The Sanctuary (A Spencer Novel)

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The Sanctuary (A Spencer Novel) Page 15

by Sandra Lea Rice

  The familiar figure of their enemy lurked in the shadows below.

  Chapter 26

  Clairece opened her eyes as early morning sunlight touched her face. She stretched, sat up, and looked around. Frightened by Anthony’s absence, she called out.

  The door to the bathing chamber swung open. “What is it? Is everything all right?” He stood shirtless, shaving soap dotting the side of his jaw.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t find you . . .” her gaze lowered to his bare chest and the dusting of black hair. She’d thought him handsome before but seeing him partially unclothed robbed her of speech. She eased from the bed and moved nearer, raking her fingers through the coarse hair on his chest. Broad shouldered and heavy boned, with bands of muscle stretching taut across his lean stomach and abdomen, he put Greek statues to shame.

  “Clairece . . .” he choked.

  “You said I may touch you.” She trailed her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, thrilled at the feel of muscles tightening under her palms. She returned her attentions to his torso and drew a path downward with a finger. He caught her wrist before she reached the buttons at his waist.

  “If you don’t stop now I’ll be in no condition to leave.”

  “Leave?” Her arms dropped to her sides.

  “For an hour at most. In the meantime, the tub is large and a good soak might help your aches and pains.”

  “Not all my aches,” she murmured.

  “Behave.” He clasped her upper arms and turned her toward the waiting tub. “Come, I’ll play lady’s maid.”

  “I won’t break, you know, and I’m not nearly as sore as I was, and—” She was babbling and didn’t give a fig. She wanted him. I’m not afraid to admit it.

  “Says the woman who just hours ago could barely stand the touch of her clothing. Once you’re healed, I will keep you well pleasured and in my bed for days.”

  “Pinky swear?” Clairece held up a little finger.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  She swiveled to face him. “Hold up your little finger like so.” She crooked her finger and held it up for him to see. He did the same. Next, she wrapped her finger around his. “There. We have completed a pinky swear. Now press your thumb to mine. By doing so, it seals the agreement so it cannot be broken.”

  “Ahh, well, pinky swear it is.” Anthony reached around her to open the taps and let water pour into the large slipper tub. With a few nimble flicks of his fingers, he unfastened the top buttons of her nightdress and let the gown drop to her feet. He swept her up in his arms and settled her in the heated water.

  Heat penetrated her strained and sore muscles, easing the pain. Uttering a sigh, Clairece leaned against the sloping back. Water swirled and lapped around and over her body as she moved her hands across the surface. She sighed and let her eyes close.

  She peeked through her lashes to see Anthony’s gaze riveted on the bathwater as it rippled and undulated over her breasts. She picked up a piece of flannel and a bar of scented soap, and lathered the thick material. Slowly, she ran the cloth over her arms and bosom, drawing in a deep breath at the sensation. The stimulation caused by the rough cotton made her nipples tighten. Cupping her hands, she released a cascade of water over her now rosy breasts.

  Anthony made a strangled sound and faced the mirror.

  Clairece set her toes on the ridge of the tub and ran the soapy cloth over her exposed leg. Turning the wet bar in her palms, she slid her hands up her throat and across her shoulders. Then repeated the process, lathering her hands with the sweet-smelling soap and skimming them over her breasts.

  A razor clattered into the bowl.

  She giggled.

  “So, my bashful beauty has become the little tease. I’m randy enough to cause myself a severe injury without you providing additional distraction.” He rinsed the lather from the blade and laid it aside. “However, bathing you does offer some interesting possibilities.” Anthony swiped the towel across his jaw to remove the remaining soap, and knelt on the rug beside the bathtub.

  He loved her playfulness. New to the art of seduction, Clairece was trying out her wiles on him, and learning quickly. Naturally sensual, her willingness to trust her instincts left him in a constant state of arousal.

  “Lean forward a little.” He plucked the flannel from her hand and ran it gently over her shoulders and down her back. She sighed her pleasure. While he nuzzled the slim column of her neck, he skimmed the cloth over her side and down her belly. Her pulse leapt under his lips.

  He scooped up the bar of soap and let her watch as he lathered his hands. With foam-covered fingers, he circled her breasts. His little vixen pressed up into his palms. He withdrew his hands and reached for the washcloth.

  “Now who’s teasing?” she groaned.

  It would never do to let her see his grin. “Tell me what you want, love. Show me.”

  She hesitated, then placed her hand over his and guided him back to her ivory mounds. Anthony flicked his thumbs over the peaked nipples and squeezed. “Like this?”

  Her eyelids fluttered closed. “Oh, yes.”

  She had beautiful breasts, a woman’s breasts, full and plump. He ran his hands down her sides and around to her midriff. Her legs parted, an offering to his questing fingers.

  Her responsiveness was unbelievably erotic. He moved his hand down to her knee and back up her thigh. And stopped.

  Clearly impatient, she slapped the water, sending it sloshing over the edge of the tub.

  He chuckled. “Tell me, Clairece.” She was shy, and unable to articulate what she wanted. In time she would, and without his asking. “Show me.”

  She drew his hand to the curls covering her mons. “No more teasing or I shall die of frustration.”

  Brushing his fingers against her opening, he slid the tip of a middle finger between her soft folds and pressed in. While he kissed and nibbled along the curve of her neck, he gently worked a second finger inside. He withdrew, and eased in again, continuing the rhythm until her hips began to undulate against the pressure of his hand.

  Gritting his teeth to keep from losing control, Anthony swirled his thumb over the little nub.

  Her head fell back against his shoulder.

  “Let it happen, sweetheart,” he murmured. One more deep thrust and swirl, and she shattered.

  Anthony murmured soothing words until Clairece relaxed in his arms. Reaching beneath her, he hoisted her from the tub and wrapped her in a large towel. A few long strides brought him to the bed, where he sat her on the edge, and leaned her back. He dropped to his knees in front of her and hooked her legs over his shoulders.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, rising on her elbows.

  “Let me pleasure you.” He kissed the inside of each thigh before nuzzling the soft curls.

  She jerked. “Anthony, no, you cannot . . . ahh.”

  “I’ve wanted to taste you from the first.”

  Within moments, she began to writhe and twist. He laid an arm across her belly while he pleasured her with his mouth and tongue. She arched and made a little purring sound deep in her throat. The hum escalated to a shriek as she climaxed. With a sigh, she collapsed, boneless, her arms limp at her sides.

  He slid her knees from his shoulders and shifted her to the center of the bed, covering her with the quilt. A sense of rightness clutched at his heart.

  Within minutes, he’d finished dressing and slipped from the room.

  Anthony returned to find Clairece staring at the gardens below. Her hair hung loose and gleaming in the light from the window.

  “You’re awake, I see.” He moved to stand behind her, drawing her back against him.

  “The scar-faced man was in the garden earlier. He noticed me watching and simply doffed his cap and strolled off.”

nbsp; Uttering an oath, Anthony spun in a fury and started for the door.

  Clairece grabbed his arm. “Don’t go. He could be anywhere by now.”

  Anthony faced her. “You’ve told me not to feel responsible should something happen to you. While I appreciate what you’re saying, it is not possible. It does, however, bring up another point, one we should discuss.”

  She eyed him warily. “What would that be?”

  “Something could just as easily happen to me. I’ll do my damnedest to avoid it, but whoever this is will stop at nothing to accomplish his goal, which most likely now includes killing me. After his attempt on the train, we cannot ignore the possibility he might succeed.”

  “But once we’re at the Park, we’ll be safe.” She searched his face for an assurance he couldn’t give. “Anthony?”

  “I’ve procured a special license.” The expression on her face made him ill. “God, don’t look at me that way. I hope you don’t believe this some ploy to force you into marriage.”

  She began to turn away.

  “Hear me out, please. My child may even now be growing inside you. If I were to die before I could convince his stubborn mother to marry me in the normal way, he or she would bear the stigma of illegitimacy and have little chance for a decent future. And you, sweetheart, would be without my protection.”

  Desperate to get through to her, Anthony held her firmly by the shoulders and urged, “We’ve acknowledged we want each other physically, and I admire you greatly for your intelligence and bravery. I am an extremely wealthy man and would provide well for you and our child. Neither of you would ever want for anything. If you were to give me a son, he would be my heir and the next Earl of Harding.”

  Uneasy at her continued silence, Anthony pressed on. “I am not a stingy man, nor am I overly demanding. You would have access to my money and anything else you might desire. All I require is you trust me and tell me the truth, no matter what. And remain faithful. I know you value your independence and I see no reason to curtail it, within reason, of course.”

  “Of course,” she echoed. “Since we are discussing marriage between us, I have a couple of questions for you.”

  “Ask them.”

  “Would you give me the same assurances? I’m referring to fidelity. I realize the standards do not hold true for men as for women, but unfaithfulness is something I could not bear.”

  “I would never break my marriage vows. I’ve seen enough of the pain doing so can cause.”

  “And what of truthfulness? Are you able to abide by that as well?”

  He pushed his association with Scotland Yard to the back of his mind. “Yes.”

  “Answer then, and truthfully. What do you feel for me? Is there anything other than physical attraction? When I am rounded with your child you may no longer find me desirable. What would we have then?”

  He smiled. “You have asked more than one question, but I will attempt to answer. If you’re asking if I love you, I can tell you I’m willing to learn.” He touched her cheek. “The thought of you fills a large part of my waking hours, and I desire to see you happy and safe above all else.”

  “And swelling with your child?”

  “To me, you will be even more beautiful.” He drew her against him. “You will always be my Beauty even when we are old and creaking in rocking chairs, watching our grandchildren play.”

  Clairece took a step back. “If I am to consider matrimony, I need to believe there’s a chance to find what I’d hoped for in a marriage. I want a joining together in the truest sense. And I need to be assured there is something we can build on.”

  “Take a good look at us, Clairece. Do you not speak your mind freely? Have I not listened? Are we not able to spend hours in each other’s company and, at least for me, not grow bored? In the little time we’ve had together, have we not learned to trust? To me, trust is vitally important.”

  “And if I’m not with child? Will you later regret a rushed marriage?”

  “I am not marrying you for the child alone. I am marrying you, for you. If after we marry we find you are not increasing, I predict it will only be a matter of time until you are.”

  He dropped to one knee. “Clairece Griffin, will you do me the extreme honor of becoming my wife?”

  Chapter 27

  There was so much more Anthony wanted to say, but years of guarding his emotions left him hesitant.

  Clairece’s eyes welled with tears. “I cannot. I wish it were possible, but—”

  He came to his feet and caught her to him. “Talk to me.”

  “I told you avenging Roger’s death must stay uppermost in my mind. After all he did for me, it is the least I can do. Although I gained much from my marriage, I also lost by my impetuous act. I don’t want to make another rash decision.”

  “What you lost, is it something I cannot give you?” He lifted her chin. “I can promise you passion, fidelity, and a family with as many children as you would like.”

  She moved away from him.

  He considered his next statement carefully. “Clairece, this I will promise you. If, after those responsible for Roger’s death are brought to justice, you are unhappy and not with child, I will release you.”

  She stared at him, as if trying to judge his sincerity.

  “It would not be easy, but I would do it. Above all else, I want your happiness.”

  She cupped his face in her hands. “Then yes. I will marry you. I hope you do not come to regret this, Anthony.”

  “Never.” Anthony pressed his lips to hers. He would never lament marrying her, but if he had to let her go, it would most likely kill him.

  At a knock on the door, he crossed to answer. A bellman wheeled in a cart containing a teapot under a cozy and several covered dishes. Anthony dropped a few coins in the man’s hand and sent him on his way.

  One by one, Anthony lifted the covers from the serving platters and found baked eggs, sausages, and thick-sliced ham. Another held griddlecakes and a pitcher of blueberry syrup.

  He uncovered the next tray. Clairece raised a questioning brow. “What are those?”

  “Kippers. Dried, smoked salmon.” He pointed to the second bowl. “This is kedgeree. It’s made of a mild tasting, cooked and flaked fish with boiled rice, parsley, hard-boiled eggs, and different spices, one of which is curry. You should try it.”

  The last serving platter contained freshly baked scones with a bowl of jam.

  Anthony fixed a plate with a small helping of kedgeree and handed it to her, waiting for her response. She took a forkful and chewed. “It’s good.” She took another bite.

  He grinned and piled food on his own plate.

  Clairece settled back with a cup of tea and watched with amusement as Anthony worked his way through a mound of sausages, ham, and baked eggs before helping himself to the kedgeree and kippers.

  She sipped her tea, pondering her situation. She was alone in a room with a man she’d known for little over a week, one she’d just agreed to marry, was on her way to his estate in Somerset, and, lest she forget, was pursued by a crazed killer who seemed intent on murdering them both. After three failed attempts, it now appeared the miscreant openly stalked her.

  How she would explain any of this to her family, she had no idea. They’d loved her through her past mistakes and losses, and would do so again should her marriage to Anthony prove a disaster. That was what their family did.

  She glanced at Anthony. She cared for a man whose life was in England, while hers was in America. She had no idea how to blend them. Both her mother and aunt were English and had made their home in Texas, content with the life there. Could she be happy in England?

  Anthony looked up and smiled. “You ate little.”

  “I had more than usual.” She took another sip of tea.

  He blotted his lips and discarded the napkin. “While I was out, I located a clergyman who agreed to marry us. Will you come with me, Clairece? Will you marry me?”

  Clairece peered at her hand. A diamond and sapphire ring now lay alongside the gold band.

  Anthony’s arms came around her and eased her back against his chest. “Come away from the window, sweetheart. You make a tempting target standing as you are.”

  He helped her to one of the two armchairs nestled near the warm hearth, and covered her lap with a throw. “I have something for you.” He retrieved a small, wrapped package from his pocket and placed it in her palm.

  Clairece untied the ribbon and gazed into the bag. “How did you know I like peppermints?”

  His smile broadened. “I tasted it on your lips that first night.”

  “We can do this, can’t we?”

  “Yes, love. We can, and we will.”

  Clairece rose gracefully to her feet and moved toward him, all swaying hips and seductive glances. Anthony felt the smile leave his face. His mouth went dry. He tried to swallow and couldn’t. She presented her back and he noted his hands shook as he worked the row of buttons free of their moorings.

  She pivoted to face him. In one, smooth, slide, the dress slithered from her shoulders. Little by little, her full breasts were revealed as the material covering them slid down. He shuddered.

  She stepped over the pile of lavender and stood before him, clad only in her thin chemise, delicate stockings, and garters. An exquisite woman, she sent his pulses racing. Her eyes glowed as she stared into his.

  The minx was seducing him. He shifted in the chair to relieve the pressure of trousers gone uncomfortably tight. As she glided toward him in all her sensual splendor, he was reminded again of the woman who had come to him on New Year’s Eve.


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