Dragon Eruption

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Dragon Eruption Page 78

by Amelia Jade

  “Oh fuck,” she gasped. “Don’t you dare stop, Noah. Oh my God. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Holy shit. That feels so good. I’m so close. You’re going to make me—”

  Her mouth flew open in an O-shape as she went over the edge for a second time in as many minutes. This time her back arched and then slammed back into the ground. She held onto her breasts tightly as she did, enjoying the extra sensations as she twisted and squirmed. This time Noah slowed to a stop, but he didn’t release her, holding her tight to him as she eventually came to a quivering halt, struggling to draw in breath, her eyes squeezed tight.

  Gentle kisses began to work their way up the inside of her waist, then over her ribs, circling around the hardened tip of her breasts, across her chest, and then her neck before he found her mouth. She never once opened her eyes as he made his way back to her.

  She relished the feeling of his skin under her fingertips, noting that at some point he’d lost his shirt, though she couldn’t recall when. There was a momentary pause and some awkward movement and then she felt him come to lie on top of her. Now he was completely devoid of clothing. The press of his hardness wasn’t something she could ignore either. It was…rather noticeable.

  “I want you,” she whispered, kissing across the stubble of his cheek before saying it into his ear, following it up with a tug on his earlobe that surprised her when it drew a groan from him.

  “How badly?” he growled, and she felt him line up the tip of him with her, felt it push aside the swollen skin of her opening until it was inside.

  “Can’t you feel it?” she said, pushing her hips forward, letting the wetness inside of her do the talking. She could feel it, and the hiss of aroused surprise as he felt it too was all the answer she needed.

  “I’ll go slow,” he promised, and it was her turn to gasp. She’d thought he was already partially inside her.

  She was wrong. Very wrong. Muscles protested as he entered, forced to stretch to accommodate his girth. She’d known he was big, but it was one thing to see it or feel it pressed against her. But taking him inside of her was something else entirely. A hand slipped between them and she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, purely out of curiosity as he continued to push himself inside, inch by inch.

  It hurt, but not enough to make her stop. She’d given birth to a child. She could handle him, even as big as he was. It would just take some getting used to. In the meantime she contented herself with kissing him, his face and his neck, tasting the warmth of his skin. She cried out softly into the crook between his neck and shoulder as he thrust the last little way, his hips coming to a rest against hers.

  She shook slightly and held him there, needing almost a minute to be able to handle him.

  “Slowly,” she admonished as he withdrew. She would be able to handle him much better the next time around, but this was also the first time since…well, since she’d gotten pregnant that she’d had sex. That meant also the first time since she’d given birth to Cooper.

  She was a little out of practice. A grin split her face. Somehow, she suspected Noah was going to help whip her into shape.

  “What’s that look for?” he asked, his voice coming from just in front of her closed eyelids.

  Angela idly wondered if she perhaps had a fantasy about being blindfolded, but the sudden addition of several inches between her legs distracted her, forcing her to cry out.

  “That,” she answered, trembling. “That’s what the grin was for. Do that again,” she said, using her hips to urge him into action.

  Noah didn’t use words, but he did do as she wanted. His thrusts became regular. He had a habit of withdrawing until he was almost completely out of her, only to tease her bit by bit as he re-entered her. This resulted in much begging and pleading from Angela, which only seemed to drive Noah wild with desire.

  Her fingernails dug deep into his back as he built up speed, though he stopped well short of anything rough. That wasn’t what either of them needed today. Their motions were slower, more exaggerated. They learned the curves of each other’s bodies, the little things that each of them enjoyed, and what they didn’t. There was no rush, and before long she had enough of an idea about his likes and dislikes to begin acting upon them, driving him closer and closer to the edge.

  Eventually she hooked one leg under him and forced Noah to roll onto his back. With both hands placed on his chest, she ground her hips forward and back against him. In response, he lifted himself off the ground in a slight arch, ensuring she got all of him deep within her. They continued like this until she felt him swell. He was close now.

  “Don’t you dare hold back,” she told him. “I’m good. Trust me. I want this.” She leaned down for just a moment. “Please.”

  Then she straightened up and moved her hips faster. Noah couldn’t hold on and she saw the muscles tighten across his body. Internally she could feel him swell, and this time it didn’t back down. He was going to finish.

  She cried out his name as he began to pump himself inside of her, filling her with warmth that indicated she’d given him the ultimate pleasure. A tingle made its way down her spine as she thought to herself that this was only the first of many times she’d do this to him. It also didn’t escape her that she would benefit from it as well.

  Leaning down, she squeezed herself internally as hard as she could, earning a pair of rapidly rising eyebrows follow by another groan of delight. She kissed him softly, enjoying being able to simply lie on his broad, powerful chest as they relaxed into the post-sex high that came rushing over them.

  At some point she fell asleep, even though in the morning she couldn’t remember when, or how, she’d ended up tucked into the blankets in the bed.

  Chapter Twelve


  The sounds of Cooper stirring in his crib woke her from a deep slumber. She couldn’t recall having been quite so deeply asleep in a long, long time. Feeling rested beyond belief, it didn’t even bother her that she had to pull herself from bed to see to him.

  “Who’s a good little guy?”

  She blinked several times at the voice. Cooper couldn’t really talk yet. Not in full sentences, nor a voice so deep. Her befuddled mind refused to sort out just what was going on, instead insisting that she open her eyes to provide it with more knowledge. Irritated, she opened her eyes at last to see Noah standing near the crib with Cooper in his arms, bouncing gently as he spoke to her son in hushed tones.

  Her first instinct was “That’s my child!” and she tried to figure out why Noah was holding him. She hadn’t given him permission to. But as awareness fought off the sleep-addled part of her brain, she remembered what had happened the night before, and why Noah was there, in her bedroom with her.

  He was clad only in his tight boxer briefs, she noticed now as her eyes traversed his body from head to toe. A memory of him on top of her from the night before, thick, powerful arms pressed into the bed on either side of her face as his hips moved against her came rushing back.

  He can please me and handle a child. We might have a winner here, folks.

  She kept herself quiet, watching Noah calm Cooper down as best as he could.

  “Mommy will be up soon, and she’ll feed you then,” he whispered to the baby. “But she needs a little bit of rest, so you’ll just have to deal with Mr. Noah until then. Can you handle that?”

  Cooper giggled and made a happy-sounding noise. In response Noah lifted him high into the air, then brought him down to his chest, bent his knees and straightened, once more lifting Cooper as high as he could, stopping just short of the ceiling. Her child laughed and gurgled happily as this was going on.

  Then, without warning, Noah released him for a split second before catching him and bringing him back into his embrace. It was the merest instant of free-flight—his hands never really left Cooper’s body—but it still made her gasp in surprise.

  Noah turned, seeing that she was awake.

  “Good morning,” he said sweetly, lumbering over to her an
d planting a kiss on her forehead. “Did you sleep okay?”

  “Very,” she said after catching her breath. “I…I didn’t think you’d be here, to be honest with you,” she said. “I figured you’d have had to go to work or something.”

  He shook his head. “I’m on the night shift tonight. So you can be stuck with me all day if you’d like.”

  Cooper made a noise. Noah glanced at her, then at him. “But I think he needs to be changed first.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I do believe you’re right. Must have been all that high-flying activity,” she teased.

  “Saw that, did you?” he asked, looking slightly embarrassed.

  “I did,” she said, laying a hand on his arm. “It was cute. And very sweet of you to try and let me sleep, but you could have woken me. He’s my duty, after all. A minute or two of sleep isn’t going to matter.”

  Noah lifted his eyebrows. “Yeah, a minute or two.”

  Angela frowned and looked at the clock for the first time that morning. The blue lights of her little alarm clock showed the time as 8:47 a.m.

  “No way,” she said. “How did…”

  He shrugged. “There was a bottle of milk in the fridge. I heated up until it was warm and let him have it. I hope that’s okay. I would have given him baby food of some sort, but I don’t know what’s what. I just wanted you to be able to sleep in a bit.”

  “A bit!” she said in a mixture of surprise, elation, and worry. “I slept in by like two hours!”

  Noah smiled. “That was the point, you know. You were up late feeding him. I wanted to ensure you’d get some rest.” He hesitated. “You aren’t mad, are you?”

  “Mad?” she asked, sitting up onto the edge of the bed and letting the covers fall away from her underwear-clad body. “No. Hell no even.” She took Cooper from Noah’s arms and headed for the bathroom and the baby changing station there. “You let me deal with this guy, and maybe I’ll show you just how not-mad I am.”

  Noah went still. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She grinned and then set to work cleaning and changing her son. It wasn’t a very sexy task, and was actually downright stinky. But she was used to it, and the extra hours of sleep had left her in a fantastic mood.

  With him changed and fed she strapped him into his little jumper play-center combo thing that had been gifted to her from a human family in Cloud Lake that no longer had a need for it and went back to Noah as Cooper bounced happily around.

  “Now, where were we?” she asked, running her hands down his body, over the waistband of his boxers and toward—

  “As much as I’ll probably regret doing this in a minute or two,” he said with a smile, “I’d rather do something else with you.”

  She blinked, feeling a little hurt, but also intrigued. He was willing to turn down a blowjob, because he wanted to do something else with her?

  “You must really enjoy spending time with me,” she said.

  Noah’s lips twitched up into a smile. “Angela, you have no idea.”

  It was one of the few times he’d actually said her name to her, and she shivered at the ease with which it spilled from his lips, rolling off his tongue with a grace and flow that just sounded right coming from his mouth.

  “What is it you wanted to do so badly that you’re turning me down?” she asked, licking her lips with a slight exaggeration.

  He grimaced and shook his head. “Not fair. I’m supposed to be the one trying to seduce you!”

  She laughed. “Now where’s the fun in that? It’s the new age; it’s all about equality!”

  “Anyway,” he said somewhat forcefully, but with a smile on his face. “I thought that perhaps we could leave Cooper with Rachel and we’d do something. Just the two of us.”

  Angela dipped her head from side to side as she thought about it. “Hmmm. Maybe. But I’d have to ask Rachel. I don’t know if she’d be willing to take Cooper.”

  She purposefully didn’t mention her own unease at leaving her child with someone else, even her own best friend who had a child of similar age and knew everything there was to know. It wouldn’t be that strange. Angela had looked after Karlie several times before to give Hector and her some time to themselves. Maybe it was time she took up the reciprocal offer.

  “I’ve already asked,” Noah said with an innocent look. “Rachel may be here shortly to get everything she needs.”

  Angela’s jaw dropped open. “You went behind my back to ask my best friend if I could dump my child on her?”

  “Pretty much,” Noah said, unrepentant.

  “And what did she say?”

  He pulled out his phone and read from it. “To quote Hector, who was speaking to her for me, ‘Rachel says hell yes, but only if you do something fun and leave her satisfied.’” Noah looked up. “Seeing as how I think I’ve done the second part, it’s just the something fun that we need to take care of. And I have just the thing for that.”

  “You’ve put a lot of work into this,” she said cautiously.

  “Which means you can’t back out now,” he told her. “Otherwise I’ll feel really let down, and will have gone to all that effort for nothing.”

  “Not cool. This is blackmail,” she said, crossing her arms. Secretly she was beyond excited and couldn’t wait for him to take her out on a child-free date. It sounded like a dream.

  “I know. You’ve got no choice though. So start getting ready. We leave in less than an hour, and Rachel will be here within the next half an hour to pick up Cooper. So get this in gear,” he said, giving her butt cheek a firm tap. She gasped playfully and shook her head at him before heading into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

  “I can’t believe you did this to me,” she said as he appeared in the door, his boxers falling to the floor as he entered.

  “No apologies for that, or for what I’m about to do to you,” he said, his voice dropping several octaves as he neared, grabbing her and bending her roughly over the counter.


  They barely made it out of the shower and into clothes before Rachel knocked at her door. Her best friend took one look between the two of them and grinned.

  “What?” she asked warily.

  “FINALLY!” Rachel shouted, leaning in to hug her. Then she breezed past Angela and inside, making her way over to Cooper. “Hey little guy. Guess who gets to spend the day with Aunty Rachel!”

  Cooper laughed happily as she tickled him and made noises.

  “Okay, gimme all the stuff. We’re out of here.”

  Angela looked at the door. “How are you getting there?”

  “Umm, Madison has agreed to drive us and is going to hang out with me for the day.”

  “Oh, that’s nice of her,” Angela said neutrally.

  Madison Koche was one of the mates of the shifters who were living in Cloud Lake illegally. Shooting Rachel a look that spoke of caution, she changed the subject. Whether Rachel picked up on the look or not, she went along with it thankfully.

  “Well, thanks for looking after him. Noah has something super secret planned out for us, but he won’t actually tell me what we’re up to.” She packed Cooper’s bag as she spoke, putting all the stuff into it he would need for the day. Food, diapers, clothes. Most of it was pre-packed to save trouble, but it always needed restocking.

  Rachel grinned. “Ooooh, I love surprises. Have fun, darling.” She snagged the bag, planted Cooper into his carrier, and was out the door. “Text me his feeding schedule and anything else I need to know. Now go have fun you two!”

  Angela hadn’t ever really seen Rachel quite like this before, so anxious to push her into Noah’s arms. Rachel wasn’t blind, and she was quite smart as well. She wouldn’t be working so hard to ensure the two of them ended up together unless she saw something in him. Would she? Angela resolved to have a little girl talk with her best friend at the end of the day.

  “Well then,” she said as the door closed, leaving her alone with Noah. “I guess I’m all yours.”

nbsp; He seemed to react on a deeper level to those words than she’d expected. Fire blazed in his eyes and something primitive and feral crossed his face before he could get it under control. The look that he trained on her was powerful enough to leave her weak in the knees. It made her wary, cautious, excited, and ultimately intrigued to find out what it was all about.

  Was he possessive, and aroused by the idea of her becoming “his”? Or was it perhaps more akin to hearing that her desire was to be his, that she wanted to give herself to him, as he would give himself to her? Trepidation fluttered through her limbs as he escorted her from the house, but she stuck with it and her original decision to give him a try. There were so many reasons not to, but the looming question was always “what if?”

  What if it did work out? What if it was meant to be? She would never know unless she tried, unless she gave it, and him, a chance to win her over.

  Noah led her out and into the blustery cold of winter in Cloud Lake, something that she shockingly did not hate. The cold wasn’t necessarily welcomed, but Angela had always found something beautiful about winter, the way it transformed the landscape around her. She said as much to Noah as they walked.

  “Personally, I’ve never understood the hatred for winter. You can stay perfectly warm if you dress for the weather, and the serene nature of the way the earth sort of hibernates under the covering of white snow has always struck me as powerful beyond measure, though I would be hard-pressed to tell you how.”

  She looked up at him as he spoke, entranced by his words, hearing the genuine love for mother nature that reverberated within him. Here was someone that cared about the earth, about the forests and nature, in a way that Angela knew she would never truly be able to fathom. He was speaking from his animal side, from the beast that lived within him. It was obvious in the way his voice changed timbre and his eyes opened wide, taking in everything as his head swayed back and forth while they walked.


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