McClintock on On Leong Tong, 86–87
on Mock Duck, 59, 138, 154
on New York tong conventions, 250
on tongs, 186
on Waldo, 129
New York Telegram, xi–xii, 10
New York Telegraph, 97
New York Times
on Bow Kum murder trial, 170
on Brooks, 37
on Chinese immigrants and rule of law, 134, 136, 137
on Chinese Merchants Association, 293n
on Chinese population, 3
on federal government’s grand jury inquiry, 255
and Foster, 174
on Gambling Commission, 32–33
and Gin Gum on Four Brothers’ Society, 165
on Ko Low’s murder, 221
on Tom Lee, 23, 35
and Tom Lee on Mock Duck, 97–98
and Tom Lee on Sigel’s murder, 157
on Mock Duck, 98, 151–52, 194
on new tong, 138
on police in Chinatown, 175
stereotypes of Chinese immigrants used by, 12
on treaty of 1906, 133, 134, 139
on Tweed, 47
New-York Tribune
on Four Brothers’ War, 178
on Tom Lee, 62, 76
and Tom Lee on decline in Chinatown, 212
on Mock Duck, 119–20
on murder of Ing Mow, 153
on New York’s Chinatown, 174
on Third Tong War, 195
New York World
on Chinese American Liberty Loan Rally, 218
on Chinese Theatre massacre, 119
on Tom Lee, 35, 95
and Moss’s advocacy of Hip Sings, 89
and Moss’s report of Tom Lee’s police corruption, 43
on New York’s Chinatown, 121, 139–42, 140, 273
on protection of Hip Sings by Society for the Prevention of Crime, 88
on shooting of Mock Duck, 84–85
on tong wars, xii, 86
on treaty of 1906, 139
Ning Yeung Society, 7, 279
Ong Lung Ong, 125
On Leong Tong
arrests of members in gambling house raids, 83, 84, 90, 107, 108–9, 111
battles with Hip Sings, x, xii, 48, 49, 205
and Charlie Boston’s conviction, 188
celebration of arrest of Mock Duck, 98–99
celebratory dinner with Hip Sing Tong, 150
Chinese delegation’s meeting with, 130–31
and Chinese Merchants Association, 58, 75, 85, 293n
Chinese New Year banquet of 1902, 75–76
Chinese New Year dinner of 1910, 171–72
and Chinese New Year shooting of 1906, 126–28
and Chin Lem’s defense fund, 161, 168–69, 170
on death of Ko Low, 221–22
factions of, 224
and First Tong War, 66, 67
and Four Brothers’ War, 162–63, 164, 165–66, 167, 178, 188
and Fourth Tong War, 229–30, 233–34, 240, 246–47
gambling houses of, 205, 206, 207
generational shift in leadership of, 244, 259
and Gin Gum’s funeral, 215
headquarters of, 63, 94, 99, 124, 164, 195–96, 218, 219, 220, 248, 250, 258, 267, 293n, 307n
Hip Sings compared with, 64–65
Hip Sing Tong’s bombing of headquarters of, 195–97, 274
Hip Sing Tong’s Chinese Theatre massacre, 113–15, 116, 118, 119, 124
and Hung Far Low Restaurant fire, 71
invitation for talks with Hip Sing Tong, 86–87
and Lee Sing’s assault on Tom Lee, 16
Tom Lee’s characterization of, 129
Lloyd as attorney for, 110–11
and Mock Duck’s murder trial, 78
monopoly on vice dens, 38
New York convention of 1931, 248–51, 249, 276
“one life for every raid” policy of, 93, 96
organization of, 149–50
philanthropy of, 143
protection of gambling houses, 57, 74, 85, 86–87, 88, 90, 108, 133, 238
protection of opium dens, 183, 184
proxy war with Hip Sing Tong, 50–51
relationship with police, 57, 61, 65, 85, 87, 110, 171
support of revolutionaries in China, 188
territorial boundaries of, 40, 132
treaty with Hip Sings of 1906, 132–34, 139, 143, 150, 154, 155, 164, 171
treaty with Hip Sings of March 1925, vii, 230–31, 233
World War I service of members, 218
opium dens of New York’s Chinatown
and Committee of Fifteen, 72–73
descriptions of, 32, 64
downturn in business, 212
federal customs agents’ sting operation on, 182–84
Tom Lee’s dealings with, 23, 24, 30, 32, 34, 183
and opium trade, 30–31, 69, 120
photograph of, 31
police raids on, 30, 32, 112
and social reformers, 21, 32
and Third Tong War, 191, 201
and white tourists, 137
Opium Exclusion Act (1909), 183
Oregonian, 39
O’Reilly, Daniel, 108, 138–39, 142, 290n
Oriental Club, 157
Page Act (1875), 73, 136
pak kop piu, 27–28, 28, 83, 85, 138, 279
Pang Ah Woo, 265
Parkhurst, Charles H.
on Byrnes, 54
and Gaynor, 185
as head of Society for the Prevention of Crime, xxiii, 43–44
and Hip Sing Tong, 58
and New York World’s proposal for Chinatown, 141
portrait of, 45
and Tammany Hall, 271
visit to Chinatown, 44
Parkhurst Society. See Society for the Prevention of Crime
Park Row, 140
Park Street, 5
Partridge, John N., 75
Patriotic League of Chinese, 252
Peabody, George Foster, 71
Pell Street
Chinese immigrants leasing buildings on, 5
and Chinese New Year shooting of 1906, 126–28, 128, 151, 273
and First Tong War, 66, 67
Four Brothers’ Society on, 158
and Four Brothers’ War, 163, 165–66, 168, 176, 180
gambling houses on, 42, 44, 83, 138, 164, 206
Hip Sing Tong on, 40, 56, 61, 112, 132–33, 193, 250
key locations on, 68, 176, 177, 266, 267–68
police raid on Decoration Day 1905, 112
police raid on gambling houses on, 191
and Third Tong War, 189–90, 198–99, 201
Peters, Madison C., 141
Petty, Jeremiah, 21, 36
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
and battles between Hip Sing Tong and On Leong Tong, 150–51, 152, 153, 232
and ending of Third Tong War, 201
and Fourth Tong War, 225, 232, 241
Hip Sing Tong in, 40, 124, 149, 223
Tai Yow Chin in, 144
Tom Lee in, 6, 19
On Leong Tong in, 223, 232, 273
opium trade in, 182
Philbin, Eugene A., xxiii, 69, 75
pi gow, 27–28, 33, 106, 189, 279
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
and ending of Third Tong War, 201
and Fourth Tong War, 225, 231, 237, 239, 246, 253
Hip Sing Tong in, 223
On Leong Tong in, 149, 223, 224, 225, 232
opium trade in, 182, 183
Plunkitt, G
eorge Washington, 85, 86
policy games, 27–28, 28, 83, 85, 138, 279
Polong Congsee, 3, 5, 13, 19, 279
Port Arthur Restaurant, 142, 155, 156, 172, 173, 201, 228, 266, 279
Portland, Oregon, 184, 223
Powers, Michael, 90–91
Price, Edmund E., xxiii, 10, 22, 42, 43, 92
brothels of New York’s Chinatown, 21, 24, 73–74, 137, 183, 212
Chinese prostitutes, 73–74, 136
white prostitutes, 72–73, 74, 143, 163–64, 174, 183
Providence, Rhode Island, 144, 223
Pu Yi, 188
Qing dynasty, 6, 13, 33, 188, 274, 279
Queens, New York, 226
Real Estate Owners’ Association, 141
Republican Party, 34, 35, 52, 62, 75
Riis, Jacob A., photograph of opium den, 31
Riley, Dominick, xxiv, 207–8, 208, 211
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 257
Roosevelt, Theodore
as assistant secretary of the navy, 69
as governor of New York, 69, 183
as New York City police commissioner, xxiv, 53–55, 67, 69, 272
photograph of, 54
Rosenberg, Eli, 124
Rothstein, Arnold, 264
Rutgers Fire Insurance Company, 5
St. Louis, Missouri, 6, 19, 201, 232
Saito, Yoshito, 171, 268
Sam Yup Benevolent Association, 7, 279
San Francisco Bulletin, 26
San Francisco’s Chinatown
Bow Kum in, 160
and Chee Kung Tong, 13
and earthquake of 1906, 143
and Four Brothers’ Society, 158
Hip Sing Tong in, 39, 40, 115, 149, 223
Tom Lee in, 5–6, 19
Mock Duck in, 154
role of clan associations in, 135
role of Six Companies in, 7, 8, 9
Schenectady, New York, 223, 225
Schiff, Jacob, 71
Schlottman, Herman W., 130, 138
Scott Act (1888), 34, 136
Scott Act (1902), 136, 235, 236
Seattle, Washington, 223
Second Tong War. See Four Brothers’ War
See Sing Tong. See Four Brothers’ Society
Sexton, John B., 14
Shah Kai-Fu, 123, 130, 131–32
Sheehan, John C., 289n
Sigel, Elsie, murder of, 156–57, 158, 164, 173, 174, 212, 273
Simon, Carlton, 228
Sin Cue
assassination in fire, 71, 81, 84, 267, 272
Hip Sings’ ambush of, 67, 70, 268
and Lung Kin’s assassination, 66, 68, 71
and Mock Duck’s trial, 77, 78
as murder suspect, xxiv
Sing Dock, xxiv, 115, 151, 186
Sing Kee, 218, 254, 255
Sing Sing prison
Eng Hing and Lee Dock sent to and executed in, 208, 211
Mock Duck sent to, 194, 200, 251, 274
Sue Sing sent to, 69, 70, 272
Six Companies
Chung Hwa Gong Shaw as New York branch of, 85
as congress of regional societies, 7, 8–9, 280
and First Tong War, 86
Tom Lee sent to New York City by, 7, 9, 14, 271
and Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 8
policy on rent increases, 20
Sixth Precinct, 36, 83, 84, 120
Smith, Al, 216, 229, 264
Smith, Thomas F., 289n
social reformers, 21, 29, 43–46, 52–53, 71, 72, 291n
Society for the Prevention of Crime
allegations against district attorney’s office, 99
allegations against Tom Lee, 109
allegations against Tammany Hall, 52
and Warry Charles, 55
and corruption of New York Police Department, 83, 84
and Dong Fong, 59
and Eggers, 112
Hip Sing Tong’s relationship with, 65, 88, 89, 95, 103, 112, 129, 139, 172, 210, 238
Jerome on, 100
and Mock Duck, 74, 82–83, 101
Parkhurst as head of, xxiii, 43–44
raiding of Chinese gambling houses, 44, 83, 89, 107, 272
and Wong Get, 72, 74
Society for the Suppression of Vice, 21
Society of St. Tammany, 10–11
See also Tammany Hall
Soohoo, Meihong, xxiv, 149, 233, 263
Spokane, Washington, 223, 224
Strong, William L., 52–53, 54, 56, 62
Sue Sing
murder of Ah Fee, xxiv, 67–68, 69, 80, 84, 171, 262, 272
sent to Sing Sing prison, 69, 70, 272
Sun Yat-sen, 189, 215, 261, 263
Tammany Hall
and Brooks, 37
Chinese experience of, x
corruption of, 43–44, 271
decline of, 257–58
and elections, 52, 62, 69, 83, 218
fees demanded for police appointments and promotions, 17
and Gaynor, 185
Tom Lee’s dinner for, 62, 64, 272
Tom Lee’s relationship with members of, 10–11, 34, 102
and New York Police Department, 16, 17, 52
On Leong Tong’s payments to, 85
Parkhurst’s denunciation of, 43–45
political patronage of, 10–11, 185
Theodore Roosevelt’s antipathy toward, 69
and social reformers, 43–44, 75
Tammany Times, 37
Tei Get, 244, 245, 246
Tenement House Commission, 141
Third Tong War
assassination of Hip Sing leaders, 189–90
and Charlie Boston, 188, 190
Coppo’s call for Easter 1912 cease-fire, 192–93
Hip Sing Tong’s bombing of On Leong Tong headquarters, 195–97, 274
On Leong Tong’s bounty on Hip Sing Tong members, 195, 197–98
peace announcement of 1913, 200–201, 206, 220, 274
and Pell Street, 189–90, 198–99, 201
weapons of, 191, 196, 197, 199
Thoms, Joseph C., xxiv, 29–30, 39, 42
Tierney, Frank A., xxiv, 191, 199, 200, 206–7
Tombs (lower Manhattan’s jail)
arrested tong men sent to, viii
Charlie Boston sent to, 184
Gong Wing Chung’s incarceration in, 67
Tom Lee’s relationship with warden of, 25–26
Tom Lee’s securing Chinese men’s release from, 24
Mock Duck sent to, 77, 81, 125, 138, 139, 142
photograph of, 25
police court of, 87, 91, 108, 163
Tong, Froman F., 130–31, 133
tong men
deportation of, viii–ix, 234, 235–38, 240, 241, 247, 257, 275
prostitutes owned by, 74
as percentage of population, 153, 154
view of justice, 92
violence among, vii–viii, x, xii, 123
weapons of, viii, ix, 66, 123, 132, 196
gambling houses owned by, 205
McAdoo on, 122–23
as mainstream organizations, 260
national umbrella organizations, 223, 224
recruitment, 153–54
as secret brotherhoods, ix, 8, 39, 153, 280
sensationalized information on, x, xiii
See also specific tongs
tong wars
Chinese Americans’ attitudes toward, x, 258
chronology of, 271–76
expenses of, 258–59
highbinders of, xiv, 84
numbering convention for, 290n
and saving face, ix, 133, 134, 165, 180–81, 191, 205, 256, 259
sources on, x–xiii
See also specific wars
Toy, Charles, 200
Toy, Frances, xxvi, 199–200, 201
Toy, Josephine Mendry, 200, 215
Tracy, Patrick J., xxv, 124, 126–27, 128, 129–30
Train, Arthur C., 76, 77, 79–81, 108
Treglia, Frank “Rubber,” 209
Tuck Hop, xxv, 19–20, 21, 22–23, 24, 267
Tung On Society, 245, 246–47, 256, 275–76, 280
Tuttle, Charles H., 241, 242, 245, 247
Tuxedo Restaurant, 150, 268, 280
Tweed, William M. “Boss,” 47
Van Wyck, Robert Anderson, 62, 71
Wade-Giles system, xv
Wakefield, George R., 213
Waldo, Rhinelander
and Chinese New Year banquet of 1906, 133
death of, 263
and Falconer, 211
list of gambling houses, 204–5, 206
as New York City commissioner of police, xxv, 203
portrait of, 131
Strong-Arm Squad of, 203–4
and Tracy, 129–30
Walling, George Washington, 28
Walsh, Thomas P. “Fatty,” 26
Wang, James
arrest of, 112–13
and Eggers’s Easter raid on gambling houses, 107, 109, 113
as Hip Sing functionary, xxv, 107, 259
On Leong Tong’s bounty on, 109, 112
Ward, Theodore, 152
Washington, D.C., 149, 223, 231, 232, 240, 241
Washington Post, 149
Way, Louie, 97, 98, 126, 198, 274
Weeks, Bartow S., 141
Wei Zhongxian, 33, 280
West Coast, ix, xiv, 1, 5, 39, 257
white power elite
Tom Lee’s relationship with, 5, 9–12, 14, 24, 25–26, 142
On Leong Tong’s relationship with, 154
marriages to Chinese immigrants, 6–7, 10, 144, 157
opium used for medicinal purposes, 183
prejudice against Chinese immigrants, 79–80, 92, 103, 110, 120–21, 122, 136–37, 147–48, 157
as prostitutes in Chinatown, 72–73, 74, 143, 163–64, 174, 183
as tourists in New York’s Chinatown, xiv, 107, 119, 121, 122, 122, 131, 137, 154, 157, 174, 212, 248, 259
Whitman, Charles S., xxv, 97, 168, 200, 204, 264
Wilson, Arthur E., 72–73, 74
Wing, Emma, 76–77
Wing, Sam, 233
Wing, Tom, 109, 267
Wing Gin, 253–54, 256, 268
Wing Woh Chong Company, 214
Wo Kee
as ally of Tom Lee, 13, 24
as Chinatown merchant, xxv, 2–3, 5, 266, 267
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