She's All Tied Up: Club 3, Book 2

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She's All Tied Up: Club 3, Book 2 Page 4

by Cathryn Cade

  “Can I touch my clit?” she begged. “Please?”

  “Yeah, go for it,” he agreed, watching in the mirror as she put one hand between her legs. “Pet that pretty pussy for me.”

  He pulled nearly out and thrust back in, grasping her hips to anchor her as he took her hard and fast, his groin and balls slapping against her silky ass and thighs with every stroke. Her breasts bounced and her face flushed with arousal, her gaze fastened on his face in the mirror. She knew he liked her to watch him as long as she could keep her eyes open.

  After only a moment, she started to moan, her cries rising in a sweet crescendo as her pussy tightened around him.

  “Come for me, little sub,” he commanded.

  “Yes, Dack. Oh, oh. I love you,” she whimpered. Her pussy milked him like a well-trained fist, and he gave a hoarse shout as he pumped into her, ecstasy in every pulse. And the biggest part of the thrill was her sweet voice, proclaiming her submission and her love.

  Afterward, his legs trembling with the aftershocks of letting go that powerfully, he braced his hands on the bureau on either side of hers and laid his head on her damp back.

  “Christ, you’re gonna kill me,” he said breathlessly. “But I’ll die a happy man. Love you, Petal.”

  “Love you too, Dack.”

  They straightened, and he pulled her close for a deep, wet kiss, then let her go so she could don her bikini bottoms once again. He pulled his shorts up. He’d dispose of the condom in a minute.

  “So you’re goin’ to Frenchman’s Bar?” he asked idly.

  “Uh-huh. And you and Jake will be putting the new fireplace together?”

  “Well, I’d rather hang out at the river with gorgeous women, but seeing as how I wasn’t invited, yeah.”

  “Guy time, huh?” She eyed him speculatively. “So you’ll have time to chat, right?”

  “What?” He could almost see the wheels turning in her brain.

  Then a riff of rock guitar cut through the quiet condo, and he stepped back. “He’s here. Dude always did have great timing.”

  “Hey, I’m talking to you, buster.”

  He winked as he backed out of the closet. “I meant I got to fuck you before he showed up. You can talk to me anytime, Petal.”

  “Yeah, except when you’re in dom mode,” she grumbled.

  “I’m always your dom,” he called over his shoulder, grinning. “And don’t you forget it.”

  Not that she was likely to, when he reminded her every chance he got.

  Jake heard bare feet thump on the tile inside Dack’s condo, and then the door opened to reveal his friend, wearing a pair of baggy cargo shorts and a lazy grin.

  “Hey, bro.”

  Jake shook his head in disgust as he walked in. “Oh, man, you just got some pussy, didn’t you? Now I’m gonna have to look at that shit-eating grin all afternoon.”

  “Hey, get a live-in sub and even you may crack a smile,” Dack retorted, closing the door behind Jake.

  “I heard that,” called a voice from the bedroom.

  Dack chuckled. “That’s ’cause I meant you to,” he called back.

  “Hi, Dais,” Jake said.

  “Hi, Jake.” Daisy poked her head out of the bedroom door and smiled at him before her gaze cut to Dack. “Honey, have you seen my new flip-flops anywhere?”

  “The purple ones or the blue ones?”

  “They’re turquoise, not blue.”

  “I dunno. Under the bed?”

  Jake waited, unwillingly fascinated by this exchange. His buddy didn’t even realize he was being domesticated.

  “Come on out back.” Dack was already leading the way through the kitchen to the shaded patio outside. “Daisy made us some good munchies.”

  “Sounds great.” Lunch had been a couple of hours ago, so he was hungry again.

  “Yeah, she made enough for an army, so it should last you ten minutes or so,” Dack jibed as he opened the slider and stepped out.

  “‘Cause we all know you eat like a bird,” Jake shot back, closing the screen door behind him. He scanned the big tray of food on the glass-and-metal table, pleasantly surprised to see cold cuts and bread as well as cut-up vegetables, chips and dip. “Is that ranch dip?”

  “Yup.” Dack handed him a cold, sweating bottle of Rogue Dead Guy from the cooler half-full of melting ice and sat in one of the big chairs. Jake sat as well and took a long pull on his beer. Cold, prickly and full-flavored, his favorite.

  He accepted the plate Dack handed him, and the two of them spent the next few moments putting together sandwiches. Jake took a huge bite and chewed with satisfaction.

  “Oh, before I forget,” Dack said, swallowing. “Did you get the chance to look over those new memberships at the club?”

  “Two guys. One’s a dom, the other isn’t sure, wants to try topping and bottoming. One woman, an experienced sub,” Jake answered. “They all check out fine.”

  Dack nodded. “Seemed okay to me too. You catch that flake who applied last week?”

  Jake grimaced. “Yeah, no way do we want him. No record, but there’s something weird about the dude. I could smell it.”

  “He’s out, then. Two new women the week before, though,” Dack said. “Membership is strong. We may have to cap it for a while.”

  Jake shrugged, unable to summon any enthusiasm for any of the new subs. He took another drink of beer and gazed out at the sunny expanse of lawn edged with trees and other condos. “Man, I know the numbers are up, but we could use some real women. Seems like all we’ve been getting are supermodel wannabes, with no meat on their bones.”

  “For damn sure,” Dack agreed. “Glad Daisy doesn’t do all that diet shit. I mean, she gets pissy when I eat ice cream in front of her before bedtime, but at least she doesn’t live on rabbit food.”

  Jake held up a carrot stick, brows raised, and they both chuckled.

  “So, you think Daisy’s friends will join?” he asked casually.

  Dack didn’t look at him, but the corners of his eyes crinkled, and Jake cursed himself. Shit, all he needed was Dack and Trace to know he was interested in a particular woman. He was the oldest of them by a couple of years, and even his own dad seemed to think it was time he settled down. Yeah, and thanks for the sterling example of married life and parenthood, Pop. I’ll get right on that—not!

  “I think Sara wants to backpedal for a while,” was all Dack said. “Carlie…” He shrugged.

  Jake paused, sandwich in hand, and instead bit on the bait Dack was dangling. “What about her?”

  Dack gave him a look that said he’d been hooked.

  “What?” Jake growled, his cheeks heating up. “I can’t ask about Daisy’s friends?”

  His best friend grinned evilly. “Yeah, you sure can. Except I know why you’re askin’. Don’t try to fool me, Marine.”

  “Shit.” Jake rolled his eyes and drained his beer. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  “You could try.”

  Jake heard a noise behind him and stiffened. He turned as Daisy stepped out, wearing a pair of plaid shorts and a skimpy white tank that showed her cleavage and the strings of a bikini, a big bag in her hand.

  Hell, he hoped she hadn’t heard anything. The last thing he needed was some he said, she said kind of high school shit going on. Best way to ruin good friendships, and he liked Dack’s sub. She was spunky and sexy and seemed to be as hooked on the big builder as he was on her.

  “Bye, guys.” She hurried around the table to kiss Dack, and he grabbed her by the back of her thigh, holding her there for a deep, wet kiss. Then he let her go, his eyes lazy again.

  “You girls behave,” he ordered.

  Daisy batted her eyes at him. “Well, if we don’t, you’ll never know.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Yes, I will, ’cause you’ll tell the truth when I ask, sub.”

  She blushed, bless her heart. “Yes, Dack.”

  He nodded, satisfied.

  Jake watched approvingly. Even wi
th all her spirit, Daisy was a natural. Just right for his friend. Not that he wanted anything like this for himself, because he didn’t.

  He was fine with hookups at the club. He just wanted the bodacious Carlie to be one of them.

  Chapter Four

  By two thirty that afternoon, Carlie and her two best friends were on Frenchman’s Bar, a popular park on the Columbia River. The park was north across the river in Washington State, but the sandy beach that sloped west down to the broad river was worth the forty-minute drive through the maze of Portland bridges to Vancouver. There were nice bathrooms, water fountains and lots of shade trees for those tired of the summer heat. Also, Carlie liked winding through the green farm fields to reach the isolated park.

  The August sun poured down on powerboats zipping up and down the broad river, past slow-moving barges pushed by tugboats. Just up the beach, a group of rowdy teens played sand volleyball, country music pouring from a boom box. Nearby, a family was building a sandcastle. At the edge of the water, a chubby toddler was chasing bubbles blown by a woman. They shone iridescent as they floated lazily in the air.

  Carlie had her floppy straw hat rolled up in the front to get some sun on her face. She sat on her bright beach towel, bare legs stretched out in front of her. Her new tankini was coral-pink-and-white print, and she was debating taking off her white board shorts to tan her upper thighs. It was either that or take a dip in the river, because perspiration was starting to trickle between her breasts. Darn it, she’d just gotten sun-screened up.

  “So now that you’ve been to Club 3, are you going to join?” Daisy asked her. Carlie squinted at her friend, who knelt on her own towel, with a wide grin of excitement under her dark glasses.

  Carlie grinned back. “Yeah, I think I am.”

  Daisy squealed like a little girl, boogieing on her knees. She pulled her own straw hat off and tossed it skyward. “Oh, I’m so happy.”

  “Wow, Dais, didn’t know you cared,” Carlie teased.

  Daisy caught her hat and dropped back onto her heels on her own turquoise towel. “Well, yeah, but Dack made me promise I wouldn’t push you. He says it’s a ‘deeply personal decision, and one that shouldn’t be made under pressure’.” She sketched little quotes in the air and reached for her sunscreen. “And he’s right, so I kept my mouth shut.”

  Sara popped up from Daisy’s other side, gaping at Carlie. She wore a teeny orange sport bikini that showed off her slender, fit body, a white baseball cap holding her ponytail.

  “You are joining?” she demanded, holding her insulated drink cup forgotten in her hand. “What about that Rafe guy? Didn’t you have a date with him?”

  Carlie snorted. “Part of a date. It did not go well.” She related the saga of her short meeting with the man, and her friends shook their heads.

  “God’s gift,” Daisy muttered.

  “What a jerk,” Sara added. “Some guys should come with a sign, you know? ‘Don’t touch this one’.”

  “So, are you joining Club 3 because of Jake?” Daisy asked.

  With both her friends now watching her closely, Carlie grimaced and then closed her eyes, turning her face back to the sun. “No, not because of Jake. He’s not interested in me. But there are other guys, right? And this seems to be the kind I’m interested in. Um, doms. With Rafe, I just mistook entitled jerk for, you know, strong male.”

  Daisy gave a hum of interest, spreading sunscreen on her slender arms. “There are other doms at the club…if Jake will let them near you. That man is scary.”

  “He is,” Sara agreed. “He’s so big.”

  “I think it’s more the eyes,” Daisy said. “He’s got that ‘mess with me or my woman and I’ll tear you into little pieces with my bare hands’ look goin’ on.”

  Sara shook her head. “No, it’s because he’s really big, but he moves like he can actually use all that muscle, you know? He doesn’t walk around with his arms hanging out from his body like some of the heavy lifters do.”

  “Yeah, why do they do that?” Daisy asked, wrinkling her nose. “It looks so weird.”

  “They’ve developed certain muscles at the expense of others,” Sara said, a PE teacher who knew a great deal about fitness. “Jake has all-around fitness, flexible as well as big.”

  Daisy smiled demurely. “Dack’s flexible.”

  Sara grinned back. “I’ll bet.”

  “Carlie needs to find out how flexible Jake is,” Daisy went on relentlessly. “And report back to us.”

  Carlie tipped her face back up to the sun, her eyes closed. “How many times do I have to say it? He’s. Not. Interested. He went off with some teeny little chick right under my nose, hello.”

  There was a short silence. She opened her eyes, squinting against the sunlight dancing off the water, to see Daisy biting her lip. “I’m…probably not supposed to tell you this, but heck, girlfriends first, right?”


  “Swear you won’t tell Dack or Jake?”

  Carlie crossed her heart without a word, and Sara followed suit, finishing up by miming zipping her lips closed.

  “Okay.” Daisy leaned forward onto her hands, the move pushing her perfect breasts together in her aqua bikini top. “So, Jake’s over today to help Dack install a portable fire pit. Just before I left, I overheard them talking on Dack’s back deck. Our back deck. Geez, I can’t believe I actually live there now, y’know?” She smiled dreamily.

  Carlie reached over and flicked her friend’s bare thigh with thumb and forefinger. “Daisy. Focus. You can moon over Dack’s perfection later.”

  Daisy rubbed her leg. “Ow! Okay, so they’re talking about the club, and Dack says something about the membership, and Jake sighs, like a lonesome hound dog.”

  She repeated the two men’s conversation, including the part about Carlie.

  Sara grinned as Daisy imitated Jake’s deep voice, but Carlie sat, frozen.

  “Oh my gosh,” Sara murmured at the end of Daisy’s recitation. The two of them looked expectantly at Carlie.

  “What?” she demanded, bewildered.

  Daisy sighed, as if put upon. “Carlie! Those three guys are like brothers. If Dack noticed Jake is attracted to you, believe it. Jake wants your curvy bod, not just ‘some real women’. He was trying to be subtle, that’s all. Except guys aren’t very good at that. Of course, Dack pretty much doesn’t even try to do subtle,” she grumbled. “He just tells me what to do.”

  “Oh.” Carlie couldn’t manage to form any words more coherent than that. She thought Jake was pretty good at being subtle. He could express a world of disapproval or tease her relentlessly with just a look.

  “So you could come with Dack and me Saturday night,” Daisy invited. “It’s not a theme night, so you don’t have to buy any special outfit, but it’s one of the busiest nights, so it’s a great choice for your first time. Lots of people there, so you can see what’s going on, see what you might like to try, you know? You have your paperwork done, right?”

  “Uh-huh.” Carlie nodded absently. “Just have to hit Send.”

  Sara rose from her towel, beckoning to them both. “Dais, I think her brain is on overload right now. Come on, let’s go get wet. Give Carlie time to process.”

  Carlie tossed her straw hat aside and followed her friends into the chilly water. For once she didn’t stop to complain when it rose around her abdomen, the most sensitive part of her body when it came to cold water.

  She was vaguely surprised when her feet stayed on the bottom as she waded out into the sluggish current deep enough to submerge her shoulders. Emotion rose inside her, effervescent as the bubbles floating by on the warm air. Excitement? Sheer terror? Jake wanted her to come to the club. And oh, come to Papa, what she wanted to try with him.

  Only one way to find out if he really wanted her. She was going to the club on Saturday night.

  “Oh, crap!”

  Daisy and Sara, both neck-deep in the green water, turned to her in astonishment.

Carlie clapped wet fingers over her lips. “Sorry. But I just remembered I have a date Saturday. Another freaking company dinner-dance at the Beaverton Revillion. I’m going with Gerry.”

  “The man-slut?” Daisy demanded, curling her lip. “You finally caved, huh? Darn, I knew this would happen if we didn’t get you into the club.”

  Sara bit back a grin. Carlie rolled her eyes. “I can keep him in line for one evening.”

  “Well don’t do anything with him,” Daisy admonished. “He’s probably a sponge of STIs. At least the guys at the club get checked every few months.”

  “You can borrow my purse-size predator spray to fend him off,” Sara offered and then ducked when Carlie splashed water at her.

  “Hey,” Daisy squealed, caught in the middle. She splashed Carlie back. The cold water hit Carlie’s hot face, making her sputter. She sent a sheet of water at Daisy, and soon the three of them were in a splashing free-for-all, shrieking and laughing.

  They waded back onto the beach, shivering, and sank down on their towels to let the sun bake warmth back into them.

  Carlie slipped out of her sodden shorts and stretched out on her stomach. As Daisy did the same, Carlie peered at her friend through the dangling strands of her wet hair. “You’re…okay with me being there?” she asked. “I mean, I know Dack likes to…do stuff in public.”

  Daisy grinned, although her elfin face flushed. “Likes people to witness his manly prowess? Yeah, I’m fine with it, really. I’ve gotten to be friends with other people at the club too. At first, it was easier that I didn’t really know any of them, but now…” She shrugged. “Everyone there is kinky, so it’s okay. And honestly, it’s really hot. I know that’s bent, but so what?”

  She looked earnestly at Carlie. “But you don’t have to do anything public, if that feels uncomfortable. Jake’s not into that…far as I know.”

  Carlie pushed her hair behind her ear, hoping fervently that was true. Sara listened with evident fascination as she smoothed lotion on her legs. “You know, maybe when I come back to Club 3, I’ll just stay out in the main area,” she muttered. “At least that way I know I’d be safe.”


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