The Giant Book of Poetry

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The Giant Book of Poetry Page 63

by William H. Roetzheim, Editor

  10 - Aging

  False Though She Be To Me And Love

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  19 - Betrayal

  Fawn’s Foster-Mother

  Poems of Nature

  10 - Animals

  Fiddler Jones

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  08 - Priorities

  Filling Station

  Poems of Working

  17 - Transportation

  Fire And Ice

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  23 - The End of the World

  Fire Of Drift-Wood, The

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  17 - The March of time

  First Day, The

  Poems of Romance

  0”3 - Courting

  First Fig

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  09 - Temptation

  Five Lives

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  02 - Dust unto Dust

  Flask, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  06 - Ghosts

  For Annie

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  13 - Death

  For Once, Then, Something

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  09 - Ghosts


  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  17 - Looking Back


  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  28 - Anger & Forgiveness


  Poems for Children of all Ages

  07 - Strange

  Fountain, A Bottle, A Donkey's Ears, And Some Books, A

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  18 - Writing


  Poems of Romance

  22 - Love


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  41 - Moving On

  From A Plane

  Poems of Nature

  30 - Landscape

  From Beginning And End - Knowledge

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  23 - Dust unto Dust

  From Fuses I - On Art

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  35 - Art

  From Fuses I - On God

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  24 - Questioning Religion

  From Fuses I - On Love

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  25 - Battle of the Sexes

  From Idem The Same, A Valentine To Sherwood Anderson, A Very Valentine

  Poems of Romance

  24 - Love

  From Selected Shorts

  No audio version available


  From The Longbeards’ Saga

  Poems of Romance

  25 - Seperation

  From The Ship Of Death

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  23 - Waiting for Death

  From Wanderings - Chapter Heading

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  11 - Temptation

  From With Silence My Companion

  Poems of the Human Condition

  24 - Confession

  From: My Father’s Death

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  11 - Loss of a Parent

  From: Three Types Of Loss, Part 3

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  08 - Writing

  Garden Of Love, The

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  08 - Lust

  Garden, The

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  14 - Philandering


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  30 - Battle of the Sexes

  George Washington And The Loss Of His Teeth

  Poems of the Human Condition

  31 - Confession

  Get It Again

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  15 - Looking Back

  Ghostly Visitant, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  11 - Ghosts

  Goblin Market

  Poems for Children of all Ages

  10 - Story

  God Says Yes To Me

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  02 - Western Religion

  Good-By And Keep Cold

  Poems of Nature

  37 - Trees


  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  09 - Aging


  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  15 - The March of Time

  Haunted House

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  03 - Haunted Buildings

  Haw Lantern (Dedication), The

  Poems of Romance

  12 - Love


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  18 - Betrayal


  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  06 - Priorities

  Heaven Of Animals, The

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  09 - Heaven, Hell, Purgatory

  Her Kind

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  15 - Ghouls

  Holes Commence Falling

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  03 - Corporate Greed

  Home Burial

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  07 - Loss of a Child

  Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  17 - Casualties

  Hope Is The Thing With Feathers

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  30 - Inspiration

  Horrid Voice Of Science, The

  Poems of Nature

  18 - Earth

  House That Fear Built: Warsaw, 1943, The

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  12 - Human Rights

  How We Danced

  Poems of the Human Condition

  28 - Confession

  How We Heard The Name

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  20 - Futility

  Hurricane, The

  Poems of Nature

  23 - Wind and Storms


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  02 - Lust

  I Am The Only Being Whose Doom

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  21 - Faith

  I Felt A Funeral In My Brain

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  06 - A Passageway

  I Go Back To May 1937

  Poems of the Human Condition

  27 - Confession

  I Had Been Hungry All The Years

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  23 - Faith

  I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  17 - Waiting for Death

  I Know A Man

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  05 - Dust unto Dust

  I Like To See It Lap The Miles

  Poems for Children of all Ages

  06 - Strange

  I Look Into My Glass

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  19 - Looking Back

  I May, I Might, I Must

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  39 - Inspiration

  I Saw In Louisiana A Live Oak Growing

  Poems of Romance

  35 - Redemption

  I Taste A liQuor Never Brewed

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  15 - Pagan Religion

  I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud

  Poems of Nature

  32 - Landscap

  I Will Not Crush The World’
s Corolla Of Wonders

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  20 - Eastern Religion

  Idea Of Ancestry, The

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  05 - Generations


  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  38 - Inspiration

  I’ll Win

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  20 - Dust Unto Dust

  I’m Nobody! Who Are You?

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  31 - Inspiration

  Imaginary Paintings

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  37 - Art

  In A Disused Graveyard

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  26 - Dust unto Dust

  In A Station Of The Metro

  Poems of Working

  18 - Transportation

  In Bertram’s Garden

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  05 - Lust

  In Houston

  Poems of Working

  23 - Writing

  In Simili Materia

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  06 - Generations

  In The Desert

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  26 - Anger & Forgiveness

  In The Waiting Room

  Poems of the Human Condition

  05 - Self

  Inconstancy In Love

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  11 - Philandering

  Indian Upon God, The

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  13 - Pagan Religion

  Ingrateful Beauty Threatened

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  42 - Moving On

  Injudicious Gardening

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  20 - Peer Pressure

  Instrument Of Choice

  Poems of the Human Condition

  19 - Sex and Relationships

  Integer Vitae

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  22 - Faith

  Into My Own

  Poems of Nature

  38 - Trees


  Poems of the Human Condition

  12 - Society

  Introduction To Poetry

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  22 - Poetry


  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  40 - Inspiration


  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  07 - Murder


  Poets Look at War and Peace

  25 - Bystanders

  It’s Good To Be Here

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  04 - Abortion

  I’ve Known A Heaven, Like A Tent

  Poems of Nature

  35 - Trees

  Jake Addresses The World From The Garden

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  17 - Patience

  Jar, The

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  08 - Temptation

  Jobsite Wind

  Poems of Nature

  25 - Wind and Storms

  John Evereldown

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  09 - Lust


  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  12 - Writing

  Junk Man, The

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  27 - Mortal Illness

  Just Think!

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  28 - Dust unto Dust


  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  05 - Murder

  Keeping Things Whole

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  13 - Consequences

  Killed At The Ford

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  13 - Casualties

  King Witlaf’s Drinking-Horn

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  08 - A Passageway

  La Belle Dame Sans Merci

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  08 - Ghosts

  Landlord’s Tale, The

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  05 - Glory


  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  06 - Poverty

  Last Answers

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  23 - Poetry

  Last Night, The

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  09 - Loss of a Parent

  Last Words Of My English Grandmother, The

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  29 - Mortal Illness

  Late Registration

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  09 - Writing

  Late Walk, A

  Poems of Romance

  47 - Commitment

  Leaving Town After The Funeral

  No audio version available



  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  10 - Priorities


  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  07 - Priorities

  Life Of A Day, The

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  21 - Eastern Religion


  Poems of Nature

  04 - Animals

  Little Boy Blue

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  06 - Loss of a Child

  Little Citizen, Little Survivor

  No audio version available


  Living Apart

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  10 - Heaven, Hell, Purgatory

  Living In The Body

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  12 - Middle-age

  Living In The La Brea Tar Pits

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  08 - Generations

  Long Feud

  No audio version available



  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  02 - Supernatural

  Lost Child Crying, A

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  18 - Eastern Religion

  Love After Love

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  44 - Moving On

  Love And Jealousy

  Poems of Romance

  44 - Commitment

  Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock, The

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  26 - Aging

  Love Song: I And Thou

  Poems of Romance

  39 - Commitment

  Love’s Farewell

  Poems of Romance

  07 - Unrequited

  Loveliest Of Trees, The Cherry Now

  Poems of Nature

  40 - Trees

  Loving In Truth

  Poems of Romance

  05 - Unrequited

  Luck In Sarajevo

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  27 - Bystanders

  Lustra - Introduction

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  19 - The March of Time

  Lying In A Hammock At William Duffy’s Condition

  Farm In Pine Island, Minnesota 06 - Self

  Poems of the Human

  Manet’s Olympia

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  24 - Battle of the Sexes

  Marginalia (Extracts)

  No audio version available



  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  08 - Poverty


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  29 - Battle of the Sexes

/>   Meeting At Night

  Poems of Romance

  15 - Love

  Mending Wall

  Poems of Working

  28 - Household

  Metamorphoses Of The Vampire

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  16 - Ghouls

  Mill, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  05 - Haunted Buildings


  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  21 - Waiting for Death

  Miss July Grows Older

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  14 - Aging


  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  03 - Difficult Decisions


  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  23 - Oppression and Discrimination

  Mr. Flood’s Party

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  25 - Waiting for Death

  Murdered Traveler, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  08 - Murder

  Murderer’s Wine, The


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