Dragon Eruption

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Dragon Eruption Page 82

by Amelia Jade

  “Are you going to be okay with this?”

  Noah gave her a look that screamed uncertainty. “I have no idea. Part of me is relieved at my choice. Another part is furious for betraying all I’ve known and thought was proper.” He looked away. “How do I know what I’m doing is right?”

  “Does it feel right?” she asked, stepping closer to him, placing a hand on his heart. “Here?”

  He nodded. “But not here.” He tapped the side of his head.

  “It will,” she told him, shuffling a half foot closer. Mere inches separated them now.

  “I hope you’re right.” He sounded almost forlorn, as if his decision had left him hopelessly lost.

  “It’ll be okay,” she said. “I promise.”

  Then she drove her lingering fears of how everything might unravel aside, and leaned up to kiss the man that she was crazy about.

  Chapter Seventeen


  His eyes went wide as she kissed him, a moment of sheer stunned panic overcoming him before he realized what was going on. Noah’s lips twitched into a smile as he leaned into the moment, wrapping one arm around her waist and lifting her to him. Angela made a small sound, a mixture of delight and desire as she flung her arms around his neck.

  Deep within Noah a dam broke and his bear surged to the surface with a roar of triumph only he could hear. A savage growl tore from his throat as long fingers of both hands closed around her waist and held her aloft. With one mammoth stride he reached the wall of his unit, her shoulders impacting into it with some force.

  Angela gasped out in shock, but her eyes burned with carnal need when he looked into them. The fires fed his own inferno, until the two spun together, locking them both into their current chosen course. Noah couldn’t believe that she’d been so willing to trust him, to take him at his word.

  That’s what mates do. They trust each other. Because they love each other.

  The raging firestorm finally reached its peak as he closed his teeth around the soft, delicate skin of her neck and bit down. Angela gasped, pulling him in tighter. Her hips were moving of their own accord by that point, grinding up and down on him, an obvious need that he intended to fulfill in a very short time.

  Eventually he came up from kissing and nipping at her neck and collarbone, his blood boiling with heat when he locked his gaze onto hers, seeing the unspoken words contained within. Take me. Noah placed her on the floor, and the voice that came from his throat was barely understandable, even to him.

  “Lose your clothes. Now.”

  Angela bit her lip but she nodded, never breaking eye contact with him except when her shirt slipped over her head. But by that point it didn’t matter. Noah once more latched onto her waist. Only this time instead of the wall he picked her up and drove her down into the soft covers of his bed. Never once did he hesitate as he ripped her underwear off, the flimsy material simply tearing itself apart under his strength.

  His mate gasped and looked ready to admonish him for wrecking them, but he buried his face between her legs before she could object.

  “Oh fuck,” she cried out, her arms slapping out to either side, fingers digging deep into the sheets as her torso twisted and turned with each flick of his tongue.

  Noah moved his mouth against her slowly, maintaining contact with her for as long as he could, forcing Angela’s back to arch up off the bed before he slowly withdrew. She would settle back down, a ragged breath making its way into her lungs. Then he would start the process all over again. He repeated this until Angela was a shuddering, begging wreck.

  Then he gave her the release she craved so desperately. There were no words, only sounds. A mixture of his growls from between her legs and her own cries reverberated off the ceiling and the walls, filling the room with the noises of pleasure and climax. Angela’s body went into a shuddering spasm as her hips bucked and jumped in his grip. But Noah had his strong shifter arms wrapped under and around her upper legs, giving him all the leverage he needed to maintain contact until she collapsed limply onto the bed.

  Silence followed after, broken only by soft pleased noises from Angela as she recovered.

  Noah stood up from the foot of the bed and proceeded to fling his own shirt off, noting the way her eyes focused on his upper body, pupils dilating as she took in his muscular physique. He grinned and with one deft hand undid his belt, pulling it from all the loops and letting it drop to the ground.

  With her eyes on his lower abs he undid his pants and slipped them to the ground. Angela’s face was a mixture of excitement at the fact that he was now only clad in his boxers, and disappointment that he was still clad in his boxers. Never one to leave a lady disappointed, he quickly pulled his tight underwear off as well, dropping it to the floor.

  Angela was on him in a flash, spinning around on the bed, using one hand to wrap around him, and the other to grab his waist and pull him closer. Noah stepped right to the edge of the bed and groaned almost in unison as she took him into her mouth, the warmth of her tongue and saliva a pleasing sensation almost without compare. Almost.

  Noah looked down his hard, flat stomach at her, watching as her hand came from around his back to rest against his abdomen as she sucked him deeper. His fingers curled into fists as she pushed herself as deep as she could go, holding it for a moment before releasing, looking up at him the entire time with eyes that spoke of a ravening hunger.

  He let this continue for some time, drinking in the sight of her as she worked him up and down with an exquisite slowness that brought him closer to the brink than he ever thought possible, before letting him settle back down. He grinned, a primitive, feral thing as he realized she was doing to him what he did to her.

  But there was one difference in this situation. Noah reached down and in one move flipped her onto her back and twisted her until her head was facing away from him.

  “No more of that, you little minx,” he practically purred, levering her right to the edge of his bed. “Now you’ll have to reap what you have sown.”

  Angela laughed brightly. “About time. You’d better be ready to walk the walk.”

  Noah’s deep, thundering growl wiped the smile from her face. He stepped up between her thighs, placed the tip of himself against her, and slowly began to push inside. Angela gasped, and he watched her face intently, each bite of her lip or opening of her lips driving more blood into him, making him begin to throb before he was halfway inside.

  “Don’t you dare tease me this time,” she hissed, propping herself up onto her elbows so that she could watch him disappear inside of her.

  He didn’t. Pulling back his hips an inch, he waited until she looked unhappy before plunging deep inside of her with one constant move. A ragged cry burst from Angela and she reached up, digging her nails deep into his back, trying desperately to bring him closer.

  Noah didn’t fight it, bending over until he loomed over her, lowering himself so that he could press his mouth to hers, feeling her hungry lips as she kissed him frantically, grinding her hips up and down even while on her back, desperate to take even a little more of him inside of her.

  Frantic need powered every thrust, desire behind every arch of her back, and sheer, unadulterated lust for one another gave strength to their moans, groans, cries, and growls. Within minutes Angela stiffened, pushing one hand between her legs and using two fingers for several seconds.

  He felt her tighten around him, the pressure too great, and with a throaty roar Noah erupted inside of her, lifting Angela half into the air as his arms tightened around her legs and pulled her up. He slammed his hips into hers over and over again, eyes closed all the way to slits from the ecstasy that coursed through his body. Below him Angela encouraged him onward, taking visible pleasure from witnessing him climax.

  Eventually they were both spent. Noah half-fell, half-lowered himself until he was resting on top of her. Angela’s lungs heaved up and down with effort to breathe, but she never once pushed him aside, dragging her fingernai
ls lightly down his back, giving him the shivers.

  He looked at her in the eyes, trying to find the right way to say what was on his mind, to tell her how he felt, and what her trusting him meant to him. He had been deeply struck by her willingness to go out on a limb with him, to use her instincts. Paying her back for that faith was well outside the scope of his abilities, but he wanted to tell her, to try and convey all those thoughts and emotions to her. They could be summed up into three little words, but even as he tried to say them, they stuck in his throat, refusing to come out.

  “What is it?”

  Once again Noah tried to speak, but his mouth wouldn’t work. “I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are,” he got out at last, having no problem saying that.

  Now must not be the right time then. Don’t force it. If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen.

  “Oh, I’m sure I look just great right now,” Angela said with a happy smile. “My hair is probably a mess, I’m all red and splotchy from being unable to breathe thanks to a certain someone, and I’m lying on the bed limp as can be.”

  “It’s the after-sex look,” Noah told her. “I’ve heard it’s very fashionable right now.”

  Angela’s laugh came from deep in her belly, and it kept rolling out of her until she held her sides, howling with laughter. The entire time he just sort of stood there and watched. Her laughter was so uplifting he wanted nothing more than to bask in it. And to cause more of it. Right then and there he vowed to do his best to make Angela laugh every day that he was blessed to be with her.

  “Well, I’m glad you think so,” she told him. “But I’m not so sure if I agree.”

  “Shame, really. I guess this is one of those times where you’ll just have to admit that I’m right and you’re wrong.”

  Her laughter was contagious, and this time he joined her in it.

  “This is most definitely not one of those imaginary moments.”

  “It’s not?” he asked, disappointed.

  “No,” she assured him, kissing his cheek. “But I promise if one of those fantasy scenarios ever does become a reality, I will vehemently deny it until the moment is past.”

  Noah just shook his head and rolled off of her, lying on his back on the bed, wondering if the smile would ever leave his face again. Life was perfect with her at his side. He couldn’t wait to explore some more of it.

  “Now, if you’re done dreaming up fantasies like that, want to be extra amazing?”

  “I never said I was done,” he protested.

  “Yeah, but I did.”

  He groaned and she slapped his arm gently before resting her hand on it, giving him a squeeze. “

  “I’m hungry.”

  Noah perked right up. “Why didn’t you just say you wanted food!”

  “Wow. Look at you,” she teased, making fun of his constant interest in food.

  He glanced down at his naked body, and just for her he flexed the muscles of his stomach and chest all at once. Angela jumped as his body tightened, her eyes lingering for several long moments on him.

  “Yeah, look at me,” he said in as cocky a voice as he could manage.

  “Oh my God. Did you really just do that?” she asked, recovering herself enough to shake her head.

  “You bet. Now, what kind of food?”

  “Sandwich perhaps? Or a salad? I’m not feeling overly picky, as long as it’s not spicy or a heated meal. I’m too warm at the moment for some reason.”

  “Personally, I’ve thought you were always pretty hot,” he said, rolling away and up as she sighed in exasperation. “I’m going!” he yelped as she hurled a pillow at him.

  “You’d better be. Now get those tight little buns in motion,” she ordered, waving a hand at him in a shooing motion.

  He waggled his hips as he moved to where the pile of material that were his clothes was lying, tugging on his pants and heading to the door.

  “Are you just going to go out like that?” she asked, surprised.

  Noah half-turned and looked down at himself. “Oh, right, thanks.” He did up his fly with an exaggerated jerk and then pulled the door open. Behind him Angela cried out in surprise and pulled the covers over her naked form.

  “Back soon,” he called before heading out into the hallway.

  He smiled as he closed the door and turned to face the stairs, his mind on what had just happened before, and the joy with which he was filled, knowing that she was going to be waiting for him upon his return. There were few better feelings than knowing, just knowing deep within him that she was going to be there when he got back.

  It didn’t matter if it was his room at the embassy after getting her food. Maybe it was their home later in life, where he would return after a day at work. Or the car when he got out to get rid of some garbage. Or …It didn’t matter. Noah knew that she would be there when he returned, and that was all that mattered. It brightened his smile and mood all at once.

  “Hey Noah.”

  He turned as someone said his name.

  “Oh, hi, Chase,” he replied in greeting.

  “You look happy. Everything good with Angela?”

  Noah felt his guard fall into place. How had Chase known things weren’t okay with Angela? He’d never mentioned that to him. Had word somehow gotten out about the difficulty they had been having? He almost frowned as he tried to figure out who might have given that away, but he kept coming up blank.

  The only scenario he could come up with was Angela telling Rachel, who had told Hector, and Hector had then let it slip, perhaps to Gray where Chase could overhear him. There seemed to be no other plausible way…unless Chase was the spy?

  His stomach dropped at that thought. Was this a warning, perhaps? A way of Chase letting him know he was well aware of Angela and their relationship with one another. That if he didn’t give up his information, then he would threaten her?

  Noah almost attacked Chase then and there. It would have been a terrible move—he had no proof of course—and even his theory was rather farfetched. For all he knew, Chase had just assumed that he’d come from being with his mate, and the grin meant they were happy together. After all, he was parading around in only his pants.

  “Yeah,” he replied, not slowing down. “Yeah they are, thanks for asking.”

  “I noticed that she and Rachel were good friends.”

  “They are,” he replied somewhat guardedly, not bothering to hide it now. “What’s it to you?”

  “Oh, nothing,” Chase said, waving it off. “I was just wondering something, actually.”

  Noah readied himself for combat, trying to do so with as little visible signs as possible. He had no idea where the conversation was leading, but he was going to be prepared for anything.

  “That is?”

  Chase looked around the hallway, then leaned in close. “I was actually hoping that maybe you could put in a word to Angela, that she could pass to Hector via Rachel.”

  Noah waited, not speaking, letting the other shifter speak.

  “Uh, yeah,” Chase said awkwardly when there was no response. “If you haven’t noticed, Gray and Hector have sort of been cold to the three of us. Anyway, I wanted to know if you could see if maybe they could open up a bit? Try to welcome us here a bit more?”

  He didn’t relax, despite the seeming innocuous nature of the request.

  “Maybe,” he replied. “I’m surprised you noticed that.”

  Chase shrugged.

  “You notice a lot of things,” he said, not quite making it an accusation.

  The other shifter smiled, trying to be disarming, though it didn’t work. “Isn’t that my job?”

  Noah imitated Chase’s earlier shrug. “I suppose. I’ll ask,” he said, then kept walking down the stairs, the whole time trying to figure out what was going on, and if Chase was the spy, and whether he’d just made an enemy or not.

  I hate this, he thought. The mind games, the shadow wars and the like. It can all rot and burn for all I c
are. I wish I’d never heard about there being a spy here!

  But he had, and he was involved. The only thing that mattered now was ensuring that nothing happened to him, Angela, or Cooper.

  To do that, he was going to have to be bigger, badder, and most importantly, better than the spy.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Three days later, she still couldn’t believe her luck.

  Noah had been true to his word, and hadn’t revealed anything about what he’d discovered. Angela still couldn’t bring him into the circle, though there were times she wished to with all her heart. Not until the spy was discovered could that happen. While she may believe Noah with every fiber of her being, the others didn’t.

  Neither of them blamed anyone for that. After all, none of them knew him the way she did, and it was only through that combination of intimacy and uncanny trust that they shared that she knew him to be truthful. Nobody else could tap into that, and while she was glad to have something shared only between the two of them, it was certainly a hindrance in this case.

  Noah had been more than understanding, and had promised to work harder and better to show all his colleagues that he was true to his word. Eventually the spy would be discovered and he would be allowed to be welcomed into the circle of trust, but until then, he was content to labor on the outside. It was just another way with which he impressed her on a regular basis. Angela knew full well she wouldn’t be that patient.

  All of which whirled back to her disbelief that she’d found herself a man that complemented her so perfectly. He was a genuine good person, and even better, he was a phenomenal father figure to Cooper. More than once she’d walked in to find the two of them giggling and being thick as thieves together. When she’d asked them what they were doing, all she’d gotten were a pair of innocent looks in return.

  “Now this is the life,” she said to him, leaning into his arms as they lounged on her bed, enjoying simply being together.

  Noah kissed the top of her head by way of answer.


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