Alex Jackson: Grommet

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Alex Jackson: Grommet Page 5

by Pat Flynn

  Alex wondered what Casey would have said to him if he was here now. “Be true to yourself, and your board will be true to you,” was one of his favourites. Yet Alex didn’t know what being true to himself meant anymore.

  Letch hung up the phone and gave them both a long, mean stare. “JACKSON. YOU FIRST.”

  “It was just a ... disagreement, sir,” said Alex, not knowing any other way of putting it.


  Alex couldn’t tell if Letch was being sarcastic. His voice was too loud to pick up subtleties like that.


  Billy put on his sweetest smile, which made Alex notice that his lip was indeed bleeding, and began talking in his most respectful, suck–up tone. “Well sir, Alex and his friend, Jimmy Homan, have been saying nasty things about me behind my back. I asked Alex if he’d meet me down at the trees in the corner of the school, so we could talk it through, sort of, man to man.”

  More like giant to dwarf.

  “As I started to talk to him, sir, he punched me three times in the face, for no reason. He made me bleed, sir.” Billy looked up at Letch for sympathy.

  Letch paused, taking a deep breath.


  “Yes, sir,” they mumbled.


  “YES, SIR.”


  As Alex walked out, the door to Letch’s office closing behind him, he could still hear every word Letch said. Even if he’d held both his hands over his ears, it would still have been impossible not to hear the big bloke.


  As he walked to class, Alex couldn’t help but feel he was having a good run of luck when it came to his dealings with Letch. Maybe the big guy is a closet skateboarder?

  When Alex walked into Tech Studies the whole class was whispering and staring at him. Becky had saved him a seat, but it seemed that everybody now wanted a piece of Alex Jackson.

  “What did Letch say?” whispered Linda Staccone, a pretty girl who, till now, had always looked right through him.

  “Is it true that Billy had to go to hospital?” asked Zane Beard. “Peter Callaghan reckons he saw the ambulance and everything.”

  “Okay, everyone, let’s get back to work now,” said Miss Pinzon. She gave Alex a concerned look followed by one of her warm smiles. Alex pinched himself. He was popular, he had a girlfriend, and even his favourite teacher was smiling at him. Can life get any better?

  He was given an answer almost immediately, when Becky’s soft hand reached under the desk and rested itself on his right leg.

  He had no idea what to do, so he just sat there and shivered in pleasure.

  “You tipped him off, didn’t you?” Alex asked Becky, feeling like he should say something to his new girlfriend.

  “Tipped who off?”


  “No, I didn’t. But I’m glad someone did. Fighting is stupid.”

  “It’s a good way to become famous, though,” he said, almost to himself.

  There was another excited murmur as Billy Johnstone entered the room. As well as having a bleeding nose and lip, it was obvious that he had been crying, the red eyes and white tear tracks a dead giveaway. Alex knew that Letch had claimed another victim. Most of the class, however, had a different explanation. Alex had not only beaten up Billy Johnstone, he had made him cry. They looked at Alex with even more respect.

  Though safe for now, Billy wouldn’t rest until he saved his own rep. People like him cared about little else. But as Alex sat there basking in his new–found glory, he wondered whether he was all that different from Billy Johnstone.


  Mr Popularity

  For the next few weeks Alex felt like he was living in the body of someone far cooler than himself. Girls smiled at him like he was someone important. Boys wanted his advice on crucial matters such as how to make a spitball, how to land a 180 kickflip, and how to attract girls. It was as if they thought that by hanging around him, some of his luck would rub off onto them.

  Jimmy thought it was hilarious that his best friend had become popular. “Don’t forget you owe it all to me,” he said. “I got you into that fight with Billy. Without my mouth you’d be nothin’.”

  The skateboarding group held another meeting and five new members showed up, including two Year 11 boys. “Way to break the big kid’s nose,” one of them said to Alex. Alex was surprised that Sarah Sceney showed up. She had left him alone since their talk in the library, not smiling at or embarrassing him once. He wouldn’t admit it to anybody but he kind of missed her bugging him. Without Alex as a distraction she seemed to be even more dedicated to her studies, and was now getting A+’s instead of A’s. Alex asked her to take the minutes of the meeting and she did a great job. Not a love heart or Jack in sight.

  Billy hadn’t so much as looked at Alex. Alex was sure it was because of the pressure from Letch, but all the same he was glad. Billy’s group of friends no longer hung off his every word, and there was even a rumour that Claire Carney was going to dump him.

  Alex and Becky were getting along great, probably because they had hardly spoken to each other. For one thing, they didn’t have much time alone, and when Alex did ask Becky questions about her personal life she avoided the topic like the plague. Alex thought it strange that she wasn’t nearly as open to her boyfriend as she was to Juliette. I guess there’s more to lose with a real–life person.

  Everyone in Year 8 knew they were an item, which made Alex feel strange but good. When you’re going out with the hottest girl in Year 8, why hide it? They weren’t the touchy, touchy type couple, but when they were in the audiovisual room watching a video on the history of the Catholic Church, Becky slipped her hand onto Alex’s leg and lightly stroked his skin, giving him goosebumps.

  They went on their first after–school date on a Friday afternoon. “What did you tell your mum?” Alex asked as they walked from the train station to his house.

  “I said I was going to the park with a friend.”

  “Did you say park or skatepark?”

  “I might have forgotten to mention the skate bit ...”

  “Did she give you any rules?”

  “Only to be home by dark. She said there’s a lot of riffraff in the area, and she doesn’t want me hassled by them.”

  “Did you tell her you’re going out with riffraff?”

  She laughed. “No, not yet ... mum’s got enough to worry about without that on her mind.” She slipped her hand into his.

  As they got close to his house Alex could see Becky was a bit nervous about meeting his family. He was nervous. His mum wouldn’t be home from work yet, thank God, but Sam and Chief would be around. Alex gave Becky the quick rundown on his family, and said they should try and get changed and take off to the skatepark as soon as possible to avoid the cringe factor.

  Sam and Mandy were on Mandy’s trampoline, but when they saw Alex with a girl they quickly jumped off and ran to the fence.

  “Sam, this is ...”

  “Becky,” Sam said, finishing off Alex’s introduction. “I’ve heard so much about you.” She smiled.

  “My sister, Sam,” Alex said to Becky, giving Sam a look that said, you better watch yourself, girl.

  “Wow,” said Mandy, “you’re really pretty. Why are you going out with Alex?”

  “Yeah, what are you doing with my brother?” Sam agreed.

  Becky laughed.
  They went inside and Chief was on the couch, wearing his usual shorts and singlet.

  “Chief, this is my friend, Becky,” Alex said.

  Chief’s eyes widened as he looked up from the couch, and Becky’s did the same when she spotted his tattoo. This should be interesting.

  “Alex tells me you’re a boxer?” Becky said after they exchanged pleasantries. She was having a hard time taking her eyes off Chief’s huge arms.

  “I used to be. Luckily I met Sharon right before I was going to turn pro. She talked me out of it while I still had a few brain cells left.”

  “Well, you must be a good trainer. Alex has earned himself quite a reputation at school.”

  “I don’t think Alex’s mum would like to hear that,” Chief said. “A smart kid knows how to avoid a fight, but sometimes there’s no other choice.”

  “Sorry to disagree with you, Mr Jackson, but I think there is always another choice. I don’t like fighting.”

  “You sound a lot like Alex’s mum,” said Chief.

  Becky went to the bathroom to get changed and Chief looked across at Alex. “Nice girl.”

  “Calm down, Chief. She’s a bit young for you.”

  “Very funny. Is she coming for dinner? I know your mum would love to meet her.”

  “She’s gotta get home before dark. Her mum’s afraid she’ll be hassled by riffraff.”

  “Why’s she hangin’ around with you then?”

  Suddenly the big fella became all emotional. “I can’t believe my boy is growing up.” He looked at Alex tenderly. “He’s even got himself a girlfriend!”

  “Dad,” Alex said, disgusted, “I’m still a shrimp, and we’re not planning on eloping or anything.”

  “Still ...” said Chief, his mind wandering.

  Too many blows to the head.


  First Kiss

  Alex lent Becky his board and she rode to the skatepark as he jogged along beside her. She had talent for a beginner, and although she nearly wiped out an old lady at the bottom of a hill, it was a slam–free run. When they arrived they watched Casey doing handplants on the top of the vert and Becky was impressed. Who wouldn’t be?

  After a while Casey came over.

  “How do you do those things on a skateboard?” Becky asked him.

  “The trick is not to think,” he replied. “If we give our body the freedom to act without thought, it will find a way to do almost anything. We have to block out any distracting thoughts, but that’s not easy to do.” He winked at Alex. “The mind loves to be in control, and when you’re boarding, you have to surrender to your feet.”

  “I’ll have to remember that the next time I play tennis,” said Becky.

  “I also fall off a lot,” Casey added, pointing to a fresh scar underneath his right knee, “so don’t listen to everything I say!”

  Becky sat up beside some of the hangers–on and watched Alex and Casey pull a few tricks. They started off with some fat ollies over the grind bar and then nailed some kickflips and heelflips. Alex felt like he was unstoppable. He looked over at the railing and knew it was time to tackle some unfinished business.

  “Sure you want to try that today?” asked Casey.

  “I’m ready.” Alex was feeling confident and why shouldn’t he be? He was popular at school, he had his hot–as girlfriend watching him, and he could pull moves like this blindfolded. Does the hero of a movie ever get wiped out? Of course not.

  This was no movie. He knew something was wrong before he even took off for the jump. Tell her! said a voice in his head.

  CRAAACCKKK!!! He landed on the very front of his skateboard and the nose immediately snapped off. Alex actually made it up onto the rail, and he was sliding, without a board, down the incline. But he was no surfer and he lost it down the slippery, steep rail, finally stacking it to his left and banging his hip, shoulder and the side of his head on the ground.

  “Me board ...” was all he could groan as Casey ran over.

  “Way to focus, man,” said Casey, examining the two pieces of the snapped deck.

  Out of the corner of his eye Alex saw Becky sprinting over to where he was sprawled on the ground. This is great. The hero being rescued by his girlfriend.

  “Are you all right?” she said kneeling beside him, stroking his forehead like he was a sick puppy.

  “Never better.”

  Casey asked Becky if he could speak with Alex alone for a minute. “What’s going on, mate?” he asked. “You should be making this trick in your sleep.”

  In two minutes Alex gave Casey an outline of how his life had become complicated. His crush on Becky and the way he had tricked her using Juliette. His rise to fame after the fight with Billy, and how he was sort of enjoying it. Becky’s secret, and now his lack of a skateboard.

  “I can’t focus . I mean concentrate on my tricks anymore,” Alex complained. “I feel like everything I do is wrong.”

  “If you’re not at peace here,” Casey said, pointing to his heart, “you won’t be at peace here,” he said, touching his feet. “I tell you what I’ll do. I’ll ask around and see if I can get you a good deal on a new board. As for your other problems, I’ll have a think about them and give you some advice next week. That’s if you don’t figure it all out first.”

  “I don’t think there’s much chance of that happening.”

  Alex walked, slowly and gingerly, with Becky to the station. As they sat waiting for the next southbound train to take her home, she turned and looked at him. “You know I think your Dad is really ...”


  “I was going to say cool. My dad ...” She sighed, not saying any more.


  Becky went to say something but stopped, only managing another sigh. “I must drive you crazy sometimes,” she said eventually, staring down at her fingernails.

  “I had a good start before I met you.”

  “Be serious for once!” She turned and looked at him. “I don’t tell you anything about my life. I’m sad all the time. It must drive you nuts.”

  “Maybe a little ...”

  “I just ...” She paused.


  She went to speak and hesitated again.

  “Say it!” he said.

  “I just need to know I can trust you,” she murmured, looking down at her fingernails again. “It’s not easy for me.”

  Tell her’.

  In the background Alex could hear the faint rumble of an approaching train. Suddenly Becky reached over and kissed him, her lips slipping softly onto his. She tasted wet and sweet, and he fumbled for the rhythm of the moment until he gradually caught on and their mouths started moving as one.

  The train screeched to a halt.

  “Better go,” she said, giving him one last, lingering kiss before bolting through the closing doors.

  As Alex watched the train glide away he realised his hip and shoulder no longer hurt and his head felt giddy rather than sore. It was his first real kiss.


  The Fight: Part 2

  At school on Monday something was going down. Kids were whispering and looking at Alex and Becky, but no one was talking to them. It was as if they had great big goobers on their faces and no one had the guts to let them know.

  It was mega weird but when Alex mentioned it to Becky she didn’t seem to care. She had been in a trance all day, her beautiful eyes even sadder than usual. Alex asked her what was wrong and she didn’t say anything, just shook her head and looked down at her fingernails.

  At first Alex thought that maybe someone had spotted them kissing at the station, but when it got worse during lunch he realised it was more serious.

  “What’s going on, Jimmy?” Alex asked. Being in the same class as Adrian Dorry, Jimmy would be sure to know if a juicy piece of gossip was flying around.

  Jimmy looked cagey, which wasn’t like him. “Nothing, mate,” he said.

  Alex gave him a look as if to
say, You’re not getting out of it that easily.

  “Just kids making up stuff, you know how it is,” Jimmy said finally.

  “What sort of stuff are they making up?”

  “Nothin’ ... Just stuff.”

  “Jimmy! This is me! Alex!”

  “You’re not gonna like it.”

  “What is it?”

  At that moment identical twins Kirsten and Kerra Medhurst tentatively approached Becky, who was only a few metres away from Alex and Jimmy talking to Sarah Sceney. Kirsten and Kerra spoke like they were connected to the same brain, finishing each other’s thoughts in identical, singsong voices which rose in pitch at the end of each sentence making everything they said sound like a question.

  “We, like, just want to know if it’s true?” said Kirsten.

  “We don’t believe it. We think it’s, like, really mean what they’re saying about you?” said Kerra.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Becky.

  “We heard that, like, your dad’s in jail?” said Kirsten.

  “And that he, like, stole a million dollars?” added Kerra.

  “And that he’s, like, a drug dealer?”

  “And he, like, killed a man?”

  “It’s not true, is it?” asked Kirsten.

  “Is it?” said Kerra.

  But Becky didn’t deny it. She just stood there, silent.

  Alex hurried over. “It’s a load of bull crap!” he said loudly, making sure everyone in the vicinity heard. It was time to squash this story before it got out of hand. “Becky’s dad isn’t in jail. That’s the most unbelievable thing I’ve ever heard!”

  But when Becky started crying it no longer seemed so unbelievable.

  “Who told you?” Alex asked the two girls, his voice becoming hard.


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