowed in the dark, illuminating the various colors down to the little stars that literally looked like they were sparkling in the dark sky. The other half held a soft glow to highlight the sunset depicted.


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